About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday, 30 March 2020

IW Councillor's Report, April 2020


5-6pm, Wednesday 1st April. Please call 01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 6th April. Please call 01983 289595.
9-10am, Thursday 9th April. Please call 01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 13th April. Please call 01983 289595.
6-7pm, Thursday 16th April. Please call 01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 20th April. Please call 01983 289595.
9-10am, Thursday 23rd April. Please call 01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 27th April. Please call 01983 289595.
9-10am, Thursday 30th April. Please call 01983 289595.

Coronavirus Update.

The IW Council and its partners have established a helpline to support residents about the Coronavirus crisis.  If you, or somebody that you know requires support please call:  01983 823600 (9am-5pm).

In the meantime myself and Cllr Lora Peacey Wilcox are working as Co-ordinators with IW Community Action to support residents in need. This follows up from thirty local residents offering support.  In light of Government advice, I will be significantly reducing the amount that I am out and about.  However, as a key worker I will be delivering Coronavirus Support/ Volunteer Leaflets (and Annual Reports) to residents living in isolated areas.  At the moment these are planned for Rew Street and Gurnard Pines.   

Ideally, under normal circumstances I would prefer to collate all information on to a single paged information sheet. However, this continues to prove difficult due to the fast changing situation concerning advice.

Issues being raised are as follows:

·         Issues relating to loneliness. Volunteers are in place to contact isolated residents by phone when required.
·         Issues relating to Financial Support.  The Universal Credit helpline continues to struggle with demand following residents losing employment.  I’m told this remains a Government priority and extra staff are being redeployed(!)
·         Testing of Frontline NHS staff. Nurses have contacted me who are urging ‘testing’ rather than ‘isolation’ when showing coronavirus symptoms.  This is an issue which (I support) Government being lobbied to change. 
·         Issues relating to second home owners.  Although restrictions apply for holiday accommodation, concerns have been relayed to ‘visitors from London’ relocating to the Island during the coronavirus outbreak. Please note despite reduced visitor numbers there are no restrictions to prevent second home owners returning to the Island.
·         Issues concerning construction work continuing in Baring Road. I am now advised that work on site has reduced, with the need for social distancing between contractors.


Cowes Post Office in the High Street has temporarily closed.  This was due to the lack of space to permit social distancing within the shop.  Although I requested the IW Council to intervene to find a solution to this essential service, it should be remembered that whilst providing an essential service it is up to the owners to consider whether it is 1.commercially viable to remain open and 2. Provide the necessary safeguarding for staff and customers. In the coming weeks, inevitably more and more businesses, facilities and services will be affected once coronavirus numbers grow. 

Cowes Community Bus will reduce its level of service from 30th March to operating only on Tuesday and Saturday.

Cowes Medical Centre has in place an econnect service.  This allows patients to contact the Medical Centre without the need for phoning. For details, please visit: https://cowesmedicalcentre.webgp.com/     

A very very big thank you to everybody who has volunteered and to all the essential workers committed to providing support.  In the coming weeks, your efforts will be invaluable and gratefully appreciated!!

Annual Reports.

These will be delivered once guidance is relaxed.  This can be found at: http://paulfullercc.blogspot.com/

Highways Issues.

·         Carriageway Resurfacing 2020/2021.
Island Roads have advised me of roads ‘being considered’ for resurfacing next year.  These are:

·         Crossfield Avenue
·         Grove Road
·         Terminus Road
·         Stephenson Road
·         Egypt Hill
·         Town Quay
·         Cross Street Car Park
·         Denmark Road
·         Sun Hill
·    Somerton Park & Ride
·         Cross Street
·         Thetis Road
·         Moorgreen Road
·         Park Road

As yet no date has been arranged to resurface Worsley Road, Gurnard.  However, despite this I continue to ask that repairs are made and the roads condition is monitored.

·         Glen Place junction.
Discussions are ongoing on who’s responsibility it is to improve access to and from Glen Place in Worsley Road.  Before the coronavirus outbreak, stem were in place to have a face to face meeting between residents, planners and Island Roads to resolve a way forward.

·         Car Parking Charges.
Because of coronavirus, I have requested a delay should the consultation take place on charging for parking on Gurnard/ Cowes Seafront.  Because of the current impact upon businesses, I have suggested that any consultation would be ill-founded and insensitive at this time.

I remain ever hopeful that with the promise of Island Deals, Fair Funding etc., the IW Council will become overtaken by events.  However, should the consultation remain pending I will ensure this is well publicised- if not by the Council, by me!

Update:  The IW Council has confirmed to me that proposals to charge on Gurnard Seafront are now on hold. Hurrah!!

·         Crossfield Avenue.
Myself, Cowes West Councillors Cllr Christine Bustin and Cllr Paul Taylor met with Island Roads to address concerns raised regarding buses mounting the pavement exiting Cowes Enterprise College.

·         Rolls Hill/ Road.
An update from the police has been requested concerning action to be taken against speeding motorists.

Planning Issues.

·         Baring Road Applications.
I have been advised that the two applications one for 4 dwellings, the second for 6 dwellings are likely to be refused. In response to this, I have requested intervention following trenches being dug in fields.  To date, I have not been advised of what was happening but surmise surveys were taking place.

·         Westview Road.
A new application has been received to develop a residential property in Westview Road, off Rew Street.  This application is outside the Settlement Boundary and will caused concern over precedent.  For this reason, I have called in the application, should officers be mindful of approving the scheme.

·         Supermarket Deliveries.
Because of the exceptional times we are currently in, the IW Council has relaxed planning conditions regarding the delivery of goods to replenish supermarkets and other shops.

·         Planning Applications.
I am advised that although Planning Applications can be submitted electronically by applicants, and these will be available online in the usual way, no new planning applications will be determined for the immediate future.

Because of Government guidance, the Council will not be starting the formal public consultation period due to the need for site visits and the erection of notices.  

Sewage Discharged into the Sea from outfall

Following a call from a local resident this was reported to the IW Council.

Coincidentally, in recent weeks at the Solent Forum I have spoken to individuals about the issue of private outfalls and the impact this has upon the river quality, our beaches and the sea.

In the meantime action has been taken, and the situation continues to be monitored.

Sail GP.

At the moment Sail GP are still intending to hold their event during Cowes Week (not been postponed at the moment!).

I understand that the site plan, schedule and traffic management plan has been postponed (due to Coronavirus) and will be shared by the organisers after Easter. The meeting scheduled to take place on 2nd April has also been postponed.

Floodlighting: Ward Avenue.

A meeting was arranged with Environmental Health concerning Floodlight spillage, noise and issues concerning the 3G pitch.  Following the meeting, some key questions were raised.  These included:

·         Concerns over the soft landscaping/ arboretum and woodland conditions not being in place.
·         Why is all lighting on at all times- even when pitches are not in use. Can this be restricted?
·         Of the three pitches, why is the one closest to Ward Avenue the most frequently used. Can this be rotated?
·         Can floodlights have ‘hoods’/screens to prevent spillage?
·         Can the potency of lighting be reduced?
·         Why is lighting turned on at a time when natural lighting is good?
·         Can there be a waiting area. As the current space is used creating a noise nuisance to neighbours?
·         Can the raised areas surrounding the pitch be restricted, as tis impacts upon the privacy and amenity?
·         Can the school’s playing field be used during the summer to prevent disturbance?  

English Coastal Path: Isle of Wight Section.

Consultation as stated on the Isle of Wight section of the English Coastal Path. This continues until 12th May 2020. For details please visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/england-coast-path-isle-of-wight

In Gurnard proposals include:

·         the permitted path, at the bottom of Horn Hill, Rew Street connecting to CS17 from/ to Thorness
·         Footpaths CS35 and CS36 seaward (inc. the sea wall) of Marsh Road.
·         A direct path through Spencer’s Copse to the beach, and onward to the beach huts via Shore Path.      

Local Access Forum.

Following winter storms a number of public rights of way temporarily closed.  This include the steps to Alum Bay, and footpaths to Headon Warren, Forelands, Brook, Brambles Chine and Swains Road.

It was reported that Footpath CS35 at Gurnard was closed, However this has now reopened.

With the onset of the Tour of Britain later this summer, and by the fact that the Isle of Wight will bookend the tour in September it was hoped that pressure would be in place to upgrade those roads being used by cyclists.   

The Ramblers Association and the Rights Of Way Department are seeking volunteers to check rights of way each year.  Please let me know if you are interested.

Concerns were raised regarding the issuing of permits for 4x4 users using the Tennyson Trail.  A meeting was due to discuss with the police.

Solent Forum.

The general theme from the meeting was concerning the impact of how nitrates (largely through farming) impact upon water quality and the local environment.  This has had an adverse impact upon seagrass, and thus impacts upon absorption of carbon.   The development of housing upon nitrates entering water courses was also highlighted as an issue, with some Council’s aspiring to reduce housing numbers because of this.

Another issue debated at the Forum was (Eco) Advanced Mooring Systems and discussions taking place with harbour authorities, to use these facilities for yachtsmen to protect seagrass and maerl beds in the Solent.

A discussion took place on coastal archaeology, from CITiZAN working with community groups in Portsmouth, Langstone and Chichester Harbours who are surveying and exploring remains found on the shores of these historic heavily defenced waterfronts.

Environmental and Waste Issues.

·         Household rubbish bins have been left out after being emptied.  This has been reported to the Council’s Environment Officer.
·         I have also requested support from the EO on discarded compostable waste which is left in bins on Gurnard Green. Please note these bins can be (and are regularly) ransacked by the local fox population, and again I ask that rubbish is either taken home, and as if/ where left by second home owners, owners please subscribe to the collection plus service.  For details, visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/news/Collection-Plus-service-available
·         Egypt Esplanade was recently pressure washed to remove algae/ slime.
·         A request has been to Gurnard Pines make safe the fence on its boundary with Cockleton Lane.
·         A request was made to remove a shopping trolley left on Gurnard Green.
·         I’ve requested the replacement of trees removed from Worsley Road, Place Road and Solent View Road.

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