About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday, 24 July 2023

Isle of Wight Councillor's Report, August 2023



5:30-6pm, Tuesday 1st August, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

10:30-11am, Wednesday 30th August, Benches adj. Watersedge Kiosk, Shore Road, Gurnard.

11-11:30am, Wednesday 30th August, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.


During August I hold fewer surgeries due to less residents contact me less over the summer.  To note, it may take longer to deal with issues due to staff holidays.  From my perspective, I will be out and about throughout this time and will continue to pick up texts, phone calls and emails throughout the summer!


Meadow View, Place Road.


Landowners are intending to expand the current Meadow View development beyond where permission has been granted between Place Road and Cockleton Lane.


Following a meeting with developers, I am advised a new planning application is pending.


Full Council:


·         Motion of No Confidence.

At Full Council, a motion (by Cllr Chris Jarman) was put of no confidence in the ‘Executive Leader’s ability to lead a properly functioning Cabinet and Council’.


At the meeting it was clear both from the perspective of the leader of the Conservative (main opposition group) or their predecessor that they were not in support of this motion and as a consequence this motion was withdrawn.  


As far as I am concerned, it will always be difficult to lead a no overall controlled Council, especially when your group’s numbers are only one third of the Council.  This only makes this role all the more of a challenge and for this reason the Leader should be applauded for her efforts on behalf of Island residents. 


·         Motion for the Ocean.

A motion (tabled by Cllr Jonathan Bacon) to declare and support an urgent need for Ocean Recovery by Government was unanimously supported by Councillors. 


·         Staff Car Parking Permits.

A motion has been submitted to extend benefits of the Council’s Staff Parking Scheme.  From my perspective, following recent increases in parking charges for all Island residents this year, and feedback I received from residents I do support the need for parking to be reviewed.


To note following concerns raised directly with me, as a non-driver I have never benefited from this concession.  In light of feedback that I’ve received, and following receipt of this motion I fully agree that a review is overdue.  


Gurnard Pines.


I assisted in arranging a meeting between Planners, applicants and the owners of Gurnard Pines in the hope of attempting to avoid calling-in the Eco-Chalets Planning application for consideration by the Planning Committee.  This meeting, which I attended took place last month.


In the meantime, I understand from the owner of the Pines that the Café will reopen in the coming weeks following support from new owners of Gurnard Press.


In addition, I understand the Spar shop is due to re-open in the coming weeks.


£2 Single Fare Offer extended to 31st October 2023.


Southern Vectis are extending their £2 single fare offer on bus services to 31st October.  This has been made possible by Government through the Levelling Up Fund.


Postbox, Cockleton Lane.


I am taking my complaint concerning the removal of the Postbox in Cockleton Lane to OFCOM.  This follows breaches made by the Royal Mail regarding not fulfilling their statutory obligations..


It is hoped that following OFCOM’s approach, the post boxes replacement will become a greater priority!  


How To Save On The Summer.


The IW Council are providing support to assist with the cost of living.  From school uniform support to access to IW Council facilities, and access to the Household Support Fund  For further  details please visit the following links:

https://www.iow.gov.uk/keep-the-island-safe/cost-of-living/save-on-summer/how-to-save-on-summer/ and https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/childrenandfamilies/connectforcommunities/supportforfamilies/supportwithbills-overview/utilities-iow.


Highways Works.


·         Works have commenced on the access road across Northwood Recreation Ground.

·         Requests have been made to de-bramble pavements in Crossfield Avenue, Baring Road and Tuttons Hill.

·         I have requested the decluttering of contractors equipment left in Venner Avenue.

·         Discussions are ongoing to create a footpath link between Meadow View Park and Tuttons Hill.

·         Island Roads have been requested to re-anchor the Gurnard Village sign uplifted from Tuttons Hill.

·         I have had discussions with residents concerning speeding traffic in Albert Road and Marsh Road.

·         In Pallance Road a paper will be presented to Cabinet over the issue of speeding traffic in Pallance Road.

·         Following stalwart Paul Taylor’s retirement I’m seeking new Speedwatch Volunteers.Community Speedwatch is often the first stage in helping to provide evidence that a problem exists.  If interested, please let me know!


Worsley Road.


A further request has been received following damage to parked vehicles by traffic.  I know from the past that PSV and HGV drivers have complained that the access to wider vehicles are impaired, particularly when parked vehicles do not park tight to the kerb.  According to those who complain, the worse culprits are those picking up and collecting others from Gurnard Village Hall.  This continues to be monitored!  


Report from the Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding.


·         Consultation on Community Involvement continues until 4th August. For further information please visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/planning/local-plan/statement-of-community-involvement/

·         With support of Officers, I have hosted presentations to Local Councillors and wider Planning stakeholders to engage with the community on their thoughts concerning the IW Council’s Planning Department for details visit: The survey is available online at https://forms.office.com/e/LL5ajtQAFP until 14th September.

·         In my SIFCA role, I visited DEFRA’s RV CEFAS Endeavour research vessel, which monitors fishing, its impact and the scientific research that CEFAS (The Government’s Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science) undertakes.  It was interesting for me to discuss with experts the impact that the growing amount of litter and contaminates that our seas are contending with.

·         A meeting’s been rescheduled to meet with Local Parish Councillors to discuss the impact of next year’s budget

·         I joined a site meeting and a follow up with the Town Council to see ongoing £40m Coast Defence works Ventnor.

·         I’ve raised concerns over delays in agreeing with Natural England a scheme to protect Military Road for the short term.  On this, I continue to monitor progress and am liaising closely with Highways Cabinet member Cllr Jordan.

·         Work is due to be soon completed to repair the slipway at Springvale.   

·         A decision notice to progress the redevelopment of the former Worsley site in Wroxall has been agreed.


Report from the Chairman of Gurnard Parish Council.


·         A response has been agreed following concerns raised over the running of Old School Meadow.

·         Requests continue to be received from residents entitled to water butts for details see: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2e3xIzHlRo69Wt6wu5Bt8H6vexeZPI00HESGzzki4gaJ1NQ/viewform?pli=1 To note, households from Tilbury Road have now been included!

·         I attended the recent Cowes Open Studios Event, seeing the work of local artists at Gurnard Village Hall.

·         Work is underway to upgrade Gurnard Parish Council’s website.  Thank you for Cllr Mark Franklin for leading this!

·         A request has been made to further full Village Green Status for the putting Green on Gurnard Green.  This continues to be chased via the relevant Cabinet Member, Cllr. Jonathan Bacon.

·         A site meeting at Old School Meadow is to take place to commemorate former Parish Councillor, John Denham.


Also this month.


·         Details of Cowes Week can be found at: http://www.cowesweek.co.uk/web/code/php/main_c.php?section=home

·         I have been reappointed to serve as Northwood’s Hedgehog Friendly Councillor.

·         I’ve received complaints concerning anti-social behaviour.  Incidents are being followed up by the police.

·         A bye-law to prevent use of disposable barbecues at Gurnard has been requested. Let me know your thoughts!

·         Four major Rights of Way Schemes were recently funded following a successful Access Fund through the AONB.

·         I’ve been approached, and am supporting farmers who are seeking transitional funding following Brexit.

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