About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday 2 February 2015

IW Councillors Report: February 2015


4:30-5pm, Tuesday 3rd February, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 3rd February, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
6-6:30pm, Thursday 12th February, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Thursday 26th February, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 3rd March, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 3rd March, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

Island Roads Meetings/ Discussions.

·         Worsley Road.

During the wet weather last month, I needed to contact Island Roads concerning complaints received of mud deposited on the highway from contractors working on the new development to the rear of Gurnard Village Hall.

Following this incident, and with the support of Planners agreement was reached where the developer would ensure the use of a Road Sweeper, rather than a man with a brush to remove spoil.

·         Baring Road.

I’m advised by Island Roads that Baring Road is scheduled to be resurfaced during the day over the Easter Holidays.  This is subject to change and I’m advised once the dates are confirmed (!) a further letter will update residents.

In the meantime, I continue to look forward to discussing suggestions to improve the safety of children with parents, officers and the school in the coming weeks.

·         Safe Routes to Gurnard Primary School, Baring Road.

I met with Island Roads following several traffic incidents being reported outside the school within the past 12 months. Because of these occurrences, the IW Council have a liability to investigate options which make this area for children accessing the school. 

I’ve requested that prior to options being consulted upon, that Gurnard Parish and Cowes Town Councils are notified.

·         Car Parking from Contractors Vehicles.

Following incidents from the parking of contractors vehicles in Egypt Hill last year, I am seeing a re-occurrence of this arising at both Baring Road (west of the Ward Avenue junction) and in Worsley Road.  In both locations, I’ve requested the input of Parking Enforcement Officers who have assisted in resolving issues.

·         Street Lighting, Blackberry Lane.

Street lights in Edinburgh Close and Park Road will not be strengthened to improve pedestrian access in Blackberry Lane.  I’m advised that although the land is ‘owned’ by the IW Council, Island Roads have no jurisdiction over this and therefore are not duty-bound to ensure the road is properly lit.

·         Access Protection Bars.

Over the last few years, I’ve received a handful of calls from residents requesting these white lines, which can protect pedestrian or vehicular accesses to properties.  These cost between £30.03 and £144, depending on the type of access required. These can be requested at: http://www.islandroads.com/index.php?p=51 or contacting Island Roads on 822440.

·         Newport Road.

I have been requested to copy the following response from Island Roads, following hold ups on the Cowes to Newport road, prior to Christmas.  This email (received last month) continues to be very relevant following concerns raised by residents over the ongoing disruption on this road.
Dear Cllr Fuller

Island Roads do their utmost to minimise disruption on the network, and coordinate works between organisations where possible.

Three separate groups have undertaken works on the Newport to Cowes road during December; BT, Southern Water and Island Roads. Southern Water’s work was reactive to a burst water main and cannot be planned for, but this did coincide with Island Roads planned works at the pedestrian crossing on Parkhurst Road, which were abandoned for the day to ease the congestion resulting from the burst water main. The pedestrian crossing works had been planned to this time (between Christmas and the New Year) as reduced traffic would be on this road, along with minimal pedestrian use of the crossing.

BT had submitted 14 separate works notices to allow existing cable ducting to be proved, cleared where required, repaired where found blocked, and new fibre optic cables installed, all as part of the new broadband services being offered to areas of the Island currently not serviced by fibre broadband. BT’s work is major planned works, but the duration and impact on the network and traffic using these routes is unknown until they commence the operation and any blockages are found.  Due to some traffic delays on one occasion, BT’s contractor was instructed off site and then only allowed to continue works in the evenings and overnight, when traffic would not be affected.

It would not be fair to the motorist to have to be held at two or three separate temporary traffic signals along one route at the same time, and because the type of works being undertaken by BT and Island Roads were in different locations on the road and for different times, it was not possible to be able to coordinate these concurrently.  Island Roads works still have further engineering to be undertaken to complete the upgrade of the crossing, which will be completed in the next week, involving our signal contractor, again which could not have been undertaken while BT were working on the road.

Coordination of the network is our utmost priority and minimising any delays that may arise from works our aim, to give reliable journey times and routes.


Island Roads Ltd

Post Office Collection Times.

Within Gurnard, I have been requested to ask the Royal Mail for their rationale concerning the post box delivery times, whereby the postbox last collection time in Worsley Road, Gurnard was moved to 9am in the morning, whereas, Solent View Road’s collection remained at 4:30pm. 

In correspondence from the Royal Mail, I was informed that the reduction in collections in Worsley Road were due to the fact that fewer letters being collected (The Royal Mail highlighted that there were less than 50 letters being emptied from this post box on a daily basis). I asked Royal Mail to confirm that this was not the case for the postbox in Solent View Road- But am still awaiting their response! Royal Mail went on to say they would prefer doing this, than stopping collections all together.

Fracking ‘should’ be Refused in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Sites of Special Scientific Interest.

The Government’s commitment is to an outright ban on fracking in National Parks, Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). (This applies to more than 50% of the Isle of Wight!)

This is an extension of existing Government commitments. Previously published guidance confirmed planning permission should be refused in National Parks, the Broads and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, except in exceptional circumstances and where it can be demonstrated they are in the public interest. The ban was announced as part of the debate of the Infrastructure Bill in the House of Commons.

Place Road Appeal Update.

A meeting was called on 26th January, to which 30 local residents attended The meeting was called  offer support to residents and outline the appeal process, following the Planning Inspectorate validating the Appeal last month.

For those wishing to comment, or modify/withdrawing previous representations, you can do so on the Planning Portal at http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/planning/appeals/online/search or emailing: teamp7@pins.gsi.gov.uk.  Alternatively, you can send three copies to:

Darren Cryer
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/06 Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
BS1 6PN.

All representations must quote the appeal reference (APP/P2114/W/14/3001191/NWF) and be received by 18th February 2015. Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. Please note, the Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge comments.

Further to concerns expressed at Gurnard Parish Council’s meeting, last month about the Planning Process, the Parish Council contacted the Council’s Head of Planning Services, who responded:
Dear Mrs Waters


I am writing in response to your letter dated 14 January 2015. I will explain the current status of the appeal, how we have got to this point and what the key milestones are as we move through the appeal process.

I can confirm that the appeal has now been validated by The Planning Inspectorate (PINS). The appellant (Penwood Developments) requested that the appeal be determined via the written representations procedure (you refer to “desk top”). For your information there are two other process options that the Planning Inspectorate can use to consider an appeal:

1. an informal hearing; or     2. a public inquiry.

An appeal is lodged with the Planning Inspectorate and not the local planning authority. In response to the applicants request that the appeal be heard by written representations, the Planning Inspectorate highlighted that the appellant’s case goes into some detail about the supply of housing land and therefore questioned whether an ‘oral event’ should be held so that the Inspector could ask questions and test the evidence in respect of housing need and land supply. The appellant challenged this and the Council also pointed out to PINS that the thrust of the reason for refusal related to whether it is appropriate to develop this site in light of Core Strategy Policy SP1 and concerns regarding the bringing together of settlements, namely Cowes and Gurnard as opposed considerate of evidence in respect of housing need and supply.

It was confirmed by PINS on the 14 January 2015 that:-
“The appellant(s) has requested the Written representations procedure. We have applied the criteria and considered all representations received, including the appellants(s) preferred choice. We consider that the Written representations procedure is suitable and we intend to determine this appeal by this procedure.” 2 Cont … Elsewhere in the letter from PINS dated 14 January it says:-  “I should advise however that the appointed Inspector ultimately has the power to review the appropriateness of the written representations procedure and can invoke the provisions of s319A of the town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to arrange a hearing or inquiry.”

PINS has produced a procedural guide to planning appeals which you will find by following this link: http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/uploads/pins/procedural_guide_planning_appeals.pdf

The criteria for determining the procedure can be found at Appendix K on pages 65 and 66.

As already confirmed, the appeal is now valid and the start date is the 14th January 2015. The Council as Local Planning Authority must now adhere to the following strict deadlines:-

Before 21st January 2015:-
·         Notify all persons notified or consulted about the application and any other person who made representations in connection with the planning application. Gurnard Parish Council will be notified.

·         Send a copy of all representations received during the consideration of the application to PINS. All representations from Gurnard PC will be sent.

·         Advise that any further comments must be submitted to PINS by 18th February 2015. This is an opportunity for Gurnard PC to expand upon its earlier objections, particularly in light of the reason given for refusing planning permission. Gurnard PC may also wish to take the opportunity of challenging the decision to determine this appeal via the written representations procedure.

18th February 2015:-
·         The Council must submit its appeal statement, which will provide a very thorough analysis in order to amplify the reason for refusing planning permission. The Council will rely upon all evidence available to demonstrate why the proposed development does not comply with the provisions of the development plan, that being the Island Plan Core Strategy.

4th March 2015:-
·         The appellant(s) may submit 2 copies of any final comments in respect of the Councils appeal statement and may also comment on any additional representations that may be received from interested parties or organisations before 18th February 2015.

Site visit

PINS will arrange for the appointed Inspector to visit the appeal site. The Inspector will decide whether he/she wishes this site visit to be accompanied or not.  If it is decided that the Inspector should be accompanied by the main parties (the appellant and the Council as local planning authority), then PINS will send details of the arrangements (including date and time) nearer the time. You may wish to express an interest through representations to PINS that Gurnard PC would like to be in attendance at any such accompanied visit. However, there are very strict rules in terms of how the Inspector will conduct his/her business and any dialogue with the Inspector on site is to establish matters of fact and not to express any particular opinions. It will also be down to the discretion of the Inspector and also the landowner as to who, other than the Inspector and the two main parties, enter the site. If, however, an unaccompanied site visit is made then details of the visit will not be shared (not even with the Council or the appellant) and the Inspector should not be approached should it so happen that he/she is observed whilst conducting the site visit.

PINS have produced a helpful guide to taking part in planning appeals through the written representations procedure. Section 9 specifically discusses the site visit. You will find the guide by following clicking on this link:- http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/uploads/pins/taking-part_planning-written.pdf

In terms of defending the appeal, can I please reassure you that the Council will rigorously defend and expand upon the reason given for refusing planning permission. The fact that the officer recommendation was for conditional permission has no bearing whatsoever in terms of how the Council will now manage and present its case to PINS. Miss. Wilkinson will not be leading on this matter as the Council has a Senior Planning Appeals Officer (Mrs. Knight) who reports directly to the Key Regeneration Areas Team Leader (Andrew White). In addition to this, the appellant has submitted a Landscape Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) as part of the submission to PINS and therefore I will ensure that officers with the most appropriate skills are deployed to this matter so that the LVIA can be suitably scrutinised.

Finally, Cllr Fuller has raised similar questions regarding the procedure being used to determine the appeal and he has referred to a site in Arreton which was the subject of a planning appeal during 2014 determined following an informal hearing. One of the reasons for refusing the Arreton scheme(s) related to housing need and questions were also raised in respect of overall housing supply. As such it was necessary for both parties to give evidence on this matter and for the Inspector to cross examine the officers and other interested parties because of contradictory evidence that was being presented. This is not the situation at Place Road where circumstances are completely different as the reason for refusing permission is based on the fact that the Place Road site is not ‘appropriate land’ for the residential development in question because it is a fundamentally important component of the wider green gap which must be retained in its entirety to prevent settlement coalescence.

I hope that this letter has addressed the concerns of Gurnard Parish Council regarding the handling of the recently validated appeal.

Yours sincerely      Bill Murphy, HEAD OF PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES
Education Consultation

For 12 weeks from 26th January, it is proposed to go to public consultation on future education provision for 11-16 year olds and future provision for post 16 Education.

Prior to the Executive Meeting the following proposals are under consideration: 

Secondary Education 11-16.

·         Proposal 1: Retain the current 6 Secondary Schools but adjust their sizes.
·         Proposal 2: Merge Medina College & Carisbrooke College and retain other secondary schools with adjusted sizes.
·         Proposal 3: Alternative proposals.

Post 16 Sixth Form Education.

·         Proposal 1: Retain the current pattern of sixth form provision.
·         Proposal 2: Establish a single Sixth Form College to replace the sixth form provision at 5 out of 6 Island Secondary Schools and the IW College.
·         Proposal 3: Establish a new Sixth Form College to replace the current Sixth Form provision at 5 out of 6 Island Secondary Schools and the IW College.
·         Proposal 4: Establish a new Sixth Form College to replace the current Sixth Form provision at 4 out of the 6 secondary schools and the IW College.
·         Proposal 5: Alternative proposals.

Public Meetings are also taking place, on the following dates:

Tuesday 3rd February
Carisbrooke College, Newport
Monday 9th February
Quay Arts Centre, Newport
Monday 23rd February
Medina Theatre, Newport
Monday 2nd March
Island Studio School, East Cowes
Tuesday 3rd March
Quay Arts Centre, Newport
Monday 9th March
Christ the King College, Newport
Monday 16th March
Sandown Bay Academy, Sandown
Tuesday 17th March
Cowes Enterprise College, Cowes
Monday 23rd March
Ryde Academy, Ryde
Tuesday 24th March
Isle of Wight College, Newport

Isle Drive Safe Remember Evey

I am supporting and am in touch with Neal Staley from the Isle Drive Safe Remember Evey charity, which promotes road safety locally.  If you wish to show your support the campaign, you can purchase Car Bumper and Window Stickers from Rashley’s in Park Road, Cowes Primary School or from Cowes Sports Football Club.

Also available are SPEED LIMIT stickers (see attached photo) which are stuck onto the sides of wheelie bins. When the bins are out there is a constant reminder to those using the road of the speed limit. For further information please contact Neal on 01983 526216 or email: nealstaley@gmail.com

Report from the Executive Member for Planning & Licensing to Full Council: 21st JANUARY 2015


The planning permission relating to the Asda development was issued on 22 December 2014 once the S.106 had been completed.  This accorded with the resolution of the 2nd July 2014 Planning Committee.

The revised planning application for Pennyfeathers was advertised on 9 January 2015.  This is EIA development and the closing date for comments is 30th January 2015.  The application is described as Outline permission for a maximum of 904 dwellings, school, community centre, commercial buildings, relocation of Westridge Garage, community energy building, sports building including changing rooms, play areas and associated highway improvement works.

An application for the approval of reserved maters has also been submitted for the Ashey Road site where outline permission has been in existence for some time.  This application will be advertised on 16 January 2015 meaning that the deadline for comments will be 6th February 2015.  The application is described as Approval of Reserved Matters (AORM) for a 3/4/5 storey building to provide retirement apartments and communal facilities and parking; mixture of bungalows and houses with parking providing a total of 181 units.

Premier Inn has submitted an application to display advertisements in connection with the approved hotel at Merrie Gardens, Lake.  Although work has not commenced on the hotel as approved in September 2014, the submission of an application for advertisements coupled with the recent submission of information pursuant to conditions is strong intent of the hotel operator to imminently start.

Hamlet Court appeal that is to be re-determined. The hearing date 5 February, 2015

Blanchards, Brighstone, likely go before March’s Planning Committee

Brickfields, (haulage operating centre including plant hire and ancillary aggregate storage) has been re-advertised – earliest decision date 30 January 2015.

Planning Enforcement.

Sandown Bay Holiday Centre has an ongoing, extensive enforcement investigation.  186 Planning Contravention Notices were served to establish facts where breaches were suspected and as a result, 50 Enforcement notices were proposed.  Through Enforcement Team negotiation there are now a maximum of 6 proposed notices following breaches being rectified.

Planning Policy.

Following examination, the Council received the Inspectors report for the Brading Neighbourhood Plan on 2nd December.  The report recommended plan could proceed to referendum, subject to some minor changes.  The report to make the plan and proceed to referendum was presented and approved by members of the Executive this month.

Members will be aware that the council served an Urgent Works Notice on the Hammerhead Crane, Cowes on 7th August 2014. Works are due to commence on the 2nd March 2015 and will be completed by 2nd July 2015.

Between the service of the Notice and December the council were negotiating with the owners in an attempt to secure works. An agreement couldn’t be reached so the council engaged Isle of Wight based Sandrock Services Ltd on 10th December. Works is likely to commence 2nd March.

Building Control Statistics for 01.12-31.12.2014::

Number of inspections of Building works carried out          441
Number of Building Control applications received               68
Number of new dangerous structures responded to            4


The consultation on the new Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy has now been completed. The consultation attracted 6 comments from 4 different people.

The Highways Permission Policy is still in consultation and a number of comments have been received regarding the Policy. Many of the comments received to date are in relation to the licensing of A-boards and concerns that the regulation of them may make them financially unviable. On the whole people do agree that items being placed on the highway do need to be regulated.

In addition officers have produced a Convictions Policy providing guidance on when certain convictions will be spent in line with the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act along with other offences and periods which would need to have elapsed before applications would be accepted. The Policy would be used to aid officers and the Licensing Sub Committee to determine fit and proper persons to hold a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire drivers licence or a Boatman licence.

Reports will be produced for the March Executive to consider and hopefully approve all three. Officers will be providing a briefing on these Policies to the Licensing Committee in February.

In the last 6 weeks, as Executive Member, I’ve attended meetings:

·         Met with Councillors to discuss consultation on the Highways Permissions Policy.
·         With other Executive Members, I’ve attended various Budget Roadshows throughout the Island and have agreed potential savings with lead officers
·         Met with Parish Councillors at Brighstone
·         To discuss with officers Conservation/ Heritage outlined by members.
·         To receive updates on Derelict and Empty Properties initiatives from Cllr Peacey-Wilcox and officers.
·         With Building Control, to understand their work and challenges.
·         All Licensing and Planning Committee meetings. 
·         With Ventnor Residents at Flowers Brook.
·         With a resident outlining their concerns over the Planning Process regarding the recent Planning refusal for Wind Turbines at Camp Hill, Parkhurst
·         Attended the Planning for the Future of The Bay, meeting in Sandown. 
·         In addition to this, I attend briefings with Planning, Planning Policy, Planning Enforcement and Licensing Officers and liaise with the Chairmen of the Planning and Licensing Committees.

The next Planning Training Event has been scheduled for February, and will focus on Planning Appeals and look deeper into the outcomes and rationale behind recent decisions.

Locally, In the last month:

·         Intervened to ensure Christmas Trees were taken away, following these being collected early.
·         Understanding, the likelihood of the IW Council needing to ‘find savings’ from the Cowes Community Bus, since speaking to drivers, I’ve attended meetings with lead Councillors and the Community Bus Partnership to safeguard the future of this service.  I am also talking to potential sponsors.
·         I’ve spoken to taxi operators following complaints received about the non-availability of transport on Sundays in Cowes.  One operator has taken this up and is liaising with local pubs and hoteliers about this provision.
·         Received clarification from Planning Officers on the timescale for Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan.  It is anticipated that the Plan will be the next one to go to Referendum, but due to the pre-consultation process, the referendum is likely to take place later this year.    

·         Took part in a consultation, on the new bus route from Cowes to Newport.  Although welcoming the increased capacity of double deckers on the Roundhouse route, I raised some concerns over the decision to no longer loop the Roundhouse to call at both Cowes Pontoon and Cowes Medical Centre. 

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