About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Isle of Wight Councillors Report, September 2023




10:30-11am, Thursday 7th September, Benches adj. Watersedge Kiosk, Shore Road, Gurnard.

11-11:30am, Thursday 7th September, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.

3:30-4pm, Monday 11th September, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.

5-6:30pm, Wednesday 13th September, Portland Inn, Worsley Road,  Gurnard

12:30-1:30pm, Wednesday 20th September, Eegons, 85 High Street, Cowes.

5:30-6:30pm, Wednesday 27 September, Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard. (Revised time & Venue)

12:30- 1:30pm, Thursday 28 September, Eegons, 85 High Street, Cowes. (Revised time)


Anti-Social Parking: Disabled Bays.


If you do not have mobility issues, please avoid parking in disabled bays.


I regularly receive calls from mobility impaired residents that cannot access parking close to where they live, and as a consequence get upset when they see bays snapped up by able bodied motorists.  Please note that although bays do not necessarily belong to individuals, they are there for a good reason!


Barbecue Bye-Law.


A bye-law to prevent use of disposable barbecues at Gurnard has been requested. This follows in the wake of a similar bye-law in operation restricting the use of disposable barbecues in place at Ryde.  Please let me know your thoughts?


Ward Wall.


Over the past few months I have been approached by (affected) residents requesting the safeguarding of the Ward Wall that encircles the old Ward Estate from Park Road to Baring Road. Although the wall is protected by residents understanding its heritage value, I’ve been asked to pursue a local listing for this important structure. 


Would local listing being a sledgehammer to crack a nut… Please let me know your thoughts? 


Island Planning Strategy: An Update.


Following delays to national planning policy by Government, MP Bob Seely has again requested that work continues to resurrect the local Island Planning Strategy.


Mindful of support for our Island’s Exceptional Circumstances, I am hoping to reignite dialogue to update what are new policies for our Island and am looking forward to meeting Councillors to progress a plan for the Island.  After support for recent soundbites from Government, I am supportive of reflecting views moving forward, particularly to significantly reduce housing numbers below the current Government ‘standard methodology figure of 730.


·         New Business Update.


·         The Phoenix Store. 

The shop at Gurnard Pines has reopened.  This is really good news for residents who now has less distance to travel for their essentials! 


·         The Dining Room.

The former Post Office has been transformed into a venue that allows use for private dinner partys and events and includes fortnightly supper clubs and Sunday Specials.  Overseen by Paul Thorley who ran the Travel consultancy, the Dining Room offers an alternative dining experience. For details visit: https://something-yummy.co.uk/


·         Complaints to the Police.


During the summer, I received a number of complaints ranging from anti-social behaviour of ‘young people’, in Cowes and Gurnard to issues regarding road safety to stolen rubbish bins.  If you do make a complaint, and want this followed up by me, please keep a record of the incident number, to enable me to support any follow up!


Local Council Tax Support


The IW Council are consulting on Council Tax support that it offers for Working Age Claimants.  For details please visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/consultations/.  The deadline for feedback is: 2nd October 2023.


Scams and Spam.


Be aware of Scam texts/ emails claiming to be various difference mail providers. These say you need to pay extra for a package or ask you click a link which could install malware onto your device. Mail Providers state they would never contact you in this way (how would they know your phone number?). For details of scams, visit IWASP at: https://www.iow.gov.uk/business-and-consumer/trading-standards-service/iwasp-isle-of-wight-against-scams-partnership/current-scams/


Local Planning Matters.


·         Ref: 23/01337/OUT. Land to the North and West of 75 Place Road, Cowes. Outline application considering access and layout for 31 dwellings (Phase 2)


This application will be discussed by Gurnard Parish Council at its next meeting on 13th September. The deadline for comments on this application is: 18th September 2023.


·         Ref: 23/1300/RES: Outline application for up to a maximum 66 dwellings with associated roads, parking and open space with access only off Newport Road) relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and Ref: 23/1301/FUL: Proposed development of six dwellings with associated access, parking and associated infrastructure.  Land rear of 391 Newport Road, Northwood.


This application will be discussed by Northwood Parish Council at its next meeting on 5th September. The deadline for comments on this application is: 4th September 2023.


·         Shore Road and Shore Path.

I continue to receive residents comments concerning the density of rebuilds in Shore Road and Shore Path.  Ten years ago, prior to the adoption of Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan, both myself and Working Party members called upon Planners to adopt a local design statement for this important area of the village. 


At that time, this was rejected due to the lack of local support.  In addition, the Planning Team considered any Statement could prove difficult to enforce given that changes to the area were escalating.


The fact there is a huge demand for properties with such popular outlooks, demonstrates this area’s popularity.   


·         Holiday v’s Residential Use.

Planning Enforcement continues to be chased up concerning residential dwellings being used for holidays, whilst at the same time, I continue to receive calls concerning holiday/ tourism units being used as residential dwellings.


Highways Issues.


·         Terminus Road.

Following an incident last month where a vehicle and the caravan that it was pulling got stuck turning at the bottom of Terminus Road, I have approached Island Roads concerning signage.  Discussing this with local Councillor, Richard Quigley this seems to be not uncommon.


In light of this, I still await a response from Island Roads on how this can be better dealt with.


·         Anti-Social Parking.

With children returning to school this month, please be mindful of where you park particularly at school collection times. The most common complaint that I receive is concerning motorists blocking entrances to properties especially in Battery Road, Baring Road and Woodvale Road. Clearly, I would sooner people use common sense rather than enforcement action being required.    


·         Requests have been made to de-bramble pavements in Baring Road, Cockleton Lane, Tuttons Hill, Place Road, Newport Road and Three Gates Road.  I continue to liaise with our new district steward, Paul Wigman.  


·         Repairs to St. Mary’s Hospital Bus Layby.

From 13th September, Island Roads are due to undertake accessibility improvements, involving replacement of the concreted area outside the hospital.  In addition works will take place to undertake repairs to the bus layby.


·         20’s Plenty?

Because of concerns raised over incidents of speeding traffic, a number of residents have requested I look into creating a 20’s Plenty zone in Gurnard where speeds are reduced to 20mph on minor roads. Please let me know your thoughts…


·         Storm Damage.

Last month fallen branches were removed from Gurnard Green, whilst also I requested an inspection of trees in Mountbatten Avenue.


·         Utility Works.

Wightfibre are due to commence upgrading to their infrastructure this month in Church Road.  Elsewhere, road markings in Gurnard has mysteriously appeared.  According to Island Roads, they have not been notified of intended works.  However, through my process of elimination I believe BT’s Openreach may be responsible..


Military Road.


I’ve raised concerns over the impact of delays agreeing with Natural England a scheme to protect Military Road for the short term.  With respect to this, inland from the cliff edge at Brook there is an opportunity to reroute a section of the road. However, to date the Department of Transport have advised they currently will not support any additional funding to undertake works that could protect the road for the medium term.


As current Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding, I continue to monitor progress and am liaising closely with Highways Cabinet member Cllr Jordan.


£2 Single Fare Offer extended to 31st October 2023.


Southern Vectis are extending their £2 single fare offer on bus services to 31st October.  This has been made possible by Government through the Levelling Up Fund.


Living Well and Early Help Support.


I’ve been contacted by the Isle of Wight Living Well and Early Help Support Team who have asked to hold local drop in’s. In response to this, I have suggested the Team contact the IW Community Club, Bucklers View, Cowes Library and Gurnard Pines to facilitate this.  For further details visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkXG0ZgYGqY


Public Toilets.


I have received a number of calls regarding vandalism at the toilets on Gurnard Green and anti-social behaviour at toilets on the Parade, Cowes. If you witness any anti-social behaviour, please let the police know and forward to me the Incident Number so this can be taken up by both myself and our Local Council’s who manage toilets. 




In the last month, I’ve received calls concerning drones being used over residential properties


Unless a drone does not have a camera and weighs below 250g owners have to register to use drones.  For details see link from the Civil Aviation Authority: https://register-drones.caa.co.uk/


Key rules include:


·         Never fly more than 120m (400ft) above the surface

·         Always keep your drone or model aircraft in sight

·         Drones must be operated at least 150m away from parks, industrial areas, residential and other built-up locations.

·         Never fly in an airport’s flight restriction zone unless you have permission.




I continue to receive complaints regarding Bonfires. Unlike several years ago when I received four or five complaints each month, I now receive two or three complaints usually linked to the same person/ household.


To note that should a complaint warrant a ‘public nuisance’ this can be referred to Environmental Health.


Hedgehog Corner.


As autumn arrives, we’re looking ahead to the hibernation season. Hedgehogs usually hibernate from November until March/April (depending on weather conditions), and prepare for hibernation in autumn. Preparations include eating plenty of food and putting together a sturdy hibernation nest.


A hedgehog house in the garden can therefore provide a vital nesting site. You can buy a hedgehog house online. There’s also a handy video guide here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n0x7RDwFRQ&t=3s. Houses should be placed in a sheltered, undisturbed part of the garden.


The Hedgehog Street housing census from 2017 indicated that hedgehogs need some time to get used to the house before moving in. Putting a house out now will therefore increase your chance of a hedgehog using it this winter!


If you haven’t already, download the free Hedgehog Street app, so that you can receive monthly tips and updates straight to your phone or tablet. For local support contact the Hedgehog Hotline on 01983 613145.



Gurnard Parish Council Chairman’s Report.


·         Following liaison with the IW Council’s Cabinet, a further meeting will take place with representatives of Parish Councils concerning local Councils taking over IW Council assets and contributing to services. During the meeting it was emphasised the importance of ensuring transferred assets were fit for purpose, whilst there was a requirement to ensure Parishes were not ‘dumped on’ regarding services. The IW Council emphasised with this.

·         Work continues on updating Gurnard Parish Council’s website.  Thank you to Cllr Mark Franklin for his support!

·         Comments were made concerning increasing cuts to Old School Meadow.  The Working Party will discuss this further at its next meeting taking place early September.

·         Councillors have been contacted concerning the prevalence of cyclists using the pavement between Cowes and Gurnard seafront.  On this, I have contacted the police (as has other residents), and am an awaiting an update on both enforcement and the need to take further action.

·         Initial repairs have been made by Parks & Beaches to hold back slippage of Gurnard Green towards the Beach Huts.

·         Tilbury Road, Westbook Lane, Worsley Lane, Oaklands View and Marsh Road are now entitled to free Water butts from Southern Water. Please visit: https://gurnardpc.co.uk/free-water-butts/ for yours. The Footprint Trust Email: info@footprinttrust.co.uk, call: 01983 822282 has also initiated a scheme for cut-price water butts.

·         Repairs were undertaken to replace the seat to the disabled toilet. In the meantime the cleaning contract for toilets on Gurnard Green are due to be renewed this Autumn.


IW Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding Report.


·         Meetings have been held to update local residents of the Coastal Protection Scheme taking place at Ventnor.  This current scheme is now 10 days ahead of schedule.

·         The decision notice has been agreed for the Worsley redevelopment at Wroxall. 

·         I attended the most recent Local Government Association meeting of the Coastal Communities Water Quality Group. The key concern raised by delegates were the intransigence of water companies dealing with water quality matters and the erosion of funding and powers of the Environment Agency when dealing with breaches.

·         A statutory consultation was agreed at August’s Climate & Environment Board to take place in November to gauge residents views on coastal protection at various locations across the Island.

·         I’ve been approached concerning proposals to redevelop the former Yarmouth School site as a community asset

·         With the support of Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council works have taken place to restore two properties on the junction with St James’ Street and the High Street, Newport.

·         The future of the Appley Steps will need to be considered following a further landslip that took place connecting the beach at Shanklin to the new King Charles III Coastal Path.

·         Solar Farms at Wootton & Yarmouth, and Housing at Wellow will be considered by September’s Planning Committee.

·         I will be taking an Affordable Housing Strategic Planning Document to September’s Cabinet Meeting.

·         In the last year 487 units were granted planning permission.  Of these 49 were classed as ‘affordable’.


Also this month: In a nutshell.


·         Conversations are underway regarding Hampshire County Council giving notice over the termination of their role as the Island’s Local Education Authority. From the conversations that I’ve been involved in Hampshire are committed to ensuring transitional arrangements are as seamless as possible and take place without disruption. Council Leader, Lora Peacey Wilcox is leading on this, given the importance of getting the transition right.

·         A big congratulations to those who have taken part in their GCSE’s and A Levels and a huge thank you to the schools, staff, parents and students for their success this year. 

·         As SIFCA’s Vice Chairman, I have been in dialogue with other elected members across the region in ensuring they feel supported within their ongoing roles.

·         A huge thank you to the Rights Of Way Team for new signage required for the access gate at Lower Horn Hill.

·         Notice has been served there is to be another Vote of Confidence in the Alliance Administration at Full Council.

·         The future of the Shooters Hill Well has been considered by Cowes Town Council.  Although not protected, businesses, residents and some Councillors (myself included) have asked for the well to be safeguarded. 

·         I have been supporting neighbours concerning a Baring Road, Planning Application. This proposal has subsequently been withdrawn, and I am ever hopeful that neighbours can talk together to find a compromise.

·         I am chasing up a response from the Council’s Flooding Team to find a solution to flooding at The Dottens.

·         Discussion is underway concerning the need for all IW Councillors being DBS checked, given the role that IW Councillors take within their respective communities.  This follows up recent discussion by Northwood Council.

·         With a 7% decrease in Fuel Bills pending for October, the latest Cost of Living briefing can be found here: https://www.iow.gov.uk/keep-the-island-safe/cost-of-living/

·         Congratulations to Sarah Redrup who was elected to represent Wootton Bridge. This is the second consecutive bi-election win for the Liberal Democrats in recent months. Votes cast were as follows: Sarah Redrup (Liberal Democrat) 475, Ed Hopper (Conservative) 291, Linda Pitcher (Vectis Party) 178, Michael Smith (Green) 48. 

·         I met with Vectis Housing’s new Community Welfare Officer, whose new post is to support both Vectis Housing Associations tenants and residents (on the housing waiting list) hoping to move into one of their homes.  I am looking forward to working with Vikki in a supportive role, as I know is Cllr Quigley who met also with her. 


  1. I find that the black background makes it difficult to read, especially when the text is purple or blue.

  2. You keep every one in the area up to date with every thing going on. thankyou

  3. I also find the black background and multi coloured text very difficult to read - this has been fed back several times by many many residents but still continues in the same format.

  4. i like the colour, infact i find it easy to read , it gives definition to each individual article rather than being a long page of sameness
    I look forward to reading the reports and appreciate the effort that must go into keeping us all in the loop - thank you

  5. I find it takes me twice as long as it should to read the report due to the colours. I'm often tempted to give up but there is too much useful information. It's probably an age thing for many of us as eyes deteriorate and dark gets more and more difficult. Contrast between font and background is key. PLEASE listen to us all.

  6. Paul just like to point out that the lack of signage and complaints re cyclist on the pavements was sent to your self in your position as a Ward Councillor as well as being copied to Cowes and Gurnard Parish Councils. Will try to meet up at one of your meetings.
