About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday, 2 December 2019

IW Councillors Report: December 2019


4:30-5pm, Tuesday 3rd December, Cowes Library, 12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Thursday 5th December, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
5-6pm, Wednesday 11th December, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

Although I am taking a break from surgeries during the Christmas Break, I am contactable throughout the season to take up matters.  Please note with officers taking leave it may take longer to deal with issues.  In the meantime, I wish all residents and their families a warm, happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year 

Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan- Where Next?

In the coming weeks, I am intending meeting Officers to discuss options on how to update Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan.  There are a number of issues/ safeguards, which I am requesting to be considered, namely:

·         Protected status for Green Gaps (Esp. the Jordan Valley, land east of Cockleton Lane and land west of Rew Street)
·         An update to Gurnard’s Housing Needs Survey.
·         Protecting and Safeguarding of design characteristics of local areas (Esp. Shore Road/ Path, Albert/ Church Road)
·         Gurnard Pines.
·         Improved age friendly/ disabled criteria.

This comes at a time when Cowes and Northwood are considering implementing their own place plan, to replicate regeneration initiatives taking place in Newport and Ryde.  Details of the Newport Place Plan can be found here: https://iwightinvest.com/newport-place-plan/

Winter Is Coming-  Support from The Footprint Trust.

The Footprint Trust offers free home visits to look for ways in which to reduce fuel and water costs. In some cases The Trust can provide new cookers, fridges and washing machines to those in greatest need.  The Trust, and advice offered can save households £100’s. Please visit: http://www.footprint-trust.co.uk/projects.html or call 01983 822282

·         Check you are on the best energy deal.
·         Ask about the Warm Home Discount
·         Go onto the Priority Service Register if you have a vulnerable person in your home.
·         Keep heating in your Living Space between 18C and 21C
·         Lag your water pipes.
·         Call 0800 027 0800 and ask about the Watersure Tariff if you have high water use due to a disability.
·         Make sure your torch is charged, and you have spare batteries.
·         Wrap up warm. Wear thick socks indoors.
·         Keep tinned and non-perishable goods in case extreme weather prevents you from shopping.
·         Make sure you have enough medicine; Don’t leave re-ordering to the last minute
·         Keep important phone numbers on your fridge.


£30 per person could be saved by taking a four minute shower
£35 could be saved by having your home draught-proofed.
£80 per degree could be saved by turning down your thermostat
£150 could be saved by having home cavity wall insulated.
£170 could be saved by installing loft insulation in your home.

Please note Free loft and cavity wall Insulation is available by contacting the Footprint Trust through both the Warmer Wight Fund, and other agencies.

Planning Updates.

My request to call-in the decision to ‘approve’ proposals to extend Bucklers View to Planning Committee, in line with resident’s concerns over mass and overdevelopment was refused by the Planning Chairman.

In light of this decision, I place on record my gratitude to residents and Gurnard Parish Council for their support.
Sail GP to return to Cowes, 2020.

Sail GP has announced that they will return to Cowes to host their event on 14-15th August next year.

Following this announcement, I have asked to ensure communication with local residents are made a priority.

Whilst recognising that logistics concerning the event was not as slick as it could have been, I have forwarded all concerns regarding last year’s event to those officers with the Council who are directly involved with organises. In response, I’ve been advised that lessons have been learnt.

Christmas Waste and Recycling.

Changes are occurring to this years collection times these will take place as follows:

Normal Collection Day             Revised Collection Day 
Monday 23 December                Saturday 21 December
Tuesday 24 December               Monday 23 December
Wednesday 25 December          Tuesday 24 December 
Thursday 26 December              Friday 27 December
Friday 27 December                   Saturday 28 December
Monday 30 December                Unchanged
Tuesday 31 December               Unchanged
Wednesday 1 January                Thursday 2 January
Thursday 2 January                    Friday 3 January
Friday 3 January                         Saturday 4 January

Cowes Christmas Carnival Events.

Father Christmas has received over 6000 letters in recent years which receive a personal reply.  Each year there are
Some that cannot be answered due to no return address being given.  Please, please remember to ensure no child is disappointed by supplying names and addresses on all letters!

This year, Father Christmas on board of the Cowes Carnival Float will be collecting letters at:

6-8:30pm, Wednesday 11th December
Woodvale Road, Worsley Road, Hilton Road, Lower Church Road, Solent View Road, The Avenue, Church Road, Place Road, Place Side.

6-8:30pm, Friday 13th December
Oxford Street, Wyatts Lane, Uplands Road, Fieldway Crescent, Venner Avenue, Pallance Road, Nodes Road, Medham Village
6-8:30pm, Monday 16th December
York Street, West Hill Road, Beckford Road, Gordon Road, Mill Hill Road, Seaview Road, Belle Vue Road, Moorgreen Road.

6-8:30pm, Wednesday 18th December
Newport Road, Shamblers Road, Arnold Road, Ash Grove, Love Lane, Elm Grove, Arctic Road,

6-8:30pm, Friday 20th December
Crossfield Avenue, Parklands Avenue, Magdalen Crescent, Churchill Road, Charles Road, Park Road, Victoria Road, Stephenson Road.

Thursday 19th December and Saturday 21st December are days held in reserve, if any of the street tours are cancelled due to the weather. 

10:30am - 4pm, Saturday 14th December (weather permitting) Father Christmas will be visiting Corrie’s Cabin. Santa will be there with his bags of toys. See the snow. Have your photo taken. Tell him what you want for Christmas! Cost £2.

Please note Father Christmas will also be at Aldi’s between 10am - 4pm, Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd December.

Highways Matters.

·         Church Road, Cowes.  Further to my recent report a resident has clarified to me that one way traffic in Church Road does not exist.  It has been explained that although there is no entry from Castle Road there is no restriction on  residents travelling in both directions when leaving their homes.
·         Damage to the condition of Cow Lane continues to be monitored by Planners and the Rights Of Way Team.
·         A meeting is due to take place with Street Supervisers to look at sight lines and access to/ from Glen Place.  At the same time, if unresolved I am hoping the drainage of surface water from Rew Street can be remided.
·         Slippery Man Hole Covers!  Please let me know, of where these are so action can be taken!
·         I continue to raise concerns over improving mobility arrangements for pedestrian users of Park Road.
·         I continue to receive complaints concerning the parking of high sided vehicles.  In response, following feedback I am advised that so long as vehicles are taxed, are safe and lawfully parked there is no enforcement action that can be taken. If you are such a vehicle owner please be considerate to those living nearby where you park.
·         Following deterioration in the condition of Crossfield Avenue, I’m advised the road continues to be monitored. 
·         Investigations have taken place concerning flowing water on the Highway at Cockleton Lane, Pallance Road and Princes Esplanade.

General Election.

Residents will be aware of the Election being called on Thursday 12th December.  Although, all parties seemingly wishing to increase public spending, it will be interesting to note to what extent this will end austerity, particularly for those on low incomes and those who rely upon public services.

What I believe will be key and what will overshadow everything else, however is Brexit.  Whether parliament can agree a way forward will be pivotal and I remain hopeful that by this time next month a consensus between MP’s can be found!

Winter Gritting Update.

Following some negative feedback from communities affected, the IW Council and Island Roads took a U-Turn on their decision to withdraw gritting and salting from some rural arteries.  Please note, despite this decision gritting and salting will continue in Pallance Road, Whitehouse Road and Porchfield during St Mary’s junction ‘improvements’.

Egypt Light Update.

Many thanks to all residents and organisations that have been in touch concerning information and interest in the light.

This matter will be discussed by Cowes Town Council’s Project Committee in January.  Following feedback it is my interest to propose the setting up of a small group of organisations and individual to oversee and safeguard this navigational aid’s future.   Whether the group becomes into a Trust, or an Association is still to be agreed.

In the meantime, the IW Council have been approached to ensure the land where the Light is, is formally registered.

Debt Advice.

For support contact Citizens Advice: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/help-with-debt/, or call the Citizens Advice Bureau’s Adviceline on 0300 330 1313.  Alternatively, you can also contact the National Debt Line for support at: https://www.nationaldebtline.org or by calling 0808 808 4000.  

Social Isolation and Loneliness.

We are all growing older, and our communities in Cowes, Gurnard and Northwood has a large proportion of residents living on the own.

Through groups such as Neighbourhood Watch, our churches, The WI and similar local organisations, our community is more proactive than most responding to and support residents needing support.  This is particularly relevant with the evenings drawing in and cold weather setting in.

Organisations such as Age UK (Tel: 525282), The Footprint Trust (822282) and the umbrella organisation Isle Help (Tel:823898) can support and signpost residents.

There are now more people than ever before living alone. Please note this is not only an issue for older people.   Young people often live alone, whilst separations, family breakdowns and isolation in retirement all have an impact.

In the next few years social isolation and loneliness will become a priority for politicians to address.  In Scotland, who is ahead of the rest of the UK, the Parliament there introduced an initiative to better connect those in isolation: 

Actions include:

·         Working with health and social care integration authorities to address social isolation
·         Piloting an innovative housing solution for older people to test intergenerational and co-living arrangements
·         Working with partners to raise awareness of the value of befriending
·         Engaging with older age groups to understand how digital technology can add value to their lives

If you, or you know of residents that need support please let me know so I can make sure that residents receive the support they need and deserve.
Register for Priority Services.

Southern Water and Scottish & are collating a register to support residents.  This is available for residents who:

·         Are deaf or hearing impaired.
·         Use medical equipment/ aids
·         Have a disability
·         Reliant on electricity and/ or water
·         Live with children under 5
·         Are over 60
·         Are blind or partially sighted
·         Have mental ill health
·         Have a chronic illness
·         Have dementia

Southern Water and Southern Electricity Networks aim to offer to those who register:

·         Priority treatment during a power/ water outage.
·         Connection to local emergency services
·         Emergency power and/or water supplies for those reliant
·         Communication tailored to your needs.
·         Peace of Mind.

To register, either fill in a form from Cowes Library, The IW Community Club, Gurnard Press and Gurnard Pines.

Call SSEN on 0800 294 3259 visit ssen.co.uk/priority services;
Southern Water on 0800 027 0800 visit southernwater.co.uk/priority-services.

Isle of Wight Foodbank.

The Foodbank based in Cowes are currently requesting Squash, Tinned Fruit, Coffee, Sponge Puds and Custard.  In addition, Toiletries including toilet rolls, washing up liquid and washing powder are needed.

Please note that you can help the foodbank by donating unwanted clothing, tools and textiles.

Donations can be dropped off at the Foodbank HQ in Love Lane, Cowes between 9am-Midday.  For details, visit isleofwight.foodbank.org.uk, or call 01983 292040.
Also This Month

·         Timings/ dates for recycling and waste collections tend to be publicised around 12-15 December.  Once I know more (hopefully long before then), I will post on my website.
·         At Full Council, I opposed the motion to limit Council Tax Support.  At present (in line with Government guidance) those (esp. families) living on low incomes receive less support than others.  This I believe is wholly unfair, and with the recent introduction of Universal Tax Credits unfairly taxes those less well off.
·         I continue to support a local business to meet equality commission compliance.
·         A dog bin removed from the bottom of Egypt Hill for Sail GP was replaced.
·         I continue to support Councillors from Havenstreet and Brighstone on building a case for a rural bus service to justify to Southern Vectis and the IW Council a need for a service to connect these communities with Ryde, Newport, Asda and St. Mary’s Hospital.
·         I have been chasing up concerns regarding the closure of Shore Road and subsequent road damage by contractors in Shore Road.  
·         I’ve been contacted concerning the need to increase tree coverage on the Island.  Whilst supporting proposals in principal, this is a matter I have taken up with the IWC Countryside Section following ash dieback.
·         Improvements to the St. Mary’s Roundabout is running to schedule, and work is on course to stop for the Christmas Break on 20th December.
·         Small Business Saturday takes place on Saturday 7th December. Since 2013, the IW Council has provided Free Car Parking in Long Stay Car Parks between 12-6pm.  However, this year I’ve received no notice if this will take place this year. (Last year the comms. were issued the day before!)  For details please visit:  https://www.iow.gov.uk/
·         A school Governor is still being sought for Cowes Primary School.  Within Gurnard School, I have made a nomination.
An electronic advertising screen was removed from the County Show Ground, following complaints I and others made concerning road safety concerns on this accident black spot.
·         Congratulations to Pat Clayton, who has been reappointed to serve, as a Councillor on Gurnard Parish Council.  Over the years, I have worked closely with Pat as a former Councillor, representative of Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Watch and as a resident of Westview Road who I have worked closely with residents over on planning applications and ‘prior approvals’.


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