Because of fast developing Government advice concerning the Coronavirus Pandemic, please note that many of the issues reported in my March Report are evolving. As a result of pubs, clubs, schools and cafe's closing, and most meetings and events being postponed or cancelled surgeries have been revised (see below)
In the meantime, I will be out and about during the end of this month, and during early April delivering reports and offering any support that required. I have also been in contact with the Medical Centre, Cowes Foodbank, Local Councils to collate information, which I will collate to my April Report which I will put on-line by 28th March 2020.
I remain ever hopeful that by May, more certainty, adaptations and reassurance can be provided. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me for support. In the meantime, please stay safe. Yours, Paul.
Thursday 5th March, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Wednesday 11th March, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Monday 16th March, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue,
Monday 23rd March, TELEPHONE SURGERY PLEASE CALL 01983 289595.
Wednesday 25th March, TELEPHONE SURGERY PLEASE CALL 01983 289595.
9-10am, Monday 30th March, TELEPHONE SURGERY PLEASE CALL 01983 289595.
9-10am, Monday 30th March, TELEPHONE SURGERY PLEASE CALL 01983 289595.
Planning Updates.
37 Woodvale Road.
appeal against the refusal to extend the bungalow opposite the junction to
Jordan Close was upheld (not supported) by the Planning Inspectorate.
Baring Road proposals to develop next to
last month’s proposals to build 6 units on this site, a further application was
advertised last month to run parallel with the first for 4 dwellings. The
deadline for the second application is Friday
6th March.
light of both applications, I have called in both proposals for consideration
by the planning committee should officers be mindful of approving the schemes
on the following grounds:
1. Development would have an adverse
impact upon the landscape characteristics of the Jordan Valley from Worsley
Road and from Baring Road. This is Contrary to 4.30 and E1 of Gurnard’s
Neighbourhood Plan (NP) adopted by the IW Council.
2. Feedback on the new housing
allocations within the Island Planning Strategy has yet to be determined but it
is noted that after the first draft both the local IW Councillor and Gurnard
Parish Council raised concerns on 3 fields adjacent to Tuttons Hill. This
proposal is part of the largest of these. Contrary to 4.30 and 4.34 and Policy
E1 of Gurnards NP
3. This application will continue to
close the gap between Cowes and Gurnard, thus coalescing both communities and
creating a cumulative impact upon the Jordan Valley. Contrary to 4.30(i); E1
and Gurnard’s NP Landscape Assessment.
4. Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan
identifies several sites elsewhere in the Parish. If more housing is needed
these sites have a much lesser impact upon on the remaining Jordan Valley.
5. The applicant gives no evidence to
support that this proposal will meet the local housing needs and is contrary to
H1.2 and H1.3 of Gurnard’s NP
6. Development is outside the
settlement boundary and lies on a green field site which is currently used as
agricultural land and regularly cropped. More trees are needed to reduce our
carbon footprint and create a greener Island, parts of this field could be
utilised to grow quality trees like Oak. Residents feel this area should be
safeguarded 4.30 (i) and (vi)
7. I have concerns over the principle of development on this site.
Planning Enforcement.
has been followed up concerning floodlighting again at the Range, Place
Road. On Floodlighting, I am also meeting with residents in Ward
Avenue who continue to complain of floodlighting from the new All Weather
addition, action has been agreed following the unauthorised construction of a
shed at Gurnard Pines.
I have
also requested action is followed up after boundary hedgerows were removed on
the boundary of the new Meadow View development. Following
complaints, discussions have taken place with neighbours which will ultimately
improve boundaries and screening for the longer term.
· Bucklers View.
meeting with Bucklers View Residents is intended to take place to address
concerns over drainage at the site, as well as a hands up on the proposals to
speaking to Southern Housing, I understand that construction will not commence
within six months. Therefore it seems very unlikely that information sharing/
public meeting will not take place until contractors have been procured and a traffic
management is in place in draft form. A conference call with officers is due to
take place early next month.
Wightfibre Cabinets.
perseverance by residents and I, Planners have agreed to enforce darker fibre
cabinets in conservation areas.
first meeting of residents who will be affected by this years SailGP event met
with organisers and Council Officers. Following the first meeting,
follow up meetings will take place, whilst updates will take by
It was
reported that this year there will be no grandstand, whilst an official
ticketed area will be in place opposite the New Holmwood Hotel. In
addition, a discussion is taking place about extending the hours of the
Community Bus.
anticipate the next meeting will take place later this month, once more is
known about the proposed traffic highway arrangements. Another issue
being investigated by organisers is the use of the generator for the
broadcasting enclosure.
Update: Sail GP have met with Cowes
Week Ltd and Island Roads and are working towards a ‘cohesive traffic management plan’, which will be
developed ahead of this month’s meeting, with an aim to share this in April.
addition, progress is being made for a park and ride ‘Sail Bus’. The feasibility of this is being evaluated.
Public Spaces Protection Order
The IW
Council are consulting on the above, following initial concerns over access to
consultation can be found at: whilst
drop-ins also take place at:
Cowes Town Council offices, Northwood House, Tuesday 3rd March 2020, 10am until 11am
30 High Street, Newport, Tuesday
10th March 2020, 2pm until 3pm
Seafront Charges.
order to raise more revenue, the IW Council are pursuing proposals to charge
for parking on Cowes/ Gurnard Seafront.
From my
perspective, I am totally opposed to these unpopular proposals particularly
given the cost of maintenance and the impact that this will have upon
established and new businesses.
response, before any formal consultation takes place I have asked for such
proposals to be rethought within the context of setting next year’s budget.
Rolls Hill/ Road.
meeting took place between residents, the Police and Island Roads to discuss
concerns over speeding traffic using Rolls Hill and Roads Hill Road.
the speed being monitored, in light of average speeds being in excess of 50mph,
I am supporting calls for an ‘Emergency Speed Limit’ being in force during the
improvements works at St Mary’s junction.
On this, I am attempting to arrange a meeting with IW Council Officers
and residents.
Gurnard Primary School.
continue to receive complaints from parents and residents over dangerous
parking. As a consequence of a minority of parents who park dangerously,
consideration is being given to introducing a no waiting/ no loading
restriction which will remove the 5 minutes grace to allow parents to collect
and pick up children.
month at a meeting called to discuss options it was agreed to pursue this as
well as increasing parking capacity within 5 minutes walk of the school.
Shelter request.
month I have received a request for a bus shelter to be positioned next to the
Meadow View development in Place Road.
Following feedback from Island Roads have advised this could be
problematic given the width of the pavement, and by the fact it is likely that
residents living nearby would be affected.
That said, I will be gauging residents views to gauge their thoughts…
Place Road.
houses being built on Place Road, I have been asked for consideration being
made to reduce the speed limit to 30mph.
On this, before I proceed please let me know your thoughts!
Corporate Scrutiny.
Last month,
I attended the IW Council’s Corporate Scrutiny Committee.
the meeting I raised concerns over the need for an earlier exclusive
‘Confidential Briefings’ for Scrutiny Councillors on the PFI contract which
required members to sign a ‘gagging order’
respect to the Council’s Budget, this year there was not sufficient time
allowed to table any costed alternative suggestions. This has not helped due to
uncertainties over both the Fair Funding Review (still being consulted upon)
and an Island Deal, which although was promised has yet to come to light. Details of the IW Council budget can be found
Also at
Scrutiny it was reported by the Leader that the Floating Bridge is now
operating a ‘good and reliable’ service with 99% of services operating to
If you do not wish to receive my Annual
Report for 2019/ 2020 please let me know before 23rd March. These are due to be delivered by the end of
next month, although I hope to finish well in advance of this.
Green Garden Waste.
If you have not already added your details to
the waiting list for the Green Garden Waste subscription service, and wish to
do so, you can sign up to the waiting list here: by subscribing
to the Waste & Environment e-newsletter; you will also be able to subscribe
to a range of other Isle of Wight Council e-newsletters if you would like to.
Please be aware that when signing up to the
garden waste Environment and Waste notifications you will be added to
subscription waiting list only, you will be
asked a series of questions that will help us to provide you with the right
service. Your email address and property data will be used to inform you of
updates to the Garden Waste Subscription Service and other updates on this
The Great British Spring Clean
takes place 10am, Saturday 4th
April from Gurnard Village Hall.
thanks to Ben and Holly from the Little Gloster who are sponsoring this year’s
event and providing a free cup of tea or coffee to those participating.
IW Council Budget 2020/2021.
order to effectively challenge some of the budget headings for savings, I have
been working with colleagues on alternatives these include:
Transferring funds from upgrading Sandown Civic Centre, and
reinvesting the savings into social housing.
Reviewing use of IW Council Buildings, ensuring best value is
Reassessment of Parking Charges and their impact on the
regeneration of Town Centres and Seafronts.
In light of poor take-up, reassessment of criteria for the IW
Council’s Hardship Fund for those on low incomes.
Soft market testing for advertising
Soft market testing for leisure centres.
Creating a ‘Pay As You Use’ Garden Waste Collection Service
Franchising Catering Facilities for Leisure Centres, Libraries
and Corporate Buildings.
alternative proposals were voted down, in favour of the ruling Conservative
proposals which can be found here: (revenue) and here: (capital).
Cowes Enterprise College 3G Sports Pitch.
I met
with a number of residents who over the past few months contacted me over
concerns they have with the new 3G pitch at the college. Following the Colleges intervention with
consultants, there remains concerns over:
Loss of Amenity and Privacy.
response to all of these issues, I have arranged a meeting between residents
and Environmental Health. This meeting will
discuss areas of these concerns and
questions as to why all pitches are lit when not in use, and could the money
saved not be invested in the tree planting scheme which was approved as a
condition by planners.
the facility is a fantastic asset for both the college and Cowes, when it
starts to impact upon resident’s enjoyment of their homes, their health and
well-being this is a real concern that does need to be addressed.
this month.
Exposed manhole covers were repaired in Baring Road.
The tree lost on the grass verge opposite Deauville Drive is
scheduled to be replaced this month.
A resident has contacted me raising concerns over a further fast
food outlet proposed outside Newport.
I continue to chase up repairs to deteriorated carriageway works
in Park Road.
I have requested the timeframe to make-good a retaining wall in
Crossfield Avenue.
At the AONB Partnership, I suggested the need for the
Partnership to attend a face to face meeting with Island Roads and IWC Highway
Contract Team to attempt to get back on course the Dark Skies Park which was
tentatively refused due to the extent and potency of street lights in the
Outline proposals for a new bus route serving Havenstreet and
Brighstone has received tentative support from Southern Vectis and Councillors.
It is likely that finer tuning will be needed to allow my suggestion to work.
I have received a call concerning a Scam
call made allegedly by the Tax Office for accrued tax. This is a scam. For updates on scams circulating, visit:
A number of residents have contacted me concerning stormboards,
and their ability to prevent flood waters entering Egypt and Princes
Esplanades. On this, I have
relayed these concerns on to Coastal Protection Officers
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