About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday, 27 April 2020

IW Councillors Report, May 2020


5-6pm, Monday 4th May. Please call:  01983 289595.
9-10am, Thursday 7th May. Please call:  01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 11th May. Please call:  01983 289595.
9-10am, Thursday 14th May. Please call:  01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 18th May. Please call: 01983 289595.
9-10am, Thursday 21st May. Please call:  01983 289595.
5-6pm, Tuesday 26th May. Please call:  01983 289595.
5-6pm, Thursday 28th May. Please call:  01983 289595.

Coronavirus Helplines and Support.

Agency/ Supportline
Telephone Number
Web Page.
Isle of Wight Coronavirus Support
01983 823600
NHS Direct
Cowes Medical Centre
01983 294902
HM Government Coronavirus Helpline
(For businesses/ employers etc)
0800 024 1222
Citizens Advice
Money Saving Expert Consumer Advice
Isle of Wight Footprint Trust
01983 822282 
Isle of Wight Against Scams Partnership
0300 123 2040
Isle of Wight Police
999 or 101
Ambulance, Fire and Coastguard

Samaritans (24hr free helpline)
116 123
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
0808 2000 247
National Debtline
0808 808 4000
Housing Advice (Shelter)
0300 330 1234


Some local businesses in Cowes have continued undertaking deliveries during the Covid-19 Outbreak. Of note are:

The Butchers (Cowes), Tel: 01983 293129 and Rosalie’s of Cowes, Tel: 01983 298672 visit https://rosaliesofcowes.co.uk/ both are undertaking delivery services, as are Medina Foodservice. Tel: 01983 529840. I understand that the Island Sailing Club and their lovely volunteers are offering support primarily to their members for details call 01983 296621.

With thanks to Briary Court, I managed to retrieve a further list of food shops that deliver!!

Island Foods- Butchers free deliveries over £15
01983 717606
Living Larder- Fruit and Veg.
01983 717164
DW Jarvis Family Butchers
01983 562382
Barrow Boys- Fruit and veg. Free deliveries over £8
01983 566636
Four Winds Dairy- Milk, cheeses and chutneys
07472 747484
Age UK: Volunteer shoppers
01983 525282

WW Woodford and Sons- Butchers
01983 872717
Socialising Buddies- Volunteer shoppers for the vulnerable
07960 194888

In addition to most supermarkets and the above, the website https://atoztome.com/ also provides the names of businesses that are able to deliver goods and supplies to your doorstep. 

Second Homes?

I was contacted by a resident with a home in Cowes asking if I could campaign to relax rules returning to the Island.  I explained that both infrastructure and our social demographics did not lend itself to do this, and I therefore opposed this.  The resident, I understood then went on to approach our MP and Council Leader…Let me know your thoughts!! 

Planning Applications.

·         The Green.
Last year a Planning Application was approved for two dwellings on The Green, off Crossfield Avenue.  Disappointingly this application did not have any car parking associated meaning that any extra traffic will need to be parked on the Estate, where parking is already at a premium. 

I have been approached by agents acting on behalf of the developer to ask that Highways Officers again look at this, and a request has also been made to ‘stop-up’ the road… Although there are a number of options, I am attempting to find a means of circumnavigating discussions.

·         Westview Road.
I am anticipating a downscaled readvertised application on the Bolwell Barn site towards the far end of Westview Road off Rew Street.

Those residents living locally, and residents with good memories will recall Mr Bolwell’s Barn was approved for residential use as part of a strange anomaly for agricultural buildings several years ago- The Prior Approval.

This piece of legislation basically cut through red tape for the reuse and redevelopment of agricultural dwellings.  On a negative note, this contrasted very much with expectations to implement planning policy (like the Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan) which is and was expected to go through rigorous scrutiny.  This nationally led to abuses of this policy to open up more of our countryside, which otherwise would never have been approved.

I was also approached by residents concerned over the removal of a hedgerow, the hedges condition has been monitored and the tree officer is working in liaison with planners on this matter. 

·         Bucklers View.
The extension to Bucklers View has been further delayed, due to ongoing issues beneath the building.  In last month’s conference call (and with the onset of coronavirus), the need to procure contractors across the region and with other projects, I personally cannot see the prospect of commencement before 2021.  Meetings will take place prior to this. 

English Coastal Path: Isle of Wight Section.

Consultation continues until 12th May 2020 on Natural England’s proposals for the Isle of Wight section of the English Coastal Path. For details please visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/england-coast-path-isle-of-wight

In Gurnard proposals include:

·         the permitted path, at the bottom of Horn Hill, Rew Street connecting to CS17 from/ to Thorness
·         Footpaths CS35 and CS36 seaward (inc. the sea wall) of Marsh Road.
·         A direct path through Spencer’s Copse to the beach, and onward to the beach huts via Shore Path.       

Environmental Issues.   

Coronavirus has thrown up a number of issues and instances. These matters are being addressed by Officers.

·         Barking Dogs.
Each year, I receive numerous calls concerning dogs left in houses and gardens. Because so many more of us are enjoying our gardens, please think of neighbours who often find dogs barking continuously distressing.

·         Garden Bonfires.
Again, I continue to receive a huge amount of complaints concerning bonfires.  This is particularly relevant this year, as Lynnbottom Tip remains closed as a ‘non-essential’ service which the IW Council provides.  If you have no other choice than to have a bonfire, please ensure this is supervised with particular caution taken to ensure those living within dips and valleys nearby are not affected.

·         Tools.  Noisy ones. 
Panel Beating, Angle Grinders, Electric Saws are more popular than ever, with the prospect of DIY-ing taking place.  Again, if you have a big job planned that will be noisy please let your neighbours know in advance.  A short letter to let your neighbours know is more often than not welcomed by those living nearby.

·         Dog Poo
I continue to receive complaints concerning owners not picking up after their dogs.  At the moment Cowes/ Gurnard seafront are hot spots where I have requested better enforcement.  I have also been provided with footage of a couple fouling their dog on Thorness Beach.  If bins are full, please take any rubbish home with you.

  • Sail GP20.
Sail GP's event for 2020 has been postponed. Details can be found here: https://sailgp.com/

Also This Month.

·         The police have advised me that the drink drive offence occurring at Rolls Hill, has been dealt with by the courts.
·         I remain ever hopeful that following rainfall the Jordan Culvert has been cleansed. This is being monitored.
·         Dog Bins have been requested for Baring Road. This was referred to Cowes Town Council, given Island Roads could not provide these. 
·         I am supporting a street trading getting their ‘license’ suspended during the Coronavirus outbreak
·         I have supported a resident with their claim for a Small Business Grant.
·         As Councillor, I continue to support enhanced PPE and testing for NHS Staff and Care workers.
·         Annual Reports were delivered to Cowes West & Gurnard residents.  In addition to the reports over 300 Coronavirus Volunteer and Help Leaflets were circulated to residents living in outlying areas. Please let me know if you’ve not received your Annual Report (These are still outstanding for certain restricted access households).
·       I have forwarded an enquiry concerning uncollected Back door recycling. Please let me know if this is an issue.
During lockdown, I have sought advice on better use of highway space to permit cycling and walking.  I am discussing suggested options with Cowes Town Council.

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