About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Councillors Report for March/ April 2012


6-6:30pm, Tuesday 13th March, Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard

3-3:30pm, Wednesday 21st March, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.

4:30-5pm Tuesday 3rd April, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.

5:30-6pm Tuesday 3rd April, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

6-6:30pm, Tuesday 10th April, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.

3-3:30pm, Wednesday 18th April, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.

5:30-6pm, Tuesday 24th April, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

Planning Applications.

Two applications submitted at the end of last year received a large volume of representations.

The replacement of Woody Cottage in Worsley Lane has been formally withdrawn, whilst 76 Worsley Road has been initially refused by Planners.

Meanwhile an appeal was dismissed for a fence being erected in Charles Road.

Elsewhere, I’ve been contacted by residents in relation to proposals to site wind turbines near Noke Common, Parkhurst Forest. As a member of the Planning Committee, I’ve not attended presentations made by either the applicant or objectors as there could be a perception this might compromise my position.  That stated, this does not affect my right to listen to or represent the views of residents.

If you have views on this application due to be advertised later this month, please let me know!

SGN, Replacement Gas Main.

Residents may be aware last month that dignitaries joined SGN in officially opening the new cross-Solent Gas Main.  I’m advised that delays tidying up the site were caused clearing the site due to weather conditions.  After the drainage scheme is agreed the fields are due to be reseeded.

Environmental Designations.

Last month I received a call from a resident concerned about a tree being removed adjacent to a TPO’d woodland.  Because this tree could not be protected, I’m asking the Council to re-look, review and if appropriate extend environmental designations. Please let me know your thoughts.

Council Tax

Many thanks’ to residents who contacted me, concerning this year’s Council Budget proposals.

Although the ruling administrations budget was approved, I supported the Independent Budget which supported many of the ruling groups proposals (including freezing Council Tax), but with amendments.

These included: Reintroduction of an Islandwide Residents Car Parking Permit, Reinvestment into Adult Social Care and Community Wellbeing, a scheme to reopen unoccupied IW Council buildings for use by local Entrepreneurs, Investment in Cycleleways and footpaths, Youth Sports Club Premises grants, Reintroduction of lifeguards, Investment within the library service, Investment in the Youth Service, investment in Tourist Information, dog fouling and litter prevention, Public Toilet Expansion, Recycling initiatives, Community Projects which support getting both the young and over 50’s back into employment and additional support in co-operating with Town and Parish Councils with Big Society Projects.
To save money the alternative budget proposed to reduce backroom PFI costs by 10% and reducing Councillors Allowances by 7% and renegotiating the Council’s contracts and future projects.

Details of proposals made at Full Council on the 29th February are available within the following link: http://www.iwight.com/council/committees/mod-council/29-2-12/agenda.pdf?925698752 whilst hard copies are available form from me if requested!

Council Tax Revaluations.
I was asked to look into this following letters being sent out by a Financial Claims Management Company. This letter advised householders they may be paying too much Council Tax and offered to lodge an appeal on a no-win no-fee basis. If they succeed they receive 25% + VAT.
What their initial contact letter doesn't say is if any appeal fails the Government's Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has the right to increase their rateable value, and that of the applicants neighbours.

If you believe your council tax band is wrong please contact the VOA to discuss it, as there might be good reason for apparent inaccuracies (I can help, if you wish!). This service is free. If the VOA agrees that a band is inaccurate then they will change it and amend the bands of other identical properties in the area.
The band could go up or down but any increase will only take effect from the day the review of the band is complete.  For details contact the VOA at ctwest@voa.gsi.gov.uk or call 03000 504300.

Concessionary Bus Passes.

If you hold a Council Concessionary Bus Pass and it’s due to expire soon, please contact the IW Council on 823780 for a replacement.

Island Plan and Future Housing Allocations:

The Island Plan is likely to be approved by Full Council on 21st March.  Following this date, a revision to the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) maps are due to be published.
Following representations from landowners, I am advised that land in Cowes West between Pine Tree Close and Lammas Close will be removed, whereas in Gurnard the Parish Council are due to give formal notice of their intention to start work on their Neighbourhood Plan.  This follows the response from residents of Gurnard and Baring Road raising concerns over the inclusion of Green Field sites within the SHLAA.
With regard to current Planning Policy- The Unitary Development Plan will be succeeded by the Island Plan if ratified by Full Council on 21st March. Within the plan it is suggested that the Isle of Wight continues to provide an average of 520 new homes each year, which equates to 1,350 new homes for the Medina Area (comprising of Cowes, East Cowes and Newport) for the next 15 years.  
Once the Island Plan Core Strategy is adopted, I’m assured that Development Envelopes (or Settlement Boundaries) remain in place.  These will be reviewed through the Area Action Plan and as a local community we have a chance to have direct input into this.  The Council will be asking the Parish Council to lead on discussions about reviewing the settlement boundary. Currently we do not have a boundary for Gurnard alone, as Gurnard is part of the Cowes boundary.
Also in April, a revised SHLAA map will be available (This map comprises of enough land to provide 11,000 homes).  The next stage of work for the Area Action Plan will be to refine down the list of sites to allocate for the 1,350 units that are needed.  The Parish Council will be taking an active role in helping to do this, and it has been suggested that we undertake a Housing Needs Survey to help determine what the level of housing need is within our area – we can then allocate land to meet that local need.
If the community agrees to do undertake a Housing Needs Survey, this will give the local community and the Council the information needed to start to plan for where new housing for our community should be located within the Medina Valley Area Action Plan.
Traffic Matters.

Last month I received calls from residents to investigate taking action to slow traffic down in Rew Street.  Although, it is unlikely that further traffic calming can be put in place, I will be asking the Traffic Police and Highways to monitor and take action in instances where motorists are speeding.  If either the police or the Council support the existence of problems, this will reinforce the need for some action to be taken.

In Shore Road, I was advised of another accident which occurred.  I have chased this matter up with Highways and if the Council have no proposals to prevent the re-occurance of future incidents, I will be looking to meet on site with officers.

Following our mild-ish winter, there has been less damage to roads than in previous years.  That said, I have requested that the lumps, bumps and pot holes in Shore Road, Ward Avenue and Baring Road are monitored.

Following one or two complaints about contractors parking and alleged early starts to the new school on the Crossfield Estate, I am resurrecting the residents’ liaison group, with the school and the contractors to resolve matters.  Please let me know of concerns, if you have any!

This summer will see new zebra crossings in Ward Avenue and Crossfield Avenue (opposite the Green). A consultation took place with I’ve for the flashing from belisha beacons to be shielded from adjacent homes.


Last month, I received notice from Environmental Health that complaints were made about the feeding of Seagulls. The complaints made concerned bird faeces, noise, aggressive behaviour and interference with refuse and letters were circulated to residents.  If you want to know more about feeding garden birds, the RSPB offers helpful advice on their website http://www.rspb.org.uk, alternatively call 01767 693690 during office hours.

In the last month:

I’ve met residents who contacted me over concerns they have regarding the Island’s Music Service Restructuring.  Following the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel, I’m anticipating a consultation will take place later this year. The IW Council are in the process of disposal of the former Gurnard school site.  I have approached the Council, and asked that the Local Authority transfer this land to the Community at a reasonable cost.
Despite me supporting Gurnard Parish Council’s proposals to use Economic Improvement Funding for its Neighbourhood Plan, the Council’s application was unsuccessful.  Because of this the IW Council has given Gurnard a further two weeks to identify projects.  In the meantime Cowes Town Council’s applications, which I helped to endorse for their Multi Use Games Area (for Northwood Recreation Ground) and part-funding restoration of the Nunnery steps (leading to Castle Hill from Northwood Park) were successful.

Further action has been taken following complaints of dog dirt in Park Road, whilst on a Sunday work to repair a broken manhole cover in Baring Road was promptly responded to by Highways.

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