Thursday 1st August, Benches adj. The Watersedge Kiosk, Shore Road,
Thursday 1st August, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
Wednesday 28th August, Portland Inn, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Solent CO2 Pipeline.
ExxonMobil owners of the Fawley Oil Refinery
are seeking consent to create a pipeline to take CO2 bi-products from their
facilities, potentially across the Solent, then across the Island to be
‘contained in a geological pocket’ found in the English Channel to the south
west of our Island.
Of the options under consultation, two of the
three options are across the Island. The other crosses the New Forest.
Concerns raised so far include:
Potential damage to the (AONB) Natural
Landscape, Heritage Coastline, geology and ancient woodlands etc.
Disruption caused when laying the pipeline.
Safety of the CO2 pipeline, and potential
harm/ blight to properties.
Why the Isle of Wight? Unlike support given
to the New Forest, ExxonMobil has no background with the IW Community.
Issues regarding the 40m2 valve stations and
90m2 Pigging (Pipeline Inspection Gauges) stations and their coastal locations
on the Island?
Land Stability
How Green are ExxonMobil? Is Carbon Capture and carbon trading in this
way, a good example of practice or is this just corporate ‘green-washing’ to
tick boxes?
Locally ExxonMobil are undertaking
consultations. Locally these take place:
· 10am-5:30pm, Wednesday 7 August
at The Pavillion, Victoria Recreation Ground, Newport.
· 10:30am-5pm, Thursday 22 August
at Shalfleet Village Hall, Church Lane, Shalfleet.
· 10:30am-6:30pm, Friday 23 August
at Phoenix Knights Centre, Gurnard Pines, Cockleton Lane, Gurnard.
· 10:30am-6:30pm, Tuesday 3 September at Phoenix Knights Centre, Gurnard Pines, Cockleton Lane, Gurnard.
The deadline for feedback is 6pm, Thursday 12th
September. For details visit:
I have been in touch with MP, Richard Quigley
and neighbouring Isle of Wight and Hampshire Councillors. In the coming weeks I
will be undertaking a letterdrop to residents of Rew Street and the surrounding
Coastal Path update.
I’ve been in touch with Rights of Way
concerning Thorness to Gurnard Coastal Path.
As DEFRA are responsible for the Coastal Path, they are responsible to
oversee the path’s rollback. This delay was not helped by the extent of
flooding and recent landslips occurring during the winter. As a consequence,
I’m told these paths could remain closed for some considerable time. In the
meantime, I continue to chase up progress with Natural England.
On a positive note, the procurement process
is underway for footpath improvements at Spencer’s Copse.
45 Free Days out on the Island!
The Isle of Wight Guru has been out, seeking
free days out across the Island for this summer. Please visit for
Gas Pipeline Works.
Works continue in Baring Road. I continue to receive residents feedback
which I relay to Island Roads. Last
month this included signage from Ward Avenue concerning the closure of Baring
Road. This is being monitored
Cowes Police Station.
Is now open from
12-3pm on Fridays! Following the offer
made by our PCC of recruiting more officers on the Isle of Wight, I remain very
concerned that 30% of our officers live on the mainland!
Intelliport proposal, Mornington Road
Car Park.
number of residents have contacted me following a recent consultation which
took place with local residents.
It is envisaged that the car park will be closed from 7th August for six months. The purpose of the closure is to test the ability for drones crossing the Solent. I have added responses to questions put below:
Q. If
successful what will happen to Mornington Road Carpark.
A. The trial is
primarily about testing the technology and proving proof of concept. Mornington
Road Carpark has been selected to meet the needs of this initial
trial. After the trial capabilities will have been demonstrated, the
operator Inteliports will look to move “inland” to a completely different
Q. What will the drones be carrying.
A. The drones will initially be trialling the transport of commercial goods
where speed of delivery is the priority. Future deliveries once proof of
concept is proven will hopefully see the delivery of important medical related
deliveries (at a different location).
Q. Why
has Mornington Road Carpark been chosen.
A. Mornington Road is
one of few sites and the only site within the IWC’s control that has a direct
line of sight to Calshot, the second location the drones will be flying to and
from. Meeting the specific requirements to facilitate this trial left no other
viable alternatives. Due to factors such as line of sight, range, size and CAA
regulations. The IWC and Inteliports engaged with other suitable sites
outside of its control. However, was unable to bring forward a usable trial
Q. Why have the following dates “07/08/24 to 07/02/25”
been chosen.
A. These dates have been
selected on balance of the need for carparking e.g. during Cowes Week. Against
the trial requirements that includes factors such as external grant/funding
windows, variability in weather conditions to test in and deployment logistics.
Q. What consultation has been completed.
A. Based on the scale of
the project and limitations of event space. A local stakeholder
consultation event was held on the 15/04/24 with representatives such as the
woodland group, local town councillors, local press and local businesses.
Q. What
noise level do these drones create.
A. At 1m from the
drone, approximately 70db. Generally, this is much quieter than a standard
combustion engine vehicle.
Q. Will it
affect property insurance.
A. Flights will not
cross over residential properties. Flights will be over the Solent and governed
by strict CAA guidelines.
Q. Are you
proposing building any structures.
A. No, a temporary
20ft container will be placed on site. No foundations will be made. As
such, no planning application has been required or made.
Q. What
transport will be needed to transport goods to and from the area.
A. Cargo bikes
will be used to transport goods delivered during the trial as part of the green
Q. All the
trees in the park are protected, so can one assume that they will not be cut
A. The site has been
inspected and no tree works are currently planned or required.
Q. Have
ecologists been engaged.
A. Yes, local
independent ecologists have been engaged on this matter prior to the IWC’s
decision to grant this licence to operate a trial. Following an inspection,
based on the proposal and the carparks current usage, there was deemed to be no
significant impact to wildlife. To further mitigate any potential issue,
monitoring of protected species has been insisted and will be undertaken
throughout the trial.
Q. How
many drones a day will be visiting Mornington Road Carpark.
A. Upto 6 inbound
flights & 6 outbound. There will be days where there is likely to be
none or days with far fewer.
Q. How was
the decision made.
A. The proposal
was presented at the Regeneration Members Board with senior council officers
and elected councillors. Based on the potential benefits to the island all were
in agreement to grant a trial to Inteliports.
Q. How
much is the IWC receiving for the trial.
A. Lost income
from parking revenue is being subsidised by Inteliports, there is no shortfall
on the carparks target income.
Q. How
many cars park at Mornington Road Carpark.
A. In a full year,
we would expect approximately 850-900 transactions. We would expect 130-150 of
these transactions to be in the period 8th August to 8th February. On average during
this period as much of it in the autumn and winter this is a little as one
paying customer a day as free parking is available close by during this
Q. Will
the footpath remain open.
A. Yes, while the
carpark will be closed the footpath will remain open.
Q. What
alternative arrangements will be made for residents with a residents permit.
A. There are two identified
residents with a permit, they have been contacted by parking services and
offered a solution.
Isle of Wight School Place Plan: The Local context.
Following from last month’s reports a number
of residents contacted me regarding the future of schools in the local area. At
present the intake for schools in the Cowes Area is for six classrooms. Of the six, two are within Gurnard, two are
at Lanesend, whilst Cowes Primary and Northwood Primary have one classroom
each. This provides a capacity for 180 children. Locally in 2023/24 the intake
stands at 139, it is estimated this will fall to 106 in the year 2027/28. As a
consequence 76% of primary schools have set a deficit for next year.
With reports due in September and following
recommendations from school leaders, inevitably schools across the Island will
be either repurposed or closed, as it is recognised that deficit budgets will
impact upon falling standards. Both Cabinet, and Corporate Scrutiny raised concerns
over the falling population of children and its impact.
Island Planning Strategy: Period for Representation.
Your opportunity to
feedback comments to the Planning Inspectorate on the Island’s Planning Bible
continues until Monday 19th August. A drop in session takes place at Seaclose
Offices 2-5pm, Wednesday 7th August. In the meantime, the Council awaits feedback
from Government on policies that may result in increased housing numbers.
This was made very
clear when Councillors took when decision to delay the Planning Strategy.
Although the Council
made many changes, this offers a further opportunity to raise concerns along
with evidence, direct to the independent planning inspector. Comments can be
made from libraries, County Hall, Seaclose and via: and
General Election.
I have passed on my
congratulations to our two new Members of Parliament, Richard Quigley (Isle of
Wight West) and Joe Robertson (Isle of Wight East). The final results were:
Richard Quigley (Labour) |
13,240 |
Joe Robertson (Conservative) |
10,427 |
Bob Seely
(Conservative) |
10,063 |
Sarah Morris
(Reform UK) |
7,104 |
Ian Pickering
(Reform UK) |
5,834 |
Vix Lowthion
(Green) |
6,313 |
Nick Stuart
(Liberal Democrat) |
2,726 |
Emily Brothers
(Labour) |
6,264 |
Cameron Palin
(Green) |
2,310 |
Michael Lilley
(Liberal Democrat) |
3,550 |
Rachel Thacker (Alliance for Democracy & Freedom) |
117 |
David Groocock
(Independent) |
420 |
No? Cold Calling and Scams against older
Further complaints
have been made to Trading Standards concerning Anglian Home Improvements.
If you do not have a
No Cold Calling Sticker, this will be used as an excuse for callers. Although, Anglian door-steppers are fully
aware of the Cowes No Cold Calling Zone, some still do not understand that No
means No.
If you require a
sticker, these are available from Cowes Library or myself.
Elsewhere, I have
also received calls from residents who continue to be fleeced by unscrupulous
More than two-fifths
(43%) of older people – that’s almost 5 million people aged 65+ – believe they
have been targeted by scammers. Residents are 5 times more likely to be a
victim of fraud than domestic burglary, and nearly a third (31%) of all crime
is fraud.
People from all
backgrounds are victims of fraud. However, older people are over-represented as
victims of fraud, including pension and investment fraud, postal scams,
doorstep scams and telephone scams. For example, the average age of victims of
mass marketing postal fraud is 75.3. This includes lottery and prize scams, and
clairvoyant scams. Often, victims are at home alone all day, and can very
Contacting me.
This month, I am spending time catching up on
my emails and chasing items! Although I
have fewer surgeries, I am available. Please feel free to send me a text, which
I aim to respond to within 24hrs of receipt (72 for non-Cowes West and Gurnard
residents). I’m also available via email, ‘phone and by letter. If leaving a message, please provide your
contact details!
Gurnard Marsh Pumping Station.
I have received complaints concerning the
condition of Marsh Road’s pumping station.
Complaints date back to July 2023. These unacceptable delays were again
been reported to Southern Water. I am hopeful that the vegetation will be
properly treated and removed.
Holiday Use vs Residential Use.
There remains a
number of enforcement matters underway at the moment. The success of Air B&B continues to be an
issue. Because Air B&B was considered by property owners to be more
lucrative than private rental, subsequently there was a downturn in the
availability of private rented accommodation, which fell by 80%
Within Planning, over
the years a number of ‘ancillary’ properties were conditioned to have no
permanent residential use. This has meant that Islandwide garages, sheds,
summer houses, (converted horse boxes!) and boat houses have seen residential
use. When this happens more often than
not this gets reported and action is necessary.
Water Butts Appeal.
At the last meeting
of Gurnard Parish Council I received complaints regarding our newly installed
water butts. Complaints varied from the
slow flow drippy holes and instances of water butt plastic breaking and
If this has occurred
to you, let me know. If possible, if you
could send me a photograph of your broken butt that would be fantastic as
Southern Water are keen to remedy the problem before rolling out water butts
Dog Mess.
With the school
holidays now firmly upon us, a number of parents have complained to me
concerning the amount of dog poo on Old School Meadow. Of particular concern are professional dog
walkers, seen emptying their vehicles and allowing doggies to roam around the
Meadow out of control.
If this is seen,
please let me know so that we can identify individuals!
Natural Landscapes (Formerly AONB)
I attended the recent
meeting of the Natural Landscape Partnership.
During the meeting we
were advised of the following:
funding was successfully bid for, for structural improving of rights of way
(£31k) and possible access to the White Lady Bridge, subject to negotiation
which crosses the road at Shorwell.
funding (£43k) was received to improve habitats for the ‘blue butterflies of
the chalk’, as well as monitoring nightjars and barn owls.
participants took part in organised summer walks.
farming in protected areas, is an issue which is causing concern within the
farming community. An officer was
recently appointed by the Team to provide support to farmers in protected
have been asked, as to how the new Government wishes to use carbon credits, and
how this may support the Isle of Wight.
are now 280 ‘donate a gates’ across the Island. These kissing gates have been
introduced by IW Ramblers to replace stiles and gates that are inaccessible to
older residents.
is taking place to (potentially) roll out Tree Warden training and support to
Local Parish Councils.
has been planted in the Western Solent.
IW Natural Landscape are consulting on the 2025-2030 Management Plan, to
comment please visit:
For further details
of the work of the Natural Landscape, please visit:
Highways and Transport Issues.
was approached regarding the suspension of the Floating Bridge, before Cowes
Week. This was due to the need to
acquire a spare part (on this occasion not in stock at FBHQ!) not being able to
get to the Island due to delays with the ferry operator.
the nesting season now over, I continue to request works to cut back our
hedgerows. Please let me know of highway
and Rights of Way hedges requiring work.
requests have been made to Southern Water to maintain its pumping station on
Marsh Road. In response, I am advised work will take place this month not only
to remove vegetation encroaching on the road, but to treat the Japanese
Knotweed and Giant Hogweed from their site.
This was first alerted by neighbours 13 months ago.
continues to get a cyclists dismount sign put in place next to the Cabin on the
Green. I frequently receive complaints concerning cyclists using the
Egypt/ Princes Esplanade pavement at speed.
If this applies to you, or somebody you know please use the road which
is wide enough to cope with most traffic using this!
received justifiable complaints concerning ferry operators inflating booking
costs when the other operator withdraws their crossing and it is essential for
travellers to cross for appointments.
Please let me know if this has happened to you or a family member. It is issues, such as these that calls into
question the behaviour of our ferry operators!
Jet Ski (Personal
Watercraft): Legislation.
has been introduced to prevent dangerous misuse of watercraft such as jet skis.
New Powers mean that:
Anyone riding a jet ski recklessly or causing harm to others now face up
to 2 yrs in prison and an unlimited fine.
Maritime and Coastguard Agency to be granted more powers to prosecute.
In addition the Maritime Police Unit also has powers under local the
local bye-law.
999 in emergency. Non-emergencies contact Other concerns call 101 straight
Hedgehog Corner.
A dish of
fresh water can be vital in hot weather
Pile up
some logs in the corner of the garden
diversity of plants rich in nectar will encourage insects
A 13 cm
hole will allow hedgehogs access through fences
treating your lawn with herbicide
No single
garden is large enough
make nests from deciduous leaves
Member for Planning, Flooding and Coastal Protection Report.
New recruits were appointed to support delivery of Section 19 outcomes,
with officers in place working with in Binstead. I know also the formation of a
formal flood group in Gunville is underway. This in itself was a priority for
Gunville and is one of five of the action points for the Alliance
administration at County Hall. Once there is certainty on moving forward, I
look forward to speaking to both communities.
Recognising Coastal Protection works at The Esplanade, Ventnor, the IW
Council won the award for ‘Integration and Collaborative working’ at the
national Construction SECBRE Awards.
A bid for funding was received by the SRFCC for a Coastal Loss Community
Co-ordinator. This bid was successful, and will provide support to those communities
impacted by landslips.
As I promised, Leeson Road, Ventnor did open at the earliest
opportunity, and was subject to hours of negotiation by officers. Because ground movement remains an issue the
traffic lights are being manned 24 hours a day.
A Judicial Review, at Westridge Farm, Ryde is being considered during
the summer recess. Whatever the outcome,
I will be supportive of taking up matters raised by the judge.
Since 2022, the Planning Department has undergone a LGA Peer
Review. In this time, steps have been
taken to improve the Planning Authorities public interface, planning
enforcement, pre-application support, improving the determining of Planning
Applications in-time alongside the recruitment of officers not only within the
Planning Department but also within legal services.
Storm damage to coastal defences are ongoing with the infilling of voids
whilst repairs took place to the Colwell to Totland sea wall, Seaview. Repairs are
pending for Sandown Bay (Dunroamin Beach, Lake) and Cowes to Gurnard.
Planning drop-in’s for members of the public continue to take place at Seaclose
from 2-5pm on Wednesdays.
As Cabinet member I attended meetings of IWC Corporate Scrutiny, IWC
Scrutiny Committee for Neighbourhoods & Regeneration, IWC Cabinet. In addition, I called a meeting with the IW
Association of Local Councils, attended meetings of the Southern Fisherman’s
Council, as Chair of SIFCA, a Local Government Water Quality meeting and a
meeting with Southern Water.
The Met. Office has raised concerns over storms for this August. Sand bags are on stand-by should this happen
Proposals to build 130 new houses in Bembridge was approved at Planning Committee.
New housing targets have been set by Government. The standard method number (using updated data) has increased from 730 to 1104 new dwellings per year. Proposals within the Island Planning Strategy suggests 453.
In a
I had the opportunity to attend the new Dementia Hub at Parklands in
Park Road. At the event I had the
opportunity to discuss with residents, carers and staff the opportunity the new
hub offers to those impacted by dementia.
More requests were made for Planning Enforcement matters. At the moment there are four local matters
being dealt with.
Further concerns were relayed regarding parking on the junction with Worsley
Road and Church Road, Gurnard.
A further request was made to complete repairs to the seawall adjacent
to the Beach Huts. Beach Inspectors, I’m advised has visited the site and I am
advised the removal of the safety barrier is imminent.
Following the outcry in respect to the 93% increase in water bills for
Southern Water customers, I am advised that OFWAT are likely to cap increases
to 28%
Southern Water have advised that mis-connections in Lower Church Road
have now been repaired, whilst Debourne Close and Wyatts Lane are pending.
The new Government are urging Councils to work closer together, as part
of their devolved Government agenda. This could result in the IW Council sharing
more services with Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton.
I am really looking forward to resurrecting my relationship with Cowes
Enterprise College. This followed a
discussion with the Chair of Governors following a comment by another IW Councillor
at Full Council.
Work to repair the concrete groyne at Gurnard is due to start in a few
weeks. It is thought that damage to this
particular groyne is responsible for falling beach levels.
On behalf of residents I am investigating the potential opportunity to
transfer as a ‘Community Asset’ Mornington Car Park.
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