About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Friday, 29 May 2020

IW Councillor's Report, June 2020


Because of Coronavirus advice concerning social distancing, for the foreseeable future traditional Councillor Surgeries are cancelled. These will slowly revert to normal once the lockdown eases.   Although available outside these times I am holding surgeries by telephone at:

5-6pm, Monday 1st June. Please call:  01983 289595.
   9-10am, Thursday 4th June. Please call:  01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 8th June. Please call:  01983 289595   
9-10am, Thursday 11th June. Please call:  01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 15th June. Please call: 01983 289595.   
 9-10am, Thursday 18th June. Please call:  01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 22nd June. Please call:  01983 289595.   
9-10am, Thursday 25th June. Please call:  01983 289595.
5-6pm, Monday 29th June. Please call:  01983 289595.   

Coronavirus Lockdown.

From this month, it seems likely that the lockdown will be relaxed.  This of course will be dependent upon Covid-19 cases falling. Up to date information can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus and

Until then, the Isle of Wight Coronavirus Support Helpline remains open, with support available 9am-5pm, 7 days a week on 01983 823600.

A very big thank you again to key workers, volunteers and the many businesses that have gone above and beyond the call of duty during the pandemic. Particular thanks locally to Nisa (Gurnard), Rashley’s (Cowes) and Northwood Stores who served as a lifeline during the lockdown. 

In the meantime, I’ve been kept busy providing advice and support to residents and helping a number of business owners navigating their way through the bureaucracy for Government support.

The UK Government’s plan for easing the lockdown in England.    (Provided from the Institute for Government)

Phase 1:
Contain, delay, research & mitigate

Phase 2:
Smarter controls
Phase 3:
Reliable Treatment
Measures will be eased if we meet the five tests:
As the UK moves into Phase 2, the government has set out a ‘roadmap’ of three steps:

The government will judge timing of these steps based on its five tests and assessments of the Covid-19 Alert level, as assessed by the new Joint Biosecurity Centre: 

1.    Protecting the NHS’s ability to cope
Step 1: From 13th May in England

·         CV not known to be present in the UK
2.    Sustained and consistent fall in daily death rates.
·         Go to work if you can’t work from home
·         Unlimited outdoor exercise

·         CV present in the UK, but the number of cases and transmission is low
3.    Rate of infection decreasing to manageable levels.
Step 2: No earlier than 1st June

·         A CV epidemic is in general circulation.
4.    Operational challenges in hand (including testing and PPE).
·         Phased reopening of shops
·         Phased return of school children

·         A CV epidemic is in general circulation; transmission is high or rising expontentially
5.    Avoiding a risk of a second peak that overwhelms the NHS.
Step 3: No earlier than 4th July

·         Reopen some of hospitality industry and other public places.
·         As level 4 and there is a material risk of healthcare services being overwhelmed.

To note the above roadmap will reflect the need to keep the re-infectation rate to below 1.0. If this cannot be maintained then timescales are likely to deviate.

Lynnbottom and Afton.

Recycling centres at Lynnbottom and Afton have reopened, with visit needing to be booked.

All items are now being accepted except for ‘black bag’ waste, which should be disposed of by other means (i.e at the kerbside). In addition vans, trailers and pick up trucks with appropriate permits have been allowed since 26 May.

To book a slot, please visit: https://www.iwight.com/hwrcbooking.

Visiting Restrictions.

I continue to receive many calls concerning visitors to the Island, particularly those allegedly visiting second homes.   On this, the police have investigated and have advised that in all local cases the individuals have kept within the scope of Government guidelines and to date no further action was necessary.

The IW Council are continuing to request visitors stay away from the Island, given pressure this puts on healthcare services. To note, current guidance allows day trippers but advise they return to their primary residence afterwards, thus restricting second home owners. This guidance will be amended as circumstances change.

Coronavirus App.

Residents are being encouraged to sign up to Government’s NHS app. For details visit: https://www.covid19.nhs.uk

Environmental Issues.

·         Tools.  Noisy ones. 
Panel Beating, Angle Grinders, Electric Saws and general fiddling about with cars are more popular than ever. If you are planning a big job that will be noisy please let your neighbours know in advance.  A short note is often welcomed by those living nearby.

·         Barking Dogs.
With the summer fast approaching, I receive many calls concerning barking dogs.  If you are away from your pets for long periods, please consider neighbours who can find this distressing when conditions warm up.

·         Garden Bonfires.
I continue to receive complaints concerning bonfires.  If you have no other choice than to have a bonfire, please ensure this is supervised with caution taken to ensure those living within dips and valleys nearby are not affected.

·         Fireworks.
I received a call concerning Clapping for Carers, and the fact that a resident celebrated their appreciation by lighting a firework each week.  Although this is not unlawful the individual stopped when they found out the distress this caused to the callers pet.  Again, can I ask that if you choose to light fireworks this can be upsetting for neighbours with pets, and if you can please let nearby residents know!  

Jet Ski’s.

Residents have complained to me about Jet Ski’s being used in Gurnard Bay.  These have been reported to the police, who I’ve asked to take action. Please note a bye-law was introduced several years ago prohibiting Jet Ski’s being used faster than 8 knots and within depths of less than 2 metres.   

The police have asked for incidents to be reported to: https://www.hampshire.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/

Cowes/ Northwood Place Plan.

The Isle of Wight Council Regeneration team, Northwood Parish Council, Cowes Town Council and Cowes Business Association are working together to create a Place Plan for the two parishes. They need your help to gather essential information and opinion via this online questionnaire.

By having your say and leaving your comments, you will be adding to a better understanding of the plan area and the experiences and aspirations of the people who live and work here; the project partnership can then work to find more effective ways for public services, community groups and businesses to collaborate and shape a better future.

Planning Applications.

·         Westview Road.
Following feedback from Gurnard Parish Council and residents a downscaled re-advertised application on the Barn site at the far end of Westview Road off Rew Street has been made.

Given the level of downscaling, I am advised that the initial call-in request is no longer sustainable. 

Although the principle of this application still causes me concerns following acceptance under prior approval rules, a request has been made for conditions to be added to include forgoing future permitted development rights (supported by Planners).  In addition to this, I have asked for conditions to be considered to lessen visual impact, light spillage and for landscaping to be enhanced to support wildlife and the natural environment.

·         The Green.
I continue to await a response from officers on proposals to build two new homes with a planning condition requested by Island Roads to stop-up a section of the access road.  I have requested officers support, with a view to potentially create long term additional off road parking for the new homes.

·         Shore Path.
A proposal to replace a holiday chalet at the far end of Shore Path has been considered by Planners.  In response to previous damage caused by construction traffic to the sea wall, I’ve requested an additional condition to protect this important sea defence and link to the beach.  This has been agreed by Planners.

Cowes Week?

As mentioned last month, organisers of the SailGP 2020 has postponed this event to next year, as has the Cowes Torquay Cowes Powerboat Race which takes place late August.

In the meantime, Cowes Week is still intending to go ahead. If Cowes Week 2020 does go ahead, with social distancing rules it is likely to be on a much smaller scale.  Because the event very much depends upon the advice from Government on easing the lockdown, an update will be made in July.

Gurnard Green

I have received complaints concerning discarded litter left next to bins on Gurnard Green.  With recent parties taking place, (apart from the items mentioned above), bottles (which get broken), barbecues, condoms and discarded household food waste has been found scattered.

Please note this area is irresistible to the local fox and badgers population who are prone to spread the litter far beyond the Green. Please, if a bin is full find an alternative (often nearby) with space.  Alternatively, better still take your litter home with you!


Following several complaints of residents and visitors urinating and defecating in public areas during the shut down of toilets (I have been sent the photo’s!)

With toilets across the Island being reviewed I’m ever hopeful that this practice will stop.

The current situation is as follows:

·         Cowes and Gurnard: All Toilets in Cowes have reopened.  Toilets in Gurnard are being refurbished, and should reopen (subject to agreement) on the week commencing 8th June.
·         Newport and Carisbrooke:  Toilets to remain closed until further notice. (Disabled toilets at Church Litten available to RADAR Key Holders.
·         Ryde: Disabled toilets are available to RADAR key holders. It is hoped to reopen toilets soon in accordance with risk assessing issues.
·         Shanklin: All Toilets to remain closed until further notice.
·         East Cowes. All Toilets to remain closed until further notice. This decision is under review on a regular basis
·         Sandown. Toilets at Yaverland, Eastern Gardens and St Johns open between 9am-6pm.
·         West Wight. All Toilets in Freshwater remain closed.  Toilets at Colwell Bay and Yarmouth have reopened. Toilets in Yarmouth in Bridge Road are accessible to Disabled with RADAR keys.
·         Ventnor. Following risk assessment, all Toilets to remain closed until further notice.

Highways Issues.

·         Ward Estate Wall.
A resident contacted me about concerns they had concerning the condition of the old Ward Estate Wall, which runs alongside the northern section of Park Road and eastern and southern section of Baring Road. 

Of particular concern is the Park Road section between the Roundhouse and the Community Club.  In response, I have forwarded these concerns to Island Roads who are liaising with Building Control on the structural integrity of this section.

·         Overgrown Hedges.
With the recent growth of traffic on the roads, I have been asked to report overgrown hedges at the following locations:

°         Baring Road (between junction with Woodvale Rd. and opp. junction with Crossfield Ave.)
°         Tuttons Hill (northern section),
°         Crossfield Avenue (hedge bordering Cowes Enterprise College),
°         Place Road (between Broadfield Road and the southern junction of Place Side)
°         Worsley Road.
°         Winding Way.

·         Highway Surveys.
Island Roads are currently in the process of testing the condition of roads, in preparation for their future carriageway resurfacing programme. In response to these surveys, I have requested particular attention is given to the condition of Crossfield Avenue, Park Road and Worsley Road.

Free School meals during the Covid-19 outbreak- Do you qualify?

Families whose income has stopped or reduced during the Covid-19 outbreak may now qualify for school meals. 

The IW Council is urging families to check if their children are eligible as the pandemic creates more hardship.  Children eligible are still entitled to receive a school lunch, food parcel or voucher while schools are closed.

Covid-19 Scams.

Residents should ignore scam products such as supplements and anti-virus kits that falsely claim to cure or prevent COVID-19. In some cases individuals may be pressurised on their own doorsteps to buy anti-virus kits or persuaded into purchasing products that are advertised on their social media feeds. In addition, some call centres that previously targeted UK consumers with dubious health products are now offering supplements that supposedly prevent COVID-19.

Communities are also being urged to look out for signs of neighbours being targeted by doorstep criminals. While there are genuine volunteers providing support, there have been reports of criminals preying on older people or people living with long-term health conditions – by cold-calling at their homes and offering to go to the shops for them. The criminals often claim to represent charities before taking the victim’s money and residents should be vigilant and ask for ID from anyone claiming to represent a charity.

Trading Standards are reassuring residents about the latest COVID-19 scam hitting the Island. Scammers have wasted no time in adapting their message to tie in with the testing app being trialled here on the Island.

If you get a text message telling you that you have been in contact with somebody who tested positive and asking you to click on a link delete it immediately, this is not how the app works. If you have the app and have been in contact with somebody who has tested positive the App will “ping” and you will get a screen with lots of links and advice as to what you should do.

We suspect that people who don’t have the app may still get the text – ask yourself how would anyone know who you had been near? This is a scam and you must treat it as such

Also this month.

·         Dog Bins have been requested for Baring Road. This has been referred to Cowes Town Council given Island Roads could not provide these. 
·         I continue to apply pressure to support enhanced PPE and testing for NHS Staff and Care workers.
·         I’ve sought advice on better use of highway space to allow safe cycling and walking and discussed suggestions with Cowes Town Council and have requested support from the IW Council in light of the release of Government Grants for schemes. The good news is money will be fast-tracked to Council’s following the Government’s budget. The not so good news for cyclists, is that schemes drafted up are based upon proposals considered last year with Local and Parish Councils.
·         I am supporting a resident wishing to acquire ‘orphaned land’ on the Crossfield Estate.
·         I’ve liaised with Southern Vectis concerning bus capacity on routes. This followed a call from a carer concerned about social distancing on single decked buses to Freshwater.  In response, double decked buses on route 7 from Newport to Totland were added and services will increase from the beginning of this month.   Many thanks to Southern Vectis for their support.
·         Environmental Health has been contacted following a complaint of an unkempt garden.
·         A big thank you to volunteers and residents who have helped fund and repair the pond in Mornington Wood.
·         Support has been provided to protect an Oak Tree from being felled in Gurnard.
·         A request has been made to locate an Ice Cream van during the summer on Princes Esplanade.
·         A residents perceived encroachment onto public open space on the Crossfield Estate is being followed up.
·         Help has been provided concerning an East Cowes resident suffering from Noise Nuisance.
·         I hope to meet with the police concerning restrictions in place for 4x4 vehicles using the Tennyson Trail.
·         I am supporting the receiving a share of £500,000 to develop proposals to reopen lost railway lines.  Proposals for the Isle of Wight include reinstating the line from Shanklin to Ventnor and extending the Steam Railway from Smallbrook and Wootton to connect with Newport Harbour. 
·         The Police have asked that residents are alerted to ensuring homes, cars and sheds are locked and kept secure following walk in burglaries that occur during the summer.
·         I received a call concerning Clapping for Carers, and the fact that a resident celebrated their appreciation by lighting a firework each week.  Although this is not unlawful the individual stopped when they found out the distress this caused to the callers pet.
·         I have received a warning from dog walkers of snakes frequenting the Gurnard to Thorness Coastal Path.  Please note that all snakes are protected species, and are more afraid of humans than we are of them!   
·         Further work has taken place to monitor outflows into the Jordan stream.  Following the rainfall last month complaints of potential discharge has stopped.
·         I received a report of a resident (who happened to be local) trespassing in the grounds of Gurnard Primary School.  This was reported by neighbours to the school, where the police took action.

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