About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

IW Councillor's Report, July 2019


4:30-5pm, Tuesday 2nd July, Cowes Library, 12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 4th July, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Friday 5th July, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 10th July, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 17th July, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
10:30-11:30am, Thursday 25th July, Coffee & Chat, All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
12-12:30pm, Thursday 25th July, Eegons Cafe, 72 High Street, Cowes.
5-5:30pm, Wednesday 31st July, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

Cowes Primary School.

Cowes Primary School are seeking new School Governors.  Please let me know if you are interested. This work can be both very challenging, as well as rewarding. 

Opportunistic Burglaries.

Please ensure doors and sheds are kept lock during the summer.  Please note opportunistic thefts can and do happen, and police request that residents keep their accesses secure.

Worsley Road Parking Survey.

Many thanks to the residents who responded to the Parking Survey which I circulated. 

The return rate was over 56%, with 62 responses from the 110 households/ businesses in and adjoining Worsley Road.  Feedback shows:

On the Worsley Road/ Church Road junction:
69% support a 24hr parking restriction; 8% support a limited restriction; 23% support no restriction and 0% No opinion. 

On the Worsley Road/ Glen Place junction:
42% support a 24hr parking restriction; 11% support a limited restriction; 44% support no restriction and 3% No opinion.

Between Gurnard Press and the junction with Westbrook Lane, Worsley Road:
37% support a 24hr parking restriction; 18% support a limited restriction; 42% support no restriction and 3% No opinion.

Key comments made, in priority suggested and requested:

·         Impeded site lines due to parked cars at, and opposite The Portland.                                        12 comments
·         Regular near misses witnessed Glen Place junction.                                                                    8 comments
·         Regular near misses witnessed Church Road junction, Worsley Road.                                        7 comments
·         Concerns regarding Speeding Traffic from Tuttons Hill to Worsley Road/ Church Road              7 comments
·         Impeded site lines within Worsley Road (shrubs, business signage)                                             4 comments
·         Difficult to proceed in Worsley Road                                                                                              4 comments

Following feedback received, action that I will be taking includes the following:

·         As a priority, meeting on-site with Island Roads and the IWC to investigate and feedback all options (including proposals for a traffic order) for the Church Road, Worsley Road junction.
·         To meet on site with Island Roads and the IWC to consider options to address other highway and parking concerns in Worsley Road.
·         Report to the Planning Department parking concerns regarding the Bucklers View Application
·         Report to Planning Enforcement Team concerns relayed over the Glen Place junction, Worsley Road.

Parking Fines.

In recent years, I frequently receive feedback from residents who receive ‘unfair’ or ‘unreasonable’ parking tickets, although I frequently can and will support residents further information (rather than the myths!) can be found at: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/reclaim/private-parking-tickets/


With recent rainfall, and hot weather following I continue to receive calls concerning the overgrown hedges.  To note, there is limited options to cut back vegetation until the bird nesting season ends in August.

Foliage has been trimmed back and made safe in Tuttons Hill, Place Road and Winding Way whilst a request has been made to improve site lines at the Somerton Roundabout, which continues to be monitored.  

Cowes Traffic Order.

Meetings continue to proceed positively to iron out residents concerns with the Traffic Order.  The proposals are due to be signed off by the Cabinet member at the end of this month.  However, I have requested that preliminary support is provided to Gurnard School to ensure parents are fully prepared for when proposals are in place.   

Car Parking.

Because of recent work on Cowes Traffic Orders and discussions with residents on the Gurnard parking priorities, I hold the view that residents and visitor parking in Cowes should be better managed and improved.  In light of this, I have set myself a 200 extra parking space target to free up and create new spaces.  This is something I look forward to bring forward with fellow Cowes Councillors.

If you know of any location in Cowes where parking could, and should be utilised please let me know!

Meeting with Island Roads.

I was joined by Cllr. Peacey-Wilcox and Cllr. Matt Smith (Gurnard Parish Council) at the meeting with Island Roads. Items discussed, and action points raised, were as follows:

·         Cowes Week Traffic Management Arrangements.
These were to be circulated.  Little change to last year.  Request for no overnight seafront parking under review.

·         Carriage Way Resurfacing.
°         (Lower) Park Road, Denmark Road surface treatment under review in liaison with IWC conservation officer.
°         Concrete section of Shore Road will be resurfaced following utility works.  Manhole covers being monitored.
°         Deterioration of resurfaced stretches of highway (Mill Hill Road/ Oxford Street) is being monitored. It was acknowledged Islandwide that this was an issue particularly where springs/ water leaks occur.
°         Not all roads will be resurfaced within investment period. Annual scanner surveys will continue, and where roads fall below statutory highways standards resurfacing will continue beyond 2020.

·         Grass Verge cutting.
°         Policy has changed from cutting certain length of grass to number of annual cuts. Amenity grass cuts will reduce from 10-12 cuts per year to 5. This will take longer, no evidence to suggest equipment damage.
°         Potential to work with local councils to increase cuts.
°         Nationally, it was noted restricted visibility encourages lower entry speeds.

·         Litter Bins.
°         Discussions taking place with IWC to have a joined up approach when emptying of all litter bins.
°         Dialogue with waste providers concerning fly-tipping and supporting disposal of household waste.
°         Extra collections being monitored for Round the Island Yacht Race (at present not a designated IW Event!)

·         Car Parking.
°         Island Roads are happy to liaise with local councils to increase availability for parking. 

·         Weed Control.
°         Control is necessary to safeguard pavement damage. Island Roads advised weed killers in use were more diluted form than household weedkillers. In noting harm from incidents elsewhere, this was due to use of glyphosate in undiluted form. Island Roads to liaise with Councils concerning treatments and alternatives. 

·         St Marys Roundabout
°         Work to reconfigure the roundabout and junctions on St Mary’s roundabout will begin at the end of September taking 15 months to complete. Local Councils may require stakeholder consultation/ engagement to take place prior to this.

Many thanks to all residents and councillors who liaised with me on these matters, prior to last month’s meeting!

Mobility Access.

Many thanks to residents who have reported to me concerns which impedes mobility.  As a priority, where this does exist, I am requesting support through developer contributions to improve pedestrian access.  Please let me know your ideas and suggestions? 

Local Council Tax Support Consultation.

The IW Council is requesting feedback on the future of the Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) Scheme.

Each year the Council decides whether to change the Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) scheme for working age applicants. The LCTS scheme for Pension Age claimants is set by Government who state pensioners are fully protected under the same rules that applied to Council Tax Benefit.

Therefore, changes affect working age claimants who receive LCTS or who may apply in the future, to provide support for people on certain benefits and low incomes. This scheme replaced the Council Tax Benefit scheme by the Department for Work and Pensions in 2013. Although Government initially provided funding to local councils, funding has reduced each year in line with the reduction in the Revenue Support Grant provided to councils.

Options being considered are as follows:

·         Option 1 - Introduce an 'income grid scheme' for all working age applicants, to replace the current means testing approach.
·         Option 2 - Introduce an 'income grid scheme' for all working age applicants, to replace the current means testing approach, but with the addition of the following options:
·         Option 2a - Disregarding Carers Allowance which is currently taken into account as income   
·         Option 2b - Replacing the three current earnings disregards with a standard £25 disregard, irrespective of a person’s circumstances
·         Option 2c - Replacing the five current non-dependant deduction rates with a standard deduction of £2 per week for each non-dependant in a household
·         Option 3 - Disregarding any payment made under the Infected Blood and Thalidomide Regulations in full as income or capital

In the past I have supported safeguards for those residents and families that are on low incomes.  Please let me know, if you feel that I have got this wrong!  In the meantime, this consultation continues until 9th August.

Gurnard Beach.

·         Barbecues.
If you use a disposable barbecue, please ensure after use and cooled the remnants are properly disposed of.  This follows issues of residents being burnt when stepping on coals etc, plus concerns raised regarding litter. In addition to this beach hut owners have also complained of damage caused.  In response, I have requested signage has been replaced and updated.

·         Disabled Parking.
I’ve received complaints to me of non-blue badge holders parking in disabled bays. Although, recognising parking is at a premium at this time of year, please can I request that people are mindful of where they park. In the meantime, following complaints, tickets can and will be issued by Parking Enforcement Officers when bays are obstructed. 

Planning Enforcement.

I am dealing with two separate Planning Enforcement matters adjacent to Egypt Hill.  In the meantime, I continue to liaise with officers over concerns in Worsley Road and Rew Street.

IW Council Planning ‘Public Access’ Portal

I have received feedback from residents concerning accessing applications and information (such as deadline dates) on the IW Council’s Planning Portal.  These concerns have been reported to the Head of Planning, and I remain hopeful that these teething problems will be resolved.

Empty Homes.

Because of the current local housing need particularly in Cowes, the IW Council remain committed to (where possible) to bring into use locations where empty properties exist.  In my position, I know of several properties that are empty and these have been reported and action taken.  If you know of an ‘empty property’, please let me know and I can either report this, or if it has been reported previously I can provide an update on steps being taken.

Planning Applications.

·         Woodvale Road.  Following dialogue and feedback from residents and Gurnard Parish Council, an application to redevelop a site in Woodvale Road has been refused by Planners.  In the meantime, I have been in liaison with both the applicant and neighbours, to ensure better engagement occurs regarding any future modifications.

·         Bucklers View.  I am in liaison with the case officer regarding parking and over dominance of the proposal to extend this sheltered housing site.  I have also requested should the application be approved that a construction management plan is in place (to regulate traffic movements through construction), developer contributions are accrued to improve access to and from the accommodation and finally that a local lettings requirement is in place to prioritise dwellings for those living locally.

Emptying of Rubbish Bins.

I am advised that 95% of litter bins should be emptied on a daily basis.  However, there are locations (working with Gurnard Parish Council, Chairman Cllr. Terry Nolan), where it is apparent this has not occurred.

This problem has been exacerbated where fly-tipping and the disposal of household waste also occurs regularly.  This applies to bins at Princes Esplanade and Place Road.  Concerns have been expressed this may apply to second home owners who are encouraged to sign up for the collection plus service.  For details, please visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/Residents/Environment-Planning-and-Waste/Waste-and-Recycling/Household-Waste-and-Recycling-Collection/Other-

Garden Waste.

In May, I highlighted the Garden Waste Collection service which I campaigned successfully for in the days when I was lead member for between 2015-2017.  In recent months, this has become increasingly popular to the stage that the single vehicle being used is no longer large enough to cope with the demand.

As a result a new vehicle is on order, and a waiting list is in place. If you would like to be contacted when there is new availability of the Service OR would like an email update when subscriptions open for the next subscription year (2020/21), please email waste.contract@iow.gov.uk and request to be added to the list. Existing subscribers may request a multiple subscriptions at a property already subscribed by contacting waste services on 01983 823777.

Isle of Wight Biosphere.

The Isle of Wight has been designated as an UNESCO Biosphere, following a recent successful bid by the Isle of Wight AONB Partnership. As a Councillor, and member of The IW AONB Partnership I’ve supported this initiative since it’s onset in 2016. 

What is a biosphere reserve?
A biosphere reserve is an area that has been recognised for its unique mix of plants and animals, valued environment and sustainable way of life of the people who live and work within the biosphere reserve. The biosphere reserves are chosen by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) but rely on local cooperation to ensure the careful management of the resources within biosphere reserves that allow development without harming the area for future generations.

What are the functions of biosphere reserves?
Each biosphere reserve should fulfil three functions that work together and reinforce one another.

·         A conservation function - to preserve genetic variation, species, ecosystems and landscapes;
·         A development function - to foster sustainable economic and human development;
·         A logistic function - to support research, monitoring, education and information exchange related to local, national and global issues of conservation and development.

A biosphere reserve isn't an artificially constructed area. They are real places where people live and work. The local community care for the environment and manage resources in the biosphere reserve that allow stable and sustainable economic growth and development.

What are the benefits of biosphere reserves?
Biosphere reserves provide a framework for projects that improve people's lives and protect the environment in a sustainable way. Communities, local stakeholders and government officials gain an increased awareness of environmental and development issues. Biosphere reserves may attract funding to demonstrate approaches to conservation and sustainable development that can provide lessons to be applied elsewhere.


·         Free Tennis is available at Northwood Park!  For detail please visit: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/TennisintheParkCowes
·         Damage and trip hazards in Winding Way has been reported to Island Roads.
·         Support has been given to residents concerning the new licensing arrangements for Beach Huts.
·         A request has been lodged for a tree protection order for trees in Edinburgh Close
·         Cycle Hoop damage has been reported on Princes Esplanade.
·         Gravel has been cleared from the junction with Hilton Road in Cockleton Lane.
·         With the support from Southern Water, Manhole covers have been made safe in Shore Road.
(With Cllr. Peacey-Wilcox), I volunteered support to IWALC in facilitating a Planning Forum for Town & Parish councillors. At IWALC’s meeting, I requested training for local councillors to become CAB Advice First Aiders.

·         I have provided support concerning a dropped kerb request made by Island Roads.
·         My updated Register Of Interests and Annual Report now features on my website.
·         A complaint was received following the installation of a new bench in Princes Esplanade. This is being monitored 
·         On behalf of the Footprint Trust, I have attended the IW Anti-Poverty Awareness Group.
·         With more time available, I’ve been appointed to the IWC Pension Fund Committee. I have also been appointed Deputy Leader of the Independent Group.
·         At the IW Plastics Forum, I was asked to support Amey liaising with residents in Alexandra/ Coronation Road on difficulties being raised navigating waste and recycling vehicles.  A meeting will take place in the coming weeks.        

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