About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Sunday, 1 May 2022

IW Councillors Report, May 2022



5:30-6pm; Tuesday 3rd May, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

10:30-11am; Thursday 5th May, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday 11th May, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

10:30-11am, Wednesday 18th May, Benches adj. Watersedge Kiosk, Shore Road, Gurnard.

11-11:30am, Wednesday 18th May, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.

2-3pm, Monday 23rd May, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday 25th May, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard 

10:30-11am, Thursday 26th May, Coffee & Chat at All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.

11:30-12pm, Thursday 26th May, Eegons, 85 High Street, Cowes.


Island Planning Strategy: Paused.


Further to last month’s report the Island Planning Strategy has been paused following several questions raised by IW Councillors during briefings and one to one sessions.


From my perspective as Cabinet Member given the importance of the Plan, it is important that Councillors feel comfortable and understand the implications of the Plan and any risks before it moves to its next phase.   


Since the plan was paused, meetings are proceeding with the MP, individual councillors and group leaders. Once concluded, any revisions can be added to the Island Plan for its progress to the Inspector later this summer.  From my perspective it remains important for the Plan, its background papers, feedback and frequently asked questions is shared widely prior to Full Council making its decision.


Litter Bins.

Frustratingly, it has been necessary to continue to chase up the replacement of litter bins on Cowes/ Gurnard Seafront.  In response to previous requests, the matter is with the IWC who are required to instruct Island Roads to replace bins.  This matter has now been referred to the Council’s director and Executive Member. 


In the meantime, please can I request that where bins remain- if they are full, either take your rubbish home or find a bin that is less full, this is all the more important at Gurnard as the area is frequented by badgers and foxes who target overfilled bins and bins, where discarded rubbish is disposed of immediately adjacent to recepticals.    




During the Easter Bank Holiday I received a number of calls from residents complaining of private firework parties’.  With the summer fast approaching please if you are having a party, let your neighbours know as fireworks can send some pets doolally and this affords the opportunity for owners to take mitigating action. From experience, a note through neighbours doors is often sufficient!   


Cowes/ Gurnard Seafront: SGN Clearance.


Ravens, slow worms, common lizards, red squirrels, badgers, grass snakes, adders, common frogs, common toads and palmate newts have all been seen on land recently cleared by SGN.  In addition to these species of wildlife, I am also collating with botanical support species of flora that was witnessed on the site.


Trees and Environmental Designations.


Following concerns being expressed regarding the clearance of woodland clearance on Cowes/ Gurnard seafront, I have been asked to signpost residents to where environmental designations can be found.  For those who are interested, further details can be found using the layer link list for the Island Planning Strategy here:  https://iwc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=82005f28da7f4f618baf03369b97ac47


Consultations: Learning Disability and Autism Strategy.


The IW Council are seeking to enhance support for those with and supporting learning disabilities and autism.  At present there is a consultation underway, to participate in the consultation please follow the following link: https://www.iow.gov.uk/council/OtherServices/Adult-Social-Care-Learning-Disability/Introductio22


This consultation continues until 31st May 2022.

New Benches, Gurnard. 


I’ve received a number of calls concerning new seats that are proposed for the seafront opposite beach huts in Gurnard.  Following feedback, locations have been assessed for access to the mobility impaired. Since plans were put in place for these benches a number of beach hut owners have complained to me concerning the impact the seats have on the outlook from huts.


Following concerns, Gurnard Parish Council has instructed the contractor to relocate benches from where they were originally intended and in general terms despite a small number of concerns the benches are being welcomed.

In the meantime, please feedback your thoughts concerning the benches.


Energy Price Increases.


Energy prices are soaring.  For details and up to date support visit: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/ and  http://www.uswitch.com/ Tel:  0800 688 8557. Alternatively, talk to the Footprint Trust on 01983 822282 or email: info@footprint-trust.co.uk.


Councils will oversee the repayment of the £150 rebate through Council Tax reimbursements for A to D properties. To speed up payments residents are being encouraged to pay Council Tax through Direct Debit. For details visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/news/Energy-rebate-update


Ukraine Appeal.


The Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain- https://www.augb.co.uk/ and the Red Cross http://www.redcross.org.uk/ are good organisations doing great things to support Ukrainians.


Hosts can register to take in refugees at https://homesforukraine.campaign.gov.uk


IW AONB AGM Meeting.


Headlines of work carried out by the Isle of Wight Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty at their Annual General Meeting included:


·         Preparation for the review of the Management Plan for 2014-2019

·         The moving from their premises at Branstone Farm

·         Protection- Through their supporting role with planning applications and through strategy work.   

·         Nature Recovery- At Compton Bay, rewilding at Thorness. Supporting the Reddish Buff Moth, working with the Local Records Centre, IWatchWildlife ( https://www.facebook.com/iWatchWildlife/), Big Chalk

·         Climate Change- Peat Project; seagrass and kelp research.

·         Farmers and Landowners- IWCSF and FiPL workshops for farmers on environmentally friendly farming and water resource protection.

·         Access and recreation/ tourism- USAC events (Crossing the Bar and Welcome Back walks)

·         Culture- Creative Biosphere


Planning Enforcement.


Across the Island, there is considerable pressure on the IW Council’s Planning Enforcement Team.  In Gurnard and Cowes West alone, I know of 9 referrals being considered.


In light of this, I am in discussions with the Planning Team and the IW Association of Local Council’s to strengthen what is a small team, prioritising issues being raised. 


Somerton Reservoir.


Proposals to develop on the Somerton Reservoir site were approved by Planning Committee.  Within the 144 units, 15 dwellings will be ‘affordable’, whilst 44 will comprise of assisted living apartments. This application took four years to come before committee following concerns raised by officers over affordable housing and highway access.


In supporting the application conditions were added by Committee. These included conditions prevent any right turn from the site, maximising roof space for solar energy, electric charge points, improved cycle access, heritage signage for the Toll House, an ecology survey, a local housing caveat and assurance over water and discharges.


No Mow May: From Plantlife.


#NoMowMay is aimed at the gardens and green spaces away from the roadside. It aim is to raise awareness and understanding of the biodiversity opportunity lost by mowing in early season. Plantlife are asking gardeners and green keepers to encourage people to think again about grassy spaces and how they could be richer in wildlife. 


If you are fortunate to own a garden or green space, please pause for thought. No Mow May is changing the way people manage their spaces, the percentage of those not mowing in May has trebled compared to three years ago. Why not join them and see what flowers you spot in your lawn or greenspace in 2022?


Local Shopping and Trading.


With the impact of Covid still resonating, I continue to receive calls from residents concerned over the lack of diversity and variety in our towns and villages.  Although it is inevitable that our towns will continue to evolve, it remains so important that our local shops and traders continue to receive our communities support.


In light of this, I am working with cabinet members to seek options as to make our town centres more attractive. In the meantime, shops and tradesmen like so many of our services and facilities depend on the support of residents to use them, or risk losing them.


Pavement Parking.


Parking on pavements could be banned.


Parking on the pavement is already illegal in the Greater London area. But changes to the law are expected in 2022 that will give local councils across England and Wales the power to issue on-the-spot £70 fines to those who mount the kerb.


Beachbuoy: Outfall updates from Southern Water


Beachbuoy gives you near real-time information about releases of stormwater or wastewater at your favourite spot. On this interactive, online map you can see updates about releases from combined sewer overflows, so you know what’s happening near you.


For further details please visit: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy


Jet Ski’s.


Last month the use of jet ski’s at Gurnard was reported to the Marine Police, who continue to monitor waters frequented by bathers.  Please note that locally, a bye-law exists which prohibits all ‘personal watercraft’ being used faster than 8 knots and in depths of less than 2 metres.


Please continue to report incidents to: https://www.hampshire.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/


Also this month:


·         Dialogue is ongoing concerning proposals to develop at the Poultry Site in Place Road.

·         Concern was relayed regarding the cleansing of slipways at Gurnard and Cowes.

·         I continue to raise concerns over trees in Pine Tree Close.

·         Support has been given to a resident over a child safeguarding matter.

·         Feedback has been received and collated for proposals to enhance countryside access for the disabled.

·         Support has been provided for a resident wishing to gain access to community facilities.

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