About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Councillors Report for July and August


1-1:30pm, Wednesday 18th July, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 31st July, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 14th August, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
12:30-1:30pm, Tuesday 28th August, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 4th September, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 4th September, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

Planning: Cliff Cottage, 8 Cliff Road.

An application which has sparked a great deal of interest locally, is one to extend the site of Cliff Cottage in Cliff Road.

I have undertaken a letter-drop to Cliff Road Residents, have met with the applicant and with local residents, and am asking this planning application to be considered by the Planning Committee on 23rd July.

Mornington Road Car Park.

On another matter connected to Cliff Road, I've received notification from Car Parking that residents living in Cliff Road and some properties in Queens Road are entitled to apply for a Annual Permit to park in Mornington Road.  Once I find out what conditions the IW Council imposes upon the £150 permit, I hope to circulate this information to residents that are entitled to use such a permit. 

Planning: Asphalt Plant.

The planning application to construct an Asphalt Plant on land off of Arctic Road, Cowes is still under consideration of planning officers.  Following a very large number of comments being submitted by residents there remains a number of questions that officers have concerning this application.

Planning: Wind Turbines.

I accompanied other members of the Planning Committee when viewing Wind Turbines, just outside Kettering, Northants.

The wind turbines which we viewed, are similar to those that are proposed for Wellow.  We were advised by a member of the Public to view Turbines, whilst it was windy…. Fortunately, July being July the wind and weather did not let us down!  A special Planning Meeting for the Wellow application will take place on 16th July at Cowes Yacht Haven.

SHLAA (Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment) and Neighbourhood Plan Update.

Last month I arranged to look at all of the SHLAA sites with representatives of Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan Committee (there are no proposed development sites planned for Cowes West) with a representative from Planning Policy.  Members felt strongly about preserving the Green gap between Cowes and Gurnard.  In the meantime, with representatives of Northwood Parish Council we are planning to meet landowners of Comforts Farm SHLAA which will result in a letter-drop to residents of Pallance Road.  Although Comforts Farm itself is within Northwood, it’s farmland is in Gurnard!

In Gurnard this month Questionnaires are being distributed to local residents.  In order to ensure we receive a decent return and raise awareness about Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan, members will be hand delivering and collecting from householders in the village. (I’ve volunteered for Rew Street!)

In Cowes I’ve met with residents, who have requested a similar plan to protect the Cowes Conservation Area.  This follows concerns from residents about recent developments that has arisen in and around the Cowes Conservation Area.  Cowes Town Councillors are looking into options at their July meeting.

The Moorings.

I was very pleased to attend the official opening of the new extension which will serve The Moorings Residential Care Home in Egypt Hill.  The new extension, and facilities are of high quality and will be much appreciated by both residents and their families.

In the meantime, officers have visited the site following allegations of non-compliance to the construction of the new dwellings sited to the rear of the care home.  I am advised that the dwellings have been built on site in accordance with the plans, and the Tree Officer has advised no damage has been caused to nearby trees.  Planning Compliance Officers are due to visit the site again this week to investigate the location of windows, and to ensure the dwellings have been built at the correct levels.

Gurnard Luck.

I’ve been asked to resolve a dispute which has arisen in Gurnard which relates to a diversion order for footpath CS35, which leads from the Luck Bridge to the beach where residents store their boats.   I’m hoping to conclude this dispute with a meeting with Rights Of Way later this month.

Blood Waiting Times.

I attended last month’s Health & Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel.  One aspect of the agenda which I’ve had personal experience of, and has been raised by local residents are the Waiting Times at the Pathology Department, St. Mary’s Hospital.

The Scrutiny Panel was informed steps were being taken that could see more Medical Centres taking blood (currently only 50% only participate), evening sessions being implemented, with appointments for emergency patients all under review.

In the meantime, I’ve made a formal request for Cowes Medical Centre to participate to overcome waiting times for local residents.

Health Profile 2012.

The Department of Health has issued its latest Health Profile for the Isle of Wight, at a glance it states:

  • The Health of people living on the Isle of Wight is mixed compared with the England average.  Deprivation is lower than average, however about 5,000 children live in poverty.
  • Life expectancy for women is higher than the English average.  Life expectancy is 4.9 years lower than men, and 3.9 years lower for women in the most deprived areas.
  • Over the last 10 years, all cause mortality rates have fallen.  Early death rates from cancer and from heart disease have fallen.
  • About 17.3% of Year 6 children are classified as obese. Levels of GCSE attainment, alcohol-specific hospital stays among those under 18 and smoking in pregnancy are worse than the England average.
  • The level of breast feeding is better than the England average. The level of Adult obesity is worse than the England average. The estimated level of adult smoking is better than the England average.
  • Rates of sexually transmitted infections, smoking related deaths and hospital stays for alcohol related harm are better than the England average.

For details please visit: www.healthprofiles.info.

Cowes Week.

Cowes Week Ltd, are promoting their events programme of activities that are available on their website: www.aamcowesweek.co.uk. This website features details of the Family Day, Ladies Day and how novices can become more involved.

Meanwhile, I’ve been advised that there will be no Sail Bus operating this Cowes Week by Southern Vectis. Because we were advised of this at the ‘eleventh hour’, this did not provide us with utilising an extended service for the Community Bus, which we wanted to operate as an alternative.  In light of this, this is a matter we hope to re-explore next year in partnership with the IW Council, Southern Vectis and Cowes Week Ltd.

As a Member of the Economy & Environment Committee, I received a presentation about how there is to be further streamlining of the Environmental service provision which will save the IW Council £65,000.

Members were advised that until recently there was some duplication of services provided by Environment Officers, Dog Wardens and Enforcement Officers.  It is proposed that these officers take on broader responsibilities and will be based in specific geographical areas, rather than by their distinctive roles.

Cowes Library.

Cowes Library are holding Children’s Game Clubs on Saturday 21st July, 4th August, 18th August and 1st September from 10:30 until 12 noon.  Please feel free to bring your games!

Cowes Library are also continuing with their Magic Clubs which are run by Huxley the Magic Man for children aged 10 and over. The clubs are being run 3:30- 4:30pm on Monday afternoons for four weeks.  The Magic Club costs £2 per week, and must be booked in advance from Cowes Library- given the clubs popularity.  For details please call Cowes Library on 293341.

Andrew Turner Summer Surgeries.

I look forward to joining Island M.P, Andrew Turner at his Summer Surgeries being held this year at:

Monday 30th July: 12:10-12:30pm Village Clock, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Monday 30th July: 12:40-1:10pm Co-Op, Terminus Road, Cowes.

Last Month: In a nutshell

  • Action had been taken to stop Contractors obstructing Baring Road.  Since this has occurred, there now seems to be a problem with vehicles allegedly ignoring the 6ft 6 restriction.  On this matter I have spoken to the Traffic Police and Highways to investigate complaints.
  • I have been discussions with Planners over the application for Gurnard Pre-School on the site of Gurnard School in Baring Road.  Neighbours have highlighted some concerns with Planners, which I am anxious to see are overcome, given the general support for this facility.
  • On 16th June the IOW Harness Club held its Diamond Jubilee Concours D’Elegance to raise funds for the Earl Mountbatten Hospice, which resulted the closure of Cowes Seafront during the afternoon.  Prior to the closure, I helped to ensure Highways put notices up advising residents of the road closure.
  • I’ve requested that the IW Council looks into its liabilities concerning Japanese Knotweed growing in Baring Road and Tuttons Hill.
  • I managed to support the Folk Station event at Havenstreet, when organisers required seating.
  • I am in the process of setting up a meeting with Cowes Golf Club following the removal of trees and shrubbery on its perimeter with neighbouring properties.  Concerns have been raised concerning residents privacy.
  • I’ve requested action is taken following the lack of ‘grounds maintenance’ in Cockleton Lane following Gurnard School relocating to Baring Road.
  • Highways has advised me that the combined sewer has blocked again in Shore Road. This has been reported, whilst I’m awaiting a conclusion from Southern Water on what steps are likely to be taken in the long term to fix reoccurances of this problem.
  • There were further instances of vandalism in Cowes and Gurnard with Bus Shelters and Telephone Boxes damaged, and further graffiti being picked up on Gurnard Beach.  I’ve been advised that one of the Graffiti ‘artists’ have been apprehended by the police.
  • I’ve assisted a resident, in repaying funds back to the IW Council for Adult Care Allowances.  This resident has also received assistance in claiming Government Grants, which was gratefully received.
  • I am working with residents with problems encountered regarding drainage in Battery Road. Discussion is ongoing between residents and the IW Council, which I hope will be properly addressed.  I have offered to support residents in their efforts!
  • I responded to a questionnaire from Age UK about community engagement for Older Residents.
  • I received a complaint from a resident who has complained about the conflict between pedestrians and cyclists on Cowes and Gurnard Seafront.
  • At the Health & Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel, I requested further information regarding support for victims of Domestic Abuse which I’ve been advised is disproportionately high on the Island.
  • The IW Council are assisting to ‘pump-prime’ funding for apprenticeships to work in local businesses across the Island.  I’ve requested that the Council investigates opportunities to appoint their own apprentices, whilst I’m looking into the opportunity for Young People to shadow me in my work.
  • There was a landslip on The Zig Zag which I reported to the IW Council. One of the trees from Mornington Woods had to be felled following this incident
  • I joined an IW Youth Councillor, in distribution of Jubilee Coins to children at Gurnard School, and look forward to doing the same on Monday to children from Cowes Primary School.

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