About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Isle of Wight Councillors Report June 2017


11-11:30am, Friday 2nd June, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 6th June, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 6th June, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
6-6:30pm, Thursday 8th June, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Tuesday 13th June, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Thursday 22nd June, All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
11-11:30am, Friday 23rd June, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Thursday 29th June, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11-11:30am, Friday 30th June, Eegon’s, 72 High Street, Cowes.

New Surgery!

From this month I will be dropping in to the Age Friendly Island coffee mornings at All Saints Church in Gurnard.  These events occur from 10:15 on the fourth Thursday of each month.

Planning: Dottens Farm:- Planning Application for 8 dwellings approved.

As reported last month, the application to build 8 dwellings was the first application to be considered by the IW Council’s new Planning Committee.  Further to comments made, I spoke on behalf of residents opposed to the application and provided what I felt were the most relevant material considerations for refusing the application, these being:

·         SP1- The application being contrary to the principle of being ‘within or immediately adjacent to the settlement boundary’. (The application is adjacent to).
·         DM13- The application does nothing to maintain or enhance Gurnard from settlement coalescence with Cowes.
·         DM11- The application harms, and does nothing to maintain the Environmental and Heritage settings of the listed Dottens Farm and adjoining barns.
·         SP7- The application does nothing to improve highway and pedestrian access safer
·         DM3- The application lacks sufficient mix of housing types, and would be out of the reach of local people either getting a foothold on the housing ladder, or residents wanting to downsize.   

My transcript to the Planning Committee, can be viewed below:

Development for 8 dwellings on land adjacent to Dottens Farm, Gurnard.

Please note that Gurnard is one of the fastest growing communities on the Island with almost 200 new dwellings permitted in the last 10 years.

On the applications principal, I refer to Policy SP1.  SP1 underpins our Island Plan, and only emphasises support ‘within or immediately adjacent to settlement boundaries.

I wish it to be formally recorded the settlement boundary stops on the Eastern edge of Baring Road and the northern edge of Woodvale Road. This is defined and separated by roads, open farmland, hedgerows, and the Ward Estate Wall which provides a clear physical buffer between Cowes and Gurnard. I therefore contest this application is adjacent to, rather than the ‘immediately adjacent’ necessary to meet SP1 objectives. To deviate, in this instance will set a dangerous precedent elsewhere.

References are made to the Appeal decision at Place Road which is 1.5 km away.  These applications are different insofar that:

·        Place Road is immediately adjacent, and abuts the settlement boundary.
·        Mitigation was offered by the creation of affordable housing.
·        The Green Gap is less distinctive upstream.
·        Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan is close to adoption, has been scrutinised and is due to be considered by July’s Executive.

The second ground, contrary to the Island Plan is Policy DM13.  This policy protects our rural villages from settlement coalescence. The safeguarding of the green gap between Cowes and Gurnard was heavily supported by 91% of residents in feedback for Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan, and its protection is a key objective. 

As councillor, I’m devastated by further encroachment deeper into the Jordan Valley given the open ended aspects of the roads.

To the west of Baring Road between Dottens Farm and Tuttons Hill there are 5 properties.  3 are located at the junction 1 km away, whilst the other 2 are Dottens Farm and Smith’s Farm. The fact these remain ‘farms’ in agricultural use highlights the rural setting and context of the street scene.

Whilst accepting limited development has occurred within the Valley, there remains an expectation that some community gain would result.  Elsewhere this includes at:

·        Place Road where ‘affordable housing’ was agreed.
·        Westbrook Lane where over-allocation of affordable housing was agreed.
·        Glen Place where sheltered housing was initially agreed was amended to incorporate 2 bedroomed, single storey bungalows. This reflects local housing need.

The third reason for causing concern is the fact proposals are contrary to Island Plan Policy DM11.

The Island Plan (para. 7.186) states ‘It is not only the historic building and features that are important, but the spaces in between and within these assets and land that surrounds it.  Insensitive development can mean the loss of local identity. The Council will not support proposals which result in a negative impact. 

In Paragraph. 6.24 of the officers report categorically states harm will occur, if accepting any harm, this should be balanced against benefits arising.

Within these proposals there is absolutely no community gain or public benefit.  

Properties planned will be out of reach to locals attempting to get a foothold on the housing ladder, whilst offering limited opportunities to downsize.

Residents are sceptical why this is the case, as this shows scant regard for our community and proposals embedded within Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan.

On Friday, I was very disappointed the Planning Committee did not have the ability to gauge the harm to the rural setting of Dottens Farm by this proposal.  By not allowing access to view this heritage asset meant members could not appreciate the impact this proposal upon these listed buildings. 

As local Councillor, I have concerns over compliance to Policy SP7.  Within the report, it’s suggested some highway encroachment may be acceptable. I do not support this view.

In the last three years there have been seven traffic incidents within 200 metres.  I therefore share concerns of residents, children, parents, Gurnard School, Gurnard and Cowes local councils over highway safety and the need to make the road and local environment safer.

Finally, I add concern that Policy DM3 has been disregarded by the lack of creating a balanced mix of housing types. It is unclear why it was necessary to remove 2 bedroomed units, which better reflected local housing need.

Because this application does absolutely nothing to conserve, maintain or enhance the Environmental and Heritage setting, I ask that Members refuse this application given this proposal is contrary to policies:

DM13, AAP1, DM11, SP1, SP7, DM3

Planning: Westridge Farm approved.

Westridge Farm in Ryde proved to be another contentious planning application with residents from Ryde.

This proposal sought to provide 80 dwellings on farmland to the east of Elmfield.  This application was deferred on two occasions, the first to challenge issues in respect to the road access.  On the second occasion the application was deferred due to material concerns regarding the Island’s dairy industry.

Following investigations which took place, the opinion came back that both these reasons (the strongest to justify any refusal) were deemed unsustainable should the matter go to appeal.  In my opinion the tipping point for ‘supporting’ approval seemed to be the concern if the application went to appeal the costs to the IW Council in the long term could cost (when considering the New Homes Bonus) between £250-£500k.

Like the application at Dottens Farm this is as a consequence of Planning Policies where there is a ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’    

Planning Decision sign off’s.

Following implementing conditions to mitigate against ‘material’ objections, planning applications have been approved at Cliff Road and Worsley Road.

Planning Enforcement.

Exposed ironworks in Westbrook Lane and access to parking on Princes Esplanade have been reported.

New responsibilities.

Last month I was thrilled to bits and feel very honoured to be elected as Mayor of Cowes!  Thank you for the support and well-wishes… A very busy year beckons!!

At Full Council, I was re-elected to Chair the Isle of Wight Council’s Scrutiny Committee.  The purpose of the Scrutiny Committee is to Challenge, Support and act as a Critical Friend to the local authority.  It was agreed that the Committee continues to act politically disproportionately.  This ensures that opposition members hold the majority of seats allocated, which is considered effective, good practice.

My first meeting which takes place on 13th June has requested an update on the operation of the new Floating Bridge.

In addition to Scrutiny, I’ve been re-appointed to the Licensing and Planning Committees the Audit Committee, and for the time-being I retain positions on both the AONB Partnership and Local Access Forum. 

Shore Road Conservation Area?

Following recent developments in Shore Road and Shore Path, I’ve again been asked to investigate whether there is interest in the creation of a Conservation Area for this corner of Gurnard.  Please let me know your thoughts before 21st June. These will be fed back to Gurnard Parish Council to be considered during the July meeting.

Cash Machines.

I continue to be approached by residents concerned by the shortfall of ATM’s in Cowes, and am seeking opportunities to resolve the current position with members of Cowes Business Association.

Highways Issues.

In my most recent correspondence with Island Roads on Parklands Avenue, I am advised that ‘design and survey’ work is still ongoing and because of this officers are not yet in a position to confirm treatment type for the road.  Once this is confirmed, I’ve been advised that Island Roads will bring their Mobile Visitors Centre to the road, which will allow residents to drop-in and discuss concerns and questions. 

Once dates are confirmed, I will relay these and hope also to be available!

Elsewhere, I have reported a water leak on the junction with Jordan Close in Woodvale Road, Gurnard.

Cliff Road.

There are a number of issues that are currently causing concern to residents of Cliff Road. I’m still in the process of requesting that the waste contractor at one site is transferred from Biffa to Amey to deal with communal waste. This is becoming more complicated to resolve, as the Management Company ‘looking after’ one of the blocks of flats is difficult to contact. 

There is also an issue in the road with perceived abandoned vehicles left on the highway. On this matter, I understand one of three cars are untaxed, and I’ll be taking action to attempt to get this vehicle removed to at least provide one extra space.

In the meantime, I look forward to meeting the Environment Officer to address other matters arising.  

Call Centre Proposal.

I attended the Council’s Executive to find out more about this proposal to build a call centre on the ‘outskirts of Cowes’ which will provide 400 jobs. The IW Council are investing £2.1m of capital investment alongside £35m from the call centre provider. The Council is anxious to point out that this proposal will offer the Island a foothold within this growing commercial market, which currently does not exist locally.  It is anticipated many of those employed will be aged 18-25.

Questions I raised includes what offers will there be of job security, and within the IW Council, might there an opportunity to take advantage of any provider reducing call times within the IW Council’s call centre?  In the meantime thank you to everybody who has contacted me regarding this proposal!

Also this month:

  • ·         Trying to avoid small claims, I am attempting to resolve an issue with Trading Standards through mediation.
  • ·         I am supporting a resident who has complained about Island Roads trimming vegetation back excessively in Baring Road.
  • ·         I have received suggestions from residents asking me to explore potentially extending footpaths in Gurnard.
  • ·         Are you a patient at Cowes Medical Centre and do you have an interest in Health Care Provision?  If so please get in touch with me?
  • ·         Following residents feedback, proposals for the Cowes Traffic Regulation Order has been submitted to Island Roads.
  • ·         With Councillor colleagues, I met with Island Roads and Southern Water who are again are seeking to repair a leak in 100m of pipework to the south of the Somerton roundabout in Newport Road.  It is anticipated work will be carried out for 6 weeks following the Isle of Wight Festival.
  • ·         I’ve supported residents who lost their telephone connection, another requiring support for a blue badge.
  • ·        I’ve supported a resident who required assistance reporting a planning concern off Park Road.
  • ·         Stiff toilet flushes on Cowes Parade have been reported to Cowes Town Council.
  • ·         Overflowing Dog Bins have been reported in Cow Lane, whilst in Northwood Recreation Ground in Park Road bins are being monitored following ongoing issues concerning overflowing during weekends.
  • ·         Within the new Council I have undertaken mandatory Planning, Licensing, Child Safeguarding and Scrutiny Training 

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