About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

IW Councillor's Report, April 2024




5:30-6pm, Tuesday 2nd April, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

10:30-11am, Thursday 4th April, Gurnard Press and Bistro, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday, 10th April. The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

10:30-11am, Wednesday 17th April, Benches adj. to Watersedge Kiosk, Shore Road, Gurnard.

11-11:30am, Wednesday 17th April, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday 24th April, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

10:30-11am, Thursday 25th April, Coffee & Chat, All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.

11-11:30pm, Thursday 25th April, Eegons, 85 High Street, Cowes.

4:30-5pm, Monday 29th April, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.


Street Trading License, Princes Esplanade: Salty Siren Approved.


Following the initial licensing hearing being postponed (due to the sub-committee being inquorate), it was agreed to allow the Salty Siren to operate from two alternative locations on Princes Esplanade.


The main concern raised was the matter of a generator being heard from the applicants preferred location 50 metres from Solent Shores. Environmental Health considered this was unlikely to be an issue for residents who expressed concern over any humming sound. Following this, Environmental Health would take action should a problem materialise. In response I’ve suggested that residents to keep a log of when instances of noise becomes an issue.


Before the hearing the applicant highlighted rather than using a converted horsebox, she would instead use a catering pod. Assurance was given the pod would be removed each afternoon. The pod will be in place from May.


Place Road Hybrid Application. Approved by Planning Committee.


Plans to extend the Meadow View development in principle by up to 117 units and create a Green Space was approved by Planning Committee who supported proposals with 6 in favour and 2 against. This was despite myself, Cowes Town Council and residents making robust points against proposals and particularly the developed aspect of the proposal.


Because there is no up to date Island Development plan in place which challenges the principle to develop ‘adjacent to the settlement boundary’ alongside the annual current housing figure of 730, this considerably weakened the Local Planning authority as well as the Planning Committee’s position to refuse proposals.  


Consequently, full details of the housing element of the proposal will follow.


Draft Island Planning Strategy.


Progress on the Plan was again delayed at Full Council following the request made for an alteration.  Because of these delays data being used to make the plan sound is due to expire in the coming weeks, so the Full Council’s hand is likely to be forced to either accept the current plan or to reject this out of hand before starting consultation again for a new plan.


Since the Island’s planning bible started in 2017 it has cost around £660,000.   


Cockleton Lane.


Last month Cockleton Lane was closed for 17 weeks until mid-July, to allow Southern Gas the opportunity to complete urgent work on the Island Gas Main, which crosses the lane at the junction leading to Gurnard Pines.


Since then complaints were made to Island Roads and the Police concerning motorists removing barriers to exit Cockleton Lane from the Four Cross junction (you would think using the diversion might be quicker!. To note, the barriers are put there for a good reason and when they are removed this can be dangerous for other road users!  


Rose Garden, Park Road.


I have received a call from residents concerned with the unkempt condition of the Covid Memorial Rose Garden in Park Road.  Could it look better and be a better feature for the town?  Please let me know your thoughts!


Environmental Health Concerns.


·         Gulls.

I have received a number of calls over the past few months regarding the damage being caused by neighbours feeding of birds..  Unfortunately, this causes concerns on washing day and when cars act as target practice for our feathered friends. If you wish to help please use feeders, as this supports the number of smaller birds that are adversely impacted by the growing numbers of exploitative herring gulls- that now seems all the rage for gardens!


·         Tree Blossom.

Apologies this month for feeding back some many complaints!  I have today received a complaint concerning tree blossom, which is causing issues for residents.


Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, overhanging branches and windfall fruit remains within the ownership of neighbours.  However, blossom and leaf fall is a civil matter and the IW Council has no jurisdiction to act. 


On these matters, please be aware of the impact that your choices has upon neighbours.  In the meantime, if you’re affected by similar issues, please contact Environmental Health direct on 01983 823000. Please note, officers prefer to speak to residents direct rather than me, as often they will have questions that I am not in a position to answer.


Police and Crime Commissioner Elections, Thursday 2nd May 2024.


The last date to apply to Register to Vote in this election is Tuesday 16th April 2024The deadline to apply for free voter ID for the elections on Thursday 2 May is 5pm on Wednesday 24th April.


Voters in England need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections. This applies to:


·         UK parliamentary elections, including general elections, by-elections and recall petitions

·         Local elections and by-elections

·         Police and Crime Commissioner elections


For details of accepted photo id visit:  https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id/accepted-forms-photo-id


If you don't have accepted photo ID, you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate please visit: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id/applying-a-voter-authority-certificate. The deadline to apply for free voter ID certificate for the elections on Thursday 2nd May is 5pm, Wednesday 24th April.


Details of candidates can be found from the https://www.choosemypcc.org.uk from 10th April.


Cowes Coastal Protection priorities.


The undermined sea wall on Queens Road, Cowes is due to be repaired in the coming months.  At a cost of £24,000, this remains a priority for the IW Council.  In addition the Gurnard groyne which has collapsed, resulting in lost beach materials is also due to be repaired at an estimated cost of £30,000 later this year. 


Isle of Wight Council to agree Future Governance. Cabinet v Committee.


At last month’s Full Council, the potential move to a Committee system on making decisions got one step closer.


From my perspective, with Committees making decisions, this will require more involvement from Councillors, and will hopefully result in all County Councillors stepping up to be involved in the decision making process.  At the moment the eight strong cabinet (which I am fortunate to be one) makes most of the decisions for the authority.


Although a supporter of the Committee system being introduced, concerns were raised with respect to the pace of implementation, as present costs to run the Council this way are unknown. I also share concerns echoed regarding the lack of consultation. Suggestions currently being considered stipulates there will be four committees (Children’s Services; Adult Social Care, Public Health & Housing; Economy, Infrastructure & Transport and Environment & Community Protection). These will meet four times a year.  In addition there will be a Policy, Resources & Finance Committee overseeing the work of the Council meeting each month- on the face of it not dissimilar to the Cabinet in my opinion. In May Full Council will be asked whether it supports adopting a Committee System and if so when?


To be effective, in my opinion with my experience being the only IW Councillor to have worked within a Committee system (from 1995-2001) there should be more Committees with more power, meeting on a more regular basis. 




Last month, I asked to extend protected woodland between Cowes and Gurnard. This will give greater protection to tree loss, and will ensure that where woodland exist, this can be properly managed for future generations. I am seeking Nature Recovery and Carbon Credits to do this.  In addition I am taking up concerns over the management of another TPO’d Woodland following concerns raised over increased subsidence risks.


Parish Council Precepts.


I was criticised for not mentioning about the Cowes precept. (I mentioned Gurnard’s, freeze as Chairman of the Parish Council. To note, because of the household growth for Gurnard in real terms the precept fell by 0.5%). Gurnard will be engaging on projects for next year, at its Consultation which takes place


This year, Cowes Town Council agreed to increase its precept by 4.8%. This equates to £5.05 per household.  Some of the headlines within Cowes’ precept includes more support for our Environment Officer, Dog and Litter Bin emptying, support for Cowes Library, Remembrance Day and Charity Events and an increase in administrative costs.  Costs earmarked for marketing within the Cowes and Northwood Place Plan were reduced.


Northwood Parish Councils precept increased by 8%. However, Northwood’s overall precept is much lower than that for Cowes and Gurnard. Visit: https://iwc.iow.gov.uk/documentlibrary/view/council-tax-town-and-parish-council-precepts-2017-18


Overpaid Council Tax.


There are a number of reasons why households may be owed cash from their council, but the most common one is where you've moved out of an area after already paying some or all of your council tax in advance.


Crucially, this can happen even if you didn't pay the whole bill in one go. That's because council tax is charged annually – from April to April – but it often tends to be paid in 10 instalments from April to January.


This set-up means you end up paying some of your council tax in advance. For example, once you pay your tenth and final instalment in January, you've already paid for the last two months – February and March – in advance. So if you move out in mid-February, you've overpaid by a month and a half.


There are various other reasons why you may have overpaid your council tax, such as:


·         You had a retrospective discount applied. For example, if you move out and the next resident successfully applies to get the property band lowered, this means that you previously overpaid and are owed a refund.

·         You forgot to cancel a payment, meaning that you kept paying when you no longer lived in the property.


For further details visit: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/reclaim/how-to-reclaim-council-tax-credit/


Isle of Wight Foodbank, Love Lane, Cowes.


This month the foodbank are requesting Squash, Tinned Spaghetti, Sponge Puddings, Rice and Tinned Veg.


Isle of Wight Ferries.


I am regularly being contacted concerning the reliability and cost of ferries to and from the mainland.


Following calls from residents I continue to contact Red Funnel, particularly on cancelled journeys. Sadly the responses that I receive are unapologetic and non-committal.  I am in contact with others who share my frustration. In the coming months we intend to discuss action points we would like to see from the ferry providers.  In the meantime, please let me know your views and your thoughts on how providers can improve services. 


Boots Chemist closure: News from Cowes Medical Centre.


Boots closed their pharmacy at the medical centre Friday, 8 March 2024.  They have sold their business to Jhoots pharmacy who are still to confirm when they will be open.  


To ensure patients who have nominated Boots-Cowes as their preferred pharmacy can get their medication during this transition, Cowes Medical Centre will send prescriptions to the 'cloud'.  Having your prescription sent to the 'cloud' means you can go into any pharmacy and ask them to download your prescription and fill it.  You will need to have your NHS number with you to do this.


Boots will transfer any patients who have nominated Boots Cowes as their preferred pharmacy to Jhoots Cowes.  You can of course decide to change your preferred pharmacy.


Cowes Library.


Following years of perseverance, Cowes (and Ryde) Library has been successful in its bid to improve access.


At Cowes this will mean that there is to be a wider door opening for wheelchairs an mobility scooters, as well as access to the toilet and kitchen area.  Congratulations to Staff and Volunteers!  Work is due to start in September.


Hedgehog Corner.


Early Spring warmth begins to bring some hedgehogs out of hibernation. Those that successfully hibernated will be thin and extremely hungry and thirsty! A shallow dish of chicken-based cat/dog food, along with a shallow dish of water, put out each night will help them enormously.

Gardeners beginning to tidy up, please stay cautious when using mowers, shears and strimmers!


Gurnard Parish Council: Chairmans Report.


·         I reflected views expressed by the Parish Council at hearings for both the Place Road Planning Application and for the Salty Siren Street Trading License.

·         Work continues to iron out matters concerning the future of Gurnard Village Hall, and how this is managed moving forward with volunteers.

·         With Gurnard Parish Council are holding an ‘open weekend’ at the Village Hall on 20-21st April.  If I can find a costume big enough, I am looking forward to dressing up as a giant hedgehog!

·         I’ve spoken to the retailer at the Watersedge kiosk which opened last month. I am advised that the kiosk will continue trading until such time as the site is sold. Together we discussed the upkeep of Rosie’s bench to make sure that this continues to be looked after and old flowers/ paraphernalia are taken away and not left unsightly. 


Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding: Cabinet Member Report.


·         Work continues to attempt to iron out policy matters within the draft Island Planning Strategy.  With the deadline nearing its conclusion myself and officers continue to attempt to resolve outstanding issues with Councillors.

·         I have offered support to residents of Bembridge who reported unauthorised tree work.

·         I attended one of the best attended public meetings called to address Coastal Protection matters in Ventnor.  Of concern to residents were the uncertainty of re-opening roads.

·         I am due to meet with residents affected by the most recent landslip in St Lawrence. Officers are currently on-call

·         I am due to meet with residents of Gunville following recent flooding. 

·         At the most recent meeting of the Solent Forum. At the meeting held concerns were raised regarding the impact of drones on birds, Nature Recovery in coastal and marine environments, competitive angling as a scientific tool (through fish tagging!) and work underway to protect Hurst Spit from coastal erosion. 

·         At SIFCA’s meeting progress was reported regarding research required by Government on Black Sea Bream.  In addition, it was reported that further delays occurred to introduce SIFCA’s new vessel, Vigilant.  Also it was reported that there has been a severe reduction in Salmon spawning in Hampshire’s chalk streams.

·         IWALC met with Licensing at last month’s Cabinet Meeting.

·         An exhibition is pending to discuss Flood Prevention/ Coastal Protection measures for residents of Sandown and Yaverland.

·         New piles was installed as part of the East Ventnor Coastal Protection Scheme.


In a nutshell..


·         Support was given via Island Roads in seeking a compromise to maintain a hedgerow on the Crossfield Estate.

·         As the IW Councillor rep. on the IWC Pensions Board, I have been challenging Finance Officers on their support.

·         Supporting residents from Rew Street, I have written to the Planning Inspectorate echoing concerns.

·         I have contacted Island Roads again regarding the deteriorating condition of Worsley Road.

·         Requests for double yellow lines have now been circulated to Island Roads.  These will be considered on health and safety grounds, and will be consulted upon once and if agreed.

·         Myself and new Councillor Siobhan Barney has met with IW Council Officers and Cabinet Members to discuss proposals for the creation of a data centre.

·         I have liaised with individuals eager to ensure that pathways are compliant with safety standards within proposals for the new Green Space (SANG) west of Cockleton Lane.    

·         A further complaint has been made about the potency of street lighting in Worsley Road.  This follows a number of trips which have occurred from residents accessing the Village Hall.

·         Signposting was provided to a resident requiring access to parking adjacent to All Saints Church, Gurnard.

·         I have been appointed to serve on the IW Council’s Future Governance Committee.  This follows me serving as both a lead and opposition Councillor in the 1990’s.

·         I have chased up a Business Rate review for a local resident.

·        If you have not received your water butt visit: https://gurnardparishcouncil.gov.uk/free-water-butt-from-southern-water/

·         An update was shared concerning a planning enforcement request against residential use of an ancillary unit.

·         A further Planning Enforcement request was received regarding perceived residential use within the countryside.

·         A request was made, which I followed up for counting those using the Cowes-Newport cycleway.

·         An update was provided to me on Gurnard’s Community Agriculture Project. Villagers will be attending Gurnard Parish Council’s weekend event on 20/21st April.

·         I received (as often happens) communication regarding the traffic lights in place on the Cowes Road last month.

·         I am chasing an update from Natural England on the King Charles III Coastal Path.  I am also looking forward to meeting landowners potentially affected.

·         I have received complaints regarding rotting flowers and non-biodegradable plastic left on memorial benches.

·         I have been approached by second home owners who may be impacted by new Council Tax rules in 2025.

·         Work has started on my 2024 Annual Report. This will be available online and from Cowes Library this month-ish.

·         At Full Council, I was the only Isle of Wight Councillor to not accept recommendations to increase Councillors allowances. 

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