About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday 7 July 2014

Medina Valley Area Action Plan Comments.

1 What are your views on the use of brownfield land first, to support regeneration, and the impacts this could have on infrastructure development?
In my opinion the re-development of brownfield sites should be a priority for the local authority.

2 If viability is an issue on brownfield sites, should the local planning authority take a pragmatic approach to negotiating s106 contributions?
Yes.  It is important that developers help to contribute towards infrastructure, although to a lesser extent when permitted to develop brown field sites

3 Should housing allocations be made on fewer, larger sites or on a higher number of smaller sites?
In the discussions that I have with residents, there is a clear preference to developing on smaller sites than on larger sites

4 What are your views on how the council should approach the size of sites that it allocates in the Medina Valley Plan?
At the moment the IW Council seems very focused on potentially developing sites of over .5 hectares, this has been outlined by the proposed SHLAA sites.  Locally, in Cowes West and Gurnard there are a number of ‘small’ infill sites, which I consider would lend themselves to redevelopment.

5 What are your views on these broad locations for new housing development?
There are an excessive number of large SHLAA sites, whereas smaller sites would be preferable.  Locally the SHLAA sites would create coalescence between the Cowes and Gurnard communities which residents quite rightly feel protective over. 

6 How do you think the council should define “immediately adjacent” to the settlement boundary?
The term inside, or outside the settlement is easy for both the wider community and developers to define.  Questions are often raised as to the meaning of ‘immediately adjacent’- What does this mean, how far can this extend to?  By not fully understanding this term gives the green light potentially for developers to take advantage of what is a vague statement, potentially to extend a development extensively beyond the settlement boundary.  Perhaps a way to address this would be to stretch the settlement boundary slightly to include some areas that are currently immediately adjacent to.

 7 What are your views on the approaches to ensuring no adverse effects on the integrity of designated sites within and next to the Medina Valley as suggested in paragraph 2.3?
Within Cowes and Gurnard, there is a reduction in the numbers of homes traditionally used for affordable homes.  In both Gurnard and Cowes, sea views are increasingly important and in recent years modest chalets (Horn Hill, Marsh Road, Shore Road, Solent View Road, Princes, Esplanade, Egypt Esplanade and Queens Road) have been replaced by new homes very much marketed outside the reach of local people.
In order to counter this, it would be useful if (where this occurs) an allocation could be setaside from developers towards affordable housing for local people.

8 Should the council seek ‘local lettings’ policies wherever possible, and if so should any particular group(s) of people be prioritised?
Yes.  Elderly residents wanting to downsize, whilst allowing younger residents especially young families to upsize, and move to accommodation which is fit for purpose.

9 Do you agree with the suggested amendments shown in the maps on the following pages?
Yes, mostly.  The only amendment I would make is to move the boundary on Place Road to run down the centre of the road, rather than to the rear of the building line.  This boundary would then be similar to that of Baring Road, and would be consistent to the Parish Boundary of Cowes and Gurnard.

10 Do you think there are any other areas where changes to the settlement boundary should be considered?
Please see above.

11 If enough land cannot be identified within or immediately adjacent to settlement boundaries, what other locations do you think should be considered for gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople?
I have not had the opportunity to discuss this with my local community, However before a decision is made as to whether a site is located (or not), I consider that it is relevant to discuss this with the Travelling Community and Parish/ Town Councils.  I think within the Island it might be difficult to identify a ‘formal’ site given land availability and restraints.

12 Should the council seek to regularise existing unauthorised stopping places as an alternative to providing new sites?
No Comment.

13 What are your views on the need for a B8 distribution centre within the Medina Valley?
No Comment.

14 Should we protect employment sites with water access, to make sure they are not lost to other uses?
 Yes, All employment sites especially those with water access sites should be protected.  However, I see no reason why future residential development cannot be sited in close proximity to these sites.

15 How can the council support the individual shopping offers of Cowes, East Cowes and Newport town centres?
It is clear that people use town centres differently than in the past.  The night time economy and the use of living accommodation above shops has assisted in the regeneration of town centres particularly Cowes.
One issue that shop keepers have raised to me is the unfairness that edge of/ out of town shopping venues- complimented by the benefits of free parking.  Shopkeepers advise me this is unfair, and seek redress through the planning system and the need for a more level playing field.  Out of Town Free Car Parking is particularly an area where shopkeepers would like a rethink.  In mainland authorities there is an expectation that the further out of town a retailer is, the more money ‘they’ should contribute to regeneration of towns, through a requirement to charge for parking.  One example given to me is Leamington Spa…

16 What are your views as to the suggestion that the main shopping area boundaries should be altered as set out in paragraph 9.4?
I think it is difficult to define what is primary shopping areas and what is not.  In recent years Cowes has regenerated.  There are important shops and businesses outside the primary shopping area, that if lost- would make the town less of a sustainable location and would impact upon the character of the town.   Some of Cowes’ best locations have been lost to Estate Agents etc, which I sense could be located elsewhere. 

 17 Are there any main town centre uses that we should restrict in certain areas, and if so where and why?
Please see above.

18 Should there be core areas for specific main town centre uses, and if so what uses and where?
I support the principle of giving towns themed areas.  This could be a means of regenerating zones of towns that are under-utilised and require regeneration.

19 What are your views as to the suggestion that the main shopping area boundaries should be altered as set out in paragraph 9.8?
Retain shopping areas as they are.

20 Are there any main town centre uses that we should restrict in certain areas, and if so where and why?
No Comment.

21 Should there be core areas for specific main town centre uses, and if so what uses and where?
 No Comment.

22 What are your views as to the suggestion that the main shopping area boundaries should be altered as set out in paragraph 9.15?
No Comment.

23 Are there any main town centre uses that we should restrict in certain areas, and if so where and why?
No Comment.

24 Should there be core areas for specific main town centre uses, and if so what uses and where?
 No Comment.

25 What are your views on the areas of land listed within paragraph 10.4?
I support all these areas being included to prevent settlement coalescence.

26 Are there other areas that need protecting to prevent settlement coalescence?
Land between Place Road, Tuttons Hill and Cockleton Lane (The Upper Jordan Valley).  This has been borne out, and is evidenced through consultations with the Cowes and Gurnard Communities.  (See SHLAA feedback , Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan, Cowes Town Council’s  Consultation, Comments regarding proposals to develop on this land and Consultation that I have embarked with residents from Baring Road and Place Road).

27 Other than the actions suggested in paragraph 11.3 can you think of any other opportunities there may be to improve the GI provision in the Medina Valley?

Protection of other Green Spaces i.e
·         Notably the ‘whole’  of the Jordan Valley, between Place Road, Baring Road, Woodvale Drive and Worsley Road.
·         Dormers Copse and Land south of Princes Esplanade, Gurnard and Egypt Esplanade, Cowes.
·         The Luck Valley between Cockleton Lane, Marsh Road and Rew Street.

I am also suggesting:

·         The settlement boundary is amended from the rear of the building line on the western section of Place Road to follow the Cowes Town/ Gurnard Boundary in the centre of Place Road. 
·         The settlement boundary is removed in totality from Gurnard
·         Careful consideration is given to what is meant by immediately adjacent to the settlement boundary, and how far this can extend.

Other areas, I will be requesting to be safeguarded in Cowes West include:

·         Land west of Churchill Road, Cowes (Old Reservoir?)
·         Westwood Park, Reynolds Close, Cowes.
·         Sports Field, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
·         The Green, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
·         Cowes Golf Club, Crossfield Avenue Cowes.
·         Grass Verges in and opposite Magdalen Crescent, Cowes.
·         Mornington Wood and Mornington Green, Mornington Road, Cowes.
·         Northwood Park, Ward Avenue, Cowes.
·         Land adjacent and north of Blackberry Lane, Cowes.

28 Do you think it’s a good idea to start a Newport to West Wight cycletrack, based on the former railway route?
Yes.  This will help to promote tourism and provide an off road route to the West Wight.  I would suggest that this route is accessible to horseriders also.

29 Do you think the current locations of local level recycling facilities are right? If so why, if not can you suggest any alternative locations?
One difficulty highlighted to me is the inability for non-car users to access recycling facilities.  Light Bulbs, Electrical Equipment, Paint and Furniture can often be difficult for elderly and mobility impaired residents to get rid of.   To have a service where these goods could be collected would be very helpful to residents reliant upon public transport.

30 What items do you want to be able to recycle at these local level recycling facilities?
See Above.

31 What are your views on the sites in paragraph 12.9?
No comment.

32 Should there be more local waste facilities in the Medina Valley or would you prefer to see a larger appropriately located waste management facility that would be capable of dealing with most of the Island’s waste?
The key for me, would be that waste could be collected.   

33 What, if any, types of renewable energy technologies would you like to see on new developments?
Renewable Energy technologies will need to become more accessible within the life of the MVAAP.  Solar Panels, Domestic Wind Turbines and Geothermal Technology, are renewable energies that warrant greater promotion.  At the same time, exceeding guidelines for more effective energy efficient new homes would greatly help reduce the Isle of Wight’s Carbon footprint.  

34 Do you think the council should use its resources to further explore whether such a bridge is feasible?
No Comment.

 35 Do you agree that there should be a Floating Bridge between Cowes and East Cowes? What are your views on the importance of a pedestrian and vehicle link across the River Medina between Cowes and East Cowes?
Yes.  The Floating Bridge helps to underpin the sustainability of both towns, and whilst it exists there remains an opportunity to by-pass growing congestion on the Coppins Bridge gyratory system in Newport.

 36 Do you think that the council should consider the potential for park and ride for Newport?
Yes.  However to be effective the Park and Ride would need to be cheaper, more convenient, more reliable, more comfortable and more accessible to Newport than the private car if it is to be successful.

37 Are there any sites that you think would make good park and ride sites? If so where?
The Old car parks Parkhurst Road?

38 If this project goes ahead what, if any, uses would you wish to see developed on the current marshalling areas in East Cowes?
No Comment

39 Do you support the improvements planned for East Cowes?
No Comment

40 Should the “Union Jack” building be retained as part of the project, and if so what could it be used for?
No Comment.

 41 Is there any reason why we shouldn’t deliver interactive signalling to advise users of traffic-related problems before they arrive in East Cowes?
 No Comment.

42 In addition to those listed in paragraph 16.3, are there any other junctions that you think are at capacity, or are problematic, and if so can you suggest any solutions?
No Comment.

43 Are there any particular utility infrastructure issues within the Medina Valley that you think we need to be aware of?
In Gurnard there are issues with substandard and leaking combined sewers.  Particularly at Shore Road, Worsley Road and the bottom of Woodvale Road, this is perceived to be an ongoing issue.  Furthermore, I often receive complaints concerning water and sewage mains within the Crossfield Estate.

44 In addition to the sites listed in paragraph 17.4, are there any other buildings or sites that you are aware of that you would like the council to consider taking action on?
Land east of Castle Road, and north of Market Hill, Cowes and land at the far end of Westwood Close, Cowes

45 Do you support the council in putting in place a more pro-active approach to empty and derelict sites?

46 What are your views on the use of Local Development Orders to enable economic development? What areas in particular do you think the council should consider?
I wholeheartedly support the IW Council to designate the Medina Estuary as a Local Enterprise Zone.

47 Do you think the council should introduce a requirement for the appearance of development sites to be maintained to a reasonable standard?
Yes.  I would also like to see sites that are granted planning permission developed swiftly and legislation introduced  which prevents developers to 'sit' on  land.

48 Is there any planning matter not covered in this document that you think the council needs to consider within the Medina Valley Plan?
I would like to see a policy generated which enables better use and re-use of water and water efficiency measures in new homes.

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