11-11:30am, Friday 3rd February, Gurnard
Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
10:30-11:30am, Thursday 9 February, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes. (Rescheduled date)
10:30-11:30am, Thursday 9 February, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes. (Rescheduled date)
11:45-12:15pm, Thursday 9th
February, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 15th February, Cowes
Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
6-6:30pm, Thursday 23rd February, The
Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11-11:30am, Friday 24th February, Eegon’s, 72
High Street, Cowes.
11-11:30am, Friday 3rd March, Gurnard
Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan.
Following its
submission by Gurnard Parish Council in November, the IW Council is undertaking
a consultation on the proposed Gurnard Neighbourhood Development Plan and
supporting documents. This can be found at: and continues until Monday
27th February.
spoken to Planning Officers, I’m advised that given a requirement to follow
formal timescales, the very earliest date that a referendum can take is August.
IW Council Administration.
Last month Cllrs Jonathan Bacon and Steve
Stubbings resigned their positions as Leader and Deputy of the IW Council. As a consequence my Executive position was
short lived, and at Full Council a new leader Cllr. Dave Stewart was appointed
to take control of a Conservative/ Individual Members Group/ UKIP
Unlike the former ‘Independent’
administration, which I am a member of, there is now a majority of members (21)
that are aligned and in a position to work together to set what will be a very
difficult budget.
One of the frustrations which Jonathan had as
Leader, was how it was becoming very challenging to set a budget following
decisions taken by Central Government to reduce financial support and
particularly support to Adult Social Care.
This was particularly relevant to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight
Sustainability and Transformation Plan, which members considered failed to
recognise the extra care costs linked with our ‘Island’ factor.
Cllr. Stewart approached me to become a
member of the new 9 strong Executive and although I was thrilled to be asked, I
know that priorities and loyalties shared with my colleagues, and those priorities
for the new administration would undoubtedly be compromised. In the meantime, I’ve wished Cllr. Stewart
every success and look forward to continue working alongside his new Executive
in moving the IW Council forward.
Housing development at Place Road.
Following last year’s competition from
developers to name the three new roads at this development in Place Road,
Island Roads (in conjunction with feedback from Gurnard Parish Council) have
agreed to name the new roads as:
Avenue (This proposal was supported by three residents and the Deauville
Twinning Association)
Crescent (Suggested by Lanes End School student Claudia Summers, supported by
Gurnard Parish Council)
Drive (Suggested by Lanes End School student Rufus Darroch and supported by Gurnard
Parish Council)
These names are slightly different from those
initially suggested, given the roads layout and configuration. Prizes will be awarded to individuals and
organisations at Gurnard’s Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 26th April.
adjacent to Dottens Farm.
A new application was received last month to
redevelop land fronting Baring Road adjacent to Dottens Farm. Since being advertised, I’ve letter-dropped
notifications of this application to seventy households nearby in Baring Road,
Debourne Manor Drive and Woodvale Road.
This was followed up by a public meeting held at the Isle of Wight
Community Club.
This new application has reduced the number
of dwellings from 11 houses to 8.
In discussions had with residents, concerns continue
to be raised regarding increased traffic to an already (at times) congested
area, and settlement coalescence between Cowes and Gurnard. Also of concern was
the impact of any future development upon habitats of protected species, as
well as the setting of the listed Dottens Farm and its barns.
These issues, along with others have been
relayed by Gurnard Parish Council who considered the proposal at their planning
meeting in January. Comments for this application should be received
before Friday 3rd February 2017.
For further
details on this application, please visit:
Following the sign off of recent Planning
consents, The Range has confirmed that their new store at Place Road will open
on Friday 14th April.
Banks/ Post Office Update.
Last month I joined members of Cowes Town
Council, Northwood Parish Council and Gurnard Parish Council who met with
Andrew Turner MP to facilitate his support in retaining both a Post Office and
Bank facilities for the town.
(From my notes), outcomes from the meeting
included the following:
Turner agreed to liaise with the Post Office concerning its future in Cowes’
Town Centre. If this was not possible, Mill Hill Road’s Co-Op was considered as
a last resort solution.
potential was there to utilise the existing Lloyds Bank building?
asked what opportunities may be available to create a ‘Community Hub’ facility,
comprising of a Bank, Post Office and outreach for Cowes Town Council?
Traffic Regulation Orders.
On our fact finding mission over two days
Town Councillors Geoff Banks, Paul Taylor and myself met with local residents
in Churchill Road, school Governors in Park Road, parents and principle
teachers at Gurnard Primary to discuss future traffic orders for the area.
Issues highlighted included:
Cowes, and adjacent to Cowes Primary School and Cowes Enterprise College:
of Hire vehicles in Crossfield Avenue, Churchill Road and Winston Road.
perceived lack of Parking Enforcement (Esp. Mounbatten Avenue, Edinburgh Close
and Charles Road)
safe pedestrian access to Park Road via Blackberry Lane from Cowes Primary
School and Cowes Enterprise College.
need to update existing parking orders, and potential to remove restrictions in
place from Crossfield Avenue.
future of the Parklands Resource Centre.
zone and Speedwatch?
term financial support and sponsorship for the Road Crossing Patrol in Cowes
and potential utilisation of body warn cameras?
Gurnard/ Cowes, and adjacent to Gurnard Primary School:
and non-compliant parking of parental vehicles in Woodvale Road and Baring
perceived lack of Parking Enforcement, and the need for more rigorous controls.
to Grass Verges and planting in Woodvale Road.
need to update existing parking orders, and to remove restrictions for the
non-utilised bus stop in Baring Road.
of improved crossing facilities and traffic calming measures
over future school growth
of developer’s contributions, and how future housing may mitigate against
current problems.
Following the site visits, I will in the
first instance speak to the IW Council about the future of the Parklands Resource
Centre. Should the Centre’s future be
assured, further investigations will be required to upgrade Blackberry Lane.
Suggested recommendations to Cowes Town
of Restrictions for School Buses in Crossfield Avenue and Baring Road.
Crossfield Avenue and at the junction with Churchill Road request a No Parking
restriction (12-1pm) to prevent commuter parking.
support Gurnard Parish Council’s ‘No Loading’ Parking Restrictions in Woodvale
request a Red Route Stopping Control between the junction of Woodvale Road and
Curtlemead, Baring Road.
request a formal 20mph speed restrictions in Park Road, Crossfield Avenue and
Baring Road.
consider three year funding and sponsorship of the Crossing patrol (and body
warn video) at Park Road.
Primary Care Strategy
Isle of Wight (IW) Clinical
Commissioning Group (CCG) is consulting on the future of services provided by
GP practices (Wednesday February 15, 2017). This follows a period
of engagement as part of the My Life a Full Life programme and work by the CCG
with GPs, Practice Managers, Practice staff and Practice Patient Participation
Groups (PPGs).
The strategy recognises the
challenges providing primary care and sets out a vision for the future of
General Practice including extending access to routine Primary Care seven
days-a-week, implementing digital technologies enabling greater access and
control, and developments in using new staff groups to work differently.
For details, please visit:
This consultation continues until Wednesday 15th February.
and Highways Matters
At Glen
Place residents have asked that I request double yellow lines on this new
development’s junction with Worsley Road, given the difficulty with site lines
for residents exiting this junction.
I have contacted the Planning Department regarding
this, and have suggested that ‘if’ it is considered necessary for a traffic
order, this is funded by the developer given the problems are as a consequence
of this new development.
On another issue concerning Glen Place, I’ve
been contacted by residents concerning the future management of the ‘Ecological’
areas on site. The Planners have
highlighted that because of environmental constraints, these areas should be
safeguarded as a wildlife habitat intrinsic to the green gap which separates
Cowes and Gurnard.
On this issue the Planning Officer is
liaising and monitoring compliance.
In the last few
months, I’ve received a number of concerns over the current use of Gurnard
Pines. Surprisingly, most residents that
have contacted me are owners who has asked for better planning enforcement
From the
perspective of the Planning Department Gurnard Pines is currently defined as
being a Holiday (or Tourism) site, and this is unlikely that this is likely to
change, given its position and potential as one of the Island’s Principal
Holiday sites. Should permission be
sought to formally alter the Pines’ change of use from Holiday use to permanent
residential use, this could have an adverse impact and set a precedent for
parks elsewhere on the Island.
Although it is
accepted that some conditions do allow for residential use for a multitude of
allocated periods(!), there will be a need for both Planning and Housing Departments
to fully understand the Pines’ status, and where appropriate support residents.
Bird Poo.
Residents from The Avenue, Tilbury Road, Bay View Road and Albert Road have asked me to plea to residents when feeding birds, to
please avoid feeding the large number of Herring Gulls insistent on
‘decorating’ clean washing in the area
If this is not
possible, can I suggest residents please consider use of feed dispensers as
these are an ideal way of dissuading both large gulls and other vermin, whilst
at the same time providing sustenance to garden birds!
Planning Committee.
A development to
build 80 new homes at Westridge Farm, Ryde was refused,
following concerns raised by the Planning Committee over access to the site
from an existing narrow road.
Elsewhere for the
first time in several years, the Head of Planning and Housing invoked the
‘cooling off’ period, following a split decision be supported by the Planning
Committee for proposals to extend the marshalling
yard for Red Funnel at East Cowes.
On this
application, it was considered that the ‘Refusal’ element was be unsustainable
(which I agreed..)
Last year the
Department of Health in Association with the British Heart Foundation made
available grant funding for Community Groups to provide defibrillators in their
area to reduce the number of deaths by cardiac arrest. This was tested at Christmas time, when Fire
crews saved the life of a motorist who suffered an arrest outside Newport Fire
In Gurnard, I’ve
been asked to find out whether there are any local businesses which would
support the location and access to a defibrillator on their premises. If so,
please let me know!!
Locally there are
defibrillators at The Woodvale, the IW Community Club, Westwood Park (Cowes Football Club) and Cowes Enterprise College.
Also this month:
I’ve received complaints concerning vehicles being
regularly parked on the Bus Stop, opposite the Portland. John the Bus Driver has advised me that when
vehicles which park in this location restricts mobility impaired residents alighting
the community bus.
A resident contacted me concerned by mysterious white
powder found at Appley. On further investigation it is believed that the
substance was flour..
A Tree Preservation Order has been requested to thin
(sycamore) trees in Debourne Manor Drive.
Comments have been forwarded to Planning Officers and
the Planning Inspector following perceived inaccuracies regarding a Planning
Appeal against ‘refusal’ to a property in Shore Road.
I continue to support an over 75 yr old resident,
being chased by the TV Licensing Authority.
A request has been made to protect the sea wall on
Shore Path, following submission of further plans to redevelop the area.
At the last meeting of the former IW Council’s
Executive, the Council’s Parking Strategy was welcomed. This strategy has been long awaited, since I
first requested this be updated and revised six years ago.
Executive Position.
My Executive role within the IW Council has
changed! New responsibilities are
depicted with in italics below.
Areas I now take responsibility for includes:
Environment including Rights Of Way, Cycling, Areas Of Outstanding Natural
Beauty, The Countryside & Rural Economy, Public Spaces, Public Realm,
Beaches, Public Slipways, Beach Huts and Allotments, Flood Defence, Coastal Erosion, Agriculture, Fisheries,
Land and Marine Based Environmental Designations.
& Public Protection including Fire
Prevention, Road Safety, Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Food Safety,
Licensing, Emergency Planning, Bereavement
Services, Crime Prevention, Liaison with Police & Emergency
Engagement (Liaison with Town and Parish Councils- Especially regarding the
transferral of services)
Areas that I no longer take responsibility
for is:
and Recycling. (With changes being implemented last year, this took up much of
my time)
Of Way.
Path Orders and
No objections were received to upgrade Public
Footpaths BB5 and BB34 to Bridleway Status.
In addition, work is underway to divert Public Bridleway A41 to provide
a safer and improved access point to Blackwater Hollow.
Additional moneys (including s106) have been
allocated to Rights Of Way to make surface improvements to Petticoat Lane
(N211), the path between the pond at Carisbrooke and Purdy Road (N54) and a
Path at Binstead (R112). All are very
popular routes including routes to school, and will be be delivered by end of
financial year.
Rights of Way have completed a project on a
path leading to Beech Copse from the Griffin in Godshill (GL57). A grant was provided by HF Holidays to carry
out these impressive works.
Rights of Way are due to meet with St Helens
Parish Council, the local member and the RSPB to discuss a permissive path
running parallel with Embankment Road, Bembridge. The RSPB have suggested that the route may be
dedicated if a through route can be opened avoiding the current dead end.
Permissive Paths:
Stone Farm: Thanks to the negotiation of the
IW Bridleway Group a new permissive bridleway route has been proposed and
agreed by a landowner. This will provide
a link between Byway A43/Blackwater Shute to the cycle track at
Blackwater. Formal permissive agreement
is currently underway with Legal Services.
Westover Farm: The legal complication has now been resolved
and the Permissive Path Agreement has been completed offering a very popular
route for the public to use on foot, by bicycle and on horseback.
Homstead Farm, Ningwood. The issue which was causing delay has been
resolved. The dedication agreement is
out to all parties for signing.
Brading & Nunwell Down Bridleways: These routes over Council owned land have are
now dedicated as bridleways.
Paths reopened:
V93a beach access to Orchard Bay, Ventnor.
Temporary closures:
V124 (Undercliff Drive-Binnel Bay) has been
inspected. Works expected to take place in the summer of 2017 to reopen.
N155 (Robin Hill). Rights Of Way will monitor
to assess the situation over the winter to see if any further landslides
occur. If the land remains stable over
the winter a health and safety assessment will take place to consider
NFU Conservation
Rights Of Way Maintenance Officer, Neil Morey
has been awarded for his many years maintaining the Island's rights of
way. Neil’s local knowledge,
"can-do" attitude and willingness to pitch in and get the job done,
is worthy recognition to keeping our many miles of footpaths and bridleways
clear and gates operating.
This award further highlights reflects Neil’s
recognition within our Island’s Farming and Landowning Communities.
Northwood Cemetery
Work continues with the Friend of Northwood
Cemetery on the Heritage Lottery Bid. The natural burial area is now complete
and we are finalising the number of burial plots and the ongoing operation of
the area.
Work continues on stabilising and
refurbishing the east and west Victorian chapels to enable them to be used once
again by the local community.
Avian Flu.
Following the recent confirmation of Avian
Flu at Abbotsbury, Dorset Officers continue to monitor the situation and remain
ready to escalate action should a Council response be required.
It is noted that there remains no suspected
or confirmed cases on the Island, whilst risk to the public remains very low.
Local media messages have been released
highlighting the Prevention Zone requirements and details of how to spot and
report Avian Flu.
In the meantime, Trading Standards have
engaged with local poultry and pigeon clubs, the RSPCA, the National Trust, the
RSPB, poultry producers as well as feed suppliers and pet shops who have agreed
to display DEFRA advice notices.
Successful licensing enforcement has taken
place concerning a premises in Newport.
Two new Environmental Health Officers,
specialising in Food Safety has recently been appointed to the Team. In addition, the Council’s new Agricultural
Specialist who is based on the Island will be seconded to share his good
practice with other authorities in our region
Wight Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk Management Strategy.
This is due to be adopted by the Executive,
with the principal aim of reducing flood risk and coastal erosion through the
provision of technically, economically and environmentally sound management
On this, I thank all residents and
organisations involved in widespread consultations which took place for this
strategy, and I wish to place on record my thanks to both Jenny Jakeways and
the Environment Agency for drawing the feedback together in such an accessible
Since last Full Council.
attended a Southern Inshore Fisheries meeting, whereby a Permit was issued to
fish for shellfish in Poole Harbour. The
meeting also considered feedback from the Bottom Towed Fishing Gear Byelaw and
the Solent Dredge Byelaw consultation which ended in November.
attended the IW Association of Local Councils Executive Meeting which took
place in November, and attended a follow up meeting with the Chief Executive
earlier this month. Key issues include:
Improvements to Planning Enforcement, Parking, Insurance liabilities for
Community Minibuses, Principle Parks and Town/ Parish Council Involvement in
future Regeneration initiatives.
co-ordinated a meeting between the IW Council, Amey and Ryde Aspire to
facilitate better partnership working.
large number of meetings have taken place with principle officers to provide
input in the 2017/8 budget.
report has been forwarded to Ryde Town Council concerning Fly Tipping, Waste
and Recycling.
attended a meeting of the Local Access Forum.
Items discussed included bringing the Gunville Greenway to fruition,
Digital Mapping of Rights Of Way, Debating the Stick and Flick initiative,
Fords and Cow attacks.
have met with key members of the Fire Service, and am in the process of
arranging my first meeting with the Chief Constable for the Island and the new Police and Crime Commissioner
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