About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday, 29 April 2019

IW Councillors Report, May 2019


10:30-11am, Friday 3rd May, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 7th May, Cowes Library, 12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 7th May, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
6-6:6:30pm, Wednesday 8th May, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 15th May, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 15th May, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Thursday 23rd May, Coffee & Chat, All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
12-12:30pm, Friday 24th May, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
6-6:6:30pm, Wednesday 29th May, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
12-12:30pm, Thursday 30th May, Eegon’s CafĂ©, 72 High Street, Cowes.

Bank Holiday Rubbish.

During the late half of the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, I started to receive complaints concerning overfilled bins at Gurnard Green.  However, this was followed up by complaints from very angry residents and visitors quite rightly upset by the accumulation of rubbish throughout the Island during the weekend.

Residents contacted me assuming this was as a consequence of the IW Council’s administration revising its PFI contract with Island Roads.  

In response to this, I have contacted the IW Council for an explanation.  The purpose of questions put, is to understand better the problems of emptying, so solutions can be found to limit future re-occurances.

The questions asked are as follows:

·         When does Summer emptying regime come in to force, and what days do these take place?

1st April. Gurnard Green bins are emptied 3 times a week all year round.

·         What is the current (Winter) emptying regime, and when does this happen?

Monday/Wednesday and Friday

·         What is the emptying regime in place on highways under control by Island Roads? Is there scope for partnership between Parks and Beaches, Island Roads and Amey?

Island Roads empty esplanade bins Monday-Friday in the winter and daily in the summer.
·         What scope is in place for a more flexible regime, whereby bins can be emptied more frequently during a) hot weather and b) bank holidays?

In the past Gurnard Parish Council has requested The Green Bins are emptied on a daily basis during school holidays – and we are happy to consider this again if requested.

·         Is there scope to ensure bins are a) made bigger, b) animal proofed esp. against foxes and gulls? and c) being adapted to ensure waste is separated (as occurs with normal household collections)

Yes happy to consider a range of options with the Parish Council

·         Is there feedback from our Environment Officer, as to improving litter bin collections?

General feedback is frequency is ok but not busy summer weekends and there has been an impact of the larger waste container being removed

·         Are there any Town and Parish Councils/ Businesses elsewhere on the Island that has an enhanced litter collection service, and if so what added value is provided to these areas?

Yes Ryde and Newport

·         Can the issues being experienced across Island during the Bank Holiday weekend, be as a consequence of revisions to the PFI contract with Island Roads? If so, what steps do the IW Council intend to take to ensure that a repeat of unemptied bins does not reoccur?

More Rubbish…

I am advised that one of (several) reasons for overfilled bins, was due to weekend visitors and residents with second homes leaving their household rubbish in and adjacent bins.

If you are a regular visitor, please visit www.iwight/waste or call 01983 823777 to subscribe to the Collection Plus service.  This enables any resident to have their bins collected from their property without the need to place bins on the kerbside.  This costs £60 per year, and is free for residents with medical/ mobility needs.

In addition, Amey/ The IW Council also has a garden waste collection service, again costing £60 per year.

and more Rubbish…   

Last month, I was contacted by a resident concerned about warnings made by Amey and the subsequent non-collection of waste and recycling from the Flats at The Green, Crossfield Avenue.

Officers have met on site, and a solution has been found to increase capacity. In response, I’ve requested owners/ landlords are found to help facilitate improvements. In the meantime waste/ recycling is now being collected again.  


·         Worsley Road.
I continue to receive complaints concerning bad parking in, and adjacent to Worsley Road, Gurnard.

The main areas of concern are:

1.    The junction of Worsley Road and Church Road.
2.    The junction of Glen Place and Worsley Road and outside the Nisa and Gurnard Press.
3.    Where Worsley Road narrows before the junction with Westbrook Lane.

As a consequence residents have highlighted travel delays, obstructed sight lines for vehicles exiting junctions and pedestrian safety, as fresh reasons for considering a parking order to resolve these issues. In addition, a suggestion has been made to re-route the community bus and goods vehicles. 

In response, I do have real concerns that ‘double yellow’ lines, will transfer problems to adjacent roads where parking is also at a premium. I also have concerns over how restrictions may affect the viability of businesses.

It is noted that on many occasions the worst incidents, are those parking for short periods to collect single items and individuals from the village hall!

In the meantime, I will be consulting with residents in and around Worsley Road to discuss their thoughts and suggestions on how best I pursue this.  This will also be discussed by Gurnard Parish Council.

From my perspective, I continue to plea with residents to park hard against the kerb, as well as think where and how they park ensuring roads and junction sight lines are kept unobstructed to allow large vehicles and the bus to pass.      

·         Pavement Parking.
At the Cowes Mobility Forum, I have also received complaints about bad parking in Place Road.  The complaint received was from a resident who relies upon using a mobility scooter.  According to this resident, on occasions they have had to leave the footway to take their scooter on to the highway, into the oncoming traffic lane.

It is noted that this not only applies to the disabled but also to parents with young children in push chairs/ prams, and is more so relevant with the development of the Meadow View Estate.  

Please can I appeal to residents who park on the footway/ pavement in Place Road to please consider pedestrians and leave more than adequate space for mobility scooters/ prams to pass.

Carriageway/ Footway Resurfacing Updates.

Firs Close’s footway was resurfaced last month and seating in Cowes has been maintained for the summer season.

In the meantime, carriageway resurfacing is on course to take place in Park Road (June) and Crossfield Avenue (July).  Also, the Zig Zag Steps footpath has reopened following works to remove the fallen tree and repair the paths handrail.  


This month I supported a Planning Application in Baring Road, refused by Planning Officers. In my opinion, this proposal is in an area where similar and more dominant applications in respect to size and mass have been approved.  

Proposed perceived residential developments off West View Road, Rew Street continue to cause myself, Gurnard Parish Council and residents concern.  I continue to liaise with officers on these matters in the hope that appropriate action can and will be taken.

I have also been in contact with both Planners and Cowes Enterprise College concerning complaints from Ward Avenue residents regarding the construction and hours of work for the new Multi Use Games Area, as well as poorly fixed signage to street furniture.  It is believed this occurred due to imminent Gas pipeline works and carriageway resurfacing in Crossfield Avenue, scheduled for coming weeks..  

As a consequence, disruption stopped. Thank you to the school’s Principal and to contractors in their swift response!

In the meantime, I have also sought reassurance from planners regarding the MUGA’s new floodlights.

Annual Report.

I had a fantastic time last month delivering my Annual Report.  Despite my enthusiasm wanting to discuss parking, highways, planning, waste and dog dirt, the one issue that people wanted to discuss with me was Brexit or lack of it!

It was very clear during my discussions that faith in politicians, seem at an all-time low following residents (and my) frustration in actually getting on with the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.  This is very understandable given Government and its parliamentarians have now had two years to agree a deal.

In the meantime, if you have not received your report please let me know!

Neighbourhood Watch/ Police Request.

Every year, once the warm weather and sunshine appears, I receive requests from the police to let residents know to leave sheds and household doors locked as opportunistic burglaries can and do happen!   

In the past few months there has also been cold callers attempting to sell their services across the Island.  I have requested an updated supply of ‘No Cold Calling’ stickers from Environmental Health and once these are received, I will circulate these to residents who have requested theirs.  Please note (sadly!) the No Cold Calling initiative does not apply to religious or political canvassers.  

Town/ Parish Council Co-options.  

Thank you to all residents who applied to both Cowes Town Council and Gurnard Parish Council.

Successfully co-opted was Cllrs. Matt Smith, Jan Williams and Nikki Wood to Gurnard Parish Council and Cllrs Ken Gilpin and John ‘Jock’ Rafferty to the Cowes Medina Ward of Cowes Town Council.

As Isle of Wight Councillor, I very much look forward to working with and supporting our new local councillors.

Brown Tail Moth Warning.

The IW council is warning against handling the creatures, whose hairs can break off as barbs, potentially causing skin irritation and breathing difficulties.                                                                                                    

Once again the annual influx of the brown-tail moth caterpillar and residents are reminded to avoid handling them, as they can cause skin and eye irritation, especially in children.

If you are unlucky enough to have handled the caterpillars, you may experience a rash together with irritation similar to a severe nettle rash. Because hairs can become airborne some people may experience symptoms affecting their eyes and breathing similar to hay fever symptoms.  Normally this will give a few hours of localised discomfort. Washing the affected area with water and the application of calamine lotion to the skin may ease discomfort. The hairs may also worsen symptoms of asthma for some people.  You should seek medical advice from your pharmacist or GP if symptoms do not settle down within a few hours. 

European Elections.

If you recently moved, please note that the very latest deadline to vote in the European Elections is Tuesday 7th May.

Mayors Report.

This is my last report as Mayor of Cowes. Thank you to my wonderful colleagues who gave me the honour of representing our community. It has been a fantastic two years, where I have met some lovely warm people.  I also wish to place on record my grateful appreciation to deputy mayor, Lora Peacey-Wilcox and our Town Clerk, Debbie and Deputy Clerk, Kate who have always gone above and beyond the call of duty in their support to me and to Cowes. Also this month:
·         Cowes Town Council has agreed to provide financial support for the Park Road crossing patrol.
·         The Town Council has supported the repair to the Watch House Shelter, with work due to commence this month.
·         The Northwood Recreation Ground footway working party met, and subsequent support has been given by the Cowes Access Forum for the project.
·         Cllr Peacey-Wilcox, myself and Assistant Clerk Kate Gibbs met with officers at County Hall to discuss parking.
·         I attended the Red Funnel’s naming ceremony for its latest vessel (for freight) Red Kestrel.
·         The Visitor Cowes Working Group met, and things are now looking more positive with the Town Council stepping into the shoes left by Destination Cowes.  I remain really positive through the group, and with support from the CBA inroads can be made to build upon the foundations laid by Destination Cowes.
·         I had a fantastic afternoon at Old Charlton Houses Easter Event, and felt privileged to judge residents Easter Bonnet competition.    
·         My last civic event as Mayor will be the wreath laying to commemorate the Blyskawica’s defence of Cowes.

Also this month.

·         I continue to support the Watersedge CafĂ©, which was broken into last month.  Since then, I am liaising with the owner on a number of issues such as cleanliness of The Green, the Beach and the collection of rubbish.
·         I have given advice following complaints regarding bonfires, affecting the Meadow View development.
·         Advice has been provided to a resident with information on Rew Street pond.
·         I have supported a resident with information for Quad Bike parking.
·         Concerns have been relayed regarding adders.  Please note all snakes are protected. Adders are declining due shorter winters and habitat loss. If you see an adder it is advisable to leave it alone. 
·         A very big thank you to those residents who joined Town and Parish Councillors for the tidy up events held!
·         The consultation on the English Coastal Path commences next month.  I have learnt that it is unlikely that Colwell Bay, Quarr Abbey, Jersey Camp and the Osborne and Barton Estate may not be included.  Details to follow!  
·         I’ve been approached by a resident anxious to see eco-housing supported.  On this, I have no hesitation in doing so.  I have contacted Planners asking for a policy supporting this within the Island Planning Strategy.
·         In response to an enquiry made concerning inaccessible bus stops, I have responded suggesting that bus stops at Hillis Corner, Pallance Road; The Moorings, Egypt Hill and Nodes Road are made more accessible.
·         I have requested improvements to sight lines in Marsh Road.
·         I am liaising with the developer responsible for Westwood Close who is intending to undertake work to make more attractive land where the old play area was at the end of this road.   

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