4:30-5pm. Monday 4th April, Cowes Library,
Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm; Tuesday 5th April, Isle of Wight
Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am; Thursday 7th April, Gurnard Press,
Worsley Road, Gurnard.
5:30-6pm, Wednesday 13th April, The Portland,
Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11-11:30pm, Thursday 21st April, The Woodvale,
Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
4:30-5pm, Wednesday 27th April, The Portland,
Worsley Road, Gurnard.
10:30-11am, Thursday 28th April, All Saints
Church Coffee & Chat, Gurnard.
11:30am-12pm, Thursday 28th April, Eegon’s, 85
High Street, Cowes.
Parking Charges for Egypt Esplanade and Princes Esplanade rejected: Confirmed!
Although intended charges were scrapped
immediately upon the election of the Alliance administration in May 2021, this
was only formalised last month as this needed removal as a budget heading, to
which this received cross-party support.
Despite being suggestions, speculation and
rumours that the order might still be implemented (in part) on Egypt Esplanade,
following our communities perseverance the whole scheme was thrown out in
its entirety.
Community Bus.
Next month following existing for 10 years a
celebration is being arranged for the Community Bus Forum.
In the meantime, a drive is underway to
recruit volunteer drivers. In recent
years all community buses have seen a reduction in patronage, and although not
as bad as other areas ridership on the Cowes Bus has fallen to 86%. In order to
address this, the Forum would like to expand the service. However, this is on
possible if new volunteers join
If you are interested please let me
of Protected Woodland, Cowes Seafront Update.
The IW Council are prosecuting SGN over the
mindless damage caused to woodland on Gurnard seafront last month.
Since then, I have spoken to residents and adjacent
landowners about the prospect of seeing this land re-wilded as a local nature
reserve. In the meantime, in order to
support both myself, the Council and this initiative please share your
observations on the wildlife that frequented this area as a habitat.
Details will be circulated of species/
wildlife in my May Report.
In the meantime, it has also been necessary
to liaise with Island Roads over increased run off.
Annual Report.
Normally at this
time of the year, I circulate my Annual report to all households. Unfortunately for this year this will not be
possible due to the time that it takes to deliver these. However, there will be a mini report which I
hope can be issued both online and in hard copy form that will be made
available from usual outlets!
Gurnard Pines Drop-In.
Thank you to
everybody that joined the recent residents Drop-In which took place at the Food
Shack and Bar, Gurnard Pines. A big
thank you to Stuart for use of his café, Gurnard Parish Council for their
support through sponsorship and to the Citizens Advice Bureau and Footprint
Trust for supporting the event.
To note the Footprint Trust (Tel: 01983 822282) and
CAB (Tel: 03444 111 444) offers one
to one support.
Storm Eunice Round Up.
In the aftermath
of last months storm, I am awaiting the replacement of litter bins that were lost during the storms. In the meantime, I am
still awaiting to find out the effect the storms had upon the Beryl scooters which are parked
opposite Solent Shores on Princes Esplanade. To note, Beryl were warned about
the extremities of storm conditions on the seafront (sadly, they did not agree
with the IW Council on the pointlessness of leaving items like parking meters
in such a hostile environment)
Elsewhere, I
have been in touch with the IW Council’s Coastal Protection ‘Team’ concerning
feedback following storm damage to
properties and land west of Solent View Road.
Planning Enforcement
Matters: Environmental Protection Areas.
I have received
a number of complaints concerning ‘environmental protection’ areas where new
developments have occurred. These areas
were originally set aside and conditioned for developers to offset and protect
the biodiversity of new housing developments.
What has then happened, is these areas are transferred to new owners and
extended and managed as private gardens, rather than what these areas were
intended for to protect.
Because of
Government policies to ‘re-wild’ areas within the Environment Act, I foresee
this will become increasingly an issue where greater pressure will be put upon
Council’s to see Environmental conditions more strictly adhered to.
Highways Issues.
Pot holes at the junction
with The Avenue and the general condition of Worsley Road has again been reported.
Overhanging highways trees and vegetation at the Church Road junction in Worsley Road was reported.
New tactile paving, dropped kerbs and pavements
have been resurfaced in Park Road.
Complaints have
been received regarding urbanisation and the garishness of new double yellow lines
A survey has
taken place to monitor the condition of a tree
in Pine Tree Close.
I’ve spoken to
owners of vans that have appeared in
Gurnard and Northwood. Although parking of vans is legal, could I ask that high sided vehicle owners are mindful
of where they park and the impact this could cause!
A big thank you
to Gurnard Parish Council for moving a bench
that limited disabled access by the beach huts.
A complaint was
received and action taken concerning connections
between the replacement floating bridge
launch and Red Funnel.
Environmental Issues.
With summer fast
approaching, please can I ask residents to refrain from lighting bonfires on beaches?
Another huge
thank you to Gurnard Parish Council for arranging the latest litter pick. Thank you as always to the volunteers who gave
up their Saturday morning and to The
Portland for offering a discount to litter-pickers taking part on the day
of the event!
I’m supporting residents
alongside the Community Safety Team following a neighbourhood dispute involving discarded bags of dog waste.
Batteries are
soon to be collected from the roadside by Amey through their collections. Details will be fed back once I have these!
I have received
a number of complaints concerning the prevalence of rats on the Crossfield
Estate. Please, please if you are able to do so ensure that food waste is kept
secure in bins. If you do not have a secure food waste bin, let Waste Services
know on 01983 823777 highlighting the fact that vermin can access rubbish.
I have requested
graffiti to be removed between Cowes and Gurnard seafront.
Food Vouchers.
Did you receive a
food voucher from the Isle of Wight Council in January?
you haven't redeemed your voucher and you need help with the process please
contact the IW Council for support There are different ways to get help:
ü Visit your local Isle
of Wight Council library.
ü Contact Evouchers on
01638 438095 or
ü Contact the Help
Through Crisis Team on (01983) 823859.
ü Contact the
connect4communities team at
ü If you have lost your
voucher, contact Help Through Crisis or connect4communities using the contacts
Isle of Wight Foodbank.
This month
the Foodbank are asking for donations for the following items: Squash, Tinned Spaghetti, Tinned Potatoes,
Long Grained Rice (1kg), Sponge Puddings/ Angel Delight, Toilet Rolls and Soup.
Last year,
locally The Foodbank provided 5,136 food parcels and supported 2205 children.
For details visit:
Exceptional Hardship
The IW Council has in place support for residents finding it difficult to
keep up with Council Tax payments. If this applies to you, or you know somebody
that may require extra support please visit:
Supporting Young People.
Cllr Alison
Carter from Cowes Town Council is leading a local initiative to engage closer
with young people concerning services and support available. If you are interested or have any issues
please let either Alison (through Cowes Town Council. Tel: 01983 209022) or let me
It is with real sadness that I report the
passing of former Gurnard Parish Council Clerk, Sue Waters.
I worked closely with Sue both as clerk to
Gurnard and also as assistant clerk to Cowes Town Council. After ‘retiring’ from the Parish Council, Sue
and her husband Andy relocated from Parklands Avenue to Wales. Sue will be sadly missed both myself,
councillors and residents who will remember her bubbly personality and tenacity
for getting things done for local residents.
Covid 19
With the recent
upsurge in Covid incidents, I am advised that local residents are still able to
order Rapid Lateral Flow tests. To order
these please follow the link:
Energy Price Increases.
From this month energy prices are due to soar, especially for
those not on fixed term contracts. For
further details visit: and Tel: 0800
688 8557. Alternatively, talk to the Footprint Trust on 01983 822282 or email:
Environmental Updates.
Solent Forum.
It was reported
that under the Environment Act that ‘Nature
Recovery’ would be expected for the UK in 2030. It was unclear at this
stage what priorities were to be imposed for the marine environment. To note,
the Isle of Wight has been recognised for enhancing Nature Recovery through its
UNESCO Biosphere Status.
The Forum
highlighted that without sufficient Government Funding, support would be
required by ‘industry’ to support enhancement of the coastal environment. Following concerns I raised, it was agreed
that the Solent Forum would lobby for priority be given to rural areas (like
the Isle of Wight) where large industry didn’t exist.
Work is underway
off Lymington to enhance salt marshes
and estuarine and coastal habitats through the use of dredgings.
Following the
collapse of oyster beds in the
Solent in recent years, a programme is in place by the Blue Marine Foundation
to repopulate the Solent area with oysters which improves water quality as well
as increasing biodiversity. Following £110,000 worth of funding oyster rafts
have been introduced at Langstone Harbour.
The second phase of this work will take place at locations on the
Newtown Estuary and the River Hamble.
A four year Seagrass Restoration Programme has
commenced in partnership with the Ocean Conservation Trust west of the mouth of
the Beaulieu River. The project involved
replanting one million seeds from Seagrass beds, which have been placed in over
20000 biodegradable hessian bags.
Eventually it is hoped the programme will restore seagrass to 4 hectares
of seabed.
Isle of Wight Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
With the ongoing
war between Russia and Ukraine concern was expressed over the potential future
use of horticultural areas for food production and arable farming. Ultimately this could mean that the
countryside needs to adapt to support food production.
Concern was
expressed over the impact of dogs off leads upon bird nesting sites. In the
past the National Trust and the RSPB were criticised for fencing off nesting
sites. With new Government legislation,
under the Sandford Principle conservation would be considered a priority over
Ready to support
Homes for Ukraine
The Island stands
ready to support those who welcome refugees displaced by the war in Ukraine
into their homes, the Isle of Wight Council has pledged.
more horrifying news emerges of the Russian bombardment of Ukrainian cities,
and the refugee crisis as millions of people flee, the government has unveiled
its 'Homes for Ukraine" scheme to pay families to open up their homes to
people who have escaped the conflict.
The council is encouraging those who can, to step forward with an offer of
accommodation and help in supporting the resettlement of Ukrainian refugees on
the Island. The authority is waiting to hear more from government about how it
can support communities who wish to offer assistance.
Any willing hosts can now register to take in refugees at
Red Funnel.
I continue
to wait in anticipated readiness for my enquiry regarding Red Funnel’s
continued cancellation of services and reliability… In the meantime, they have
asked for me to share some good news!
Red Funnel
recently received £296,000 from the Department of Transport’s Maritime
Accessibility Fund
Upgrades to support the accessibility
of the fleet is due to start imminently and will focus around key areas
• The creation of more
designated accessible seating
• Upgrades to emergency
signage on board and improvements to each vessel’s PA system
• Installation of push
button, self-closing, automatic sliding doors across vehicle ferries, giving
easier access to all passengers
• Upgrades to all vehicle
ferry terminal toilets
Island Planning
Should the
Island Planning Strategy be supported at Full Council in April, further
engagement will take place in May/ June.
Rather than consultation with the IW Council, this engagement is
directly with the Planning Inspector who considers residents views alongside the
merits of the plan in accordance with Government Planning Policy.
Since the last
consultation, following feedback three new strategic policies have been
included. These are:
BIO1 Isle of Wight Biosphere:
Given the importance of the IW Biosphere designation and the role it plays
showcasing Environmental benefits of the Island, and the associated key role
that the environment will play in the Islands ability to achieve net zero, Strategic
policy BIO1 will set out how this designation must be considered by all
development coming forward on the Island.
AFF1 Affordable Housing:
Setting a clear definition of what ‘affordable’ housing is on the Island,
rather than using the Government definition. This policy will encourage Town,
Parish and Community Councils to undertake Housing Needs Surveys to help inform
affordable housing provision.
INF1 Infrastructure: To
ensure infrastructure provision is supported across the Island and that
development makes an appropriate contribution (which could be physical or
financial, or both). Strategic Policy
INF1 will ensure that new infrastructure is provided or existing is upgraded.
In addition to these, there are
policies to address Air B&B and the impact this has had on the hotel
industry and private rental sector through a Short Term Let Policy on holiday homes used more than 140 days per
year and a Net Zero Policy to
address climate change.
The Isle of
Wight Local Access Forum wants to know your views on creating better access to
the countryside and Rights of Way. We would like to know what you would like to
see done to improve access/ remove barriers.
Please tell
us your five priorities to support those with mobility issues, for those with
push chairs, children, older residents and those with disabilities. The
deadline for feedback is 5pm, Friday 23rd
April 2022.
My/our five
priorities to improve mobility access to local services, facilities and the
countryside are:
Any other
queries, questions and suggestions:
Please let
me know your views!
Also This
A revised proposal to develop on land
adjacent to The Stables in Woodvale Road was approved. The earlier decision to refuse the earlier
application has been appealed against to the Planning Inspectorate.
I met with Freshwater Parish Council who are
considering updating their Neighbourhood Plan Planning Document. The Council are
considering use of Gurnard’s Neighbourhood plan as an exemplar of good
As Chair of the IW Local Access Forum, I met
with Councillors and residents from Havenstreet & Ashey and Calbourne,
Porchfield & Newtown Parish Councils to listen to their views concerning
ease of access to services and the Countryside. At the latter meeting Newtown residents
expressed concern opening up access more widely, concerned of the impact this
may have upon the Environment.
Taxi Operators have unanimously supported an
increase to fares increase. This comes
at a time when maintenance of vehicles and fuel costs have escalated. A public consultation on proposals will
The Planning Committee voted to support an
outline Planning Application for 29 new homes in Wootton Bridge.
Proposals to relook at the West Acre Park
Planning Application was dismissed 6 to 4 by the Planning Committee
I have attended a meeting to discuss Tourism
opportunities for disabled residents
Through Planning, I have given support to a resident
offering assistance to Ukrainian refugees.
I continue to chase up meeting with Bob Seely
to discuss planning and other local resident’s issues.
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