About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

IW Councillors Report April 2021



Outdoor Surgeries.

10:30-11am, Thursday 1st April.  Benches adj, Watersedge Kiosk, Shore Road, Gurnard.

11:30-12pm, Thursday 8th April.  Benches adj, Egypt Light, Egypt Esplanade, Cowes.

10:30-11am, Thursday 15th April.  Benches adj, Bucklers View, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

10:30-11am, Thursday 22nd April.  Benches adj, jctn with Ward Avenue, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.

10:30-11am, Thursday 29th April. Benches at Spencer’s Wood Green, Worsley Road, Gurnard.


All surgeries are held in accordance with Governments Covid-19 road map. If this changes, (or it rains!),

Please call: 07 935 090 835 or 01983 289595. If texting, please send a quick message and I will respond swiftly back.


Cowes/ Gurnard Seafront Car Parking Charges.


After our perseverance, the IW Council has confirmed that Car Parking meters will not be installed until after 4th June.


Because this follows Local Council Elections, I’ve been in dialogue with candidates and political leaders asking for their support for the ill-conceived charges to be scrapped in full.  The response received so far has been very positive, and I am  optimistic that following feedback, a rethink may still be considered by the current IW Conservative Council leadership.  In respect to this, again I have contacted the Council Leader, Dave Stewart to consider scrapping proposals.

Please see my email from 1st April to the IW Council Leader below:

      Dear Dave,


Hoping that you and your family are keeping well.


I trust you are aware my local residents continue to ask about the seafront car parking meters intended for Cowes and Gurnard.  As this is now not likely to happen until after 4th June I know you understand that businesses, organisations and residents continue to have real concerns on how charges will adversely impact upon the local economy and wellbeing.


As you may be aware, I have been in dialogue with other election candidates and party leaders, all who share mine and my communities enthusiasm to scrap potential charges and am asking whether your group are prepared to re-think?

Please note, when I get the chance to talk to residents I really want to go beyond the negativity of discussing this single issue and look at the broader issues which our Island and our Council faces in the future.


In the meantime, I wish to place on record my thanks to Cllr Ward and yourself listening to and then meeting our Parish Council Chairman to discuss options moving forward. In the meantime I hope that reconsideration is not wholly out of the question.



Cllr. Paul Fuller   

Cllr Stewart's response:

As of 14th April, I am still awaiting a response from the IW Council Leader.  This will be posted on-line, once I have consent to copy this. 



Planning: Baring Road- Planning Application for 6 dwellings. (Ref: 20/02026/FUL)


I ‘called-in’ this application to be determined by the Planning Committee following a recommendation for approval by Planning Officers.


In our view, this application was contrary to Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan, particularly those policies E1 which sought to safeguard the Jordan Valley (particularly to the north of Tuttons Hill) from further residential development.


Given our arguments, I am thrilled to report that the Committee gave weight to our Plan and voted for REFUSAL.


Many thanks to Cllr. Nikki Fortune-Wood from Gurnard Parish Council and Mike Rainey for their support and feedback!


Other Planning issues:   


·         Champion, Sticelett Farm, Rew Street. (Ref: 21/00315/FUL)

This application site lies off Rew Street and is on the very edge of Gurnard.  From my perspective, I have  concerns over this and previous applications with respect to overdevelopment and the impact of lighting on the Heritage Coast and the adjacent AONB.


·         Sunnycott Caravan Park, Rew Street. (Ref: 21/00535/FUL) Proposed extension for 8 units of accommodation.

I have received a number of calls concerning this, and am providing assistance to residents.


·         Bucklers View.

I am told that preparations are pending for proposals to extend Bucklers View in Worsley Road. In the meantime, I have arranged to meet with Southern Housing Group in April.


·         Woodvale Drive.

Dialogue between planners and applicants continue on two applications in Woodvale Drive. 

·         The Dottens.

Following another potential call-in being requested, I am pleased to feedback that proposals to increase the number of dwellings at the Dottens were refused by Planning Officers.  


·         Ecology Reports.

Support has been provided about the welfare of red squirrels after no mention of their presence was found in an Ecology Report to an approved application. In respect to this, the applicant is being chased to ensure the population flourishes!  


·         Planning Enforcement.

I am following up issues raised at Churchill Road, Hilton Road, Mornington Road, Newport Road and Place Road.


IW Council, Town and Parish Council and Police Commissioner Elections, Thursday 6th May.


You can register to vote on the following link: https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote  Alternatively, to vote by post please follow the link: https://www.iow.gov.uk/news/Apply-now-for-a-postal-vote


As a candidate for re-election, after receiving my second vaccine early April, I will be undertaking some canvassing being mindful of social distancing restrictions in place. If you would prefer not to be canvassed please let me know.  


Highways Issues.


·         Worsley Road. 

Repairs have been carried out to the uneven road surface in Worsley Road.  In the meantime further requests have been made for confirmation on when Worsley Road will be resurfaced.  In addition, I have requested that visibility splays, exiting Church Road are monitored.  Also in Worsley Road the litter bin next to Gurnard Press has been repositioned, whilst a vehicular access point has been re-repaired. 


·         Gurnard Green.

Vegetation has been cut to improve sight lines from the steps leading up Gurnard Green to the Woodvale.


·         Crossfield Avenue.

Plastic barriers protecting a damaged retaining wall in Crossfield Avenue (adjacent to the junction with Baring Road) continues to provide me with a headache, as every time storms occur the pavement to become obstructed.  On this, I continue to persevere, and am delighted by the prospect of the wall being fixed in the coming months..


·         Cold Call signage.

New No Cold Calling signage, is now in place. Since new signs have appeared, distribution of stickers and me liaising with Trading Standards),  I have received  no calls from residents about doorstep traders


·         Highway Safety Traffic Regulation Order: Cowes. 

With children returning to school last month, calls are continuing on implementation of new Traffic Orders.  These local orders were initially agreed by me in August 2020. However, because of Covid restrictions, lockdowns and elections these have been delayed until after the IW Council Elections.


As parents and residents will be aware there has been a number of traffic incidents that have occurred outside Gurnard Primary School in the past few years, and tragically last month a child was hit by a van outside the school entrance outside the school.  Although relieved knowing the child was not badly hurt, this very much acts as a reminder as to why extra measures are necessary to make Baring Road safer at school drop off and collection times. 


In the meantime, can I please ask all motorists to proceed with caution outside all schools as there are very precious  little people around and their safety is so, so important!!  


Coastal Protection proposals: Cowes to Gurnard


I have received the following details regarding coastal protection works between Cowes and Gurnard.


The future coastal defence scheme proposes refurbishing the existing continuous seawall over several kilometres from Cowes Parade to Gurnard (around Egypt Point), potentially using a sprayed-concrete strengthening technique (as has been used near Yaverland in the past) on the seaward-facing side of the wall, as this is the most affordable approach identified so far.  The scheme is initially estimated to cost approximately £3.8m, comprised of £2m of anticipated national funding (Grant in Aid) and also requiring approx. £1.8m funding locally to unlock the national money, as proposed in the capital budget.  This refurbishment scheme has initially been proposed to commence appraisal in 2027/28 and be completed in 2029/30.  This estimated timing will however be based on need and funding availability. 


Although it seems like a lifetime ago (2016), when I was on the road as Executive (Cabinet) Member discussing this with stakeholders, the full document can be found here: http://www.coastalwight.gov.uk/WWStrategy.htm


Cowes Enterprise College.


Families (mainly from Northwood) have contacted me concerning the fact that children have not been accepted into the college, despite this being their first choice school. In addition, I have sympathy knowing the expectations families have locally for Cowes College to follow the pathway for children who attend the four Cowes cluster primary schools.


Speaking to the IW Cabinet Member I was advised that schools outside Cowes are not as popular as they were, hence more children wanting to attend Cowes College instead. In addition, due to smaller islandwide school roles, the college engaged with parents who I understand supported the reduction of the school role from 270 to 210.


In the discussion with the Cabinet Member, I am advised that should the College decide to increase their role for September, this could be with a risk.  That said, there is (as there always has been!) positive dialogue between the College and Local Education Authority to resolve families concerns and I remain hopeful that the issue will be resolved.


Mornington Car Park: An Update.


The IW Council still has no plans to sell Mornington Road Car Park. Concerns came to light following an article appearing in the press, regarding use and the viability of this car park, within the IW Council’s Parking strategy.


Since the reassuring initial response from the IW Council officers, further concern has been raised since the Council has designated the Car Park as a SHLAA (Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment) site. In response to these further concerns the Council states ‘this in no way infers that the land will definitively be declared surplus to requirements and disposed, but nor does it infer to the contrary’.


In the meantime, I remain hopeful that I can work with both Cowes Town Council and Councillors for Cowes North to ensure this ‘asset’ is safeguarded for future Community Use.  Please contact me for further details. 




Thank you for feedback concerning e-scooters on pavements and being left in inappropriate locations.  If you witness anything that causes concern please continue emailing service provider Beryl (copying me in!), at: support@beryl.cc  


Following feedback received, I hope to meet up with Beryl to discuss feedback over inappropriate use.


Energy Supplies.


From 1st April, OFGEM is to increase the price cap for Energy Bills.  This will mean that in the coming months, most households are likely to see an increase in their energy tariffs, for details visit: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/  To find out more on how switching suppliers which could save your household money visit: https://www.uswitch.com/


Brexit Advice: Support for non-UK European Citizens.


A checking service is being offered for residents required to go through the Home Office EU settlement scheme process.


The EU Settlement Scheme allows European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or Swiss citizens to continue to live, work and study in the UK without any immigration time restrictions after the UK leaves the EU.


This will mean you can continue living in the UK after 31 December 2020 and you will have until 30 June 2021 to apply for either settled or pre-settled status. 


Under the checking service, the Isle of Wight Council’s registrar team will be supporting EU, EEA and Swiss citizens complete the digital identity verification part of the process.


For details please visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/Council/OtherServices/Brexit/Information-about-the-UKs-departure-from-the


Small Business Support.


I have been providing support to a number of business owners going through the minefield of receiving Grant Funding Support throughout the Coronavirus pandemic.


In the Budget on the 3 March a number of incentives were offered to support small businesses, these include:


·         An extension of the furlough scheme to September 2021 across the UK.

·         An extension of the UK-wide Self Employment Income Support scheme to September 2021.

·         Restart Grants, with one off cash grants of up to £18,000 for hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym businesses in England as well as £6,000 restart grants for non-essential retailers.

·         A new UK-wide Recovery Loan Scheme to make available loans of between £25,001 and £10 million, and asset and invoice finance between £1,000 and £10 million, to help businesses of all sizes through the next stage of recovery.

·         Extension of the apprenticeship hiring incentive in England to September 2021 and an increase of payment to £3,000.

·         New business rates relief for 750,000 eligible businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors in England.


For details visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/Council/OtherServices/Public-Health-Coronavirus-COVID-19/Businesses-and-employers


Covid 19: The Roadmap.


Step 1.


°          Stage 1: 8th March.


·         Schools start to reopen to all ages.

·         Care home residents can have one regular visitor

·         2 people can meet outdoors for recreation, not just for exercise.

·         We are still encouraged to stay at home.


°          Stage 2: 29th March.


·         2 households, or up to 6 people can meet outdoors including in private gardens.

·         Travel is permitted outside of your local area, although overnight stays are not permitted.


Step 2: Will take Place at least 5 weeks after Step 1, meaning no earlier than 12th April.


·         Indoor Leisure (including gyms) will open for use individually or with household groups.

·         Outdoor attractions can open such as zoos, theme parks and drive-in cinemas.

·         Libraries and Community Centres can re-open.

·         Personal care premises can reopen, such as hairdressers and beauty salons.

·         All retail stores can reopen.


Step 3: Will take place at least 5 weeks after Step 2, meaning no earlier than 17th May. 


·         Indoor entertainment and attractions can resume, such as museums and cinemas

·         30 person limit outdoors.

·         Rule of 6 or 2 households can mix indoors (Subject to review)

·         Domestic Stays overnight permitted.


Step 4: Will take place at least 5 weeks after Step 3, meaning no earlier than 21st June. 


·         No legal limits on social contact.

·         No legal limits on all life events.


News from Cowes Medical Centre.


The Practice will be closed on: Friday 2 April 2021 and Monday 5 April 2021


In addition the Practice will not be accepting eConsult requests from 18.30 on Thursday 1 April to 08.00 on Tuesday 6 April. If you need urgent help or advice please contact NHS 111 or for Covid queries 119.  If you have a medical emergency, call 999.

·         Covid Vaccinations - 26 March 2021

We are inviting patients due their second dose as they become eligible.

If you are age 50+ and have not had a first dose, please contact the Practice to arrange an appointment.

·         Covid Vaccinations - 17 March 2021

The European Union's medicines agency has said there is "no indication" that the Oxford/AstraZeneca's vaccine is the cause of reported blood clots.  In the UK, the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) regulates medicines, medical devises and blood components for transfusion, including the Covid19 vaccines being given.  The MHRA remains clear that there is no evidence to support any concerns about the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, and people should continue to attend their appointments when asked to do so.


Also this month.


·         Rosie’s bench and a brand new bench funded by Gurnard Parish Council is now in situ on the hardstanding opposite the Watersedge kiosk at Gurnard Green.

·         A big thank you to all residents involved in filling in the Gurnard Village Green Survey.  As is often the case, I was one of the last people to respond with my survey, having used the Green every year of my life.

·         Every month or two, I receive at least one call concerning Protected Trees.  For details of the Tree Preservation Orders please visit: https://iwc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7e7cfe1b75c3460e91320a9dbb7f5639

·         Residents have contacted me about access to Woodvale Drive.  Having spoken to those living in the lane, I understand that no Right of Way has existed, and although different sections of the road are in the ownership of residents people are generally happy to allow access.  In the past there has been issues with anti-social behaviour and dog fouling, however so long as the lane is used properly there is no issue. 

·         Following March’s dog poo appeal, Island Roads and the Environment Officer has been called out on a number of occasions to remove/ monitor dog (and horse) poo. 

·         I have been contacted by a number of residents expressing concern over the rise in this year’s Council Tax.

·         With the lockdown thawing, please let me know your experiences of the St Mary’s junction.  Have you noticed an improvement and do you think the scheme works well?

·         Following local residents feedback, I have requested addition signage warning of Blue Slipper and High Tides on the beach between Gurnard Sailing Club and Gurnard Marsh.

·         I have been supporting complaints being made against vehicles obstructing Town Quay and pedestrian access.

·         I have been supporting a resident requiring respite care and its availability to carers.

·         Support has been given to a former business owner desperate to recycle old tyres.

·         The America’s Cup returns to Cowes in 2021.  This I am hoping will give a much needed boost to local trade.

·         I approached Southern Water regarding repairs to Woodvale Pumping Station. These are pending for the coming weeks.

·         Overfilled litter continue to be reported to the IW Council.  In response, I have put in place notices on IWC owned bins.  In the meantime, please do not overfill bins and if you can take your rubbish home, or use a bin nearby please do so.

·         A complaint was received regarding a vehicular repair on the Highway in Cowes. This is being investigated, and I am hoping action will be taken.

·         A complaint was received and followed up against noisy neighbours.

·         Bus Services are due to increase from Sunday 11 April.  This includes the reinstatement of a Cowes Community Bus Service on Wednesday. 

·         I attended an Active Travel briefing which supports local councils introducing Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans to encourage walking and cycling initiatives.

·         At the recent Children’s Scrutiny Committee which I attended, an update was provided on Home Education elsewhere, within an update on Early Years provision and following my earlier report on falling school roles it was announced that birth rates locally are beginning to increase.  ·         At the Solent Forum updates were given on Nitrate mitigation (for new housing), Southsea’s Coast Defence Scheme, Marina Design (for the Beaulieu River), the Solent Gateway port, Marchwood, regenerating 1920’s ports and Nurdles.


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