About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

IW Councillors Annual Report 2019

Isle Of Wight Councillors Annual Report: April 2019.

Please contact me:

By Post to:  45 Oxford Street, Cowes, Isle of Wight. PO31 8QA.
 Telephone: 01983 289595 (24 hours)/ 07 935 090 835 (Mobile & Text); Email: paulfulleriw@gmail.com

Visits and Surgeries.

Please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always happy to meet at a time and place convenient to you.  I also hold regular surgeries/ drop-in’s. No appointment is necessary. As a rule of thumb these take place:

4:30-5pm, 1st Tuesday of each month at Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, 1st Tuesday of each month at The Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11:30am, 1st Friday of each month at Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11:45-12:15pm or 6-6:30pm, 2nd Wednesday of each month at The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, 3rd or 4th Wednesday of each month at Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
12:30-1:30pm, 3rd or 4th Friday of each month at the Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard. [April-September]
10:30-11:30am, 4th Thursday of each month at All Saints Church Coffee & Chat morning, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, last Wednesday of each month at The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
12:30-1pm, last Thursday of each month at Eegon’s Café, Cowes.

Representing our Community in County Hall, rather than County Hall in our Community:

This is my tenth annual report and summarises my work as your Councillor for the past 12 months.

Despite campaigning to protect vital services, I am committed to ensure our Councils say yes, rather than no. It remains in the forefront of my mind that I am only here because you re-elected me. Therefore, my priority is simply to put our community first.

Please note I do this, because I thoroughly love it! Although can be challenging, because I enjoy my ‘work’, I hope that it shows and I achieve the very best outcomes possible for residents.

Your Independent Councillor: Putting You First.

As an Independent, I continue putting the needs of Cowes and Gurnard first.

Having no activists, sponsors or leader shadowing me, my loyalty to represent every resident in Gurnard and Cowes is absolute.

Within my role, I am committed to be a hardworking, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Parish, Town and County councillor.

If you feel that I, or the Councils where I represent your views get things wrong, please tell me. Unless I know, I’m not in a position to listen, ask questions, put things right, or fight on your behalf!

I am one of four Isle of Wight Councillors representing Cowes and believe that I work closely, and am supportive of colleagues.

Despite a near death experience resulting in a hospital stay last summer(!), I’ve reprioritised my work to give more time to prioritise on local issues. As Mayor (since 2017) this allows me to ensure our community works together for the betterment of all residents.

In a Nutshell: Some of the key issues I’ve been pursuing during the last year:
For details of these and other issues pursued, please visit paulfullercc.blogspot.co.uk
·         Anti-social floodlighting at The Range was resolved following officer support.
·         Following the withdrawal of recycling banks, I supported residents receiving help.
·         Within my Scrutiny role, a support group was created to feedback to Floating Bridge stakeholders.
·         Following the growth of the Cowes West & Gurnard ward, it is intended Queens Road, Cliff Road, Baring Road (east of Egypt Hill), Park Road (east of Firs Close) and Ward Avenue will become part of Cowes North from 2021.   

·         With the grateful support of Gurnard Church, Trading Standards undertook scam drop-in’s for residents at Coffee and Chat during May and June.
·         Meetings took place to support resident, shopper and visitor car parking in Cowes.
·         Successful action was taken against a building contractors’ bonfire in Gurnard.
·         After feedback, repairs to the railings on Cowes/ Gurnard Seafront took place.
·         Large rubbish Bins were installed on Gurnard Green, following complaints of litter.  In addition, following fly-tipping, the Biffa Bin in Shore Road was removed. 

·         Place Road was realigned to cater for the new Meadow View development.
·         I received feedback following complaints of increased fees to Beach Hut owners. I suggested fees were increased to mainland residents, rather than locals.
·         Proposals for the new Gurnard School rebuild was circulated to residents.
·         Discussions took place with the IW Council regarding restricting overnight parking on Cowes seafront during summer.  This continues to be pursued.
·         I supported Southampton City Council’s Clean Air Strategy

·         Complaints of anti-social parking were received. Discussions took place with those responsible.
·         I met with the Place Road developer, and discussions took place concerning bonfires and reassured residents’ speculation on developing nearby land.
·         I met with regulars from the Apex Church, and supported their ongoing concerns.
·         Complaints were received and action pursued following delays at Lynnbottom Tip.

·         It was a privilege as Mayor spending Cowes Week promoting our town and listening to residents and visitors about improving the event for future years.
·         Following a request for call-in being supported, the Planning Application for the contemporary Watersedge Café, Shore Road was approved by Planning Committee.
·         I was invited to a public meeting hosted by Gurnard Pines residents requiring support following the site owner installing new water and electricity meters to chalet owners.
·         Tuttons Hill and Marsh Road were resurfaced.

·         Solent View Road was resurfaced in favour of Worsley Road following false starts.
·         Cowes hosted this years’ Isle of Wight Day Event.
·         It was indicated that my suggestion to include footpaths to and from Newport via the Medina Valley would be included in proposals for the new IW Coastal Path.
·         At Full Council, I was one of three Councillors to oppose an increase to IW Councillors Allowances.

·         A new application was received, and a letterdrop took place for a revised planning application next to Dottens Farm. This scheme for 11 dwellings was later approved.
·         Consultation took place concerning seafront cycling.  Following feedback, no action was taken due to the numbers of families cycling on the footway safely. However, a request was made to monitor those cycling at speed.
·         I met with Southern Vectis to request better capacity on the No.1 Bus Route.
·         Following positive feedback, a new ATM was provided at the Red Jet terminus.
·         It was reported that Cowes benefitted from an uplift of visitors during Cowes Week.

·         I attended Remembrance Events at St Mary’s Church and All Saints Church.
·         Following acceptance by the Post Office of need within the Town Centre, a new counter service was provided in town. It is intended a second counter may follow.
·         70 residents attended my Gurnard Pines drop-in event giving support. The event was supported by Jigsaw, The Footprint Trust, The NHS, Citizens Advice & Amey.
·         Work commenced on removal of Japanese Knotweed adjacent to Dottens Farm.

·         At Full Council, I voted for increased Council Tax support to those on low incomes.
·         With support from the Footprint Trust I arranged a drop-in for residents to switch energy suppliers in Cowes Library.
·         Action was taken following anti-social parking complaints outside Gurnard School.
·         Action was taken following land clearance taking place off  Woodvale Road
I arranged a visit by local councillors to Cowes Foodbank.

·         I requested Egypt Hill and Cockleton Lane being gritted in icy conditions.
·         Access to the beach from Shore Path was closed. With support, I campaigned successfully to see the access restored.
·         A letterdrop took place in response to the Island Planning Strategy (IPS). 
·         I’ve requested better distribution of developers contributions for local projects.
Toilets reopened in Cowes following mindless vandalism.

·         I voted against proposals to increase Council Tax. 
·         Within the Island Planning Strategy I formally objected the increase in annual housing numbers from 525 to 641; I supported increasing local homes for local people and opposed proposals to develop the green gap between Cowes and Gurnard. 
·         Support and action was taken following damage being caused to Blackberry Lane’s kerb.
·         Meetings took place to safeguard the Park Road crossing patrol. This is necessary following the non-viability of a zebra crossing and the loss of parking provision.
·         Discussions are ongoing to replace Watch House Shelter on Cowes Parade.

·         Southern Housing arranged a meeting for proposals to increase housing at Bucklers View. Further feedback will take place by me on submission of plans.
·         Assurance has been given that the Cowes Traffic Order is next on the priority list to be implemented by the IW Council. This remains a priority!
·         It was indicated my 2015 proposals to redirect the English Coastal Path through Spencers Copse and Shore Path will be supported by Natural England.  
·         Discussions have taken place to address Car Parking issues in Cowes. Increased parking capacity for residents, shoppers and visitors remain a priority.  

Organisations and Outside Bodies that I am a member and support:

·         Cowes Town Council. 2001-2005 and from 2009. Town Councillor for Cowes North. Mayor Of Cowes (2017-2019); Planning; Projects; Finance & Acquisitions and Planning Committees (ex-officio); Island Roads liaison Councillor (2015-  ); Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (2014-  );  Cowes Mobility Forum (2018-    );  Plastic Free Member Champion  (2019-      )
·         Gurnard Parish Council. Vice Chairman (2017-   ); Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (2015-   ); Personnel Working Party (2018-    )
·         Northwood Parish Councillor.                   .
·         Local Access Forum. Vice Chairman. This statutory body oversees Rights of Ways matters. The Forum works closely with landowners and user groups to improve access to the right of way network.
·         Footprint Trust. Chairman. The Trust supports residents (often vulnerable) to lower their household utility bills and environmental footprint.
·         Solent Forum.  This organisation oversees Economic and Environmental challenges within the Solent.
·         Isle of Wight AONB Partnership. This group manages and oversees challenges faced to the Isle of Wight’s Countryside.
·         Cowes Medical Centre Patients Forum. On this body (when I can attend) I support the team at our Medical Centre and feedback resident’s concerns.

In addition, I am a serving Justice of the Peace and sit on both Adult and Youth Benches, and am trained to consider domestic abuse matters.

Within the Isle of Wight Council, I am a member of the IW Council’s Audit Committee, Appeals Committee and Licensing Committee.

With a reduced corporate responsibility within my role this year, this has enabled me to dedicate much more time to focus on local issues.

One year in numbers. As your Councillor:

·         I am contactable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
·         I work between 35 and 50 hours each week.
·         I attended 327 meetings associated with my role.
·         This includes 13 out of 13 IW Council summoned meetings.
·         In the last ten years, I have attended more meetings than any other Isle of Wight Councillor.
·         In addition, I’ve attended 33 informal/ associated meetings, briefings, exhibitions & site visits.
·         I’ve attended 11 out of 12 Cowes Town Council monthly meetings, 10 out of 11 Gurnard Parish Council meetings plus 40 further meetings/ events associated with Parish/ Town Council activities.
·         I’ve received 3250 emails, 1100 telephone calls and 7 letters! I aim to respond within 3 days and attempt to prioritise calls from Cowes West and Gurnard residents within 12 hours of receipt.
·         I’ve resolved/ relayed 1008 enquiries. 40% of these relate to Gurnard residents; 29% to Cowes West residents; 26% from other Cowes/ Northwood residents and 5% to residents living elsewhere.
·         I’ve arranged 100 surgeries in 7 different venues. Supporting 319 enquiries from residents. 
·         I’ve leafleted 2,300 Annual Reports, sent out 380 local newsletters and made 32 home visits.
·         Following intervention 12 cars and 1 trailer left the highway from various locations in Cowes and Gurnard.
·         I’ve written 12 monthly reports. Please visit www.paulfullercc@blogspot.co.uk for details. These are available from Cowes Library and Gurnard Press and edited for Gurnard News, the Cowes Magazine and the Beacon. Monthly reports provide updates, decisions taken and feedback to issues which I am pursuing. Each month I provide updates on between 25 and 55 items in each report.

I received a Councillors Allowance of approx. £ 9066 Gross Pay.

£133.55 Annual Report 2017/2018.
£432.17 Towards Broadband, telephone, use of home as office.
£167.19 Office Supplies (ink, paper, postage, printing, newsletters etc.)
£  20.00 Donations.
£  78.20 Travel.
£  90.50 Meetings, Surgeries and Associated Costs.

£921.61 Total Expenses.

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