About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Isle of Wight Councillors Report, December 2023.



5-6pm, Tuesday 5th December, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday 13th December, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.


Throughout the Christmas Break, although not holding surgeries I can still be contacted. The quickest way to receive a response is by text (which I aim to respond to within 1 hour of receipt). With emails for residents of Cowes West & Gurnard, I aim to respond to within 24 hours of receipt, otherwise 3 days. If I do not reply within this time, let me know- as often emails can get lost/ overseen (I still receive dozens daily) or are unceremoniously ejected to my Spam Folder…     


Planning Matters.


·         Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace & residential development for up to 117 units.  Ref: 23/01430/FUL.

It is too early to report whether this application is recommended to be refused, withdrawn or approved. Details of my call-in where everything (including the kitchen sink were given to justify call-in) can be found in November’s report. 


·         Gurnard Pines Eco-Chalets.

Following dialogue with planners this application has now been approved, with agreed conditions.


·         Planning Enforcement.

A new complaint has been received concerning residential use of a boat house/ outbuildings in Gurnard.


·         Planning Application.

A Cowes resident has approached me, following a neighbours application which will turn their property from a detached home to a semi-detached property by infilling a gap in the building line.


Van Life?


Throughout the Island, I have been approached concerning the growing number of mobile homes that are being used as permanent homes for residents following the increased cost of housing.  With temperatures plummeting and concerns raised over waste disposal and safeguarding this is causing an issue for the IW Council, who estimate that there are now 50-100 mobile homes located across the Island.


In response to this, I am talking to Parking Services, Environmental Health and Housing to support those affected.


News from Southern Water.


As part of Southern Water’s misconnections strategy, I’m advised the sewer in Lower Church Road is being lined to prevent surface water mixing with sewerage. In the meantime investigations are taking place at Wyatts Lane, Northwood.


Green Travel Boost.


The IW Council is set to receive £13.6m in Government Levelling Up money, as part of the third round of the fund.


The purpose of this will be to enhance travel between Ryde, Newport and Yarmouth by improving cycling, walking and bus routes, whilst improving accessibility.  The fund will also enable funding of the West Wight Greenway creating a walking and cycle route on the former railway line between Newport and Freshwater. 


In my role as Chair of the Local Access Forum, I’m assured there will be support for the 2 manned Rights of Way Team!


Flood Grants: Financial support for residents and businesses.


Island homes and businesses directly affected by the recent floods can now apply for UK Government funded support.


The Isle of Wight Council is administering a package of support, including a Community Recovery Grant of £500 per household to help with immediate costs.


For residents/ businesses affected email: iwcfloodrecovery@iow.gov.uk or call 01983 823111


For details please visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/keep-the-island-safe/severe-weather/november-2023-flood-support/#:~:text=Island%20homes%20and%20businesses%20directly,to%20help%20with%20immediate%20costs.


Cost Of Living Support


For up to date support, please visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/keep-the-island-safe/cost-of-living/


Vacancies: Cowes Town Council.


Vacancies have arisen on Cowes Town Council following resignations from Former Mayor, Paul Bertie (Cowes North) and Michael Paler (Cowes Medina).  For details please visit:  https://www.cowestowncouncil.org.uk/wp/news/


Local Access Forum.


The IW Local Access Forum met to discuss their views on Stage 1 (East Cowes to Wootton), of the new King Charles III English Coastal Path.  This follows recurring delays on the route favoured by landowners rather than the favoured route from walkers.  Prior to the meeting, I liaised both with local Isle of Wight as well as Parish Councillors who shared numerous views both to me and to Isle of Wight Ramblers.  After the Forum’s debate, the following resolution was agreed.


‘The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum ask that Natural England, English Heritage and Landowners work together to achieve a truly coastal route for this valuable stretch of the King Charles III Coastal Path.  We ask the full scope of both Natural England’s 2013 Coast Path scheme plus the Highway Act 1980 creation powers should be explored to achieve this objective. In addition, we ask’


1.    Natural England to ensure areas of ecological and conservation are protected.

2.    Members of the public including local town and parish councils are approached by Natural England with respect to full consultation, and

3.    Ensure that private gardens are protected.    


General Waste.


Last month, with Christmas approaching I was asked to feedback from Waste Services what now counts as Black Bin (General Waste).  In response, I’m advised this now includes the following:


·         animal waste and litter (bagged)

·         broken crockery and Pyrex

·         bubble wrap

·         wrapping paper made with glitter or from foil

·         cold ash

·         foil food pouches

·         crisp bags/ sweet wrappers (silver on the inside)

·         contaminated food packaging

·         incontinence wear

·         wet wipes (baby, beauty and cleaning)

·         nappies

·         Polystyrene

·         sanitary/feminine hygiene wear

·         underwear

·         used tissues

·         vacuum cleaner bags / household sweepings


·         medicinal blister packs

·         Clingfilm


Hedgehog Corner.


This month, some good news about hedgehogs.  The number of hedgehogs in the UK has declined since the 1950’s, when there were more than 30 million ‘hogs in the UK, since then numbers declined from 1.5 million to 522,133 in the hedgehog census of 2016…  The good news, however is that in the past decade this decline has reversed in urban areas.


The reason for the decline, the British Hedgehog Preservation Society suggests are as follows:


Rural hedgehogs


·         Increasing badgers. Hedgehogs main predator, may impact where habitats are degraded.

·         Widespread use of pesticides reduces the number of invertebrates hedgehogs eat.

·         Larger field sizes makes it difficult for hedgehogs to explore and move around the landscape.

·         Hedgerow management by flailing leads to hedgerows with gappy bases, which is poor for nesting.

·         Intensive management of pastures with herbicides and fertilizers reduce the amount of invertebrates.

·         Ploughing can result  in the loss of permanent pastures.


Urban hedgehogs. 


·         Impermeable garden fencing and solid walls limits the area of connected land/ wildlife corridors available.

·         Gardens lost to car parking or decking reduces foraging/ exploration areas.

·         Busy roads cause mortalities.  As well as this, they can impact adversely on hedgehog dispersal routes.

·         New developments lack connectivity between gardens.

·         Overmanagment and development destroys hibernation habitats (typically scubby or brambly areas)

·         Over tidy gardening can remove dead wood, decimating wildlife.

·         Use of pesticides and slug pellets can poison animals and kills the invertebrates ‘hogs eat.



Meeting with Southern Water.


At the SRFCC meeting, I took advantage of raising questions with Southern Water’s Chief Executive Lawrence Gosden. 


Of note during the meeting were proposals to tentatively increase water charges by 63%.  This means that Annual Water Bills will increase from £438 to £681 from 2024/5, subject to OFWAT’s support.


During the meeting there was mention of investing at Sandown, recycling water by ‘thermal hydrolosis’, reducing reliance on protected chalk streams (85% of the world’s chalk streams are found in the South of England!) and the creation of new reservoirs.  Ironically one of Southern Water’s representatives suggested that the Isle of Wight would again become self-sufficient for water (important given the Island’s reliance on chalk streams). However, during the meeting he seemed unclear of where the boundaries lie between Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.


Current Scams: News from Trading Standards


·         Loft insulation. The caller identifies himself as Tom, first using a Bournemouth number, later using 01983 numbers. This is more likely to seem legitimate as it is a local number. The caller will offer you a free survey to find out if your loft insulation is causing damp issues. If you agree to the survey, they will book somebody in to come and have a look and we can almost guarantee they will find problems and then proceed to do the work for you at in inflated price. The Footprint Trust have advised us that in most cases, fibre glass loft insulation does not cause damp issues. If it does, it can easily be fixed by pulling it back from where it touches the roof which increases airflow. You can do this yourself. If you are unable to, a handyman should be able to do this for a reasonable price. Do not engage with these callers and don’t let them into your property.


·         Letters from companies regarding problems with solar panels. These may not be scam companies, it is highly likely they will find a problem and may cause further problems when working on your system. If you receive one of these letters and you are unsure if you have a problem or not, contact a local trusted trader who can advise you.


·         Doorstep traders​. Be wary of anyone knocking your door offering to do work for you. We’ve had reports of window cleaners coming from the mainland along with people offering to buy your gold. We would advise against any kind of doorstep trading.


·         Email from a friend asking for help​. We have had reports of peoples email accounts being hacked which results in scammers sending random emails to all of the contacts in their address book, asking for money and help. There may be links that they are asking you to click – DON’T! If you don’t want to ignore the request, check if its genuine with your friend.


·         An email from McAfee stating you need to update your Microsoft Windows version. Be very careful when you see messages claiming to be support for your device – don’t  click on unknown links. Talk to somebody who is familiar with IT.


·         Be wary about messages from Whatsapp updating their settings


·         Calls about your debit or credit card being used and large amounts taken, don’t follow the instructions on the call. Contact your bank and check with them. These calls will ask you to press for contact with an investigator who will then ask you for all sorts of banking details.


·         Scam texts and emails claiming to be various difference mail providers. These say you need to pay extra for a package or ask you click on a link which could install malware onto your device. The companies all involved state that they would never contact you in this way (how would they know your phone number?).


·         National Insurance scam using an 01983 number. Don’t believe just because it appears to be a local number that it is genuine, numbers can be purchased and are frequently cloned.


·         Google message to say that your phone has viruses and you have to click the link to repair the problem. Don’t click the link, this is a scam.


·         Banking texts being followed up by phone calls stating that there is a fraud on your account. They may even draw your attention to the number they are dialling from. It will be the banks number. Numbers can be cloned. Hang up do not engage with these criminals and call your bank on a number you have found yourself to ensure that your account is secure.


Be wary when receiving emails, texts and messages. Remember, genuine organisations will never ask you to click on links in messages or ask for your bank details.


·         Scam texts can be forwarded to 7726

·         Scam emails can be forwarded to report@phishing.gov.uk

·         'No cold calling' stickers are available by emailing trading.standards@iow.gov.uk.


Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding Report.


·         It was agreed by the South Regional Flood & Coastal Committee (SRFCC) resolved to increase its levy by 3%.  This increase was felt necessary following increases of flooding across the region.

·         The Planning Enforcement Team successfully took action against a businessman for disregarding successive enforcement notices on land at Lake.  From my perspective, this is a demonstration about the non-acceptability of those feeling it appropriate to act above the law. From feedback that I receive this is an important priority to residents.  

·         During instances of flooding sandbags will be agreed by local communities.  This follows instances of sandbags being stolen…  Locally, sandbags will be left on the grass verge on the junction with Lower Church Road and Solent View Road in Gurnard and Cross Street Car Park, St Marys Road, Cowes.

·         I have sought advice regarding the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) Refresh. The SMP is a formal document setting out managing the coastline from erosion and coastal flooding risks, and although the SMP is a live document, and has had a few changes (such was the case at Totland Bay) the document and its designations remain in place. For details visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/azservices/documents/2782-D7-Isle-of-Wight-Shoreline-Management-Plan-2.pdf

·         Paperwork for the revised Island Planning Strategy is due to be circulated to members of the Neighbourhoods and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.  In the meantime meetings are also due to take place with Group Leaders and individuals still with concerns over the IPS.

·         Following recent damage to Coastal Defences across Island, a financial shortfall of over £360,000 has been identified.

·         New proposals have been made through the Levelling Up Act. These include increasing Planning Fees, Extended  periods to take enforcement action (from 3 to 10 years) and the removal of free revised (2nd) planning applications

·         As yet no ‘Exceptional Circumstances for Islands’ were cited in the Levelling Up Act.  Rumours suggest that a new NPPF to be issued on 30th November may have these. If this does not happen, I am hopeful enough work has been undertaken to reduce (with the Island’s unique circumstances) annual housing numbers from 735 to 453.

·         I have sought to relook at Car Parking income. Believing car parking charges too high, I’ve asked the question that should fees be reduced, is there evidence to support more people using car parks, thus increasing Council revenue?

·         I am seeking to increase carbon credits being used on the Island to enhance our green spaces/ biodiversity from mainland developers. On this, I was approached by the Opposition Leader, and look forward to making headway.

·         A stark warning has been given for future landslips.  It is anticipated that it takes 3-6 months for floodwater to filter through the strata on the Island.  This potentially could mean further landslips occurring between January and April.

·         I am working with Planning and Flooding Officers on taking to task some of the issues that increase storm water. 

·          I am working with IWALC and Cabinet Members to theme monthly meetings.  In November, we pulled in the the Head of Waste Services and in December, I am hopeful to have the Head of Housing responding to Parish concerns.


Gurnard Parish Council Chairman Report.


·         As Isle of Wight Councillor, it was a privilege to join Gurnard Parish Vice Chair Cllr Penny Acton to lay wreaths at Gurnard’s Service of Remembrance.  A big thank you to the families and all involved a lovely poignant service!

·         I attended the Annual General Meeting of the Gurnard Village Hall Association.  As an action point, the Parish Council will again be seeking to support a Management model for the Hall, which both safeguards this important building in perpetuity, provides the ladies from the WI with a building for which it was intended, whilst protecting the volunteers who look after the hall on a day to day basis.

·         A meeting will take place to look at the current play area on Princes Esplanade, and make any improvements felt appropriate. In the meantime Councillors have looked at other piece of equipment and will agree further maintenance.

·         The landowner of Spencer’s Copse has tentatively agreed to a dedication agreement for the dog-legged right of way.

·         AS Chairman, I look forward to meeting with the Chair of Governors from Gurnard Primary School to discuss options for Traffic Calming/ Road safety outside Gurnard Primary School.

·         Following a complaint made at last month’s meeting, I can report that Island Roads remain responsible for the removal of dog dirt when reported. In the meantime, I am happy to take up matters with both Island Roads and our Environment Officer, Jason Budd.


Also this Month.


·         I successfully managed to get a parking ticket reduced for a resident.

·         I continue to be ping-ponged back and forth by Royal Mail who removed the Postbox from Cockleton Lane in 2022.  On this, I continue to persevere…

·         A resident, is due to attend Northwood’s Parish Council Meeting seeking support for a new Right of Way connecting Shamblers Copse with Medham.

·         I have been requested to hold monthly surgeries on Wednesday at Briary Court.  I have contacted the Manager regarding this.

·         I have been approached by residents of Northwood regarding Roofing Contractors cold calling.  Please let me know if this happens to you, as all incidents are being reported to Trading standards.

·         Land has been cleared at Baring Road.  This is legitimate and licenses have been issued for these works.

·         I have now been appointed to the Isle of Wight Council’s Pension Committee and look forward to undertaking training.

·         At the Council’s Licensing Committee, policy has been updated to discourage the use of ‘single use’ drinking vessels. This is as a consequence of the Government Net Zero policies to reduce waste and protect the Environment.  In addition during the meeting, all Councillors updated our training!   

·         Following requests, traffic lights were installed following ‘chaos’ in Baring Road during installation of six dropped kerbs.

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