About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Councillors Report: April 2012


4:30-5pm Tuesday 3rd April, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm Tuesday 3rd April, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
6-6:30pm, Tuesday 10th April, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 18th April, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 18th April, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 24th April, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Tuesday 8th May, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 16th May, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 16th May, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 22nd May, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

Highways Update.

There are a number of proposals due to be authorised this week. Of local interest this includes the follows:

Surface Dressing: Rew Street, Gurnard (£35,064); This work is due to commence from 12th April until 26th April.  Also, Newport Road, Parkhurst (£70,941)

Carriageway Resurfacing: Whitehouse Road, Porchfield (£202,177)- When I sought election, I received more complaints about this road than any other. Park Road, Cowes and Shore Road, Gurnard are reserve schemes prioritised.  

Rights Of Way Fencing: CS16/17 Coastal Path, Gurnard (£3,000).

Replacement of lighting columns: Crossfield Avenue (£1,000), Queens Road, Cowes (£1,000), Marsh Road, Gurnard (£8.000).

Integrated Transport:  Ward Avenue, Cowes (£40,000). Whilst this month Crossfield Avenue will have traffic lights in order to construct another new zebra crossing. 

I have been provided the following update concerning the following roads:

Crossfield Avenue – the depressions here are not significant and are the sorts of issues which we would normally resolve as a part of our reactive maintenance activity, we will order patching as is necessary. Repairs are currently being undertaken at the junction of Guppy Close.

Ward Avenue we have a long term problem here with sub-grade failure (Clay) and we undertake a monthly inspection and order works regularly to keep it safe, The solution here will be a reconstruction of the road which is planned as part of the PFI core investment although it would be difficult to lay the blame on any of the developments within the area for these failures.

Baring Road - we have a problem here with the delamination of the thin surfacing layer which was applied some years ago. The defects are not of a dangerous nature although they do present a very poor ride quality. This is not an issue which we will be able to prioritise in advance of the PFI core investment period which will resolve this problem.

Parklands Avenue - I am afraid that whilst Parklands Avenue would benefit from reconstruction it does not justify a priority for inclusion in the programme for 2012/13. We will continue to inspect this road on a regular basis and order reactive repairs where necessary to keep it in a safe condition.

Music Service Review.

Last month, I was approached by a number of residents voicing concerns over restructuring the IW Council’s Music Service.

Following these representatives, I discussed concerns at a special surgery to listen to stakeholders and received backing from the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee in requesting a broader consultation on the different restructuring models available. These will go out to wider consultation later this year.  In the meantime, schools that currently do not buy in to the Council’s music service could be put under some pressure to rethink

Public Slipways.

A local constituent has contacted me concerning their frustration over the closure of a Public slipway by Southern Water at Thetis Wharf. This slipway was supposed to reopen this month, but Southern Water have prolonged this closure owing to ‘unforeseen circumstances’.

The Council, has since found out that the new Storm Pump that requires replacing will take longer than anticipated to arrive, and therefore it is not possible to reopen the slipway until mid April.

Graffiti and Criminal damage.

I have received a good number of complaints concerning graffiti, particularly in Gurnard since the weather improved in mid March. The Council continues to remove graffiti at a regular rate and the police are working hard to find the culprits.
I have had on-going discussions with the Council’s Environmental Officer, and trust when the offenders are caught the local authority presses to be fully compensated for the damage caused.

Like last year, and the year before I have received complaints concerning gatherings on Gurnard Beach, which has resulted in litter being discarded on the beach, whilst trees have been cut down and damaged from Spencer’s Copse for fires.  Spencer’s Copse as a woodland does have a Tree Preservation Order, and with the owner I’m hoping to convene a meeting to take action on this.

With regard to fires being lit on Gurnard Beach, I have also been alerted that one recent fire was lit beneath a private slipway causing damage. 

Economy and Environment Panel

Tidal Energy Centre.
Members were advised that the IW Council were discussing options for a Tidal Energy Centre. The Council are in discussions with the Crown Estate to gather their support for such an initiative.  There are two locations under consideration for the Centre, which would be led by the private sector:  The Hurst Narrows and St Catherine’s Point, the latter option seems more viable as this would be less disruptive to shipping and environmental designations.

Car Parking.
Last year Panel members were advised that Car Parking revenue fell from £4.8m to £4.6m.  This compared favourably to the regional picture where car park income has fallen by 18%.

This prompted a call from members to ask the Council to reconsider providing car parking permits to stimulate Town Centres as part of its parking review.

I recognised the difficulty with the former scheme was that it did not raise enough revenue for the Council for it to be cost effective (In 2009/10 the IWC raised £4.3m).  At £75 for upto 8 hours a day, I understand this.  What I have suggested is a permit that costs more (say £150-£200) with a shorter limit (say 4-5 hours).  This would enable shoppers to have longer to stay in town, whilst at the same time offering part time workers (often on low incomes) the opportunity to park in town when working.  


The Island Plan received unanimous support by Full Council in March.

As part of the revised Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, In Cowes I am pleased to report that with intervention, land between Lammas Close and Pine Tree Close has now been removed. Within Gurnard, work is underway on their Neighbourhood Plan which is due to be formally advertised. In the coming month officers will be visiting potential housing land.

In the meantime, I’m advised that investigations are taking place in relation to developments in Egypt Hill, whilst in Place Road action is being taken to remove unauthorised advertising which appeared in the vicinity of Readers’ former site. I have also signed off under delegated powers the revised scheme for Charlton Cottage, Queens Road, and am working closely with Gurnard Pre-School on their application to relocate to their new site in Baring Road.

In the last month:

I’ve been working very closely with Gurnard Parish Council in the acquisition of the Gurnard School’s former playing fields and orchard off Hilton Road. Last week, I was invited to listen to children from the new school about their aspirations for the former site. The children have highlighted their support for maintaining the orchard, having a playing field and creating allotments. In the meantime the Parish Council has agreed to make an offer for the orchard, whilst I’m happy now to confirm the IW Council has been persuaded to transfer the playing field at a nominal cost to the community.

I was invited to attend Cowes Primary School’s Quest afternoon. During the event myself, the Mayor and parents were thoroughly entertained by a retro fashion show, magic tricks, acting and dancing!  

I’ve helped to resolve enquiries regarding wheelie bin provision received a complaint concerning Fawley Power Station, am pursuing the IW Council over its Domestic Abuse Strategy, tabled a question concerning developers making good damage to the highway infrastructure which they cause during construction and received a positive response concerning Superfast Broadband Connection, to Rew Street and Hillis.

I’ve been advised The IW Community Club, is to become the polling station for Cowes West.

As a Councillor, I have signed the People’s Pledge which calls on the Government to call a European referendum. Nationwide, I was one of first 200 Councillors nationwide to do this. The People’s Pledge is also supported by Andrew Turner one of 64 MP’s to do the same!

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