Please contact me:
By Post to: 74
Wyatts Lane, Cowes, Isle of Wight. PO31 8QA.
Telephone: 01983
289595 (24 hours)/ 07 935 090 835 (Mobile & Text); Email:
Visits and Surgeries.
Please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always happy
to meet at a time and place convenient to you.
I also hold
regular surgeries/ drop-in’s. No appointment is necessary. As a rule of thumb these
take place:
4:30-5pm, 1st
Tuesday of each month at Cowes
Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, 1st
Tuesday of
each month at The Sports Bar, IW
Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11:30am, 1st
of each month at Gurnard Press,
Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11:45-12:15pm or 6-6:30pm, 2nd Wednesday
of each month at The Woodvale,
Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, 3rd or 4th Wednesday of each month at Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield
Avenue, Cowes.
12:30-1:30pm, 3rd or 4th Friday of each month at the Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
10:30-11:30am, 4th Thursday of each month at All Saints Church Coffee & Chat
morning, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
12:30-1pm, 4th
or 5th Friday of each month at Eegon’s
Café, 72 High Street, Cowes.
6-6:30pm, last Wednesday of each month at The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Please visit for updates, monthly reports and details
of surgeries etc.
our Community in County Hall, rather than County Hall in our Community:
This is my ninth annual
report and summarises my work as your Councillor for the past 12 months.
Despite the need to fight
harder following cutbacks to services, I am committed to ensure our Councils
say ‘yes’, rather than no. Thank you again for re-electing me to serve as your
Councillor in what will be difficult times safeguarding services.
Please note, the reason I do
this, is because I thoroughly love it! Although at times challenging, because I
enjoy my ‘work’, I hope that it shows and I’m achieving the best outcomes for
our community!
Thank you for reading my
Independent Councillor: Putting You First.
As an Independent
Councillor, and part of the nine strong Independent Group, I continue to champion
putting the needs of Cowes and Gurnard first.
I have no political
activists, sponsors or leader shadowing me. Therefore my loyalty to represent every
resident in Gurnard and Cowes is absolute.
I am committed to be a
hardworking, transparent, effective and enthusiastic ward councillor.
If you feel that I, or the
Councils where I represent your views get things wrong, please tell me. Unless
I know, I’m not in a position to listen, ask questions, or put things right.
I’m one of four Isle of
Wight Councillors representing Cowes and work closely with fellow Independent
Cllr. Lora Peacey-Wilcox and the two Conservative Councillors Cllr Paul Bertie
and Cllr John Nicholson who represent neighbouring wards.
As your Councillor I’ve had
a brilliant year, and was thrilled to serve as Cowes Town Mayor. This has
allowed me to build upon and strengthen relationships with residents and stakeholders
to ensure our communities work together better. In addition, I was re-elected
to serve as Chairman of the Isle of Wight Council’s Scrutiny Committee.
In a Nutshell: Some of the key issues I’ve
been pursuing during the last year:
For details of these and other issues pursued, please
A crowdfunding initiative needed to take
place to safeguard the Cowes Primary School crossing patrol. Thank you to all who contributed!
Complaints relating to anti-social Parking
were resolved. The most common concerns
related to parking outside schools and high sided vehicles.
Naming of
new roads by pupils of local schools for the new development at Place Road was
The new Range store opened in Place
Road. Initial parking issues, visibility
splays and lighting complaints were resolved, with improved pedestrian access
provisions still pending.
A contentious Planning Application was
withdrawn. This was followed up by plans
more in keeping with the area and was then approved. This is an example of how
talking before submitting plans can both save time and money, whilst at the
same time overcomes neighbours’ concerns and distress.
Replacement seating took place in Church Road
and Worsley Road, Gurnard.
The Planning Application for eight dwellings
adjacent to Dottens Farm was approved despite objections raised by both myself
and residents.
With stakeholders, I assisted supporting a
mobility audit for Cowes and Gurnard.
I supported residents living in flats to resolving
issues regarding communal waste.
I was
re-elected!! Thank you to the 1145 residents who voted Independent! J
Remedial action was taken following litter
Bins becoming overfilled in Gurnard.
A letter-drop to shopkeepers took place following
cash machines running out of money in Cowes. The campaign to reinstate both a bank
and the Post Office in the town continues.
Untaxed and abandoned vehicles were reported
and subsequently 18 vehicles have been taxed or removed.
Following complaints, a number of rural roads
had skid resistance improved.
The footpath linking Battery Road with Egypt
Esplanade re-opened following earlier landslips taking place.
A consultation took place with residents to
designate Shore Road a Conservation Area.
The IW Council reconsidered its policy
concerning trailers at Lynnbottom following complaints relayed.
The IW Council supported action following
requests concerning discarded barbecues.
Support was provided to by a resident
incorrectly accused of a noise nuisance complaint.
Yarn Bombing came to Gurnard!!
Following consultations and false starts
reconstruction of Parklands Avenue began.
Gurnard Beach was closed following the Pumping
Station requiring new parts.
Complaints were received concerning traffic and
parking during Cowes Week. These were
fed back and I‘ve been assured that lessons can be learnt for next year…
It was a privilege, as town Mayor spending
time during Cowes Week promoting our town and listening to residents,
businesses, visitors and sponsors about making the Cowes experience better
Complaints were received, and vandalised
public toilets were repaired in Cowes.
The marine police were contacted following complaints
of jet-skis occurring. Action was taken by the police to address this problem
88% of those voting supported Gurnard’s
Neighbourhood Plan at referendum. Later the Cabinet confirmed this new supplementary
planning guidance for the village.
Solent Fibre Telecom work took place on land
adjacent to Cooks Bay, Gurnard.
Not before time, Gurnard won the Isle of
Wight Best Kept large village award.
Following concerns raised by Gurnard Parish
Council, The IW Council agreed to install bollards to protect the children’s
play area on Gurnard Green.
I arranged a meeting for the Meadow View
developer to meet with Place Road residents to provide an update on proposals
for the housing scheme. The developer advised
of his intention to increase numbers to 92 dwellings, whilst at the same time
mitigating concerns of this four phased proposal.
I joined residents and landowners to the
English Coastal Path Drop-In sessions.
Support was given to Crossfield Avenue
residents following Firework party complaints. As a consequence, the venue
apologised and action taken to ensure no recurrence happens.
Blackberry Lane received a white line
following safety concerns being made.
I attended
Remembrance Events at St Mary’s Church, All Saints Church and Cowes Primary
I supported proposals for a Post Office
Counter to be located in Cowes Town Centre.
The programme to replace railings on Gurnard/
Cowes Seafront commenced.
At Full Council, I supported all Isle of
Wight Councillors being DBS checked.
Following consultation and feedback initiated
in 2017, The IW Council introduced wheelie bins or recyclable sacks for Garden
Waste. It is envisaged this will provide
a £100k saving, as well as giving
greater flexibility to gardeners.
I requested Egypt Hill was gritted in icy
Cowes Medical Centre Information leaflets
were distributed this month. I supported
over 20 local residents who did not receive theirs.
The Cowes Traffic Order was publicised. 15 residents commented on proposals. Comments
received were largely against proposals elsewhere in Cowes.
A planning application which received
considerable interest to rebuild the Watersedge Café in Shore Road, Gurnard was
later withdrawn.
Cowes Town Council held a special meeting to
consider plans to reconfigure St Mary’s Roundabout. The Council raised concerns
on 13 aspects of these proposals.
Following feedback during the election, at
Full Council I supported increasing voting rights to 16 and 17 year olds.
I met with and supported Cowes residents, taking
action to reduce fly-tipping.
I supported
reducing the cost of Councillors Allowances by suggesting these should only be
means tested.
I voted against proposals to increase Council
Tax by 6%
Following enquiries, officers confirmed that
the only vehicles with access to use Cow Lane are those with permission from
households in the lane.
On behalf of Cowes Town Council I spoke
against plans to redevelop Medina Yard. Concerns raised were linked to the lack
of affordable homes, lack of parking and the potential loss of marine
The IW Council approved changes to school
term times. Despite personal concerns, I supported proposals which gained a
positive response to reduce the summer holiday by one week in favour of an
extended half term holiday.
I met with volunteers from Mornington Woods
in order to initiate a long term plan to ensure the woodland and nearby
facilities are properly safeguarded.
I met with Blackberry Lane residents to
resolve longstanding local issues.
Organisations and Outside Bodies that I am a
member and support:
Cowes Town Council. Mayor Of Cowes
(2017-2018); Planning; Projects; Finance & Acquisitions and Planning
Committees (ex-officio); Island Roads liaison Councillor (2015-2018); IW
Association of Local Councils (2014-2018);
Gurnard Parish
Council. Vice
Chairman (2017-2018); IW Association of Local Councils (2015-2018)
Northwood Parish
Local Access Forum. Vice Chairman. This
statutory body oversees Rights of Ways matters. The Forum works closely with
landowners and user groups to improve access to the right of way network.
Footprint Trust. Chairman. The Trust supports
residents (often vulnerable) to lower their household utility bills and
environmental footprint.
Solent Forum. This organisation oversees Economic and
Environmental challenges within the Solent.
Isle of Wight AONB
Partnership. This
group manages and oversees challenges faced to the Isle of Wight’s Countryside.
Cowes Medical Centre
Patients Forum. On
this body I support the team at our Medical Centre and feedback resident’s
In addition, I serve as a Justice of the Peace
As a member of the Isle of Wight Council, I
have continued in my role as the Scrutiny
Committee Chairman. The Scrutiny
Committee role is to ‘challenge and support’ decision makers, both within the
Isle of Wight Council itself and from external public service groups.
Besides my role on the Scrutiny Committee, I
am a member of the IW Council’s Audit Committee, Appeals Committee and
Licensing Committee. This reduced
workload has given me more time to focus on local issues.
One year in numbers. As your Councillor:
am contactable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
work between 35 and 60 hours each week.
attended 375 meetings associated with my role.
includes 26 IW Council summoned meetings. In the last nine years, I’ve attended
more meetings than any other Councillor.
addition, I’ve attended 35 informal/ associated meetings, briefings,
exhibitions & site visits.
attended 12 out of 12 Cowes Town Council monthly meetings, 12 out of 12 Gurnard
Parish Council meetings plus 48 further meetings/ events associated with
Parish/ Town Council activities.
received 3500 emails, 1200 telephone calls and 8 letters! I aim to respond
within 3 days and attempt to prioritise calls from Cowes West and Gurnard
residents within 12 hours of receipt.
resolved/ relayed 1088 enquiries. 37% of these relate to Gurnard residents; 27%
to Cowes West residents; 28% from other Cowes/ Northwood residents and 8% to
residents living elsewhere.
arranged 99 surgeries in 7 different venues. Supporting 303 enquiries from
leafleted 2,200 Annual Reports, sent out 240 local newsletters and made 60 home
written 12 monthly reports. Please visit for details. These are available from Cowes
Library and Gurnard Press and edited for Gurnard News, the Cowes Magazine and
the Beacon. Monthly reports provide updates, decisions taken and feedback to
issues which I am pursuing. Each month I provide updates on between 30 and 40
items in each report.
I received a Councillors Allowance of approx.
£15,970 Gross Pay.
£ 153.74 Annual Report 2016/2017.
£ 98.80
Election Costs etc.
£ 533.85 Towards Broadband, telephone, use of
home as office.
£ 153.00 Office Supplies (ink, paper, postage, printing, newsletters etc.)
£ 40.00
£ 78.30 Travel.
88.50 Meetings, Surgeries and Associated Costs.
£1146.19 Total Expenses.
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