About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday, 3 April 2017

IW Councillors Annual Report: No.8 (April 2016 - April 2017)


Please contact me:

By Post to: 74 Wyatts Lane, Cowes, Isle of Wight. PO31 8QA.
 Telephone: 01983 289595 (24 hours)/ 07 935 090 835 (Mobile & Text); Email: paulfulleriw@gmail.com

Visits and Surgeries.

Please contact me if you require support.  I’m always happy to meet at a time and place which suits you.
Alternatively, in the last year four years residents have had the option to visit my surgeries (No appointments are necessary).  These were and are held as follows and will continue should I be re-elected in May:

4:30-5pm, 1st Tuesday of each month at Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, 1st Tuesday of each month at The Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
11-11:30am, 1st Friday of each month at Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11:45-12:15pm or 6-6:30pm, 2nd Thursday of each month at The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
1-1:30pm, 3rd or 4th Wednesday  of each month at the Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard. [March-December]
3-3:30pm, 3rd or 4th Wednesday of each month at Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
11-11:30am, 4th or 5th Friday of each month at Eegon’s, 72 High Street, Cowes.
6-6:30pm, last Thursday of each month at The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

Please visit paulfullercc.blogspot.co.uk for monthly reports and updates on surgeries.

Isle of Wight Council Elections.
On Thursday 4th May, I will be seeking your support for re-election to the Isle of Wight Council for the next four years.

This offers an opportunity to let me know whether I am getting things right, and how I can be more effective should I receive the privilege to continue as your Councillor. 
As usual, I intend to call at every household. However, if you would prefer me not to call, please let me know!

For much of the last four years, I’ve played an active role within the Council as an Executive Member for the Independent controlled Council.   In this role I’ve overseen matters relating to Planning, Waste, Public Protection, the Environment and Engagement with Town and Parish Councils.

As part of the Independent Group, I have   successfully campaigned to ensure our Council listens more, and actively responds to the wishes and needs of our community.

Representing our Community in County Hall, rather than County Hall in our Community:

This is my eighth annual report and summarises my work as your Councillor for the past 12 months.

Despite needing to fight even harder following cutbacks to services, I am committed to ensure our Councils say ‘yes’, rather than no. As long as I remain your Councillor, I’ll continue to listen to and fight our corner whenever and wherever necessary.

The reason I do this, is because I thoroughly love it! Because I enjoy my ‘work’, I hope that it shows and I’m achieving the right outcomes for our community!

Thank you for reading my report!

In a Nutshell: Some of the key issues I’ve been pursuing since last year:

April 2016.

·         Park Road was resurfaced.
·         I approached Taxi operators, following a shortage of taxi’s during weekends.  Following input, an operator took positive action to improve provision.
·         Following feedback, I supported residents awaiting renewal of their blue badges.
·         Beach replenishment took place in Queens Road.

·         I arranged a Public Information Meeting which took place concerning the first phase of the Place Road development.  At the event residents had input with the developer on future proposals.
·         As Executive member, following roll out of the new waste contract I undertook three months of surgeries supporting Island residents. In this time, I supported over 200 people in seven venues.
·         I notified 300 local residents with shore-side frontages advising of the West Wight Coastal Strategy Consultation.  This was followed by an Information session that took place locally at the New Holmwood Hotel.


·         Ward Avenue, Baring Road, Queens Road and Albert Road were resurfaced.
·         The IW Council were persuaded to increase the collection of rubbish from litter bins on Gurnard seafront.
·         In light of the IW Council transferring services to Town and Parish Councils, I campaigned at Full Council to reduce Councillors Allowances.
·         I arranged a meeting with Island Roads, the IW Council and Cowes Town Council to progress a Traffic Order for Cowes High Street.


·         I undertook my Annual survey of street furniture.  Following this, seating at Rew Street was repaired, whilst Dog Bins (Worsley Road) and Litter Bins (Princes/ Egypt Esplanade) were replaced and re-anchored.
·         I consulted with residents and local councils on options to replace railings on Cowes/ Gurnard seafront.
·         I met residents affected by a planning application in Queens Road.  Issues were fed back.
·         Following requests I made, thicker Garden Waste sacks were introduced by Amey.


·         Following an extensive growing season, I chased up requests to trim hedges on footpaths, roadsides and junctions.  These were cut back before schools returned!
·         Action was pursued following Anti-Social Behaviour and damage to woodland between Gurnard Marsh and Sailing Club.
·         Consultation took place regarding Ministerial plans to support creating a ‘combined authority’ for the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton.  Proposals would later be put on ice following disagreements between Hampshire and the unitary authorities.
·         New Planning Enforcement arrangements started to take effect, with a number of call-outs made.


·         Residents and schools were asked for suggestions in naming roads for the new development at Place Road.  Deauville Avenue, Cordelia Crescent and Sunset Drive were selected from thirty names contributed.
·         I suggested that the IW Coastal Path is extended to include both banks of the River Medina to Newport, prior to being adopted in December 2019.
·         I received confirmation from Island Roads that Parklands Avenue would now be reconstructed given its condition (rather than resurfaced) in April 2017. 


·         I met parents following withdrawal of road traffic patrol funding.  Gurnard and Cowes councils offered to step up to plug the funding gap for crossings in Park Road and Baring Road. For next year, I am looking at options for both primary schools affected and have met school leads for future sponsorship. 
·         Following ongoing nagging by myself and others Shore Road was resurfaced(!!)
·         Friends Of Cockleton Meadow were successful in its bid for £8000 of funding!
·         Action was taken following Cold Calling, after incidents were reported to me from residents


·         Potential to redevelop public toilets and increase beach huts at Gurnard were rejected by the IW Council following opposition. Proposals also could not proceed given a restrictive covenant for Gurnard Green.
·         I met managers at Cowes Medical Centre and fed back on how new working practices, such as recruitment of Advanced Practice Nurses and navigation by reception staff is being rolled out to support patients.
·         I met Island Roads. Future parking orders, resurfacing priorities and emergency works by utilities companies on newly resurfaced roads were issues discussed, responded to, pursued and fed back.
·         Following power loss at Gurnard Pines, I letter-dropped, visited and provided ongoing support to residents. 


·         At Full Council, I supported proposals for two MP’s to represent the Island.
·         The Valuation Office assessed Business Rates should be applied for, for the Public Toilets at Gurnard. I supported an appeal, which was successful.
·         The public footpath between Egypt Esplanade and Battery Road was repaired and reopened following ground movement stabilising.
·         I contacted HSBC, Lloyds and the Post Office following the withdrawal of services from April. Following responses received, I met and gained support from our MP.


·         A meeting took place with Planning and Housing Officers to discuss enforcement concerns raised by residents at Gurnard Pines. 
·         I complained to Island Roads about emergency works taking place in Newport Road whilst the Floating Bridge was out of action.  Following complaints made the road reopened ahead of schedule.
·         I spoke to and supported residents regarding tentative plans to develop land adjacent to Churchill Close.
·         Following resignations by Council Leaders, I was appointed to Chair the Council’s Scrutiny Committee.


·         A new application was received for 8 dwellings adjacent to Dottens Farm.  I letter-dropped and arranged meetings. Plans were opposed by Gurnard Parish Council.
·         Consultation took place on Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan
·         Suggestions extending Parking Orders for the Church Road/ Worsley Road junction and for junction of Woodvale Road and Baring Road were made. Proposals will free up under-utilised space near to schools, whilst making school entrances safer.
·         At Full Council I opposed the controlling group budget, which increased Council Tax by 5%. The alternative Independent budget I supported, proposed a 4% increase. Independent proposals were legally set and spent less capital on County Hall, would increase financial support for Rights Of Way, Planning Enforcement, investment in Beach Huts, whilst freezing Floating Bridge charges.    


·         Egypt & Princes Esplanades was resurfaced. Beforehand, I liaised with residents, Island Roads and the Community Bus to ensure disruption was minimised.
·         After confirming relocation to Mill Hill Road, the Post Office has commenced their ‘consultation’. Following resident feedback I intend relaying concerns.
·         At Planning Committee, I requested deferral of a decision at a dairy farm in Ryde following concerns I have over the sustainability of the Island’s dairy industry.
·         Pre-Consultation began on an intended Marine Conservation Zones in the Solent.  I have initial concerns on how this may impact upon fishing and sailing.

Organisations and Outside Bodies that I have been a member and supporting 2013-2017.

·         Cowes Town Council. Also Island Roads liaison Councillor (2015-2017); IW Association of Local Councils (2014-2017); 75th Anniversary ORP Blyskawica Committee (Deputy 2016-2017)
·         Gurnard Parish Council. Gurnard Open Space/ Friends of Cockleton Meadow (Vice Chairman)
·         Northwood Parish Councillor.
·         Local Access Forum. (Vice Chairman). This is a statutory body that oversees Rights of Ways matters.
·         Footprint Trust. (Chairman) This charity, which I’m a keen supporter and Trustee. This group supports residents (often themselves vulnerable) to lower their household utility bills and environmental footprint.
·         Solent Forum.  This organisation oversees Economic and Environmental challenges to the Solent
·         Isle of Wight AONB Partnership. This group oversees management and challenges being faced to the Isle of Wight’s Countryside.
·    Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (until 2017). This Government organisation oversees the sustainable management of inshore sea fisheries for the Isle of Wight, Hampshire and Dorset.

In addition, I was until 2017 the IW Council representative on the IW Rural Fund, allocating Government grants to rural businesses, was a Friends Of Northwood Cemetery Trustee and I serve as a Justice of the Peace.

Responsibilities I’ve taken on since 2013 have included Environment & Transport Scrutiny Committee Chairman (2013-14), Planning Committee Chairman (2015). I joined the IW Council’s Executive as portfolio holder for Planning, Licensing (2015), Environment, Waste and Local Engagement (2015-16), Public Protection and Fire (2016-17).

As a Councillor I’ve been a member of Audit, Appeals, Licensing and Planning Committees.

One year in numbers. As your Councillor:

·         I am contactable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
·         I work between 30 and 75 hours each week.
·         I attended 395 meetings associated with my role.
·         This includes 26 out of 26 IW Council summoned meetings.  In the last eight years, I’ve attended more meetings than any other Councillor, maintaining a 100% attendance.
·         In addition, I’ve attended 43 informal/ associated meetings, briefings, exhibitions & site visits.
·         I’ve attended 12 out of 12 Cowes Town Council monthly meetings and 11 out of 12 Gurnard Parish Council meetings plus a further 33 meetings and events associated with Parish/ Town Council activities.
·         I’ve received over 3000 emails, 800 telephone calls and 11 letters! I aim to prioritise calls from Cowes West and Gurnard residents within 12 hours of receipt.
·         I’ve resolved/ relayed 922 enquiries. Often resolving the smallest issues have the biggest impact!
·         I’ve arranged 89 surgeries in 15 different venues. Supporting 317 enquiries from 300+ residents.  In 2016 I added more venues, extended times and continue to receive support from other groups. Many thanks to Amey, The Footprint Trust, Developers, Island Roads and the local venues for their support.
·         I’ve leafleted 2,200 Annual Reports, sent out 490 local newsletters and made 99 home visits.
·         I’ve written 12 monthly reports. All are accessible on my website www.paulfullercc@blogspot.com, and available at Cowes Library and are edited for the Gurnard News, The Cowes Magazine and the Beacon. Monthly reports provide regular updates, decisions taken and feedback to issues that I am pursuing.  

I received a Councillors Allowance of approx. £15,750 Gross Pay (1% less than 2015/6).  My expenses for this year, is as follows:

£ 197.32 Annual Report 2015/2016.
£ 701.12 Contribution towards Broadband, telephone, use of home as office.
£ 126.95 Office Supplies (ink, paper, stamps, Printing, newsletters etc.)
£   50.00 Donations.
£ 111.85 Travel.

£  1,187.24 Total Expenses. 

This information is promoted by:  Paul Fuller of 74 Wyatts Lane, Cowes, Isle of Wight. PO31 8QA. 

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