3:30-4pm, Tuesday 1st May, Cowes Library,
Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 1st May, Sports Bar, Isle of
Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11:30am, Friday 4th May, Gurnard
Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Wednesday 9th May, The Woodvale,
Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 16th May, Cowes Enterprise
College, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Friday 18th May, The Little
Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
10:30-11:30am, Thursday 24th May, Coffee &
Chat at All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Wednesday 30th May, The Portland,
Worsley Road, Cowes. CANCELLED
12:30-1pm, Thursday 31st May, Eegons Café, 72
High Street, Cowes. CANCELLED
10:30-11:30am, Friday 1st June, Gurnard Press,
Worsley Road, Gurnard. CANCELLED
**Unfortunately, due to medical reasons I've been advised to stay at home due to the contageous nature of an infection that I have caught! I am hoping to reconvene surgeries once fully recovered. Sorry! Please let me know by phone, or email if you have issues needing to be resolved. I am ever hopeful, that I will be back to normal from the end of the first week of June! Thank you for your understanding!**
**Unfortunately, due to medical reasons I've been advised to stay at home due to the contageous nature of an infection that I have caught! I am hoping to reconvene surgeries once fully recovered. Sorry! Please let me know by phone, or email if you have issues needing to be resolved. I am ever hopeful, that I will be back to normal from the end of the first week of June! Thank you for your understanding!**
Planning Updates.
Watersedge Café.
note that within my Annual Report, I wrongly inferred that the Planning
Application for the Watersedge Cafe had been withdrawn.
than being ‘withdrawn’, Planning Officers allowed for a ‘Planning
Extension’ to be given. This was primarily to allow for the applicant to
give further details following issues raised by the Environment Agency and the
Council’s Engineer concerning the culvert adjacent to the Watersedge. In addition to this addendum, a new street
scene image from Shore Road features online: Please visit: planning/AppDetails3.aspx? frmId=33533. My apologies for any confusion caused
regarding this!
light of comments raised, I am also expecting updated comments from Island
Roads in relation to parking. These comments should be received and reviewed by
25th May.
Officers have advised this new information does not need to be re-publicised,
as they consider the new information does not alter the proposed development.
Development for 2 houses behind Worsley Road, with access from Tuttons Hill.
I have spoken to Planning Officers who advise they were due to REFUSE this
application. What was key to this decision was the impact officers felt the
design, size and scale of the proposed two properties would have upon the
landscape character of the Jordan Valley. Officers therefore agreed with
Gurnard Parish Council insofar that the proposal was contrary to policies H1
and E1 of Gurnard's Neighbourhood Plan. Subsequently, this application has been
Place Road- Phase Four. Construction of 21 dwellings.
A final letterdrop took place to 30 households on the western side of
Place Road. The deadline for comments falls on Friday 4th May.
The Range.
The Planning Officer has advised me that issues associated with security
lighting and the impact this has had on residents has now been resolved. In the meantime, this now allows me and
officers focus now to persevere on the pedestrian refuge which was a condition
of the original planning application approval.
Please note my Annual Report has been printed, is being distributed and
provides an update on what I have been doing since April 2017. Because of other commitments this year, and
by the fact that I try to deliver as many of these myself, this has arrived
later than usual. If you do not receive
yours in the coming weeks, please let me know.
Village Tidy Up.
Thank you so much to the volunteers who took place in last month’s
village tidy-up in Gurnard, where more than 40 sacks were filled by the 50
residents who took part!
Many thanks particularly to Parish Councillors Marie Bugden, Jane McKean
and Ginnie Orrey for organising these and previous events in the village.
Cold Calling and
I continue to receive calls from residents, who are being targeted by
scammers. In response, I have contacted Trading Standards to attend the next Coffee
& Chat Mornings at All Saints Church, Gurnard alongside both myself and the
police. These take place 10:15-11:30am on Thursday
24th May and Thursday 26th
June at the Church.
In addition, it was fantastic to award £100 from Gurnard Parish Council for this really important monthly get
together for residents, which continues to grow each month. Thank you to all the volunteers from Gurnard
Church involved in making this event a success!!
Waste and
Garden Waste.
I know there has been a recent uptake in the newly introduced Garden
Waste Collection Service. Further
details can be found at:
Lynnbottom and Afton Tips for Tips.
The IW Council received negative feedback concerning its summer opening
times at both Lynnbottom and Afton Civic Amenity Site. This is as a consequence of congestion
outside both sites particularly Briddlesford Road.
In order to avoid hold up’s at both sites, it is helpful to avoid busy
times (After 3pm, the tip is less busy).
Council to Withdraw Mobile Recycling
Due to its underuse, the Isle of Wight Council has advised that from 1st
May, it will be withdrawing the mobile Recycling Centre, which has visited the
Isle of Wight Community Centre every two weeks for the last 18 months.
• Think before you throw as some items you are
disposing of could go to a charity shop or be reused.
• Did you know the council offers a free reuse collection service for white goods and furniture in a good condition? Visit:
• There is also a paid for bulky waste collection service for unreusable large white goods and furniture.
• Garden waste can be composted at home or the council offers a fortnightly kerbside garden waste service for just £60 per year (£1.15 per week).
• Did you know the council offers a free reuse collection service for white goods and furniture in a good condition? Visit:
• There is also a paid for bulky waste collection service for unreusable large white goods and furniture.
• Garden waste can be composted at home or the council offers a fortnightly kerbside garden waste service for just £60 per year (£1.15 per week).
Gurnard Pines.
I continue to receive calls from residents
from Gurnard Pines concerning the introduction of new fees for water and
electricity. This is particularly
relevant for those who live residentially within this holiday park, as these
residents have limited rights when compared to other homeowners and tenants.
This is an issue that I have spoken to the
Footprint Trust about, and I am hoping to discuss further with our Member of
Road Resurfacing
Programme: Cowes West and Gurnard (April-October)
Roads have programmed the following works between now and October.
Carriageways: Worsley Road, Tuttons Hill.
Drainage: Marsh Road.
Footways: Place Road, Park Road (Crescent),
Debourne Close, Magdalen Crescent, Guppy Close, Churchill Road, Jordan Close,
Woodvale Road, Woodvale Close, Gurnard Heights
addition I have contacted Island Roads concerning pot holes (Park Road), broken
fences and overgrowing hedgerows (Cockleton Lane), dog poo removal (Princes
Esplanade), dumped car batteries (Marsh Road), exposed Man Hole covers and
damaged grass verges (Worsley Road), concerns over drainage (Ward Avenue), road
surface deterioration (Crossfield Avenue) and access concerns (King James’
Close/ Westwood Close)
Cowes Isle of Wight
response to concerns raised to myself, Cllr Paul Bertie, Cllr John Nicholson
and Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox concerning parking all four councillors will start
meeting on a regular basis to discuss local issues.
Councillors over the last five years, we often meet to discuss local matters on
a one to one basis. However, particularly
with parking, highways issues, housing, events and regeneration by working
together much can be achieved by all Councillors with sharing the common
objective of putting the needs of residents first.
Scrutiny Committee Updates.
The Scrutiny Committee met last month to make recommendations on two
items- Cowes Floating Bridge and the Fire Service Review.
Cowes Floating Bridge.
Because of ongoing issues, updates and the need for users being better
engaged, Scrutiny Committee formally recommended to Cabinet that a User Group
was established to:
and share information to nominated interest groups and organisations.
work in partnership with the Isle of Wight Council to raise confidence in the
Cowes Floating Bridge and associated crossings.
in partnership opportunities for:
• Sponsorship.
• Timetabling.
• Enhancing
access and mobility across the Medina.
• Promoting
the bridges use and activities.
The Isle of
Wight Council will provide regular quarterly updates on:
• Reliability
of the Service.
• Frequency of
the service.
Functionality of the service.
• Traffic
Access to and from the Cowes Floating Bridge.
In addition,
the Committee recommended:
a) The Cabinet
Member for Procurement, Waste Management, Special Projects and Forward Planning
should review the procurement policy in the light of experiences with the Cowes
Floating Bridge.
b) A report
should be produced by the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Transport at
the end of the process of accepting Cowes Floating Bridge 6 on the costs of
undertaking the necessary modifications.
Fire Service Review.
feedback, the Scrutiny Committee made the following recommendations to Cabinet:
That this Committee recommends that the Cabinet rejects the proposals within
the fire service review due to the threat on public safety.
That the Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Public Protection be
recommended to take steps to ensure an improved working relationship between
the IW Fire and Rescue Service and the Fire Brigades Union.
That the Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Public Protection should
ensure that the Council reviews its employment policy so to allow staff to
become retained firefighters so to set an example to all other employers.
response to these findings, the Council’s Cabinet mirrored concerns raised by
Scrutiny Committee.
Dog poo continues to be an issue,
particularly with dogs not on leads. In
previous reports I mentioned concerns being raised about fouling in cemeteries,
and the prospect further action may be extended by the IW Council responding to
dog fouling in parks.
Please note that in respect to the law owners
have a responsibility to ensure dogs are ‘under control’ in public areas.
of Wight Community Safety Partnership Consultation.
The Community
Safety Partnership (CSP) comprising the Isle of Wight Council, IW Fire and
Rescue, Hampshire Constabulary, IW Clinical Commissioning Group, Community
Rehabilitation Company and National Probation Service, are working jointly
towards shared and common outcomes to tackle crime and disorder.
The Partnership would like to hear your views so they can better understand local concerns which will help them identify priorities for the future. For details please visit: This consultation continues until 18th May.
Myself and Cllr Paul Bertie (Councillor for
Cowes North) have jointly commented on proposals to reconfigure Isle of Wight
Council ward boundaries. Because of
future growth in Gurnard (where the boundary cannot be altered) and the comparative
variance between Cowes West and Cowes North, it seems likely the boundary
between both wards will be redrawn farther to the west of where it lies
Within the comments, I’ve suggested that
Crossfield Avenue Estate is not split between two Councillors, and consideration be given to retain communities living
within the conservation area on Cowes Seafront, tidying up boundaries in Park
Road as well as Baring Road.
This will reduce the elector numbers to below
3000 in both wards for the longer term, and is being pursued to ensure one
person = one vote, and therefore all wards should ideally not vary by more than
10% (The current average IWC ward size
on the Island is 2732.)
Final proposals will be consulted upon by the
Boundary Commission later this year.
Mobility Forum.
thanks to Cllr Jean Bartrum, the first meeting of the Cowes Mobility Forum
takes place 10:30am, Wednesday 16th
May at the Isle of Wight Community
Club, Park Road, Cowes.
meeting is a partnership between Cowes Town Council, Isle Access, and local
residents to improve mobility in and around Cowes. I am hoping to attend the first meeting, and
am happy to forward and support any initiatives that residents wish to suggest.
in Cowes.
Following last month’s report, no further
action has been progressed concerning the ‘broken’ ATM in Cowes High
Street. As a consequence, Councillors
and Cowes Town Council has contacted the Nat West Bank who previously advised
this would be rectified before this month.
In the meantime, Sainsbury’s have two
cashpoints located outside their store at the bottom of Shooters Hill, whilst
there is a free cash point at the new Central Convenience Store at the other
end of the High Street. Unlike other cash
machines in town, I’ve received no complaints that this machine has ran out money.
Access Forum.
At the last meeting of the Local Access
Forum, the following items were discussed:
to paths in Parkhurst Forest. The Forestry
Commission would take remedial action.
update was given on the Newport Harbour Revision Order. Safeguards were requested concerning future maintenance
of public landings and slipways, and any potential to redevelop Seaclose Park.
England reported that dialogue is taking place with the Ministry of Defence (at
Porchfield) and landowners at Norris Castle, Osborne House and Barton
Manor. Contact with stakeholders between
Cowes and Thorness had been made.
was raised regarding the increase in volume of plastic waste found on Isle of
Wight Beaches.
has taken place on the proposed designation of Isle of Wight marine environment
becoming an UNESCO World Heritage site between the Palmers Brook and Nodes
Point, given the heritage importance of the Solent.
was reported that the Government (through the Lottery) would no longer fund
Landscape Partnerships.
concerns raised by the Local Access Forum, the Forum was supportive of instant
£250 fines for residents leaving rubbish on Rights of Way.
were relayed regarding grant funding to Farmers post Brexit.
was reported that the Isle of Wight was pipped into second place by the
Pembrokeshire National Park in Countryfile’s most favourite area survey.
Mayor’s Report.
businesses Cowes Town Council are working with Island Roads to give the town centre
and street furniture a spring clean and make over. This work includes street and
furniture cleansing, with work commencing on updating the Cut and the mural
during this summer with local artists, following feedback from the last Cowes
Town Council newsletter.
the longer term, the Town Council’s Projects Committee discussed relaunching
the towns ‘Rope Walk’ trail and rejuvenating Cowes in Bloom. Following consultation with residents,
discussions continue to take place on the creation of a community orchard. In
line with the Town Council’s ‘plastic free’ initiative, the Council are supporting
businesses signed up for water refill points as well as hopefully providing
drinking fountains.
Cowes has promoted the town as a stop-off point for Cruise Liners. Following positive
input from Cowes Harbour Commissioners and the Business Association, I hope
that visitors can enjoy all that our town can offer.
have taken place to our local toilets, and residents are urged to contact the
Town Council on 01983 209022, should they wish to purchase a RADAR key for use
of disabled toilets. Maintenance to the
skate park is due to commence early in May.
Mayor, I’ve been contacted by shopkeepers concerning problems being encountered
in respect to the revision to loading in the Town. This is an issue I will be
working in partnership with colleagues, stakeholders and Island Roads to improve.
the resignation of Vanessa Slade, I am pleased to report that Cowes West has a
newly co-opted Town Councillor, Cllr. Christine Bustin. Both as Mayor, and as Ward Councillor I look
forward to working alongside Christine, and also thank the four unlucky candidates
for their interest and enthusiasm.
Also this month:
- · Complaints have been received concerning parked vehicles blocking the ‘apron’ of driveways.
- · A formal complaint has been received concerning the lack of public consultation on changes to Garden Waste
- · Action is being pursued concerning the discrepancy between planning fees for householders, when compared to developers. I understand these are set by Government. However, I’ve requested feedback is given concerning this.
- · I received a complaint concerning missed recycling collections. Please note, refuse must be left out before 7am on the day of collection. If a collection is missed Amey has a liability to collect. On several occasions, I have asked to view on board CCTV to determine who has been at fault when collections are missed…
- · I have passed on an enquiry concerning the repainting of beach huts in Gurnard. This year, I have received far fewer enquiries on beach huts than I have in previous years.
- · I visited Cowes Primary School to discuss issues raised by residents of Blackberry Lane, which I look forward to updating neighbours about.
- · I’m supporting a resident concerning residency post Brexit. This is likely to cause ongoing concerns for residents and employees with specialisms such as the hospital and Vestas. On this, I understand the importance for European nationals settled on the Island, with roots who require certainty concerning their future. This also applies to a number of local residents who have homes on the continent.
- · A meeting and future dialogue has taken place between residents and a member of the Marine Management Organisation. At the meeting, it was relayed that anything that is taken out or put into the marine environment generally require permission from the MMO, and for further information residents should visit:, or call 0300 123 1032. Following this meeting, I am looking forward to a representative from the MMO giving a presentation to Gurnard Parish Council.
- · I have written formally to Natural England in support of the English Coastal Path following both sides of the Medina Estuary connecting Cowes, Newport and East Cowes.
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