About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Isle of Wight Councillor's Report: March 2023



11:30-12:15pm, Thursday 2nd March, The Pavilion, Gurnard Pines, Gurnard.

4:30-5pm, Monday 6th March, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday 8th March, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

10-11am, Thursday 9th March, Eegons, 85 High Street, Cowes.

11:15-11:45am, Wednesday 15th March, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.

10:30-11am, Thursday 23rd March, Coffee & Chat, All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.

3-3:30pm, Tuesday 28th March, Northwood, Village Hall, Newport Road, Northwood.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday 29th March, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

11:30-12pm, Thursday 30th March, Eegons, 85 High Street, Cowes.


Gurnard Pines Swimming Pool.


Following the closure of the Complex in January, I have been approached by a number of residents concerned about the closure and potential decommissioning of the Pool.


In response, I have been in touch with the owner (currently upgrading the complex) who has been in discussions with stakeholders on options. In light of this, I contacted and support individuals who are keen to give their support to keep the pool open, and am in contact with both the owner and stakeholders.


Gurnard Pines have highlighted that the pool ran as a private commercial entity is expensive both to keep open and maintain (The figure of £200,000 per annum has been quoted).  Elsewhere across the country nationally swimming pools are closing and are in crisis.  Locally, within budget discussions the two IW Council owned pools were under real threat at one point. In discussion with others, one of the real issues facing Swimming Pools is the pressure from rising energy costs and the lack of support from Government to the private sector. In response to this, I am in touch with the MP on the need for Government support, should our public pools not become lost.


You will note in previous reports my comments on the importance of supporting local businesses. The more local businesses we have as a community have, the stronger our community is.


Southern Water: Pathway Project.


Work has started on the initiative to reduce storm water surges into the outflow in Cowes and Gurnard.


One of the key priorities for Southern Water is reducing the speed rainwater takes to flow within the combined water system, particularly where roof spaces are at their most extensive.  Most recently tubs taking rainwater from roofs have been supplied at Bucklers View, with Gurnard Village Hall to follow.  It is estimated that at the Village Hall one tonne of rainwater can fall in a minute!  Other priorities for the project are:


·         Optimising existing shared infrastructure such as roadside gullies, private sewers and our own assets.

·         Adding increased treatment capacity to existing drainage infrastructure.

·         Managing the roof drainage of 25 large buildings.

·         Working with the IW Council to improve highway drainage and create greener, sustainable roadside features.

·         Installing thousands of slow-drain water butts to slow the flow of rainfall entering the combined sewer.

Meanwhile, Southern Water are hosting two drop in sessions for customers from 3:30-6:30pm on Thursday 9th March at the Royal Esplanade Hotel, Ryde and 11am-2pm on Friday 10th March at the Riverside Centre, Newport.


IW Council Budget.


I recently was told off by my partner following my comments that the Council’s recent budget was a bit rubbish.   As an IW Councillor, this is my twentieth budget, and for a good many years Councillors have often celebrated how Council budgets have enabled the local authority to undertake exciting projects and fulfil duties local representatives can be proud of!


This year the Council had to make some very tough decisions.  These included whether or not, and to what extent we funded Fall Prevention Measures, Stroke Prevention, cuts to the book fund for libraries.  Some of the toughest decisions came after Christmas when the Autumn Statement offered the £1.2m less than was anticipated.  Although having to support a balanced budget, I saw nothing to celebrate and therefore honestly reflected my views.   At Full Council, the budget was agreed with 21 in support, 4 against and 11 Councillors abstaining.   


Parkhurst Forest.


It has been reported to me that there has been further instances of dog poisoning believed to have taken place at the entrances to Parkhurst Forest.  If you are walking your dog in the Forest, please be aware, keep your dog under control and monitored at all times and report instances to the police. 




I received the sad news that a dog not on a lead bit another in Gurnard.  Following this, I was made aware similar incidents had arisen recently in Northwood Park and at the Recreation Ground.  According to our Environment Officer, such incidents have increased since the lockdown.  Please both be aware, and ensure that when your dog is being walked it is under control at all times!  


Military Road.


I attended a meeting with stakeholders to discuss the future of Military Road.  Last year Island Roads submitted a planning application to barrier off Military Road to prevent the road being severed by landslips and coastal erosion. As a result, Natural England objected to the due to the impact this would have upon the protected landscapes, once the barrier becomes more exposed and the surrounding land falls away.


At the meeting Natural England fed back they may now have a solution, currently being considered by Island Roads and their contractors. It was emphasised at the meeting that some land north of the road is not heavily protected. Because of this, I’m hopeful with Government agency support a solution can be found to safeguard this iconic road.


Highways Matters.


·         I continue to receive complaints over ‘near misses’ from cycles in Cowes High Street. On this, I’ve been asked to liaise again with Island Roads about road marking the High Street (Previously rejected by them!)

·         Last month saw a number of road closures.  Restrictions in Newport Road, Pallance Road, Park Road and Rew Street were all chased

·         Having witnessed the deteriorating condition of Worsley Road, I’ve requesting better monitoring by Island Roads.

·         Following last month’s report, in law it is the responsibility of the homeowner behind any dangerous section of un-adopted roads to ensure this is kept safe rather than the road owner. This has now been confirmed. Although Amey are not intending to revise their collections this may arise, should homeowners not maintain their sections.

·         I understand complaints have been received about the public seating in Market Hill, Cowes.

·         Leaky sewers have been reported and repaired in Bay View Road. Elsewhere, at The Dottens I have been talking to the IW Council, Southern Water and Island Roads to resolve regular flooding in the area.   

·         A request was made to regularly grit/ salt Rew Street. Because Rew Street is off the principle network, there is no scope to do this. However, when icy conditions do occur, I always request Island Roads monitor and grit where appropriate.  Also key to this is, ensuring ditches, gullies are kept clear which I request each Autumn.

·         Shore Road will be closed until Friday 10th March to install safety bollards.

·         Traffic Speed in Pallance Road was discussed at the most recent meeting between Cabinet and IWALC. Cllr Jordan highlighted and supported the need for a speed review similar to one that took place at Havenstreet



Waste and Recycling.


·         Garden Waste. (£96)

Garden waste collection renewals are due to be made before 17th March 2023.  Call 01983 823777 for details.


·         Collection Plus (£65)

The Collection Plus service allows you to have your domestic wheeled bins or reusable sacks collected from an agreed point on your property. This could be the side of your house, instead of being required to place them on the kerbside. Apply online or call Waste services on 01983 823777

Collection Plus benefits residents who:


·         work away from home during the week

·         work irregular shift patterns

·         are second home owners

·         are elderly.


·         Access to Lynnbottom. 

A number of residents have contacted me regarding access to the Council’s tips.  Please if you’re struggling to book a slot, call Waste Services on 01983 823777 


Cowes Enterprise College: Winder Hall.  


Not totally unrelated to the above article is the Winder Hall which opened its doors for the first time in 2007.  The Sports Hall for the former High School was funded by the Lottery, and I recall at the time match funding was provided on the proviso the hall would have community use.  As a result, I have been asked to find out why this lapsed and have approached the IW Council to find out more concerning the transferral to the Ormiston Trust. 


Hedgehog Corner


As the days gradually get longer and the temperature rises, warmth will be creeping into the hidden nests of hedgehogs across the country, letting them know it’s time to stir from their long hibernation. Hedgehogs are struggling and mostly that’s due to human activity, these small actions can help a great deal, a little effort from each of us could make life a lot easier for hedgehogs.


The British Hedgehog Preservation Society, suggests taking the following steps:


·         Offer meaty cat or dog food and water – they will be extremely hungry and thirsty after hibernation.

·         Create a log pile – this will provide natural shelter and food in the form of bugs and grubs, Bed & Breakfast!

·         Check before strimming – a quick check in long grasses or under hedges is vital to avoid killing or causing horrific injuries to hedgehogs.

·         Provide a hedgehog home – this could be used as a nursery in summer! Plans on building a home can be found on the charity’s website britishhedgehogs.org.uk

·         Join up your gardens! Talk to neighbours about adding a hedgehog highway in fences and walls; they only need to be 13cm x 13cm square and will link up vital habitat for ‘hogs!


Gurnard Parish Council Report.


·         In the last few weeks interviews have taken place for a new clerk. At present, the Council has been very ably supported by Heather Rowell who is clerk to Freshwater Parish Council and is mentoring our new clerk Richard who is working through his probationary period. During this time, it has been fantastic that Parish Councillors have pulled together to support the smooth running of the Council.  My thanks and gratitude to all Councillors!

·         In the meantime, my thanks to Bob (and others) who have come forward as the keeper of the clock following Gordon Day’s retirement last year!

·         A really constructive meeting took place between myself, Cllr. Christine Bustin and the WI to consider the best options to manage and safe-keep and manage the Hall for future generations. Following the meeting Trustees would talk to members (and receive any legal advice) on moving forward.

·         Gurnard Parish Council’s Beach Working Party met to further discuss and take action on improving beach safety and scrutinising water quality. In light of Beach Safety risks the Parish Council would write to the IW Council requesting how it intended to mitigate against risks as outlined in the RNLI report from last year.

·         As Chairman of the Parish Council I attended a recent IW Association of Local Council meeting hosted to address Housing and Planning issues.   

·         The next Litter Pick will take place from Gurnard Village Hall at 10am, Saturday 22nd April.


Planning and Housing Matters.


·         An appeal has been lodged against proposals put by Sunnycott Caravan Park to extend the park with 5 extra units, whilst repositioning two units.  The deadline for additional reps. is 15th March.

·         Gurnard Parish Council at its previous meeting raised no objection to the proposed new 36 Eco Lodges.

·         It was reported that in Cowes West and Gurnard there are currently 18 empty properties (1% of total properties), 85 second homes (4.72%) and 27 holiday lettings (1.5%).  When compared to the rest of the Isle of Wight, the level of second homes compared higher to 3.95% rate for the Island.  


Cabinet Members for Planning and Enforcement Report.


·         With the Government consultation ending on 3rd March, the context of progressing the Island Planning Strategy (or not) is under consideration.  I have requested Councillor briefings to take place in the coming weeks.

·         A meeting was arranged and facilitated with IWALC to discuss Planning and Housing matters.

·         In the coming weeks, with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure, I will be working with officers to ensure that work undertaken for the Island Planning Strategy is compatible with the new Local Transport Plan 4. One of the objectives that I am seeking is for work on the Island’s Walking and Cycling strategies are included.

·         I’ve supported Ventnor residents liaising with Building Control relating to a neighbouring development.

·         This month I am holding my first Planning surgery/drop in.  This will take place at 3-3:30pm, Tuesday 28th March, Northwood Village Hall, Newport Road, Northwood. This surgery will also be available for general local issues!

·         Planning Service Improvements have occurred since last year’s Peer Review. These continue to be reported to Steering Group of stakeholders who will be feedback to Planning Committee and Cabinet.

·         More vacancies within the Planning and Building Control Teams have been filled.


Also this month.


·         I met with the Chairman of the Cowes Waterfront Trust and discussed the challenges being faced and the need for the wider community to work alongside the Trust.  The meeting came about following questions being raised by Town Council.  From my perspective, both myself and the Chairman supports strengthening existing links.

  • A request has been made elsewhere on the Island for signs depicting Migratory tracks for Toads.  At the moment two signs exist on the Island, one at Rew Street, Gurnard whilst the other is in Wyatts Lane, Northwood.  

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