About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Thursday, 25 February 2021

IW Councillor's Report: March 2021



6-7pm, Monday 1st March.  Telephone Surgery.  Please call me on 01983 289595.

6-7pm, Monday 8th March.  Telephone Surgery. Please call me on 01983 289595.

6-7pm, Monday 15th March.  Telephone Surgery.  Please call me on 01983 289595.

6-7pm, Monday 22nd March.  Telephone Surgery. Please call me on 01983 289595.

6-6:30pm, Monday 29th March. Telephone Surgery. Please call me on 01983 289595.

6:30-7pm, Monday 29th March. Zoom Surgery.  Please follow link:



Covid 19: The Roadmap.


Step 1.


°         Stage 1: 8th March.


·         Schools start to reopen to all ages.

·         Care home residents can have one regular visitor

·         2 people can meet outdoors for recreation, not just for exercise.

·         We are still encouraged to stay at home.


°         Stage 2: 29th March.


·         2 households, or up to 6 people can meet outdoors including in private gardens.

·         Travel is permitted outside of your local area, although overnight stays are not permitted.


Step 2: Will take Place at least 5 weeks after Step 1, meaning no earlier than 12th April.


·         Indoor Leisure (including gyms) will open for use individually or with household groups.

·         Outdoor attractions can open such as zoos, theme parks and drive-in cinemas.

·         Libraries and Community Centres can re-open.

·         Personal care premises can reopen, such as hairdressers and beauty salons.

·         All retail stores can reopen.


Step 3: Will take place at least 5 weeks after Step 2, meaning no earlier than 17th May. 


·         Indoor entertainment and attractions can resume, such as museums and cinemas

·         30 person limit outdoors.

·         Rule of 6 or 2 households can mix indoors (Subject to review)

·         Domestic Stays overnight permitted.


Step 4: Will take place at least 5 weeks after Step 3, meaning no earlier than 21st June. 


·         No legal limits on social contact.

·         No legal limits on all life events.


Vaccination Transport Support For Those Who Cannot Get To Their Appointments


With second vaccination jabs about to start happening for older and less mobile members of our community - the Optio Voluntary Car Service is available Island Wide to support those in need of transport support.


If you, or somebody you know is struggling and in need of transport to get their appointment, please call the Optio helpline on 01983 522226, where free return transportation will be provided, subject to availability of volunteer drivers.


The Optio telephone line is open from 9.30am to 3pm Monday to Friday

Transport availability will cover Monday to Sunday all throughout the day.

Passengers should be able to walk from their door to the car and be able to get in and out of it – on their own. 


Useful Helplines:


°         If you are worried about your Fuel Bills call The Footprint Trust on 01983 822282.

°         Islehelp for advice and information on benefits, money issues, rent concerns. Telephone: 01983 823859/ 823898;  Website: www.islehelp.me; Email: enquiries@iwcab.org.uk

°         Isle of Wight Council Covid-19 Support  Telephone: 01983 823600

°         Struggling on your pension? You may be entitled to more money. Pension Credit helpline 0800 991 234.


IW Council, Town and Parish Council and Police Commissioner Elections, Thursday 6th May.


These are now on course to take place. However, restrictions will apply to candidates canvassing etc., owing to Covid social distancing restrictions. You can register to vote on the following link: https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote  Alternatively, to vote by post please follow the link: https://www.iow.gov.uk/news/Apply-now-for-a-postal-vote


As a potential candidate for re-election, I am considering options knowing canvassing will be curtailed.  If arrangements between now and the election change, and you would prefer not to be canvassed from next month please let me know.   


Isle of Wight Council Budget 2021-2022.


As has been common practice for the last few years, I have been working with others to amend the Council’s budget being considered at Full Council. Unfortunately, unlike the ruling group other Councillors have difficulty putting forward any alternative budget, as Council resources do not allow officers to provide the same level of support as they can to the ruling Conservative group, within the limited timeframe that is available.


Since last year’s inclusion of Cowes/ Gurnard Seafront Charging within the Conservative Budget, this is an area that I know is under scrutiny by residents.


The Independent amendment has proposed:


·         £35,000 To Reinstate proposed reduction in Local Council Tax Support grant for Town & Parish Councils

·         £20,000 for a New Community Engagement Fund - to facilitate better public engagement in policy & strategy decisions

·         £300,000 for a New Sustainable Transport Fund - match funding open to Town & Parish Councils and Community Groups for a range of sustainable transport measures

·         £225,000 for a New Empty Property Regeneration Fund - Interest free "Bounce Back" loans to enable empty properties to be brought back into use and made available for a minimum defined period to those on the housing register at rents in line with Housing Benefits rates.


In addition to the above I have raised concerns over ‘savings’ accrued from Council Tax Support for working families (£308,000)- which was also opposed last month and features in next year’s budget.


Also, I had concerns regarding £300,000 allocated for new Speed Cameras, Corporate Expenditure on replacing IWC IT equipment (£100,000), Video Conferencing (£30,000), Replacement Vehicles (£150,000) and County Hall windows, toilets and lifts (£500,000)


Areas that I personally would seek extra revenue from are ‘unnecessary’ car parking charges, reassessing long stay car parking, one-off waste collections and additional savings from staffing costs. A monetary value could not be placed on these items, within timescales provided, so could not be incorporated within the Independent amendment.


However, there is some good news!  Several years ago, whilst I was the Executive (Cabinet) Member for Planning and the Environment, one campaign that was really important to me was Coastal and Flood Protection.  The time spent supporting residents of Simeon Street and The Strand (as County Councillor in Ryde), as well as those residents on Gurnard Marsh who were devastated by Flooding resonated deeply with me.   


For this reason, I could not support reducing any IW Council contribution (£5.84m) to the Environment Agencies award of £34.86m for coastal protection schemes. To note proposals include a future scheme for Cowes and Gurnard Seafront.


Seafront Car Parking Charges.


As mentioned last month, the fight against the parking meters continue.


Since then, Gurnard Parish Council has met with the IW Council; Gurnard Sailing Club has made a request to meet with IWC Leaders, Legal action continues to be followed up and a further petition has been set up.


As yet, no date has been set to install meters and I remain optimistic if there is a change in leadership, the scheme can be scrapped alongside other less viable schemes (such as overnight parking). It remains my aim for more cost effective and sustainable alternatives will be considered. The next meeting of objectors group meets early March


 Planning Applications.


·         Negotiations continue to overcome what is seemingly insurmountable hedgerow issues affecting a Planning Application in Woodvale Drive.


·         The proposal to develop 6 new units on Baring Road, north of Greenacres will be considered by the Isle of Wight Planning Committee.  This follows a recommendation by Officers for Conditional approval   

Census Day: 21st March 2021.


The census is a once-in-a-decade survey providing the Office for National Statistics the most accurate estimate of all people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out since 1801, with the exception of 1941.


It will be the first run predominantly online, with households receiving a letter with a unique access code, allowing them to complete the questionnaire on their computers, phones or tablets.


Census day will be on 21st March, but households across the country will receive letters with online codes allowing them to take part from early March.


The census will include questions about your sex, age, work, health, education, household size and ethnicity. And, for the first time, there will be a question asking people whether they have served in the armed forces, as well as voluntary questions for those aged 16 and over on sexual orientation and gender identity.


Results will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years – kept safe for future generations. This means that records from 1921 will soon be made available.


There’s lots of information available if you would like to find out more about the Census in advance at census.gov.uk. Ursula Dowd, census engagement manager for the Isle of Wight, can also be contacted on 07452 936794 or by emailing ursula.dowd24@field.census.gov.uk.


Highway Matters.


A follow up request regarding repairs to the barrier protecting the pavement from a retaining wall at the Crossfield Avenue and Baring Road junction. This work is intended to take place this year, however no date has been set.


At the other end of Crossfield Avenue, at the junction with Ward Avenue, pot holes have been filled- as have holes in Park Road. 


In Egypt Hill, a water leak (during icy conditions) was repaired; Gullies were cleared in Park Road a Cul de Sac was blocked off from pedestrian use on the Crossfield Estate and further repairs and advice concerning grass verges and highway access in Worsley Road.


I have been in contact with BT OpenReach regarding new telegraph poles, which are intended for Debourne Close and (Little) Park Road.  After a very positive discussion with the company, I am positive that at the very least poles will not be installed in the lower section of Debourne Close (where I have received complaints from)


Dog Poo.


Thank you for the feedback (and the photos!) on dog dirt.  I am liaising with the Environment Officer and Island Roads on a number of ‘routes’, where the concentration of dog poo is high!


Elsewhere, I have received a number of complaints on discarded bags tossed into the hedgerow on Cow Lane. Please can I ask that bags are either emptied in dog or litter bins, or taken home, as this is not fair on residents living nearby, those who retain these hedges and walkers who often have to negotiate bags when they biodegrade or fall from the hedgerows.


In addition, I took action concerning overflowing bins in Firestone Copse.


Green Garden Waste.


There are 3,000 additional spaces for the IW Council's green waste service for this year. New customers are able to join the council's green garden waste collection service (for the subscription year starting 1st April at:. https://www.iow.gov.uk/gardenwastesubscriptions/


The subscription window remains open until 20 March and costs £72 per year. This entitles householders to a fortnightly collection of green garden waste and free collection of your real Christmas tree each year. 


This service was updated in 2020 to offer users the option of a new direct debit payment service that will automatically renew your subscription each year.




I continue to receive feedback concerning use of e-scooters by youngsters (who seemingly would not have a licence), on pavements and of scooters being left in inappropriate locations.  If you witness anything that causes concern please email myself and Beryl, who are responsible for the scheme at: support@beryl.cc 


Also this month:


·         I am supporting a resident in their campaign for ferry companies to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to support disabled residents.

·         I continue to receive complaints concerning garden bonfires in and around Albert Road.

·         I have countersigned a letter in partnership with the Pesticide Action Network UK concerning pesticide phase out in favour of more sustainable (and sometimes more effective) alternatives.

·         I continue to liaise with officers following advice concerning the ‘Harbour’ at Gurnard Luck.

·         I have been working with IWALC on potential support from Local Council’s on ICT support in local schools.

·      As the new Chairman, I am currently in the position of ‘opening up’ the Isle of Wight Local Access Forum, who are tasked to oversee use of public rights of way on the Island.

·         I have been asked to provide feedback on a large grass verge that is for sale in Greenways Close, Northwood.

·         Following complaints regarding perceived inaction on parking compliance on Highway land at Cowes Yacht Haven, I understand that the opposite is true and since 2021 no less than 11 penalty notices have been served.

·         Advice was sought concerning an incident which occurred at Northwood Park.

·         I have been approached by local family members concerned over a vulnerable residents wellbeing and a resident concerned with a mother in crisis needing support.  In the last 6 weeks, a number of mental health issues have been relayed, as have concerns over online abuse against teachers which is causing me concerns.

·         I attended a Councillors Briefing, with respect to the IW Council’s Parking Strategy.  Details (and why I am outlining why I and others are taking a stand on sustainable parking) can be found at: https://iow.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s2371/Appendix%204.pdf

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