4:30-5pm, Tuesday 4th October, Cowes Library, 12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 4th October, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
6pm-6:30pm, Tuesday 11th October, Portland Inn, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
3:30-4pm, Wednesday 19th October, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
11-11:45am, Wednesday 26th October, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
12:15-12:45pm, Wednesday 26th October, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
6pm-6:30pm, Tuesday 8th November, Portland Inn, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
1. Cowes Community Bus.
The new Community Bus has been operating for a month, and the service seems to have settled in fairly well. I’ve spent a couple of days, on the bus talking to passengers to gauge views on how to improve the service.
In the first couple of weeks problems were encountered in getting the bus from its school run, in time for its 9:30am from Cowes. Concerns were raised over delays to the first bus, issues relating to the fact Rew Street and Hillis Corner being no longer served and the fact that the new timetable could become tight once Solent View Road and Lower Church Road, Gurnard reopens in the next few weeks. Although solutions have been identified, the issues continue to be monitored.
Last month the BBC helped promote our bus Service by filming features for both the One Show and The Peoples Lottery. Many thanks to all residents for being involved!
2. Cowes and Gurnard Bathing Water Quality Meeting.
Last month I called a meeting with the Environment Agency, Southern Water and IW Council’s Parks & Beaches to discuss concerns raised by Gurnard Parish Councillor, Marie Bugden over Gurnard losing its recommended beach status, this year and over August’s Water Quality failure at Egypt Point.
Issues were raised regarding Fat and Rags blocking Southern Water’s Pumping Station, problems being encountered following storms and issues concerning raw sewage being discharged by commercial and pleasure craft in the Solent. Locally, it was agreed that I would arrange a meeting between Cowes Week Ltd and the EA, to investigate options to improve sea water quality. It was also agreed that all agencies would work together on publicity for residents which will be relayed through the IW Council’s One Island Magazine.
3. Green Towns
I’ve passed ‘evidence’ to the Green Town’s Team, and am hopeful Gurnards application will be approved.
4. Police Matters.
Following residents’ comments , I’ve contacted Andrew Turner MP over concerns relating to Crime & Disorder.
Although, we recognise we live in one of the safest places nationally, I’ve passed on concerns to the MP over the loss of the front desk, the imminent closure of Cowes Police Station and to the loss of frontline police officers.
Last month I was one of a handful of Councillors echoing this concern when Chief Constable, Alex Marshall was on the Island. At the meeting he gave Isle of Wight Councillors a steer on his thoughts of how CCTV footage should be monitored and this is something I trust members will digest when setting budgets for next year! He spoke about how victims of crime will receive a follow up, spoke about how pubs causing high levels of anti-social behaviour would be closed down and gave me his reassurance that more hand held cameras will be made available for Community Speedwatch Schemes.
5. Gurnard Village Hall Cyber Café.
Gurnard Village Hall Association are running a Cyber Café at 2-4 pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Hall. Sessions are open to anybody of any age and costs £1 per person- which entitles ’surfers’ to refreshments and unlimited access to the internet.
Residents can use either the lap-tops provided, or you can supply your own. There is help available to assist novices on shopping online, emailing, writing letters, surf the internet, change energy and insurance suppliers, book tickets, contact old friends, Skype, Blog, play scrabble, bridge and much, much more!
For further information contact Carolyn on 297154.
6. Gurnard Village Green Application, Gurnard Luck.
The Hearing is due to take place on Wednesday 12th October, at County Hall. The General Purposes Committee have two recommendations to consider; Either to agree to part of Village Green Application being approved, or to ask for an Independent Inspector to review the case should the Committee decide there are too many contradictions in the evidence provided.
Many thanks to residents involved in the supply of statements!
7. Parliamentary Boundary Review Consultation.
The Boundary Commission are consulting on future parliamentary constituencies following the governments decision to reduce Members of Parliament from 650 to 600. The Consultation takes place until 5th December. If you want to know more please contact the Commission on 020 7276 1102. You can participate online or alternatively by writing to: The Boundary Commission for England, 35 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BQ.
The Boundary Commission proposes 1 MP for Cowes, Newport & Ryde (NORTH) and 1 MP for Sandown, Shanklin, Ventnor & West Wight (SOUTH). However in the Boundary Commissions proposals Carisbrooke (part of Newport PC) and Haylands/ Ashey (part of Ryde TC) is included within the South constituency. In my representation I’ve suggested that as an alternative Ryde, Sandown, Shanklin & Ventnor become one constituency (more relevant upon tourism), whilst Cowes, Newport & West Wight becomes another (more relevant to industry). This would save Newport and Ryde Town Councils being dissected in having 2 MP’s
8. Preparing For Winter…
At this time of year, I usually receive calls concerning how residents can stay warm, and save money on fuel bills during the winter.
The IW Footprint Trust can save householders over £300 from annual energy bills. For details call 822282, or visit
9. Gurnard Village Tidy Up: 10am, 22nd October
Gurnard’s next Village Tidy-Up takes place from the Village Hall at 10am, Saturday 22 October.
I will be treating all participants to a hot drink or ice cream (depending on how long the summer lasts!) afterwards.
10. Radio Mast Pre-Application, Crossfield Avenue Update.
A Planning Application is pending for a replacement Transmitter at Cowes Golf Club once the Tower Block of the old school is demolished. Information, I have received has been circulated to residents.
11. WOW Fest Approved.
Last month, I spent two days within the Licensing Committee that approved the third largest Festival for the Isle of Wight- Wow Fest in Shanklin.
The organisers requested the Festival to have a 30,000 capacity, however following representations made by The Police, Highways and over 100 residents (132 objected, whilst 5 supported) the Licensing Committee reduced that number from 30,000 to 18,000 for the first year. The Police advised the Licensing Committee they considered a 20,000 capacity would be manageable.
It was noted that the Festival will be held on a busy weekend with both the Cowes Week fireworks and the Garlic Festival taking place at the same weekend.
12. County Hall Refurbishment.
Many thanks to residents who have asked questions concerning the recent overhall of the Council Chamber, which it was alleged has cost the local authority £120,000.
This money was set aside in last years Transformation budget, when Councillors agreed to transfer Council’s staff into fewer buildings. County Hall’s staff this year is set to grow from 400 to 700 whilst the buildings will be sold. With regard to the Council Chamber (which remained as it was since 1995), it was decided to make this much more fit for purpose as microphones didn’t work (not really a problem for me!), projectors could not be viewed and the static tables did not really lend themselves to adapting the Chamber for wider community use.
Although I share some concerns about the cost and the fact the chamber still remains difficult to access for disabled users, I remain positive that in future the Council Chamber will be put to much better use and community groups will have greater access than they had previously.
13. Egypt Hill Developments.
I continue to respond to a considerable number of complaints concerning the redevelopment of the three sites in Egypt Hill.
During summer work began on the former site of Rookstone. Work is also due to end shortly at Essex House, Baring Road; Meaning the cranes are due to leave this site soon resulting in the road being closed. To improve traffic flows in the area, contractors have been asked to park in Egypt Esplanade.
14. Replacement Gas Main Timetable: September-December.
September: Cross Solent Gas Pipeline has been tested and gassed up. No problems encountered; Trials on land based pipeline due to take place. Cow Lane due to be closed for three days.
October: ‘Kiosk’ due to be constructed to surround regulator. Pipelines to be coated, and land backfilled. Topsoiling an Reseeding to take place and replacement hedgerows planted.
November: Old pipeline disconnected at Egypt Point. Road to regulator, Rew St. to be resurfaced and concreted.
SGN has constructed a pond, whilst positive news was relayed that the replacement Electricity Main is due to come ashore at Thorness rather than Gurnard!
15. Digital Switchover Update
On 7 March 2012, the Isle of Wight's terrestrial TV signal will be turned off. This means to continue receiving free-to-air TV channels such as BBC & ITV, households will require a digital set top box or TV with built-in Freeview.
16. Cowes Enterprise College.
I continue to chair the residents/ contractors/ college liaison group and can report development is running to schedule. Following complaints I‘ve relayed on residents behalf, the contractor has increased manual road cleaning, with an Industrial road sweeper being used on a weekly basis in Crossfield Avenue. I’ve also been advised that hedges will be allowed to grow where necessary and the sports field has been seeded and is due for its first cut. I would like to add my grateful thanks to Pihl and Janet Newton, Director of School Reorganisation for their enthusiastic involvement in resolving issues when they arise.
I met with the new Principal, early this month and together we discussed continuing surgeries at the college, and how I can work alongside the college following my retirement as a school governor last month. We also discussed opportunities to enable students to have a much greater involvement in local decision making, and how young people could and should work with the local authority and local parish & town councils. Mr Russell was keen to listen to comments both positive and negative which have been relayed to me concerning school uniform.
In The Last Month:
17. I attended a Local Access Forum, and was advised that the Cross Cowes Cycleway which I have long supported will feature in the Council’s bid for funds from the Sustainable Transport Grant.
18 I attended the Cowes Group of Older Voices, and will convene a meeting between the group and Highways Officers.
19. I’ve attended meetings of the IW Council’s Scrutiny Committee for Young People, and raised concerns over Foster Care and the recruitment of carers.
20. Meanwhile at the Economy & Environment Scrutiny Panel, I’ve raised issues re: Recycling, The Gasification Plant, Tourism and the future concerning the Cowes Ferry. (The floating bridge is due to cease operation in 2015)
21. I attended the funeral of neighbouring Councillor for West Wight, Stuart Dyer. As fellow Independents we worked closely on a number of initiatives. Stuart was a good friend and a very popular Councillor, and will be sadly missed.
22. I attended a meeting concerning the future of Gurnard School Site at County Hall. I am committed to working with Gurnard Parish Council to ensure that the community retains a sustainable use of the non-developable part of the School Site.
23. I’ve met with the Council’s Chief Executive and Director Of Finance to discuss proposals for next years Budget.
24. During September I attended three Cowes Town Council meetings; a meeting of Gurnard Parish Council a Footprint Trust Meeting, attended Gurnard Village Hall Association’s AGM, attended Cowes Youth Club Management Committee Meeting, Cowes Community Partnership’s AGM, Cowes Area Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators meeting, a meeting of the Gurnard Pines Chalet Owners, a Planning Site Visit and meeting and Full Council.
25. I’ve taken up issues relating to Dog Fouling (Princes Esplanade), broken Play Equipment, reported Grass verges (Place Road) not being cut and overgrown hedgerows (Shore Road). I have supported a residents appeal against issuing of a Parking Ticket and ensured leaflets outlining how to appeal against parking tickets are made available from Cowes Library. I asked the Council to remove a Bus Stop in Parklands Avenue, once it suddenly appeared…, and took up a number of issues relating to re-housing Gurnard Pines residents.
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