4:30-5pm, Tuesday 4th June, Cowes Library,
12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 4th June, Sports Bar, Isle
of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Friday 7th June, Gurnard Press,
Worsley Road, Gurnard.
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 12th June, The Woodvale,
Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Tuesday 18th June, Cowes
Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
6-6:6:30pm, Wednesday 26th June, The Portland,
Worsley Road, Gurnard.
10:30-11:30am, Thursday 27th June, Coffee
& Chat, All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
Worsley Road.
Early last
month I received a flurry of complaints concerning bad parking in and adjoining
Worsley Road.
One of the
suggestions put is to request double yellow lines to fully restrict
parking. In response, this needs evidence to back up that a health and
safety issue exists with proposals supported by residents. As Ward
Councillor I am tasked to provide sufficient evidence to reinforce any request.
On the plus side,
a restriction would limit parking/ waiting times, improve pedestrian safety and
help the throughput of wider vehicles using Worsley Road. On the negative
side, this will mean more vehicles parking on adjacent roads, limiting the
ability and availability of parking spaces.
This was delayed
due to the Bucklers View planning application, which may affect feedback to the
Parking Permits.
Cowes Town
Council are working alongside the IW Council to expand parking zones in the
town where there is a lack of parking in town for residents. Local Councillor, Cllr. Peacey-Wilcox is
leading on this on behalf of residents of Pelham Road, Bridge Road and Thetis
issue of concern is the introduction of charges off street in car parks after
6pm from this month. This was delayed
by the IW Council who originally considered introducing proposals from April.
Cowes Traffic Order.
I am told
that the Cowes Traffic Order remains on course.
In the last month alongside Gurnard Cllrs Smith, Wood and the Head
Teacher we met with Parking Services Officers outside Gurnard School.
In response,
parking services have targeted anti-social parking whilst a number of residents
have through me requested action taken against parents who have obstructed
driveway accesses.
Because of
(16) objections to the order (mainly from a proposal in Belle Vue Road!!) this
continues to be delayed. I have again
highlighted that the order as advertised for Baring Road/ Woodvale Road and
Parklands Road/ Park Road is implemented in full as advertised.
Parklands Avenue: Former Turning Circle.
A parking
ticket was issued to a motorist who had parked their car ‘a considerable
distance away from the kerb’ on the turning circle in Parklands Avenue. Under legislation where a vehicle obstructs
the thoroughfare of traffic a ticket can and will be issued. However, in this instance no obstruction was
attributed and following intervention this was challenged and the motorist was
Can you help?
To improve parking
provision, do you have off-road parking that you would be prepared to enter an
arrangement with neighbours or residents/ commuters to park? If so, please let me know!
Grass Cutting and Hedgerows.
The cutting of
verges in Gurnard last month took
place following me receiving complaints from residents. In addition, I have requested action to cut
back verges on the Crossfield Estate and vegetation in Newport Road and Nodes Road.
This is an issue I
will be taking up with Highways with the onset of future savings- Please see later
within my report!
Highway Updates.
resurfacing due to take place this summer is listed below. Please note these dates/ timescales can slip!
05/07/19 – 06/07/19
Terminus Road/High Street/Carvel Lane
Gurnard Heights
15/07/19 – 16/07/19
Moorgreen Road
15/07/19 - 18/07/19
Bellevue Road
Victoria Road
22/07/19 – 31/07/19
Crossfield Avenue
11/09/19 – 13/09/19
Worsley Road
In addition,
minor repairs to the delineated carriageways in Pine Tree Close and Magdalen
Elsewhere, I
have requested that cleansing and repairs takes place to the bus shelter in
Carvel Lane, Cowes and cleansing takes place to the entrance of Fountain Yard
as well as to the Blackberry Lane footpath
to Edinburgh Close.
Roads Meeting.
I have arranged to meet with Island Roads to
discuss ongoing items with officers and Councillors from Cowes, Gurnard and
Northwood Parish Councillors. This
meeting will take place on Monday 24th
June. Please let me know of any questions
you wish me to raise before Monday 17th June.
Issues to be discussed include updates on
carriageway resurfacing and arrangements for Cowes Week/ Sail GP Event.
PFI Savings.
Please let
me know of instances of overflowing litter bins.
contacting the IW Council, it was highlighted that the issues concerning
overfilled bins not being emptied was due, in part to the hot weather during
the Easter Holiday. Since then, bins continue to be monitored. In addition, the Environment Officer will be
discussing concerns with Gurnard Parish Council this month.
Last month
the IW Council Leader (in response to find savings within the PFI contract) has
suggested smarter emptying of bins. At the Town/Parish Forum it was suggested
that there would be fewer bins where they weren’t needed, but larger bins where
they were. However, Cllr Stewart again made
it very clear that seafront bin capacity would not be affected.
Other areas which
the IW Council are investigating is reducing cuts of grass verges and dimming/ trimming
street lighting. According to the leader the cutting of grass verges on the Island
exceeds the ‘statutory minimum’ required(!) In addition to the proposed
savings, the IW Council (like many other authorities) will no longer actively
man CCTV coverage. However, consideration
is taking place to monitor CCTV during busy periods by local town and Parish
Bucklers View.
The long awaited proposal to extend Bucklers
View by an additional 13 sheltered housing units was advertised last month. The deadline for comments is Monday 3rd June. A letterdrop and a drop-in for residents
took place during May.
Woodvale Road.
In addition to the above, an application was
also received to considerably extend a bungalow in Woodvale Road. In response, I have received concerns and am
offering support to neighbours.
Work has taken place on the removal of a
large sycamore tree, within the church yard, Church Road, Cowes. This tree according to the IW Council’s tree
officer had extensive decay to the tree’s base.
Oak Trees adjacent to Woodvale House, Woodvale Road are have their crown
raised to 5 metres and cleaned, whist a TPO’d sycamore tree will be removed (due
to decay at the base) and replaced within 2 years.
Fourteen trees (Oaks, Holm Oaks, Sycamores
and Monterey Pines) are to be cut back or removed and replaced at The Hawkins, Egypt Esplanade. Also, a sycamore tree at Egypt Copse is also due to be removed and replaced.
In Place
Road, BAE systems have confirmed that trees on the grass verge will not be
removed. However, some of the trees/
shrubs on the junction from Three Gates Road will be cut back to improve site
lines. Elsewhere, in Place Road I have
requested clarification of 4x Horse Chestnuts planted in close proximity of
each other at The Range.
Please let me know of any unnecessary
street furniture/ signs that are in place.
I am in the process of working alongside Island Roads to ensure that
inappropriate signs are removed from the highway.
An example of this are school signs
for Gurnard Primary School that has not been (as yet) taken away by Island
Neighbourhood Watch/ Police Request.
Every year,
once the warm weather and sunshine appears, I receive requests from the police
to let residents know to leave sheds and household doors locked as opportunistic burglaries can and do
In the past
few months there has also been cold callers
attempting to sell their services across the Island. I have requested an updated supply of ‘No
Cold Calling’ stickers from Environmental Health and once these are received, I
will circulate these to residents who have requested theirs. Please note (sadly!) the No Cold Calling
initiative does not apply to religious or political canvassers.
The Police reported their priorities are
Non-Dwelling burglaries, Drug related crime and prevention of knife crime. It was reported that £6.7k was seized in
respect to drug related crime in the Cowes area.
Please note Cowes is a safe and generally
crime free, with crimes reported falling from 1300 to 600 in the last 5 years.
Following last month’s European Elections the
following MEP’s were elected to serve the South East England constituency of
the European Union
Candidates Elected
Political Party
Share of vote
(SE region)
Share of vote
(Isle of Wight)
Nigel Farage,
Alexandra Phillips, Robert Rowland, Belinda
Claire De Camborne Lucy
Brexit Party
Catherine Bearder, Antony Hook, Judith
Liberal Democrat
Alex Philips
Daniel Hannan
John Howarth
Change UK
Despite the overwhelming frustration of not exiting
the European Union, it was reassuring to see the depth of interest that these
elections when I met with voters on election day! It will be interesting to see how the big
political parties respond!
Also this month:
ended my term of office as Mayor of Cowes.
My grateful thanks and appreciation to Cowes’ clerks, and to deputy
Cllr. Lora Peacey-Wilcox who has taken over.
Cllr Paul Bertie will now serve as Deputy Mayor.
have made representations to the IW Council over the availability of parking
for volunteers.
has commenced on the repairs to the Watch House Shelter on Cowes Parade.
and support has been provided to a resident wishing to dispose of hazardous
have received feedback from the water regulator concerning charges imposed on
Gurnard Pines residents. In the
meantime, I await with interest feedback from OFGEN.
of Garden Waste in Cow Lane has been reported to Island Roads/ The IWC Environment
· Planning Enforcement has been requested on a property in Worsley Road. In addition action is pending following action taken in Oaklands View.
· Planning Enforcement has been requested on a property in Worsley Road. In addition action is pending following action taken in Oaklands View.
have been appointed as Deputy Leader of the Isle of Wight Group of Independent
have reported that surveillance continues on the beach between Gurnard Marsh
and Sailing Club following historical reports of anti-social behaviour from
Full Council concerns were expressed in diluting the role of the IW Association
of Local Councils within Scrutiny. It
was noted by most Councillors that proposals to do this was not welcomed,
particularly at a time when the Corporate Scrutiny Committee were monitoring
the impact of Town and Parish Councils.
Concerns (which I supported) were also expressed about debating petitions.
Parish Council has shared a letter received from the Minister for Housing and
Planning concerning the IW Council’s Housing numbers. In light of this, I continue to challenge the
housing numbers pitched at 641 new homes per annum.
light of advice, a list is being created to highlight what local priorities
residents would like to see funded through Section 106 contributions from developments. On this, please let me know your thoughts!
are needed to drive the local community buses.
If you are interested please let me know!
Primary School are seeking two new School Governors. Again, please let me know if you are interested.
enjoyed the latest meeting of the IW Council’s Audit Committee. Items being considered included proposals for
investment at Nicholson Road, Ryde; Health and Safety Risks within the IW
Council’s Estate and Brexit…
Cowes’ Parking Strategy meeting, I share concerns that more parking permits are
being issued than there are spaces available. This is something that Cowes
Councillors will take up with the IW Council.
the recent Town and Parish Council seminar, it was reported that following a lack
of investment by Housing Associations in new homes, the IW Council are considering
forming their own housing provider to invest in low cost energy efficient modular
housing. This is something I look forward
to discussing further with officers.
· Two
meetings are taking place with officers concerning the forthcoming consultation
on the English Coastal Path.
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