4:30-5pm, Monday 3rd June, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Thursday 6th
June, Gurnard Press and Bistro, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Tuesday 11th
June, Northwood WI Hall, Newport Road, Northwood.
5:30-6pm, Wednesday 12th
June, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
10:30-11am, Wednesday 19th
June, Benches adj. The Watersedge Kiosk, Shore Road, Gurnard.
11-11:30am, Wednesday 19th
June, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
5-6pm, Wednesday 26th June, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
10:30-11:30am, Thursday 27th June, Eegon’s Café, 85 High Street, Cowes.
4:30-5pm, Monday 1st
July, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
General Election, Thursday 4th
Cards will be delivered by mid-June. The last date to register is Tuesday 18th
June, whilst the last dates for to apply for postal votes are 5pm, Wednesday 19th June and
for proxy votes are 5pm, Wednesday 26th
identification is now required for elections. If you do not have this you can
apply for a voter authority certificate from the IW Council call: 01983 821000,
or visit:
In Cowes
West and Gurnard, two of my neighbouring Councillors Richard Quigley (Labour)
and Nick Stuart (Lib-Dem) are prospective parliamentary candidates for our West
Wight constituency against incumbent MP for the Isle of Wight, Bob Seely
(Conservative). Also standing as candidates are Cameron Palin (Green) and Ian
Pickering (Reform).
I personally
am very pleased that from July the Island will have two MP’s rather than the
one which I was successful in both my campaign for, and for where the boundary
was eventually agreed.
Island Planning Strategy.
At last!
Full Council endorsed sending the strategy to the Planning Inspectorate.
This means
updated policies, alongside lower housing figures can start being used when
considering new planning applications.
For me this is brilliant, as I’ve spent a huge amount of time working
cross-chamber to get the strategy accepted. Eventually at Full Council 27
members were in support, with 10 against.
A period of representation by the Planning Inspector, will commence following
the election potentially from 8th
Litter Bins.
If you have
rubbish please ensure that you leave this in a bin that isn’t filled to
bursting point. On occasions when this isn’t possible, please take your rubbish
home with you.
In the past both
in Gurnard, as well as Cowes wheelie bins were offered. However, due to complaints of residents fly-tipping
nearby and leaving household and commercial waste within these bins this practice
was stopped.
SGN, Gas Infrastructure works, Tuttons Hill.
feedback, I have been in touch with the IW Council and Island Roads following
repairs to Gas infrastructure in Tuttons Hill. I am ever hopeful that the work
will be completed soon. Because of the lack of statutory communication with
myself, residents and businesses following works commencing, I have complained
In response to
Southern Gas, it is hoped that the work will conclude early allowing Church
Road and Tuttons Hill to fully re-open.
In the meantime, I am pleased that the feared parking restriction for
Worsley Road did not happen!
Empty Properties.
Do you know of empty
properties? The IW Council holds a list of vacant homes, in the hope of
bringing these back into use. Please let me know, so these can be reported!
In recent
months, I have been approached by a number of shops, business and service
providers many of whom continue to struggle since we all are tightening our
belts. Please note if we fail to use
these, these could be lost forever!
Water Quality.
At Full Council
last month, I supported proposals to lobby further regarding the water quality,
particular offshore at Cowes and Gurnard. With my involvement in organisations
such as SIFCA and the Solent Forum and discussions I have with the Marine
Management Organisation and the Blue Marine Foundation this continues to be an area
of real concern.
Last month
myself and Cllr Quigley joined the demonstration co-ordinated by Surfers
Against Sewage at Gurnard Green.
An ageing Workforce?
One of the biggest challenges the Island faces in the years ahead, is the reduced numbers of young
people available for recruitment to local businesses. Following adoption of the Island Planning
Strategy, I was contacted by one of the Island’s major employers requesting a
further drill-down as to what the IW Council should do much more to ensure the
Island is attractive for young families to live and work.
The worry that
was outlined to me was the fact that the Island may be edging towards a tipping
point where there is little support for an ageing population- hence, the
economy no longer being sustainable.
This area of real concern was addressed also by last month’s
Regeneration and Neighbourhood Policy and Scrutiny Committee.
Water Bills.
OFWAT were due
to consider proposals by Southern Water to increase customer bills by 91% this
month. However, it was agreed to put off this decision and further consultation
until after the General Election.
From my
perspective, I have attended meetings with the water regular, where I have
opposed the level of increase which Southern Water is requesting for investment
in to infrastructure. I hope to continue
attending these meetings, In the meantime, please let me know your thoughts so
these can be fed back.
No Mow May.
Last month, I
know a number of residents complained concerning the overgrowth of grass verges
in Gurnard. Island Roads advised me that
because of work being undertaken by SGN in Cockleton Lane, they were unable to
cut the winter growth in April. As a
consequence of Island Roads falling behind this year, and in light of
complaints received they undertook their first cut mid-May. As a result, I’ve received complaints
regarding this. Please let me know your
Anti-Social Parking.
I have received
complaints concerning vehicles being permanently parked, and the damage created
by motorists parking on grass verges in Solent View Road.
Hedgehog Corner: 15 Fascinating facts about our hedgehog friends
Hedgehogs are nocturnal
They are called hedgehogs for a reason
Hedgehogs can hibernate
Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant
They weren’t always called hedgehogs
A hedgehog’s long snout is useful
Hedgehogs don’t use their eyes to hunt
There isn’t just one species of hedgehog
Hedgehogs have over 5000 spikes
Hedgehogs have intelligent self-protection
Hedgehogs self-anoint when stimulated
Hedgehogs are solitary creatures
A group of hedgehogs is called an array
Hedgehogs are a gardeners’ friend
Little legs walk far
Services: Collection Plus.
The Collection Plus service
allows you to have your domestic wheeled bins or reusable sacks collected from
an agreed point on your property. This could be the side of your house, instead
of being required to place them on the kerbside.
Collection Plus benefits residents
work away from home during the week
work irregular shift patterns
are second home owners
are elderly. (To note this service is offered at no charge to residents
who are mobility impaired)
Apply at: or call waste
services on 01983 823777. This service costs £69 per annum.
Full Council.
At Full Council,
Cllr Claire Critchison (Green) stepped down as Chairman. Her replacements are
Cllr Karl Love (Independent) and Deputy, Cllr Vanessa Churchman
(Conservative). Key positions were given
to Cllr Warren Drew (Conservative), Planning;
Cllr. Joe Robertson, (Conservative) Chair of Scrutiny; Cllr. Paul
Brading (Conservative), Chair of Children’s Services; Cllr Sarah Redrup
(Lib-Dem) Chair of Adult Services/ Health and Cllr Nick Stuart (Lib-Dem) Chair
of Neighbourhoods and Regeneration. The
Cabinet still comprises of eight (including me) Independent Councillors.
From my
perspective the appointments made by Full Council highlights current
cross-party working.
Report as Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and
In the last month I have met with Bonchurch residents and
discussed concerns over further landfalls and the desire to see a number of
arterial roads in Ventnor reopened following landslips.
Following lobbying, officials are coming to the Island on 3rd
June to look at areas hit by flooding and coastal defence issues. Because of elections both myself and local
councillors have been told to stay away!
Flood (Section 19) reports were received regarding recent Floods
that took place at Gunville. Of priority to authors of the report is the
creation of a Flood Pan. In addition,
the IW Council were asked to improve sustainable drainage systems, improving
drainage improvements at Forest Hills, Arthur Moody Drive and Ash Lane.
At the Gunville Flood meeting residents raised concerns over
landowners/ farmers re-routing water courses. In addition sandbags (those not
stolen by local builders) were taken away.
As a consequence of the meeting it is hoped that a facility could be
utilised for the storage of sandbags at Gunville subject to agreement from
Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council.
The long delayed section 19 reports for Ryde, Brading and Cowes
are still awaited.
On Military Road, I have requested Ground Monitoring Equipment and
cautionary signage to be improved between Brook and Compton.
Cautionary signage is also likely for Leeson Road, Bonchurch. At the recent meeting I attended with
residents at Ventnor, Island Roads advised Leeson Road would not open until
later this year. In the meantime work
has started to repair damaged water mains following land movement at the
Grabben and roads impacted by landslips and falling debris at Gills Cliff Road
and Bath Road.
New Planning Policies for Health Service infrastructure and
Sustainable Drainage Systems were adopted by Cabinet.
Advice was relayed concerning registering a Community Asset.
Following recent landslips, the Coastal footpath between Colwell
and Totland has partially opened.
The new seawall at the Eastern Esplanade reopened to schedule on
24th May.
I attended an Island Wetland Meeting, following complaints
concerning over-abstraction of the Eastern Yar.
Also feedback was received over the perceived over-zealous use of the
sluice gates by the RSPB at St. Helens.
In the last year, it was reported that there was a reduction in
the numbers of planning applications.
Discussions have taken place concerning extending the Wednesday
Walk-In to developers. Consideration is
being given to opening up a bookable session for applicants.
Following her appointment to Chair Freshwater Parish Council, the
lovely Cllr Emma Cox is to step down as IWALC’s representative at Planning
Committee. Huge thanks to Emma who used her position to guide and support local
Councils when dealing with contentious planning applicants.
As a result of the Bonchurch landslip, a number of trees have now
been removed from Shanklin Beach.
With Cllr Ian Stephens meetings were arranged with housing
providers, with a view to creating IW affordable housing.
In a nutshell, last month:
A complaint has been made regarding a child being
hit by a cyclist riding at speed through Cowes High Street.
I have contacted Southern Vectis to request
closer connectivity to the Crossfield Estate and Gurnard following the partial closure
of Park Road and the Roundhouse Bus Stop.
I have been requested to discuss options for the
location for the positioning of the Car Park within the Gurnard SANG.
A resident has requested more soft landscaping
(roadside trees!) to be considered in Cowes.
I am acting Chair to SIFCA, following the
Chairman being required to stand down following recent elections.
I have requested updating of Beach Information
Points, following noticing these were outdated regarding information.
A planning application has been requested by the
Council following the location of a kiosk at the Horseshoe Inn Car Park. Whilst
supportive of the kiosk, I understand Enforcement Officers are enacting this
because of a complaint.
Anglian Home Improvements continue to upset
residents through their relentless no cold calling. Following complaints
Trading Standards are attempting to work with Anglian, who are looking toi
avoid calling at doors displaying stickers.
I have been talking to adjoining landowners following
a report of Japanese Knotweed and Giant Hogweed in Gurnard.
A call was raised concerning supporting a
vulnerable resident.
An orphaned barrier appeared on Gurnard
revetment. I am hoping to reacquaint the
barrier with its family!
Cowes Town Council considered extending its term
of office for Mayors beyond two years.
This I objected to, as I personally consider it important for the Town
Council to have a regular turn-around of Mayors/ Chairs.
There was a backlash from the Tobacco Industry
following smoke free initiatives being implemented by the IW Council. This follows concerns regarding a
disproportionate high levels of young people smoking on the Island.
Complaints have been forwarded concerning traders
on Princes Esplanade. With respect to
earlier perceived noise complaints, this continues to be monitored. However, I am advised that because of the
prevailing wind direction this has not been an issue for those living locally.
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