About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Saturday 4 June 2016

IW Councillors Report: June 2016


3:30-4pm, Tuesday 7th June, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 15th June, The Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 15th June, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
5-5:30pm, Tuesday 21st June, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes. (Amended Time)
6-6:30pm, Thursday 30th June, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

Waste and Recycling Update.

Following issues concerning Amey’s initial rollout of new wheelie bins and gull sacks, things are now settling.

It is noted that the IW Council continues to receive calls from residents requesting assessments, reassessments and updates concerning progress of waste enquiries.  On this subject, I have asked for the contractor to provide greater clarity on timescales.  In the meantime, the Council’s Call Centre remains at full stretch, and timescales being connected will remain longer than normal for the foreseeable future.

Amey has apologised for not rolling out new wheelie bins to residents on time.  Because of the impact this has had, I will be applying pressure to the Council to seek the highest penalties from Amey if and where they fail to meet their contractual obligations under the waste contract. 

In order to assist residents, I’ve been actively supporting Roger Bartrum who on behalf of the Community Waste Forum and have held surgeries at Cowes Library since May.  

These will continue through June with future drop-in’s scheduled for  10-11:30am on Monday 6th June and  Monday 20th June

These drop-in’s have been well received, and has assisted residents getting their enquiries resolved.

In taking a lead on this as a Councillor, I’ve spoken to dozens of residents across the Island. Despite the number of enquiries reducing, the nature of calls are more complex with issues needing to be resolved by the service provider on a more individual basis.  In the first few weeks we were receiving 10-12 requests, however last week these fell to 3.  What has also helped, is the fact that Amey are currently responding to requests within 48 hours.  Of the calls that I have received locally 78 have related to Cowes North, 11 Cowes Medina, 8 Cowes West & Gurnard, 7 Cowes South & Northwood.  The high level for Cowes North relate to space for bins, gull sacks allocations, missed streets, landlord liaison, communal waste etc, and reflects similar concerns to other Town Centre locations.

In the coming weeks we will be targeting communal waste areas where flats are widespread, and supporting residents (Some of whom are new to recycling) on a one to one basis with their individual needs.  In light of this, I am hoping to build upon Roger’s drop-in’s in partnership with the library service and town/parish councils elsewhere, and will be replicating drop-in’s in through this month as a means to assist resolving these more difficult complex and individual assessments. These will take place on the following occasions:

10-11:30am, Monday 6th June at Cowes Library.
12:30-2pm, Monday 6th June at Lord Louis Library, Newport.
3-5pm, Monday 6th June at Ryde Library.
9:30-11:30am, Monday 13th June at Freshwater Library.
12:30-2pm, Monday 13th June at Lord Louis Library, Newport.
1:30- 3pm, Tuesday 14th June at Sandown Library.
3:30-5pm, Tuesday 14th June at Ryde Library.
10-12pm, Wednesday 15th June at East Cowes Library.
10-11:30am, Monday 20th June at Cowes Library.
12:30-2pm, Monday 20th June at Lord Louis Library, Newport.
3-5pm, Monday 20th June at Ryde Library.
9:30-12:30pm, Tuesday 21st June at Ventnor Library.
1:30-3:30pm, Tuesday 21st June at Sandown Library.

Alternatively, on reading this if residents still have difficulty getting through to the IW Council please email me, ring me and if I am not in leave a message! In the meantime, I am grateful for residents’ patience.


With work proceeding on the Range in Place Road, I have been asked for an update as to when work will commence on Asda.  On this I am advised that before the store can be built highway improvement works will need to take place in the coming weeks until the middle of September, these works are necessary to connect the new store with the Spine Road leading to Pan Meadows.

Cowes Floating Bridge.

Floating Bridge charges will increase from 40p per return trip to £1 for pedestrians and cyclists from noon on Wednesday 1st June.  At the same time regular users can purchase a ‘saver card’ for £2, which allows residents to travel for 70p.

Cards can currently be purchased from the ticket office at Medina Road, Cowes, However East Cowes Councillors have asked for an outlet to be found from the other-side of the river.  In the meantime, I have requested for a drop-in to take place at both libraries allowing residents (like me) who struggle to use the internet can learn to top up credit.  For details, please visit:www.iwfloatingbridge.co.uk/new-saver-card-floating-bridge-travel/

West Wight Coastal and Flood Defence Sessions.

Last month there was a drop-in for residents to find out more and comment on the IW Council and Environment Agency’s West Wight Coastal and Flood Defence Strategy at both Yarmouth and Cowes.  In advance of this, I letter-dropped 150 households with coastal frontages between Mornington Road, Cowes and Rew Street.

From my perspective issues raised by householders included:

·         Comments concerning the redevelopment of coastal ‘dwellings’, and how these should be considered when considering grant funding. It was felt in recent years property and land values had significantly increased.  This should be updated and considered relevant when assessing Coastal and Flood defence projects. 
·         Planners should consider Section 106 conditions (from developer’s contributions) when permitting the redevelopment of coastal sites.  One issue raised, was consideration of pooling long term ‘maintenance’ funds which would help sustain coastal and flood defences.
·         Greater consideration of less expensive flood defence measures.  These should include the upkeep and maintenance of drains and gullies and utilisation of barriers for private and public slipways.
·         Promotion of Self Help schemes from residents.  Can a mechanism be considered whereby when landowners undertake self-help could match-funding from Government becomes easier and more seamless? 
·         Currently there is no scope to permit coastal defence measures at Cook’s Bay west of the Gurnard Luck.  Concern was expressed that should the cliff be undermined flood risk and coastal erosion to properties and the road itself in Marsh Road would substantially increase.
·         What plans are in place to monitor and control the landslip at East Cowes? Concerns were raised about risks to residents due to blue slipper, trees and also proximity of pumping station.
·         Support for intervention to protect and reinforce seawall on Cowes Esplanade. This is important to protect properties directly behind.     
·         Can options be considered to increase investment in groyne repairs in general between Cowes and Gurnard.
·         Can the strengthening of the seawall at Shore Path be considered given its strategic importance to both residents and property owners?

This consultation continues until 30th June 2016. For further information please visit: www.iwight.com/consultations.

Term Time Holidays?

Following the recent high court ruling, there has been much media coverage on parent’s abilities to take children out of school during term time.

To put this into context, the court ruling goes far beyond parents making the most of cheap family holidays.  Until a few years ago, school attainment was considerably lower than elsewhere.  At its worse the Isle of Wight was ranked second in the national league tables for outcomes for young people.  

Unless you have half decent standards, and when you're an Island which is difficult/ costly to get to and from, it gets harder to recruit excellent teachers, businesses don't want to invest resources to relocate and our local economy and life chances for children suffers. Subsequently there have been changes to a two tier system, Hampshire CC took over as education authority and a new administration was elected. Since then attainment has steadily improved

Given the The Department of Education and OFSTED has recognised the correlation between school attendance and attainment, it would have been very much at odds if the Isle of Wight Council (given its former position in the spotlight) 'just let this go', particularly given that this was also of priority to residents during the last local elections.

In the meantime it will be interesting to note how far the DofE chooses to respond to the Court ruling.  In light of the existing legislation being ambiguous (something Local Education Authorities, Legislators and law makers, Teachers, Unions and Parents Groups are in agreement), it is likely that new legislation will be introduced by Government to close loopholes which currently exist.  In the meantime, the Council will be seeking to clawback costs incurred.

Surprisingly, It was further noted that last month when considering Term Times, no requests were expressed to deviate from recommendations suggested...

Highways Issues.

·         Survey work has come back from Shore Road.  In light of these findings, work is due to take place on resurfacing Shore Road this autumn. That said, concerns have been highlighted regarding the water main/ sewage outfall which runs beneath both Shore Road and Worsley Road.  Once these are further investigated Island Roads have offered a meeting to residents and councillors.

·         Following this being delayed earlier this year, Ward Avenue is due to be closed for three weeks from 20th June following the site meeting attended by myself and Cllr. Banks last month.  The road closure is due to repairs and reinstatement of a new road surface which was necessary following the deteriorating condition of the road following it being resurfaced in September 2014.

·         Furthermore, Queens Road is scheduled to be resurfaced from 20th-22nd June, (This will be preceded by utility works beforehand) whilst Albert Road, is due to be resurfaced from 23rd-24th June.  Please note these dates may slip for updates please visit: www.islandroads.com/storage/resources/IRResource_1463999036_carriageway_programme_-_short_term_programme_-_190516.pdf

Access Protection Bars.

Over the last few years, I’ve received a handful of calls from residents requesting these white lines, which can protect pedestrian or vehicular accesses to properties.  These cost between £30 and £145, depending on the type of access required. These can be requested at: www.islandroads.com/index.php?p=51 or contacting Island Roads on 822440.

More Rubbish: Gurnard Green.

Residents have complained about overfilled bins and rubbish which gathers on Gurnard Green during sunny weekends.  Until now, a permanent solution has not been sought due to sunny weekends, being few and far between. However, with increases to waste and recycling collections, there has been an increase in rubbish being collected.  

Currently litter bins are emptied on both Friday and Monday.  I have asked for officers to monitor this when the sun appears(!), with a view to review the position.  I am liaising with Gurnard Parish Council to explore whether there may be opportunities to increase emptying and providing additional temporary wheelie bins.

In addition, I have also requested that litter bins on Princes Esplanade and Egypt Esplanade are monitored, and where they have been separated from their bases these are made safe.


Following last month’s Police & Crime Commissioner Elections, Michael Lane was duly elected to represent the Hampshire Constabulary. For further information on the PCC’s work please visit: www.hampshire-pcc.gov.uk

This month also will see the outcome of the EU Referendum which takes place on Thursday 23rd June.  Please note the last date to vote in this very important referendum is Tuesday 7th June.  The advice from Election Services is please do not leave this to the last minute, due to identity checks being required.

If you require a postal vote the deadline is 5pm, Wednesday 8th June, whilst the deadline for a new proxy vote is 5pm, Wednesday 15th June.  

Cowes Library.

Cowes Library has started a Cards & Board Games Club for Adults.  This takes place on a fortnightly basis at the library with future events taking place from 10am-12pm on Monday 6th June, Monday 20th June, Monday 4th July and Monday 18th July.

If you have games that you can offer the library, or else wish to bring along to play the Supporters of Cowes Library Group will be pleased to see you!  Please note that Refreshments are available courtesy of the supporters!

Isle of Wight Council Parking Strategy 2016-2021.

The IW Council has produced a draft Parking Strategy which outlines the Council’s commitment to effectively manage the future of parking provisions on the Island.  The Council would like to hear views on recommendations presented within the strategy, as it is important this reflects the views of residents and local businesses. For details please visit: www.iwight.com/Residents/Transport-Parking-and-Streets/Parking-Services/Parking-Services1/Parking-Strategy-2016-to-2021

This consultation continues until Tuesday 5th July.

Also this month

·         Three residents have responded to me regarding last month’s article placed in Gurnard News, who has supported my standpoint in opposing double yellow lines (or any traffic order) for Worsley Road.
·         I met with the Principle of Cowes Enterprise College, and have offered support to him in addressing concerns over school transport.
·         The temporary car park for Cowes Enterprise College is due to be reinstated this month.
·         All blue badge requests received have now been assessed and approved.  Thank you again to those residents who came back to me on this matter.
·         The waste facility at Lynnbottom is due to be closed for two weeks during the summer holidays, to allow for the complex to be upgraded and access improved.  Upto and during the closure a mobile waste facility will be visiting towns and villages throughout the Island.  I hope to provide an update on this in July’s report.
·         I am in discussions with the Isle of Wight Council about repainting and repairing the handrails which are looking the worse for wear on Cowes/ Gurnard seafront.  Because the Isle of Wight Council has no money available for public realm improvements, I have requested the potential use of developer contributions for this work to take place.
·         A meeting has taken place between myself and the developer of the Oaklands development off Worsley Road.  There are a number of outstanding issues which have been clarified since this took place.
·         Thank you to all residents who were engaged with the recent consultation for the Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan.  The responses are being analysed, whilst the draft plan has been circulated to the Council’s Planning Department and the planning consultant working on behalf of the Steering Committee.  It is hoped, in light of the feedback received the Plan can go out to referendum later this year.
·         Freeholds for Public Toilets are due to be circulated to Town and Parish Council’s from mid June. Following this occurring I have suggested that face to face meetings take place to iron out any issues.  The IW Council will be providing a nominal amount for each public convenience transferred.
·         The Isle of Wight’s multi million pound rural broadband project has been successfully completed with fibre broadband now available to 99 per cent of households and businesses on the Island – making it one of the best connected areas in the UK. The partnership between the Isle of Wight Council, BT and the government’s Broadband Delivery UK programme has announced it has achieved its target of reaching more than 20,000 Isle of Wight premises.
·         It has been noted that new ‘compostable’ peach Garden Waste sacks supplied by Amey are biodegrading a little too well! For residents which have purchased these from libraries etc., these can now be exchanged for sacks which function in the way they should.
Work continues on the new Range store.  In light of this, I am in contact with the agent and am liaising with him on matters in respect to this redevelopment in Place Road.

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