About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

IW Councillors Report, June 2018


6-6:30pm, Wednesday 13th June, The Portland, Worsley Road, Cowes. 
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 20th June, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 20th June, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Friday 22nd June, The Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Wednesday 27th June, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
10:30-11:30am, Thursday 28th June, Coffee & Chat at All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
12-12:30pm, Thursday 28th June, Eegon’s Café, 72 High Street, Cowes.

Cowes Parking.

Cllr. Nicholson, Cllr. Peacey-Wilcox and I met to discuss parking and associated problems in Cowes.  Cllr Bertie also had input to this meeting.

Issues Raised:  

·         Lack of space within residential streets, and better use of Residents Parking Zones and increased use of parking capacity.
·         Lack of Facilities for disabled.
·         Poor consistent car parking management for owners of car parks, and the need of a consistent and joined up approach between all public and privately owned car parks.
·         The need for Park and Ride within the Cowes/ Newport corridor. 
·         School Parking and drop off’s.
·         Improved access to parking at Red Jet, and better access to onward travel options for patients of Southampton Hospital.
·         Future housing and regeneration, and the need for Planning Officers to appreciate parking within the town.
·         Is there a need for a local parking strategy for Cowes, given its commuting and housing growth in town? 

It was agreed that parking prioritisation should be given to local residents, shoppers and visitors.

After the meeting, I met with Cabinet Member, Cllr Ward who highlighted that officers were also considering issues and outcomes that I shared by the four ward councillors were shared by officers.

Of note, there seemed agreement particularly on the parking priorities, improving town centre parking capacity and better joined up working between the IW Council and Cowes Town Council.  A further meeting would take place between the IW Councillors and Officers to move suggestions forward.

Cowes Parking: Cowes Week.

Following from concerns raised last year, I have re-iterated requests and reconfirmed my support for residents of Egypt Esplanade and Princes Esplanade who confirm their objections to high sided vehicles and motor homes being parked permanently throughout Cowes Seafront during the summer.   

Last year Parking Officers advised that within the parking order there were limitations to what could be achieved within the temporary Traffic Order.  However, I am hoping for a solution to be found.

Gurnard Primary School Exhibition and Consultation.

Details of proposals to rebuild Gurnard Primary School will be unveiled 4:30-8pm, Thursday 7th June at Gurnard Primary School, Baring Road, Cowes

The proposal features:

·         A new storey building for 420 pupils across seven year groups.
·         Rationalisation of the existing site through the dedication of a brand new dedicated primary school building containing all learning and associated spaces under one roof.
·         An upgraded standalone Nursery building with access to enhanced external space (Equalities Act compliant).
·         A Flexible school layout to deliver a modern learning environment.
·         New sports facilities and social space with a focus on community use.
·         Associated external spaces to assist curriculum learning. 

Following the exhibition, presentation materials can be viewed at the school reception between 9:30am - 2:30pm between 8th-11th June.

Southern Water: Have Your Say Consultation.

Southern Water has asked me to ask residents for their views concerning their work.  If you are interested in making your views known, please visit: https://g4-emea.yougov.com/vdcgXhvDv54nRk.  This consultation continues until Friday 8th June.

Planning Applications.

·         Place Road. 
Comments were received concerning the height of proposed dwellings on Phase 4.  These issues, and its perceived impact of the ridge height are being assessed by Planning Officers.

·         The Range Pedestrian Refuge.
Island Roads has approved drawings, and the Planners advise they are awaiting solicitors to approve proposals under Section 278/38 of the Road Traffic Act.  Officers continue to chase this!

·         Bakehouse, Worsley Road.
I am advised meetings have taken place concerning this withdrawn application. I am hopeful owners will consider liaising with Gurnard Parish Council following concerns raised how proposals fit within the Neighbourhood Plan.

·         Watersedge Café.
I continue to receive calls from residents concerning proposals for the Watersedge Café.  All issues are being considered by the Planning Officer, and once I know more I will let residents know.

·         Construction site Bonfires.
Action was taken by Environmental Health following a building contractor lighting up a bonfire and upsetting neighbours in Gurnard.  Subsequently when the boss returned to the site, I’m reliably informed he was gutted the upset caused!


·         Place Road Highway Enhancements.
Island Roads have advised (following delays) that the new road realignments are due to be completed by 6pm, Sunday 17th June.  Please note these timescales may be subject to change. 

·         Ward Avenue Ponding
I remain ever hopeful that following a resident’s complaint concerning the ponding of surface water in Ward Avenue that this long standing issue has now been resolved by Island Roads following my intervention.

·         Pot Holes, Park Road.
Over the course of two or three days last month, I received numerous calls regarding potholes between the junctions of Ward Avenue and Terminus Road, in Park Road, Cowes.  Work is scheduled to take place to resurface this section of Park Road between October 2018 and April 2019, in the meantime repairs have taken place

·         Flytipping.
Last month I reported incidents of flytipping in Baring Road, Cow Lane and at the Horseshoe Inn, Northwood.

·         Seafront Handrails.
Repairs to the handrail were completed last month.

·         Crossfield Avenue.
I continue to receive complaints concerning the deterioration of the road surface in Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.  Although Island Roads continue to emphasise the road’s condition is sound, inevitably the reconstruction of the new college has had an impact, with regular requests being made to make repair the existing carriageway. 

·         Overgrown Hedgerows.
Because of ongoing dialogue and concerns from residents, I have asked that sightlines continue to be monitored by our district steward in Rew Street.

Annual Reports.

During May I delivered in excess of 2360 Annual Reports.  One month on, I am 10 kg lighter!! Please let me know, if I missed you!

Northwood Cemetery.

Following works to drain Somerton Reservoir, I contacted Bereavement Services following several plots becoming waterlogged in Northwood Cemetery.  Officers continue to monitor the situation with remedial action being taken.


Litter continues to be a problem on Gurnard Green and Princes Green, Cowes.  With increased frequency of collections support (from Gurnard Parish Council) and increased monitoring by Samantha our Environment Officer, I’ve received fewer complaints than I did last year.  That said, from my perspective and from the perspective of others there remains some way to go!  Please note, if a bin is full and there are no empty bins nearby please take your rubbish home.  

In the meantime, a very big thank you to those residents seen at the break and fall of the day, who relentlessly tidy up to ensure our green spaces continue to look beautiful.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me during the weekend if there is a problem.  I will as always try my best to help!

Pavement Parking.

I continue to receive complaints from residents about pavement parking, and the impact this has upon children, mobility impaired and other road users.

On the proviso that there is sufficient room for wheel chairs/ mobility scooters and double buggies to pass this often is acceptable.  Despite promises made by Government, it is very clear that like many other important pieces of legislation this is ambiguous, and like other pieces of difficult legislation far too easy for politicians to kick into the long grass despite calls from the Local Government Association and other resident’s groups.

The Guide Dog for the Blind campaign can be accessed at: https://e-activist.com/page/20876/action/1

Beach Huts.

I have provided support to residents opposed to significant increases in Beach Huts fees. Locally, I received eight calls from residents with Beach Huts at Gurnard. In my response to the IW Councillor responsible I reiterated that fees would be out of reach for some residents on low incomes.

In my response (understanding that the IW Council’s key consideration is to ‘commercialize services’, and create best value!), I have suggested that like other authorities (i.e The New Forest)  the Isle of Wight Council offsets any increase to hut owners without homes on the Isle of Wight.  

Gurnard Beach, Bonfires and Barbecues.

Extra signage has been requested following concerns being raised by hut owners following incidents of abandoned barbecues.  If you must have a barbecue, please do not leave this in the sand as (from personal experience) the consequences particularly can be devastating if hot painful!

In addition hut owners have asked for those light barbecues to refrain from lighting these in and around beach huts.

Northwood Recreation Ground. 

Following requests received, I have asked that the cutting regime is properly monitored in the Recreation Ground.  This follows complaints received of hidden dog poo, and mysterious pot holes/ ruts that residents have twisted ankles upon.

Samantha, our Environment Officer has been fab as always and have taken remedial action to highlight these pot holes.  In the meantime this, as well as the ongoing issue of dog poo continues to be monitored.

A request has also been made to clearly identify access to the disabled toilets in Northwood Recreation Ground following incidents of parked vehicles blocking accesses. 

Cowes West/ North Boundary Review.

All things being equal, the Cowes West element of the Cowes West and Gurnard Ward is due to shrink under boundary review proposals.

Currently Cowes West has 400 electors too many, whilst Cowes North has 250 too few.  In addition, with future growth proposed for Place Road, this will mean that the boundary between Cowes North and Cowes West will inevitably be redrawn further to the west.

It is suggested that all of Queens Road, Baring Road (East of Egypt Hill and Marine View Close), Nubia Close, Ward Avenue and Park Road (east of Firs Close) is transfered from Cowes West to Cowes North.  

Trading Standards drop in, Coffee and Chat Morning All Saints Church.

Thank you to everybody who attended the Trading Standards Drop In with Sally Ash from Trading Standards in May. 

The second and final event, which offers advice on scams, cold calling as well other issues that Trading Standards are headlining takes place 10:30-11:30am, Thursday 28th June, at All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.

Scrutiny Committee.

At Full Council I stepped down from my position as Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee, which it was a real honour to hold for 15 months.

My successor is Andrew Garratt, Councillor for Parkhurst who it has been a real pleasure to work alongside since joining the IW Council in 2017. Since Full Council, I have met with Andrew and look forward to making headway on the priorities that Scrutiny have highlighted, particularly with the Floating Bridge and the Fire Service Review.

Mayors Report. 

·         At the Town Council’s Annual General Meeting, I was thrilled to bits to be re-elected to my second term as Town Mayor, with Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox continuing as deputy. Congratulations also to Lora, who continues in her position as stalwart and tenacious Chairman of the Isle of Wight Council.

As Mayor four weeks on, much of May proved to be a very busy month. 

·         At the Town Annual Meeting, I reported on the work of Cowes Town Council for the past 12 months. Please visit: http://www.cowestowncouncil.org.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Minutes-Annual-Town-Meeting-17.05.18.pdf

·         May Day Bank Holiday proved busy with popular events to commemorating the Blyskawica’s defence of Cowes.  This offered myself and Lora a really good opportunity to meet up, listen and speak to both service personnel and their families. Amazingly, year after year these commemorations go from strength to strength and for me it was a real joy to be in attendance, and at the parade service that followed in the evening.

·         I attended an initial meeting which took place with Cllr Glendenning and Cllr Taylor to discuss options to brighten up the High Street with hanging baskets following requests.

·         A Meeting also took place with residents to discuss the orchard proposal for The Green, Crossfield Avenue.  I found the meeting, and outcomes suggested by residents very positive.

·         I initially met with East Cowes Councillor, Cllr Karl Love to discuss closer collaboration between both Towns, particularly with respect to regeneration the ongoing concerns of being a commuter point and the mirrored challenges that both towns share.  A meeting with all local IW Councillors (and I hope representatives from both Town Councils) has been scheduled for later this month.  This I hope can filter down to ensure the involvement of all of both towns stakeholders.

·         I met with Cllr Ian Ward to move forward proposals for the Floating Bridge Users Group.  I remain concerned that the two initial ‘snagging’ issues (Noise Nuisance and Chain Depth) with the Floating Bridge still remain unresolved, as feedback from tests that took place remain inconclusive.  I have made representations to both Cllr Ward, the new Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Garratt and officers that this is not acceptable for residents of Cowes or East Cowes.

·         With Cllr Wardrop I attended a lovely evening with delegates from the Cowes/ Deauville Twinning Association (and spoke French!. not well).  At the evening, it was a real pleasure on behalf of the Town to receive gifts, hospitality and friendship from the people of Deauville.

·         With colleagues, I attended the RAF 100 Commemoration event which took place at St. Mary’s Church.

·         I attended a brilliant and constructive meeting of Cllr. Jean Bartrum’s Mobility Forum, and look forward to moving forward with some positive outcomes for the town that will improve access. Thank you, Jean!

Also this month:

·         Last month a man was spotted surveying land to the west of Baring Road. In the conversation that I had with the surveyor he advised that he had been asked to undertake speculative surveys on land.  This may or may not result in future discussions with planners.  However, I have requested to be kept appraised knowing how sensitive residents are to see this green gap safeguarded.
·         I have requested for the pavement to be cleansed of broken car debris in Newport Road.
·         I attended the Audit Committee.  At the meeting concerns were raised concerning the Floating Bridge not yet reaching its full potentials, whilst the Council’s risk profile highlighted concerns over financial resources, staffing, educational improvements and quality of professional practice within Adult Social Care.
·         I (too briefly) attended Gurnard’s May Queen Event and discussed with residents suggestions on making Gurnard Better.
·         I attended Riverfest.
·     I received a call from a resident of Medham who expressed concerns to me over the potential sale of agricultural land nearby.  

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