Please contact me at anytime if you wish me to visit you. Alternatively, please visit one of the following surgeries:
6pm-6:30pm, Tuesday 8th November, Portland Inn, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 15th November, Cowes Library, 12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 15th November, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
11:15-11:45am, Wednesday 23rd November, The Woodvale, Gurnard.
12:15-12:45pm Wednesday 23rd November, Little Gloster, Gurnard.
3:30-4pm, Wednesday 30th November, Cowes Enterprise College, Cowes.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 4th December, Cowes Library, 12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 4th December, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
Gurnard Village Green Application, Refused.
Members of the Isle of Wight Council’s General Purposes Committee went against the officers recommendation in opposing the registration of the mouth of the Gurnard Luck and the adjoining grassland used to store dinghies.
Councillors felt the landowner had taken reasonable steps to prevent public access by erecting signage throughout the twenty year period (1984-2004) under consideration. Evidence that this signage existed was put forward by way of photographs and from minutes of a Gurnard Parish footpath review in 2002. It was felt that because a public footpath dissected the grassland, the intention of the signage which stated ‘Private Property’ would be clear to users of the land.
Lower Church Road: Latest
I have been in touch with Southern Water and their contractors Clancy Docwra over delays re-opening Lower Church Road and Solent View Road. This has caused issues not only to residents living in these roads, but also to residents from Marsh Road and Rew Street who rely upon the local bus service, which has been out of action to them for the last two months.
Southern Water requested to close Lower Church Road for a further 5 days this week. I'm awaiting a call back from Southern Water to explain this and to ask why there are so few workmen working on site. Meanwhile, the IW Council has advised that originally it was hoped the new pipeline could be ‘moled’, however given the amount of other services close to the water mains this was not possible.
I advised the Council that the closure of Lower Church Road for so long is clearly unacceptable and following pressure being put upon Clancy Docwra to reopen the road, it reopened Friday evening, with the bus resuming Saturday morning. Please note, there still may be delays caused as work still needs to continue.
Gurnard School Site.
The Planning application to develop the School site in Hilton Road, was unanimously approved by the IW Council’s Planning Committee. The one concern that was highlighted by the Committee was access to the pavement/ right of way which lie behind the hedge on Cockleton Lane. It was agreed by Councillors to request this pavement was ramped rather than stepped.
In the meantime a questionnaire has been circulated to residents concerning the future of the Playing Fields and Orchard. Copies of the questionnaire are available by following the links on Gurnard Parish Council’s website and are also available in hard copy format from the Little Gloster in Marsh Road and from Gurnard Newsagents in Worsley Road.
Isle of Wight Core Strategy Public Enquiry/ Localism Bill Update.
Roger Mazillius (Councillor for Cowes South and Northwood) and I were the only IW Councillors who attended the Enquiry, which was held at the former Downside Middle School last month.
On the day which we attended (The date when the housing allocations were discussed) there was considerable debate from the housing/ development lobby on whether the 530 new units per year, were adequate for their perceived demand for new homes. Concerns were expressed by developers on how new sites could be identified for Planning Permission between the current consultation period and adoption of the new plan.
Planning Officers made it clear that for new developments outside the current envelope, there would be an expectation for potential applicants to undertake their own Housing Needs Survey in order to demonstrate such a need.
At the recent meeting of Cowes Town Council, Sharon Attrill from the RCC outlined the importance of Neighbourhood Plans within the Localism Bill and mentioned that unless there is a Neighbourhood Plan undue pressure could be put upon surrounding communities to provide affordable housing due to the fact there is little affordable developable land in Town Centres. Like the Island Core Strategy, the housing and development lobby consider the Localism Bill favours Conservation Groups, whilst Conservation Groups argue that the Localism Bill favours developers, Sharon suggested that a good Neighbourhood Plan could enable the community to ensure that both parties meet midway...
In the meantime we await with interest the framework to how the Localism Bill will evolve through parliament for further information please visit the following link:
Isle of Wight Community Club Bus Stop Request.
I’ve been requested to ask the Isle of Wight Council to consider relocating the Cowes bound bus stop, after the Roundhouse to a location much closer to the Isle of Wight Community Club.
The reason for doing this follows a temporary bus stop being located at the entrance of the Community Club earlier this year for the Island Games. Given that the Community Club has a large number of elderly and disabled members, given the current stop is very close to Roundhouse and that residents living nearby are in support of this, I remain hopeful this could be achieved.
Park Road.
Last month I received a number of complaints from residents concerning the amount of vehicles being parked on the road adjacent to Northwood Recreation Ground. Unfortunately given the vehicles are legally taxed and insured there is little the Isle of Wight Council can do to restrict this parking.
That stated, I’ve contacted the IW Council and am working with my neighbouring Councillors to investigate whether vehicles do present an issue with access to and from the Recreation Ground and the Community Club opposite.
Meeting with Traffic Police.
Frequently, I am lobbied by residents to who request action is taken again speeding motorists, anti-social parking and perceived non-enforcement of 6ft 6 restrictions.
Later this month, I am looking forward to arranging a meeting with the Traffic Police and the Isle of Wight Council’s Highway Section to address a number of issues in the Cowes Area.
One issue that is of considerable concern at the moment is the volume of traffic that currently uses Baring Road to access new developments that are underway in the area. At the meeting I will be asking all agencies to work together to lessen further disruption to local residents.
If there are further issues that you have that you would wish to see addressed jointly by the IW Council and the police, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Pan Meadows: New Homes for Local People?:
I’ve been contacted again by several residents who heard on ‘very good authority’ that Pan Meadows are being marketed to ‘Northerners’. I’ve been told by 'concerned' residents that apparently ‘up north’ there are bill boards promoting this development, whilst ‘coach loads of visitors from the mainland are seeking Island Housing'.
Although this has been refuted by the Isle of Wight Council, I have undertaken my own research and confirm I can’t find anything to substantiate this rumour. I’ve undertaken another extensive search of the internet and have found no evidence of any Authority marketing Pan Meadows outside the Island (other than via Barratt’s internet portal). Furthermore, I’ve been advised the IW Council are not in partnership with any other mainland housing authority- from 'the North', or elsewhere for that matter and there are no proposals to suggest this is likely to change. If I have got this totally wrong I am asking residents to present me with any evidence so that I can take this up!......
Also this Month:
I joined months Gurnard Village Tidy-Up (I didn’t do very much tidying up…!) with Gurnard Parish Councillors Longman and Javaid, I met with Nigel Mason at Cowes Enterprise College and discussed with him options for Youth Representation in the Cowes. These were discussed by Cowes Town Council and Northwood Parish Council who are arranging to meet with Nigel.
I seem to be receiving more complaints than ever about dog mess and dogs fouling whilst off leads. I have asked the IW Council to look into cutting the Grass Verges outside the former Readers site in Place Road. According to information I’ve received this land has always been public highway, however the Council have been hesitant in cutting this verge.
I’ve attended a meeting to discuss the Community Bus, and poised questions on the Council’s Budgetary Review at last weeks Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting. I’m in the process of supporting the Digital Switch-Over meeting to be held on Thursday January 12th 2012 from 12 - 4pm at Gurnard Village Hall, and look forward to meeting with the Green Towns Team, in the coming weeks.
I've nominated a volunteer wishing to serve on the Governing Body of Gurnard Primary School, learnt that flagstaffs require planning permission only when not flying the Union Jack and will be out and about this week listening to Cowes Businesses about the support they require from Councillors.
At County Hall, I've discussed proposals concerning next years budget proposals with the Director of the Environment and Economy. I've attended five General Purposes Transport Appeals, took part in the Licensing Panel called to consider the License for Turquoise, Newport, I attended and put questions to the Council's Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Planning Committee and Full Council.
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