About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

IW Councillor's Report, February 2024




10:30-11am, Thursday 1st February, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

4:30-5pm, Monday 5th February, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.

3-4pm, Tuesday 13th February, Village Hall, Newport Road, Northwood.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday 14th February, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

10:30-11am, Thursday 22nd February, Coffee & Chat, All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.

11-11:30pm, Thursday 29th February, Eegons, 85 High Street, Cowes.


Planning Appeal: Sunnycott Caravan Park, Rew Street.


Following the formal refusal by IWC Planners to allow the installation of an extra 5 mobile home, this matter was referred to the Planning Inspectorate to consider. 


In response, the Inspectorate then agreed to overturn planners decision and has allowed consent. In response, I am due to meet with residents in the hope of addressing issues such as flooding and environmental concerns. 


Cold Calling.


In the last few weeks I received a number of calls concerned by Wightfibre Cold Calling in the Cowes Area.  Following me reporting this direct to Wightfibre, I then referred this to Trading Standards and since have received no further concerns.  In the meantime, I continue to monitor cold call breaches and have requested that further stickers are circulated to Cowes Library.


Street Trading licensing.


I’m advised that several vendors have approached the IW Council to trade from the Seafront. Of interest is a latest application for Street Trading Application Ref: 24/0005, which will sell food from what resembles a converted Horsebox. This alongside the Little Coffee Bike and the Plaza Ice Cream Van will provide a multitude of choice. Comments, before 12th February should relate to: public safety, public nuisance, visual impact and harm to children.


Full Council: Local Council Tax Support.


At its most recent meeting the IW Council agreed to increase the level of support for working aged residents claiming Council Tax Benefit.  Last year the level of support increased from 65% to 70%, and this year Council agreed to increase this level to 75%.  During the debate it was suggested that the £366,000 would be found from the Councils exceptional hardship fund, as well as from legislation to be potentially be introduced in 2025 by government for second homes…


Because it was not made clear how much of a shortfall there would be, I was unable to support this proposal.  In the meantime, I am also very concerned of the impact there will be to no longer having an exceptional hardship fund.  


Watersedge Café, Gurnard.


The Watersedge Café is for sale!  For details visit: https://www.spencewillard.co.uk/listing/shore-road-cowes/


Isle of Wight Council Garden Waste Subscriptions.


These are due to increase from £96 to £102 from 1st April 2024.  If you have not been notified by the IW Council, to keep your subscription live/ or need to reset your subscription please do this before 6th March.


For further details contact: waste.contract@iow.gov.uk or telephone 01983 823777


In the meantime, please note there are other companies (such as Onward Waste) that can also collect your garden waste- prices start at £75…


Double Yellow Lines.


Thank you to all residents who have approached me regarding Traffic Regulation Orders.  Since last month, I have received requests for double yellow lines to be added at the Glen Place/ Worsley Road and the Church Road/ Worsley Road junctions.  This follows up the request made for the Lower Horn Hill access field for the Coastal Path. Please let me have your suggestion before 20th February.


New Police Hub, Cowes.


Along with some important people and other Councillors, I attended the opening of the new police station (opposite the Anchor Inn) on Cowes High Street.  This afforded me the opportunity to discuss policing priorities with the lovely Police Crime Commissioner, Donna Jones before discussing issues with Town Councillors at Northwood House.


Of interest to me, was new CCTV which will assist on monitoring the High Street and Shooters Hill.  This will, I understand will allow the police to do more to enforce the breach of the order imposed to prevent cyclists and motorists from accessing the High Street when the prohibition is in place.


I also met with our PCSO Poppy Yeo, and spoke to her about concerns that I have concerning anti-social behaviour which I reported last month which took place to properties with coastal frontages in Solent View Road. 


Cabinet v’s Committee decision making.


The IW Council are considering changing its decision making process from a Cabinet Model where eight Cabinet members currently makes decisions, (this can be challenged by the Council’s Corporate Scrutiny Committee), to a Committee Model where a Committee led by a Chairman makes decisions.


Being a longstanding Councillor, who have served on both models as a Cabinet Member and as a Committee Chair as well as a back bench Councillor, I personally prefer the Committee model which I find although a bit slower to make decisions, more open and transparent, particularly to those Councillors who are opposition ‘back-benchers’


When making a final decision, it will be important to have an understanding how much this could potentially cost.


Cost of Living Support.


Last month saw a further increase in the price cap on Fuel costs. In light of the, the IW Council continues to update its support. See: https://www.iow.gov.uk/keep-the-island-safe/cost-of-living/  Further details on Cost of Living Support is also available at Cowes Library.


Elsewhere, the Footprint Trust offers support, should you or anybody you know need support. For details, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/footprinttrust,or call 01983 822282.


Northwood Park Play Area.


Northwood Trust are seeking support to fund new swings for Northwood Park’s children’s play area, which is due to cost £11,400. Please visit: https://northwoodhouse.org/event/save-our-swings-appeal/


Anti-Social driving.


·         Park Road.

I have been approached by more residents complaining about speeding traffic using Park Road and impatient motorists mounting the kerb, rather than waiting for a break in the traffic when driving into Cowes.


Incidents continue to be reported to the police. In the meantime, I have requested bollards to prevent conflict with pedestrians. 


·         Woodvale Road.

A number of people have requested action to address verges being churned up opposite Cow Lane in Woodvale Road.  In response, I have requested that once the growing season recommences verges are made good by Island Roads.  In the meantime, could I request parents dropping off their little people are mindful of damage being caused.


·         Vittlefields Cross.

In recent months the IW Council have acquired land at Vittlefields Cross, Forest Road to improve road safety following traffic incidents. Whilst recognising many residents would like to see Traffic Lights at this dangerous junction, the costings are considerable, and with a Council strapped for cash would £100k be money well spent? 




I continue to get contacted by residents who are unable to receive dental treatment on the Island.  One family who moved to the Island four years ago still has to travel to Portsmouth to continue treatment.


On this I have raised resident’s concerns to both the MP and the Care Quality Commission.  Following mine and other residents complaints, I was very disappointed that our MP felt it inappropriate to work cross party to support the Dentistry Improvement Amendment which would have provided an additional 700,000 emergency appointments across the country and introduce a scheme to recruit new dentists to areas most in need as well as a supervised toothbrushing scheme for all 3 to 5 year olds.  Please let me know your thoughts!


Repeater signage, Cockleton Lane.


I reported a poorly installed new repeater sign that appeared in Cockleton Lane, which overhangs the highway.  Curiously, Island Roads reported to me that the sign may have been moved by residents…. 




As Cabinet member responsible for Marine Conservation, I was joined by others at a meeting discussing nurdles.


Nurdels are lentil sized pieces of plastic which are the building blocks for plastic products.  Sadly huge numbers of them end up on our beaches, due to them being spilt when being transported around the world.  Evidence has shown sea creatures eat them, mistaking them for fish eggs, meaning nurdles can end up in our food chain.


IW Council Budget 2024/5.


Work continues in setting this Financial Year’s budget.  Following feedback received, I continue to lobby for at the very least a freeze in car parking charges and a means to not discourage shoppers using our Town Centres.  Full Council will consider options at its meeting on 28th February.


Last month, it was good to hear that following hours of data collection and ongoing campaigning over many years, the Isle of Wight was partially successful in its bid for fair funding, given the additional costs the Island accrues from our separation from the mainland (estimated to be £10-£28m per year).  Following this announcement, it seems that the Island was successful in receiving an extra £4m per year, although at the moment there remains uncertainty how this can be spent and the criteria.


Hedgehog Corner: Slug Pellets.


The hedgehog is known as ‘the gardener’s friend’ as it will eat slugs, beetles, caterpillars etc., and does no harm, so if you have a garden a hedgehog is to be encouraged. They should not be kept in captivity, but regarded as welcome visitors.


These are poisonous and should not be used. If absolutely necessary, pellets should be placed in a pipe or under a slate that hedgehogs cannot get to. Dead slugs must be removed daily. Since April 2022 it has been illegal to use or sell metaldehyde slug pellets in the UK. Use other garden pesticides sparingly, or better still not at all; you never know what else they might kill or make sick. Always try alternative methods!

Cabinet Member Report: Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding.


·         Last month I contacted Southern Water to support an Education Programme on non-permeable water surfaces.  Since my initial suggestion of an enforcement Officer, discussions continue to take place on giving the IW Council Flood Team support.

·         At the recent Cabinet meeting with IWALC, the Footprint Trust offered support to Town, Parish and Community Councils following recent increases to the Energy Level Cap.

·         More information has been given to Local Councils in the deployment of sandbags in areas of Flood Risk.

·         The first meeting was held with coastal Councils on measures the IW Council are taking to defend our coastlines

·         Officers met with Group Leaders to discuss the Island Planning Strategy. I have offered to attend Group meetings to drill down on policies, in advance of March’s Full Council Meeting.

·         Ground movement continues to be monitored at both Leeson Road, Bonchurch and Military Road, Brook.

·         Following feedback from 2022’s Peer Review, a Planning Officer will now man the reception at Seaclose on Wednesday afternoon’s.

·         The Government is currently consulting on Street vote development orders. These are a new tool that will give residents the ability to propose development on their street and, subject to the proposal meeting certain requirements, vote on whether that development should be given planning permission. Street vote development orders will provide residents with a new opportunity to take a proactive role in the planning process and bring forward the development they want to see on their streets. They will encourage residents to consider the potential for new development on their streets and are intended to deliver additional or more spacious homes in places where they are needed most, while helping to reduce development pressure on sensitive areas.

·         Waterbutts are currently being rolled out in Binstead.

·         I attended a meeting of the Isle of Wight National Landscape (formerly AONB) Partnership.  Items discussed included the difficulty farmers were having in applying (and making commitments) for new Agricultural Building Grants. Discussions also took place concerning the pathway to becoming a geopark and Nature Recovery incentives.  The Partnership appointed Mike Greenslade, Manager of the National Trust as its new Chairman.

·         I attended the Southern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee.  Nature Recovery was again discussed, as was a review of the recent landslip which took place at Bonchurch.  The SRFCC reinforced its support to the Island.

·         Planning Committee approved planning applications for +200 dwellings at Acorn Farm, Horsebridge Hill, Newport and for 56 dwellings at Hillway Road, Bembridge.  

 ·         The IW Council is consulting on the Draft Sustainable Drainage Systems  It will be adopted as an SPD to use when making planning decisions. Sustainable Drainage Systems, or SuDS, are a way to manage surface water. They copy the way that rainwater drains in a natural landscape.The draft SPD outlines the design principles required to deliver SuDS on the Isle of Wight. It provides advice on including SuDS within any new development.This guidance is for practical use by those looking to develop at any scale. It is also for designers of surface water drainage systems. For details visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/planning/local-plan/supplementary-planning-document-consultations/

Chairman Report: Gurnard Parish Council.


·         I’ve been approached concerning damage to the grass verge at the top of Woodvale Road opposite Cow Lane. This will be discussed at Gurnard Parish Council later this month.

·         I am liaising with our Environment Officer on regular flytpping that takes place in Cow Lane.

·         Quotations are being sought for new play equipment on Gurnard Green.

·         I have requested that our PCSO attends a future Gurnard Parish Council meeting.

·         The Parish Council are due to set its precept this month. Following discussions concerning Parish commitments, it is intended that the precept will be frozen for the coming year.

·         A meeting was set up with a resident who has made suggestions for the swimming pool at Gurnard Pines. 

·         I attended IWALC’s meeting.  At the meeting highway safety was discussed, as was bullying/ Councillor conduct.

·         Requests have been taken up to resolve ground water flooding from a new development on Princes Esplanade.  Contractors consider there is a solution to the problem. In the meantime, salt filled sandbags have been installed to address the issue of ice when water freezes.


Also this month: In a nutshell.


·         I met with a resident from The Dottens to discuss flooding matters.  The next step is to get representatives from Southern Water, Island Roads and the Council to meet on site to resolve the issue.

·         Parking Enforcement has taken place at Woodvale Road.  In addition, liaison is taking place with the new vicar of All Saints Church, Gurnard to raise awareness of parking issues in Tuttons Hill

·         Bolts have been removed and new litter bins are on order for Princes and Egypt Esplanade.

·         I have supported a Planning Application in Albert Road.  As I considered this new scheme an improvement on a proposal that was approved by Planning Committee in 2021.

·         I have been asked to intervene on an impassable section of footpath at Church Lane. This I have referred to Northwood Parish Council.

·         Following concerns raised, I have contacted the Council over concerns raised on resourcing Rights Of Way.

·         Following a local resident’s suggestion, I have referred their query to ease car parking at Love Lane, Cowes. 

·         Following my request, a fantastic school Governor at Cowes Primary was reappointed for a second term.

·         A meeting has taken place with residents to discuss establishing a Community Supported Agriculture scheme.

·         I attended a meeting which outlined difficulties that the Island with its diminishing younger population, and that this is beginning to have, particularly when providing services to residents. Concerns were echoed regarding the low wage economy on the Island and how this is a disincentive for young people.

1 comment:

  1. With regards to double yellow lines, are these of any use as there appears to be no enforcement of existing yellow lines in Gurnard?
