About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

IW Councillors Report, November 2019


4:30-5pm, Tuesday 5th November, Cowes Library, 12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 5th November, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Thursday 7th November, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
5-6pm, Wednesday 13th November, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
5-6pm, Tuesday 19th November, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Thursday 28th November, Coffee & Chat, All Saints Church, Gurnard.
12-12:30pm, Thursday 28th November, Eegons Cafe, 72 High Street, Cowes.

Cowes Traffic Orders.

Earlier than I anticipated, these new orders are in-situ in Baring Road, Woodvale Road and Crossfield Avenue.  

In response, to free up parking space I have again requested that contractors working at Gurnard Primary School and The Dottens are adhering in full to the Construction Management Plan. 

Whilst recognising restrictions can be irritating for some parents dropping off and collecting children, the reasons for their need was purely to improve the safety of children following a number of traffic related incidents outside the school. 

Flu Jabs: News for Cowes Medical Centre Patients.

Flu vaccinations are free for over 65’s, patients with long term conditions, if you are pregnant, or a carer.

Flu Jabs can be provided during a consultation, by booking an appointment on 294902, or for residents signed up for online services at cowesmedicalcentre.com.  It is best for appointments to be booked before the end of November.  It is easy to do, as there is no waiting in a queue. 

Winter Is Coming!  Support from The Footprint Trust.

The Footprint Trust offers free home visits to look for ways in which to reduce fuel and water costs. In some cases The Footprint Trust can provide new cookers, fridges and washing machines to those in greatest need.  The Trust, and advice offered can save households £100’s. For details visit: http://www.footprint-trust.co.uk/projects.html or call 01983 822282.


·         Check you are on the best energy deal.
·         Ask about the Warm Home Discount
·         Go onto the Priority Service Register if you have a vulnerable person in your home.
·         Keep heating in your Living Space between 18C and 21C
·         Lag your water pipes.
·         Call 0800 027 0800 and ask about the Watersure Tariff, if you have a disability or high water usage due to illness
·         Make sure your torch is charged, and you have spare batteries.
·         Wrap up warm. Wear thick socks indoors.
·         Keep a supply of tinned and non-perishable goods in case extreme weather prevents you from shopping.
·         Make sure you have enough medicine; Don’t leave re-ordering to the last minute
·         Keep important phone numbers on your fridge.


£30 per person could be saved by taking a four minute shower
£35 could be saved by having your home draught-proofed.
£80 per degree could be saved by turning down your thermostat
£150 could be saved by having home cavity wall insulated.
£170 could be saved by installing loft insulation in your home.

Further information on the Warm Up Wight Scheme offering free loft and cavity wall insulation can be found here: http://www.warmupwight.co.uk/, or by callin 01983 472805.

St. Mary’s Junction.

I attended the public information evening requested at Medina Theatre last month. 

Proposals for Phase 3 and Phase 4, which will take place between 4th November and 20th December include:

·         Forest Road two-way.
·         Outside lane on approach to St Mary’s roundabout from Cowes closed.
·         Outside lane of dual carriageway northbound (towards Cowes) closed.
·         Inside lane of St Mary’s roundabout closed.
·         Right-hand lane from B&Q roundabout to St Mary’s roundabout closed.

Meeting with District Steward.

·         IW Community Club, Park Road.  Consideration to extend double yellow lines to include the Bus Stop opposite the entrance. This would improve site lines of oncoming traffic and traffic accessing the club.

·         Worsley Road/ Church Road junction.  Vegetation currently impeding sight lines would be cut back to 0.6m, and managed by Island Roads.  If this fails to improve visibility and safety, double yellow lines would be considered losing 2-3 car parking spaces outside Bucklers View.

·         Worsley Road/ Glen Place junction.  Island Roads to contact the planners concerning the need for the approved splayed junction.  If this was not possible a site meeting would be needed with the street superviser to consider options, which may include the loss of two parking spaces at the junction.

·         Worsley Road, south of Gurnard Press.  Vegetation to be cut back to 0.6m to enable motorists to park hard against kerb.  If this does not resolve issues, the street superviser would recommend suggestions.

·         Church Road/ Tilbury Road.  A complaint was received concerning extending the length of double yellow lines following resurfacing.  It was found, that previously lines were not compliant with the Traffic Order.

·         Crossfield Avenue resurfacing. Following concerns raised over the deteriorating condition of the road, I have formally requested 6 monthly inspections of this road. 

·         Egypt Hill Bus Stop opposite The Moorings.  A request has been made to provide a barrier, at the bus stop.  This is due to the gradient.  Both the Moorings and other agencies would be sought for grant funding.

·           Rew Street surface water and drainage.  A further meeting is due to take place on site to consider options to alleviate the volume of standing surface water on Rew Street.

·          Street lighting in Albert Road was discussed, and is being monitored.  This follows a light being damaged, removed and not replaced many years ago.  With the potency of new lighting, I’ve requested improvements.


·         Extra parking has been created in Cross Street Car Park following removal of recycling bins earlier this year.
·          I have been supporting residents of Rolls Hill concerned about speeding traffic, concerns have been fed back to the police.
·         Parked boats and trailers have been reported for alleged non-roadworthiness compliance in various locations.
·         Fly-Tipping has been reported in Shore Road, Nodes Road and Crossfield Avenue.  With respect to Shore Road, this continues to be reported both to Island Roads and the Environment Officer, as animals split the bags open spreading food waste. On this, action continues.
·         Contrary to popular belief I am advised that there are no exemptions in place allowing certain residents to travel the wrong way along Church Road in Cowes.
·         Ponding outside The Dottens in Baring Road has been reported.
·         I have requested action to monitor and assess drainage which surfaces at the bottom of Woodvale Road.
·         Concerns have been raised by non Blue Badge Holders parking in Disabled Bays. I have been asked support disabled motorists, who currently rely upon able-bodied drivers being courteous keeping bays clear..
·         I have been approached following damage being attributed to Cow Lane
·         An approach has been made over future sponsorship of the Somerton Roundabout
·         I have reported residents concerns over the Advertising Board, which last month appeared at the County Showground. Concerns have been forwarded following drivers reporting this is distracting on a stretch of road, where traffic incidents are commonplace.   
·         I continue to receive emails of support, as well as opposition to overnight parking restrictions during Cowes Week on Egypt Esplanade.
·         I have requested that the condition of a retaining wall close to the junction with Baring Road in Crossfield Avenue is monitored and appropriate action taken to make the wall safe.
·         I have requested the emptying of overfilled dog bins in Northwood Recreation Ground.  In response it is noted that despite the bin being overfilled, bins nearby had space to accommodate the bags filled with poo.

Planning Applications.

Following feedback, I have called in two planning applications to be considered by the Planning Committee these being the application to extend Bucklers View, Gurnard.  The grounds cited include whether the size, scale and density and how this mitigates and enhances the entrance into the village.

The other application at 28 Albert Road, Gurnard, I’ve cited how the application for flats conform with the roads street scene, concerns raised on density, parking its impact upon the amenity of neighbours and finally how proposals reflect the housing needs for local people.

On both these applications, my request will need to be considered by planning officers and the Planning Chairman on whether our objections would be sustainable as a refusal on appeal.   

The other application which I am scrutinising is the proposal for ancillary tourist accommodation in Ward Avenue.

Is Coastal Management Effective?

Myself, Lora Cowes Mayor and several other residents, business people and those with an active interest in the coastline attended a very proactive presentation which was hosted by enthusiastic 11 and 12 year olds at Cowes Enterprise College. 

It is my hope that closer work and support between students and Cowes Enterprise can take place in advance of future Shoreline Management Plans.

Winter Gritting Routes.

This year Island-wide there will be a reduced winter gritting service.  This largely affects rural areas, with the Newbridge, Wellow and Thorley road and Military Road no longer gritted during winter conditions.

With imminent works at St Mary’s Roundabout the road from Pallance Road to Shalfleet and Whitehouse Road will be gritted due to the uplift of vehicles using this route to and from Newport. Details can be found at: http://www.islandroads.com/27-winter-service-.html

Police Meeting.

Alongside other Councillors, I attended a meeting with the police. Items discussed included police resources, traffic enforcement, non-visible policing, technology.

One issue that came from the meeting is the importance of on-line reporting of offences to the police.  This is considered to be the quickest means of reporting incidents. For details, visit:  https://www.hampshire.police.uk/

New volunteers are needed to for Community Speedwatch to train and assist monitoring speeding traffic.  Please contact Lora Peacey Wilcox  for details at Tel: 01983 64576 or email lora08@sky.com 

Parking Fines and Penalty Charge Notices.

I receive a number of calls concerning challenging parking fines.  What I always advise residents that to challenge the issuing of a ticket, it needs to be demonstrated that a ticket was issued ‘unfairly’.

There are a number of helpful websites which also support and offer advice.  One’s which I regularly use are Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/parking-tickets/ (Tel: 03 444 111 444) and Money Saving Expert https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/reclaim/private-parking-tickets/

Solent Forum.

At the Solent Forum, a report was provided on how dredging material was being used to safeguard erosion of marshland, mud flats and salt marshes east of Hurst Spit in the western Solent.

At the meeting a presentation was given on the decline of the fishing industry and its importance to the Selsey community.


Accepting that Brexit didn’t happen as was anticipated last month… I have continued to put pressure upon the Isle of Wight Council to be prepared.

In response the IW Council provided Councillors with a briefing on how Adult Social Services, Children Services, Staffing, Regulatory and Environmental Services and Business/ Economic Development are preparing for when we leave the EU. Evidently, much of this work was going on behind the scenes without councillors knowledge.

Since the uncertainty of a No Deal Brexit has for the timebeing vanished, so too has some residents concerns.  However, with a new parliament due to be elected within the coming months the only certainty seems that uncertainty will continue…until our MP’s make up their collective minds!

Floodlighting, Cowes Enterprise College.

I have put two households in touch with Cowes Enterprise College concerned about the floodlighting spillage onto properties in Ward Avenue and Baring Road. I am hopeful with the intervention of floodlighting specialists that disturbance will be restricted.

Waste and Recycling.

One of the most common questions that I am asked is about is what items can and cannot be recycled, This information can be accessed at: https://www.iow.gov.uk/Residents/Environment-Planning-and-Waste/Waste-and-Recycling/

Probably easier to remember are those items that cannot be recycled. These are:

·         Nappies
·         Sanitary items
·         Bubble wrap
·         Cling film
·         Blister strips (from pills)
·         Polystrene
·         Cold ash
·         Pet food pouches
·         Sweet wrappers
·         Contaminated Paper/ foil
·         Pet Litter
·         Ceramic items

Please rinse bottles, tins, food containers and cartons so that they are empty and clean. P.S. You don’t need to remove labels. All these are recyclable on the Island, whatever it says on the packaging!

Environment and Sustainability Forum.

At last month’s Forum it was reported that the new Forest Park Waste Plant is operational.  The Plant has the first ‘twin stream’ recycling facility in the country, and will support the Island recycling more of its waste through diversion from landfill.

At present 54.6% of household waste is recycled, and it is hoped that through the Environment Bill more stringent policies will be imposed to do more.

Also discussed was concerns expressed over the use of Glysophate, and the fact that Public Health England do not consider this weed killer to be dangerous…  In addition, discussion took place about the roll-out of charging points for electric vehicles and the creation of making more land available as future woodland zones.

The next meeting taking place will focus on future planning and housing, and how these can be ‘greener’ and more energy/ water efficient.

Telephone Boxes.

BT are set to remove a total of 16 public telephone boxes from locations across the Isle of Wight. The service provider has notified the IW Council of their plan to take away call boxes from some towns and villages on the Island

The telephone boxes to be removed include:

·         Coronation Avenue, Northwood
·         Broadway Cresent, Binstead
·         Adelaide Grove, East Cowes
·         Nettlestone Green, Seaview
·         Avenue Road, Sandown
·         Main Road, Brighstone
·         Sandown Road, Sandown
·         High Street, Godshill
·         Alverstone Road, Apse Heath
·         High Street, Wroxall
·         Gunville Road, Newport
·         Newport Road, Apse Heath
·         Malthouse Green, Newbridge
·         Steyne Road, Bembridge
·         Chale Stores and Post Office, Chale Green
·         Lane End Road, Bembridge

A total of 292 calls were made from the 16 telephone boxes in the past 12 months. The least used is High Street, Godshill with only 2 calls made, with the most calls being made from Adelaide Grove, East Cowes – a total of 42.

Also this month:

·         I attended a meeting where concerns were raised that more incidents of Asian Hornets have been reported. During this summer it was reported on the impact this has had upon bee colonies in the Channel Islands.
·         A presentation was made to the IW AONB Committee on the progress of the English Coastal Path.  As an update, Natural England reported that dialogue was continuing between English Heritage and the Ministry Of Defence.  The final proposals will be consulted upon in February 2020.
·         I am no longer a member of the IW Councils Pension and Audit Committees.
·         I am supporting the IW Community Club in their bid to fund inclusion facilities.
·         I am supporting residents and Councillors from Havenstreet and Brighstone with proposals that I am putting forward for a new community bus service which connects rural and isolated communities to Newport, Ryde, Freshwater and St Mary’s Hospital.
·         Advice and support has been given to a Cowes Business targeted by negative social media.
·         The Boundary Commission has approved ward changes for local elections to be held in 2021. Locally Ward Avenue, Queens Road and Park Road (east of Firs Close) will transfer from Cowes West to Cowes North.
·         I attended the official opening of the Cut’s new mural, which was a concept initiated by Cowes school children, local artists and Cowes Town Council (when I was Mayor!!)  Thank you to all who was involved!
·         If you are having a Firework Party, visit:  https://www.rospa.com/Home-Safety/Advice/Fireworks-Safety    please, please let neighbours with pets know before lighting up! Every year, I receive calls from owners of petrified animals.

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