About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

IW Councillor's Report, December 2022




10:30-11am, Thursday 1st December, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

11:30-12:15pm, Thursday 1st December, The Pavilion Café, Gurnard Pines, Gurnard.

4:30-5pm, Monday 5th December, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.

11:30-12:15pm, Tuesday 6th December, The Pavilion Café, Gurnard Pines, Gurnard.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday 14th December, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.


Christmas Availability.


Although my last surgery this year is being held on 14th December, I will be available throughout Christmas and will be spending this time chasing up the long standing matters that I am dealing with.


Please text me or call my mobile if the matter is urgent.  As with all holiday periods, if I need to chase a matter it may take me longer than usual to chase matters up and get a response, if required from others.


Energy Support Signposting.


Please discuss your individual issues with the Footprint Trust on 01983 822282.  The Footprint Trust has up to date information to where funding is available.  Details of the Footprint Trust and support they give can be found at: https://footprint-trust.co.uk or email: info@footprint-trust.co.uk. Alternatively, up to date information can also be found here: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/.


A concern many residents have advised, is that the current level of support for many can seem limited. To note, the IW Council offers general advice for residents via: https://beta.iow.gov.uk/keep-the-island-safe/cost-of-living/ whilst Government also offers information at: https://helpforhouseholds.campaign.gov.uk/


Because there are issues for residents living in defined Holiday Parks (like Gurnard Pines) residents are exempt from the same regulations to safeguard those living in standard accommodation. In response, I have approached MP’s and Councillors regarding this. To address this there is both a campaign and a petition to Government, which be found here: https://www.parkhomemagazine.co.uk/news/lets-get-park-home-owners-energy-bills-justice/


In the meantime, I continue to gather information so this can be shared to residents who I very much support.  Following surgeries (including those at Gurnard Pines on 1st and 7th December), I will gather information for the MP, and hope to put in hard copy form the information posted on the IW Council’s Cost of Living website.  

In the meantime I have collated information from the IW Council's Cost of Living portal which I have produced in Hard Copy form (with 'phone numbers!? for residents that do not have access to the internet. These are available direct from me, or from Cowes Library 


Bathing Water: Dry Spills- Cowes and Gurnard.


For a number of years now, Southern Water has apportioned a number of outfall discharges were due to strain on the capacity of holding tanks during storms. Last month, the Group Surfers Against Sewage referenced that the number of dry spills (discharges that didn’t follow rain) were some of the UK’s highest.


Between October 2021 and September 2022, Gurnard had 321 discharges, the highest incident of sewage discharge in the UK, according to SAS. Cowes closely followed, with 318. In light of this, I’ve contacted Southern Water for an explanation, and how the company intends to deal with the unacceptable occurrences.


In the meantime bathing water safety remains a priority for Gurnard Parish Council’s Beach Working Party.  In addition, the public meeting to follow up Southern Water’s meeting to Gurnard residents earlier this year has been rescheduled.


In the meantime bathing water safety remains a priority for Gurnard Parish Council’s Beach Working Party.  In addition, the public meeting to follow up Southern Water’s meeting to Gurnard residents earlier this year has been rescheduled. In response Southern Water has stated the following:


“It should be noted that we have only looked at rainfall in the 2 days before a sewage discharge notification. Each catchment is unique and therefore the lag time between a rainfall event and its impact on a sewage overflow could be longer. However, we consider [2] days to be a conservative time period. The SSRS also only provides sewage discharge notifications for designated bathing waters and popular swim spots rather than individual sewage overflows. So where one sewage overflow impacts multiple locations we will be overestimating the number of ‘dry spills’. On the other hand, where multiple sewage overflows impact one location, we will be underestimating the number of ‘dry spills’. Finally, we are unable to comprehensively consider more complex situations such as the effect of periods of drought – when there can be a large increase in surface water after a downpour due to the ground being too dry to absorb it”.


Waste Water, Princes Esplanade.


Southern Water  concluded efforts to repair the waste water leak on the Esplanade.  However, I am advised repairs to reinstate the highway cannot take place until the week commencing 19th December.

Following feedback from Cllr Terry Nolan, I have also reported a further leak adjacent to the Mornington Pumping Station off Queens Road.


Brighstone and Calbourne Bi-election.


I’ve congratulated neighbouring new IW Councillor, Nick Stuart who replaces Steve Hastings as Ward Councillor.


The votes cast were: Nick Stuart (Lib-Dem) 526; Carol Bryan (Conservative) 239; Doug Alldred (Green) 153; Stephen Parkes (Vectis Party) 36; Gary Clarke (Labour) 31. I have worked with Nick both as representatives on the IW AONB Management Committee and within the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils. 


IW Remembrance Services.


This year it was an honour to remember and lay wreaths on behalf of the IW Council.  This, was the first time in many years that I did not attend the service at Cowes, as I was supporting my partner who is a Freshwater Parish Councillor at her village. As usual it was lovely to attend the service in Gurnard alongside Cllr Mark Franklin who laid the wreath at the Church as Vice Chairman of Gurnard Parish Council.  Thank you to all involved!


Coastal Protection Works.


Work at Marsh Road, and more recent delayed work north of Solent View Road has now concluded. 


Isle of Wight Boundary Commission Consultation.


Consultation is again underway on Boundary Changes for the two MP’s proposed to represent the Isle of Wight.


I am in full support of proposals for the proposed two Isle of Wight Parliamentary Authority wards.


I support the Isle of Wight having two wards, as for many years now with a population of 140,000, the Isle of Wight has been under represented as easily the largest parliamentary constituency in the United Kingdom.


It makes sense to not divide communities, as the previous proposal did for Newport.


I also support current proposals as it differentiates the areas reliant upon traditional Tourism and hospitality industries in the East from those areas around the Medina Valley that have a stronger tradition commerce and industry in the West.


This Consultation: https://www.bcereviews.org.uk/node/6488?postcode=PO31 continues until 5th December


Highways and Environmental Issues.


·         I requested support and action was taken to clear obscured signage where Marsh Road joins Rew Street.

·         A request has been made to infill pot holes and regularly monitor the deteriorating condition of Worsley Road.

·         A complaint was received and action taken concerning dog fouling in and around Northwood Recreation Ground.

·         Action was requested following the non-consented renewal of parking permits.

·         A request has been made to request better local signage when the Floating Bridge does not operate.

·         A request has been made to clear ditches in Rew Street and the culvert in Cockleton Lane prior to the winter.

·         Concerns were raised over intrusive security lighting on the Crossfield Estate.

·         A complaint was received (with photos!!) of several golfers toileting in the open at Cowes Golf Club.

·         Concerns were raised of noisy motorcycles without lights in use in Gurnard. This has been reported to the police.

·         A complaint was made regarding scaffolding cladding. This I’m taking up with the householder undertaking work.


Council Tax 2023/ 2024.


Work is underway to set next year’s Council Tax.  Because of increased costs, this is likely to prove really challenging without substantial extra support from local Councils. 


Two of England’s largest, most buoyant local authorities Hampshire and Kent have warned prime minister, Rishi Sunak, they will be forced to declare bankruptcy because of the unprecedented financial crisis enveloping both councils. Their leaders said even “drastic cuts” to current services would not be enough to patch up the huge holes in their budgets created by soaring inflation and rising pressures in adult and children’s social care.


Small Business Saturday:  FREE Car Parking (Long Stay Car Parks) 12-6pm, Saturday 3rd December.


Isle of Wight Council is offering free off-street parking in all its long-stay car parks to support Small Business Saturday – which aims to promote the important role small businesses play in our towns and the island economy.

All long stay car parks run by the council will be free of charge between 12pm and 6pm on Saturday 3 December.


Full Council.


·         It was reported that the police force responsible for the Island has been renamed the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary.  This is something that I first raised with former PCC Simon Hayes ten years ago and am pleased that current PCC, the lovely Donna Jones has moved forward with!

·         The Full Council were unanimous in supporting Cllr Richard Quigley’s Cost of Living Emergency resolution, which enamoured the IW Council’s commitment to residents impacted.

·         Former Deputy, Wendy Perera was appointed by the IW Council as the authorities new Chief Executive.  I first worked with as a Planning Policy Officer in the 1990’s!    

·         The Island Planning Strategy was referred to Cabinet to consider Affordable Housing, use of IWC sites, housing reductions/ realignment of settlement boundaries, the SHLAA Process, Energy Security and Zero Carbon.


Cabinet Member Report.


In my role as the IW Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning and Enforcement, I can report the following:


·         I attended a presentation with Rentplus a national initiative supporting residents getting on to the first rung of the housing ladder. Rentplus’ objective is to provide ‘affordable’ rent to buy opportunities further details can be found here: https://www.rentplus-uk.com/  Elsewhere, where schemes are operating this has offered options to residents that otherwise would not be available and is popular with those that are low paid who work for the NHS, Retail, Manufacturing, Education, Leisure/ Hospitality and Armed Forces sectors. 

·         As Cabinet Member, I attended the second meeting of the Planning Protocols Working Party. One concern raised by members is the fact that members of the Planning Committee should be treated in the same way as Local Councillors when considering applications within their ward.  I very much welcome this and look forward to proposals being considered more widely by Councillors.

·         A presentation was made to IWALC concerning Town, Parish and Community Councils buying into the Council’s Planning Enforcement Team, which recently grew following the support from Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council.  Officers are currently in dialogue with potentially improving enforcement provision in Ryde.

·         Prior to Full Council, a briefing was organised to discuss why ‘up to date’ census data could not be assessed when suppressing housing numbers.. (To note this information requires three years to assess and quantify!)   

·         Following the decision by Full Council to pause the Island Planning Strategy, I continue to discuss priorities with Council Groups and individuals. On this, I am working with officers to circulate fuller options in the coming weeks which I intend to take to an all member briefing, early January.

·         In addition to the above, I have contacted both Bembridge and Freshwater Parish Councils to view matters raised by both Councils following some concerns raised by Councillors during the Full Council Meeting.

·         Following this year’s peer review, I chaired a meeting with stakeholders to create an action plan of priorities.  A number of these- ongoing training, staff recruitment and planning enforcement has so far been actioned.

·         I have received a number of comments raising concern over proposals within the Island Planning Strategy regarding not supporting Air BnB only being used with consent for more than 140 days per annum.     


Gurnard Parish Council Chairman’s Report.


·         Following concerns relating child safety outside the school and the crossing point at the junction with Woodvale Road in Baring Road, I have met with the Head Teacher. In the discussions that I had, understanding the concerns raised by residents regarding creating a zebra crossing and issues over the recruitment of a lolly-pop person the school has suggested improving pedestrian access to parking may be a way forward.  The Head advised she would discuss this with others managing the school. In the meantime a renewed request has been made for better parking enforcement, and notices continue to be made to parents in the school newsletter.

·         Work is due to take place in January, on a questionnaire to residents of Church Road, Tilbury Road and The Avenue regarding their views on a one way traffic system, parking and the speed of traffic.    

·         A request has been made to initiate an outreach for Gurnard Pines residents affected by cost of living increases. The site owner Terry Prosser and new café proprietors are happy and supportive of this being actioned.

·         With 11 other Town and Parish Councillors from the Cowes/ Gurnard/ Northwood area, joined by Cllrs Bugden, Franklin and Williams and I attended a meeting to discuss working closer with Cowes Medical Centre. At the meeting it was reported that the Medical Centre was to be classed as part of a ‘Primary Care Network’, which represented the communities of Cowes, Newport and the West Wight.  It was reported that currently 60 people were employed by the practice, and it remained a priority to recruit more doctors to support the 2.5 Full Time equivalent GPs. Accordingly Cowes’ care provision was currently well funded by Integrated Care Board. Disappointingly it was noted that nobody from the Team was able to represent the CMC Team.

·         Last month our toilets were vandalised, and it was hoped police action would be taken against the culprits.

·         On behalf of the Parish Council I attended meetings of the Environment and Sustainability Forum (with Cllr Acton), The Food Poverty and Waste Forum (with Cllr Acton) and IWALC (with Cllr Acton) 

·         Consultation with Gurnard residents is underway on residents Parish Council priorities and services the Parish Council provides to residents. For details please visit: https://forms.gle/fE23wdu5BzXbt9zp8, alternatively please return the survey that was issued in December and January’s Gurnard News. Many thanks to Cllrs. Acton, Bugden and Franklin for their efforts rolling out this years’ consultation.  

·         The model for the management of Gurnard Village is due to be discussed by the WI later this month.  Once discussions have taken place, this I hope will allow the Village Hall to grow.


Wishing all residents a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year.

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