About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Councillors Report: February 2012

I am more than happy to visit residents at any time that suits you best, alternatively please visit me at one of my surgeries!  

5:45-6:15pm, Thursday 2nd February, Portland Inn, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 7th February, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes. (POSTPONED!)* 
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 7th February, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes. (POSTPONED!)*


12:30-1:pm, Wednesday 8th February, Woodvale, Princes Esplanade Gurnard.  
6pm-6:30pm, Tuesday 14th February, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Thursday 23nd February, Portland Inn, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 29th February, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 6th March, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.

Road Crossing Improvements, Cowes Enterprise College.

Last year, I met with Highways and representatives from Cowes Enterprise College to discuss options for making crossing points to the new school safer.  Concerns were initially raised by the Parents Forum, who had concerns over pedestrian access arrangements.

During this summer a crossing point will be positioned opposite the entrance to the new school in Crossfield Avenue adjacent to The Green, whilst a proposal has been requested to place a crossing between Ward Avenue and Northwood Park. These proposals are being circulated for feedback from local residents.  If you have views please let me know before Friday 10th February.

As yet, I’ve received no news concerning upgrading Blackberry Lane (or the Baring Road footway).  I do consider that both schemes are very important and continue to flag these up as high priority for future action.

Community Bus Update: Rew Street to have new service?

Following residents requests two bus services each day will be diverted from Cockleton Lane to serve Rew Street and Hillis Corner (probably the 2nd and 5th bus of the day).  In order to ensure the new service becomes more reliable, and that drivers don’t spend the morning trying to catch up with themselves (!?) I’ve suggested one of the eight services to be removed from the timetable, and for the first service to start from the Portland Inn Gurnard, rather than Cowes.

State Of The Island Debate.

I attended a public meeting called to listen to resident’s views at a State Of the Island Meeting.

State Of Local Area meetings were introduced (and embedded within local authority constitutions) by government to give residents a mechanism to voice their concerns to elected representatives.  The purpose of this meeting was to listen to concerns in a neutral environment and to collate these back to Full Council.

During the meeting a number of helpful suggestions were made.  All comments were circulated to Councillors in an unedited format before debating the State Of The Island at Full Council.  I am optimistic that the more positive suggestions can be considered for next year’s budget proposals.

Waste Collection and Recycling Update.

So far I have only received one complaint from residents of Cowes West and Gurnard over the commencement of the new waste collection arrangements.  In the meantime I have noted that when I call County Hall, there are delays in being connected to the call centre. I understand that most calls do relate to queries regarding the changes to the Waste Collection and Recycling.
Although it’s proved quiet for me, I continue to keep everything crossed and anticipate that problems will arise.  Until then I am urging residents to call 823777 if they encounter problems, and to let me know if difficulties continue to arise.

Isle of Wight Councillors Allowance Frozen.

At Full Council, I voted against the Independent Remuneration Panel proposals to freeze IW Councillors Allowances at £7,903 per year (The Leader of the Council will continue to receive a salary of £31,612, whilst Cabinet Members receive £19,757, Scrutiny Chairmen receive  £13,435 whilst Group Leaders receive £9,483).

I believed very strongly that this amount of money, is considerable and could be much better spent elsewhere. Having served as a Parish Council Chairman, and being a former Chairman of Island Governors, I am very mindful of the time and commitment put in by both School Governors, Parish/Town Councillors and to many others who give their time freely within the voluntary sector.

I became a Councillor because I love what I do, and I’d be prepared to be paid in monkey-nuts, if that was what was offered! Last year, my ‘political’ group proposed all Councillors, and Council Employees earning over a certain amount took a cut in salary, and I felt in light of this that it would be wrong to not support reducing allowances. I prefer a system whereby Councillors are paid out of pocket Expenses or Attendance Allowances rather than the expensive Allowance scheme currently in place!  The reason I support doing this, is because I would like to see a more diverse and inclusive Council than what is in place at present. 
I was the only Isle of Wight Councillor at Full Council, who chose not to support the Panel’s findings.  

Planning Applications.

At present I am receiving a number of representations from residents of Gurnard regarding substantial replacement dwellings proposed for the village.

Last week I met with some Worsley Lane residents who have concerns over the replacement of Woody Cottage and note concerns regarding 76 Worsley Road.  The issue which I have sympathy for is that many of these new applications are too contemporary and does little to enhance the street scene.  
With regard to current Planning Policy- I understand that the Unitary Development Plan is likely to be succeeded by the Island Plan once the Plan is ratified by Full Council on 21st March.

I know of one developer, who is awaiting this date in order to submit a significant Planning Application within Gurnard. I will be urging that between then and now there will be consultation between the applicant and residents.

In the meantime, I have arranged a meeting between Planning Officers and local Councillors on 7th February to gauge what impact this is likely to have on Cowes and Gurnard.

Newport Road delays.

I’ve received complaints from unhappy residents over delays caused owing to road works on the main Cowes- Newport Road.  On behalf of residents, I have requested that prior notice is given to the installation of ‘proper signs’, rather than the hand scribbled black on grey signs (just up the road from the roadworks!), put in place by the contractors. I have also requested more double decker buses are laid on to ease congestion.

The head of Highways has responded to me on why the closure was necessary, and has suggested that this work is preparatory carriageway base repairs, prior to future surface dressing… Once a timetable for these future works are known, I will insure these are widely publicised!

Mornington Woods

I’m awaiting to be updated for an Action Plan for Mornington Road woods and car park, following this matter being taken up by Cowes Councillor David Walters.

According to Cowes Community Partnership, much of the work undertaken on the Council’s behalf by volunteers has been endorsed by the IW Council…. I’m hoping to investigate options, seeking better use of the car park (and continue to request Car Park revenue and Developer Contributions being set aside to make safer the Zig Zag Steps) and will be working with Cllr George Brown on looking into solutions!

In the Last Month:

I’ve been talking to the police concerning Youth Crime (both perceived and actual), and am aspiring to call a meeting to discuss this between the Police, Local Councillors and Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators.

I’ve attended meetings of the Planning Committee, the Economy & Environment Scrutiny Panel and the Children & Young People Scrutiny Panel.

I’ve chased up broken litter bins, highway safety matters and planning enforcement issues on Place Road.

This month I have spent a considerable amount of time requesting updates on work in progress. 

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