About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Isle of Wight Councillors Report: May 2017



6-6:30pm, Thursday 11th May, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 17th May, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
12:30-1pm, Friday 19th May, Eegons, 72 High Street, Cowes. (Please Note New time!)
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 24th May, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Thursday 25th May, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11-11:30am, Friday 2nd June, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

Local Isle of Wight Council Election.

A very big thank you to everybody who supported me in May’s local council elections. This continues to be a great honour and privilege, and I look forward to working hard for our community and dealing with some major challenges over the next four years!

Please note, that I am here to serve every resident, regardless of whether you supported me or not, and regardless of whether you voted.  From my point of view, I continue to welcome advice and suggestions from residents on how I can serve our interests better, and hope that I can take on board these!

The final results on following the election, were as follows:

PAUL FULLER (Independent) 1,145 votes- (76%); 
CHRIS  PRESTON (Conservative) 293 votes (19%);
CHERYL LOVELACE (Labour) 75 votes (5%)

Turnout for this local election increased from 1,395 (46% of the Total Electorate) to 1,515 (48%), and mirrors the upward national trend of voting.

The Conservative group now has overall control of the Isle of Wight Council, and I look forward to working positively with the new leaders of the Council, and our new Member of Parliament following next month’s General Election.

Planning Updates.

I have become involved in finding a compromise for a proposed development in Cliff Road

Enforcement Action is being investigated where a turning head is causing difficulties for neighbours in Gurnard.  I am also progressing ongoing residential complaints regarding a property also in Cliff Road.

Some of the initial complaints concerning the new housing development and the new Range store in Place Road are close to being resolved according to neighbours.  However complaints remain ongoing regarding staff parking on the former Place Road and adjacent grass verges.  I am hopeful that when the popularity of the new store wanes both myself and Cllr Nicholson can meet with managers at the store to resolve the problems being encountered by staff parking.   

In the meantime following feedback from residents of Place Road, I am hoping to set up a residents forum to meet regularly with myself, Cllr Nicholson and developers of the Place Road housing development.

Residents of Shore Road have again requested that I investigate the merits of requesting Conservation Area status for both Shore Road and Shore Path, following recent Planning Appeals.  It is unlikely this can be pursued unless I receive the full support of all residents living in the area affected.

On this suggestion, please let me know your thoughts before 21st June.  This will allow Gurnard Parish Council to take a decision on how best to proceed.

Rights Of Ways.

Once again, I’d like to thank local landowners for their support in ensuring the Gurnard to Thorness coastal path promptly re-opened following this winter’s landslip.

Please note this footpath only remains open with the support and good-will of landowners, and it is of concern to me that motorcyclists and pedal cyclists have recently been seen using this path which is prohibited for very good reasons!  I therefore ask that if you see such incidents, you please report this, or let me know as I am anxious to ensure this important footpath remains open for the benefit of walkers.

Highways Matters.

  • ·         Parklands Avenue.

Following me lodging my formal complaint against Island Roads for the delays and lack of communication with residents of Parklands Avenue, I met with officers and a resident on site.

Subsequently Island Roads have now written to all Parklands Avenue residents.  Following several action points outlined on site by officers and provisional timescales being set, I am intending to call a meeting which I hope can take place during June, which will provide an update to residents.  In the meantime, most residents are now aware of the scale of work which needs to take place in advance of reconstruction.

  • ·         Disabled Access

I am talking to a number of residents regarding improving access to town via Park Road.  I have addressed these matters with both the IW Council and Island Roads on moving proposals forward.

In addition, concerns have been raised regarding Bus Stop access in Egypt Hill and access to the revetment leading to the Beach Huts from Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.

·         School Crossing Support.

Please support Cowes Primary School’s School Crossing on Park Road.  The school hopes to raise £13,500 to sustain the patrol for three years after funding from Cowes Town Council ends for this academic year.  For details please visit: http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/safer-crossings-save-lives.

·         Cycling- Horn Hill, Rew Street.

A resident of Rew Street has asked for me to take action concerning the speed of cyclists entering Marsh Road following descending Horn Hill.  The resident has advised that they have witnessed several incidents and near misses on the bend where Rew Street meets Marsh Road and the road narrows.

Have you been involved or witnessed similar- If you have please can you let me know, so I can investigate taking further action, if appropriate!

·         Grass Verges.

I have requested that excessive amounts of grass cuttings and verge maintenance are tidied in locations at: The Green, Crossfield Avenue, Baring Road and Mountbatten Avenue.

·         Anti-Social Parking.

The parking of high sided vehicles continues to be high on the list of complaints which I receive from residents.  As always following a complaint from a resident, the van owner was happy to move his vehicle once they were made aware of the problem!  In the meantime, can I urge owners of vans to please be mindful of how they park!

  • ·       More Anti-Social Parking.

Last month a local resident was verbally abused by a parent, when collecting children from the Pre-School off Woodvale Road following a driveway being obstructed.  This matter has been reported, and very much demonstrates the necessity for a Traffic Order being implemented in this busy area.

Following discussions with parents and residents living locally, this proposal as well as proposals to transfer the parking restriction (from south to north) currently in place between Gurnard Primary School and Battery Road was widely supported.

  • ·    Even more Anti-Social Parking- But not locally!

Although I am not the local member for Pallance Road, I’ve received expressions from Rew Street residents of concern over ‘new traffic calming’ which has appeared, parked on the ‘wrong’ side of the road

Because, I am only the Councillor in Pallance Road where there are no properties, I have limited involvement- But I know that Cllr John Nicholson is on the case and am involved with the dialogue between residents.  


I am taking action concerning recycling bins that were damaged by the waste contractor in Parklands Avenue.

In addition, I’m supporting a solution for Cliff Road residents who are havin difficulty with communal waste.

Amey Waste Drop-In’s.

Amey’s Community Engagement team will be touring the Island’s libraries to answer your questions about maximising your recycling, reducing your waste and reusing objects in your home.

To ask a question about your recycling and waste, visit one of the drop in sessions in your local library

In the meantime, please note orders for containers and permits and reports of missed collections must be made online at www.iwight.com/waste or via the Isle of Wight Council’s call centre on (01983) 823777.

Additional copies of the 2017/18 Household Recycling and Waste services annual information booklet will be available at the drop-in sessions. You can check your address specific recycling and waste calendar online at www.iwight.com/wasteday  

The full dates, venues and times are:

•Shanklin Library, 12 May ,10am to 12.30pm;
•East Cowes Library, 16 May, 2pm to 4pm;
•Bembridge Library, 17 May, 10am to 12pm;
•Brighstone Library, 18 May, 10am to 12pm and
•Niton Library, 22 May, 10am to 12pm.

Area Of Natural Beauty Update.

I am supporting the AONB Partnership on moving forward with the Dark Skies designation for the Isle of Wight.  I have offered support liaising with Planners to ensure the Island Plan reflects the dark skies with a robust embedded lighting Policy which mirrors the AONB Management Plan.

In addition, an interesting conversation took place regarding the growth of forestry in the last century, how dairy/ cattle farming is changing, and how the landscape of the AONB could alter post Brexit.  

Also this month:

  • ·         A number of people have approached me concerning the proposed telecom mast, which has been proposed to be located on land to the west of Rew Street.  I have received comments both for and against this proposal which the applicants state will improve mobile coverage for the area.
  • ·         Lids have been fitted to litter bins on Egypt Esplanade which again disappeared during April.
  • ·         Once my emails are working again(!), contact will be made with Southern Water concerning leaking pipework in Westbrook Lane, noise from beneath manhole covers in Worsley Road, and springs seemingly coming to the surface again in Market Hill.
  • ·         I am supporting residents that have approached me concerning EU citizenship matters.
  • ·         I have attended and had my ear bent at Gurnard’s May Queen Event and The 75th Anniversary of the Blyskawica Commemoration (in East Cowes)
  • ·         I have supported a vulnerable resident with a police matter in Solent View Road, and am supporting an additional Gurnard Pines resident getting rehoused in more appropriate accommodation.   
  • ·         I’ve been approached by two residents seeking support, following the reduction of ATM facilities in Cowes Town Centre.
  • ·         Residents continue to contact me concerning the naming of the new Floating Bridge. Floaty McFloatface, I clearly not the only name which residents feel passionate about…  Although the formal consultation by the IW Council has concluded, I welcome any further suggestions coming forward!
  • ·         I have asked for overgrown hedges have been trimmed in Worsley Road and Crossfield Avenue.
  • ·         I have been contacted by a number of residents from Solent View Road requesting updates following criminal damage which occurred last month.  In response, I have suggested that residents ask the police to award compensation given the mindlessness of the damage created.  In the meantime, residents have been assured by the police monitoring social media and beach gatherings which take place during the coming months.
  • ·         I am campaigning for the IW Council to reintroduce Rights Of Way funding, which was significantly reduced from this year’s budget.  I have met with Ramblers, new Councillors and others to campaign for funds to be reinstated following the offer of this being reviewed on appointment of  the new Council.
  • ·         I have contacted Island Roads, and am due to speak to Planners concerning the danger of raised ironworks in Westbrook Lane.   
  • ·         The Planning Application for a development in Albert Road was refused by Planning Officers.
  • ·         I have reported damaged seats in Church Road and Worsley Road.
  • ·         I made an approach to the Revenue Services section of the IW Council, following (in my opinion) an insensitive letter was sent to a resident that had recently passed away. 
  • ·         I requested that spoil which was deposited by Southern Water contractors at the Aldi Bus Stop in Three Gates Road was removed, given this impeded access for users of the Cowes Community Bus.  
  • ·         I received complaints from residents over businesses operating from the Crossfield Estate, which I am advised is contrary to initial Planning consents.  I am asking that investigations take place into these commercial activities, and residents are advised of the outcome.
  • ·         I have been approached by several residents regarding how children with autism are supported by the IW Council.  I am hoping to get the parents concerned together, so issues and concerns raised can be properly addressed and where/ if possible provision can be improved.
  • ·         I have been approached, and am supporting an elderly resident who has a small claims concern with a local company.  In addition, I am also speaking to trading standards over an alleged Trade Descriptions Act allegation.
  •    I have attended a number of inauguration meetings at County Hall since being re-elected.  I have signed my Acceptance of Office for both the Isle of Wight Council and Cowes Town Council, and look forward doing the same before the first meetings for the current term for Gurnard Parish Council and Northwood Parish Council

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