About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Friday, 29 July 2022

IW Councillor's Report: August 2022




4-5pm. Monday 1st August, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.

10:30-11:30am, Wednesday 3rd August, Benches adj. Watersedge Kiosk, Shore Road, Gurnard.

5:30-6pm, Wednesday 31st August, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard. 


Please note that despite fewer surgeries in August, I remain available and continue to pick up emails and texts, should I take any Annual Leave.  To note because of leave, it may take longer for officers to respond to enquiries/ matters.


‘Secret’ Beach Works.


I was approached by a number of residents concerned over the movement of rocks and shingle at the secret beach between Shore Path and Marsh Road.


As a result of being contacted earlier this year permission was granted for minor works on the proviso that rocks could be repositioned (with photographic evidence) to the original location prior to the spring storms. To ensure no damage was done, this has been monitored.




The IW Council are supporting calls to ensure disposable barbecues are properly used and discarded  sensibly. If disposable barbecues can be avoided all together this would be brilliant!


If not, once cooled please ensure debris is safely disposed of. Incidents have occurred  where abandoned barbecues has caused fires to surrounding countryside as well as plastic litter bins.  There have also been incidents where barbecues have scorched ground where they are been lit, whilst on beaches barbecues has caused burns when trodden on.


In response to the regularity of incidents requests have been made to formally ban disposable barbecues.


Jet Ski’s.


The anti-social use of jet ski’s at Gurnard was reported to the Marine Police, who continue to monitor waters frequented by bathers.  Please note a bye-law exists which prohibits all ‘personal watercraft’ being used faster than 8 knots and in depths of less than 2 metres.


Please report incidents to: https://www.hampshire.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/


Extreme Hot Weather.


Last month the temperature reached 40°C in the United Kingdom for the first time since records began. 


What you can do


·         Stay out of the heat, cool yourself down, keep your environment cool or find somewhere else that is cool.


·         Look out for neighbours, family or friends who may be isolated and unable to care for themselves; make sure they are able to keep cool during a heatwave.


·         Get medical advice if you are suffering from a chronic medical condition or taking multiple medications.


·         Make sure medicines are stored below 25°C or in the fridge (read the storage instructions on the packaging).


·         Carry on taking all prescribed medicines unless advised not to by a medical professional. But be aware that some prescription medicines can reduce your tolerance of heat.


Cowes Week.


Despite no Fireworks, there remains a number of events taking place in and around Cowes. These can be found here:





More volunteers  are still desperately needed to join Cowes Speedwatch. Please let me know if you are interested in joining Last month the volunteers were asked to monitor traffic speeds in Tuttons Hill.

IWAONB Meeting.


At the recent meeting of the Management Committee that oversees the Island’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty the following was reported:


·         The AONB Team are to sponsor the recovery of Swifts, now classified as an endangered species of bird.

·         Officers visited an equivalent AONB/ Biosphere zone in Normandy.  In France, areas of ecological importance have been designated by UNESCO due to their being no rights of way, open access and therefore visits to ecological importance can only happen with the agreement of local landowners.

·         It is with concern that intended strike action could have a negative impact upon the Isle of Wight’s Covid recovery through tourism and potential reduced visitors coming to the Island by ferry and rail.

·         For the timebeing there will be the release of no more white tailed eagles on the Island due to avian flu. 

·         Concerns continue to be raised regarding the use of carbon trading, and the threat this may have upon farmland.

·         For details visit: https://www.wightaonb.org.uk/?fbclid=IwAR202CeBXxRxvovULpngiHcBpdrbI7SOiAyfoYqOhmVl5EaAjTmisbMl_fs


Local Planning Matters:


·         Planning Enforcement Officers have visited a chalk based track to the south of Cockleton Farm. Originally this track led to a brick works, and has been upgraded to allow access to a landlocked piece of land that is required for agricultural purposes, for storage and for a building to cover up a borehole.

·         Planning Enforcement support has also been requested following concerns raised over mobile homes in holiday parks

·         I am supporting a resident concerned with the intended extension of a neighbours dwelling in Albert Road.

·         A resident has contacted me with concerns over water resilience and conservation, and the inability of water companies to build reservoirs. This is a matter I’ve taken up with the Council’s Environment & Sustainability Forum.


Island Planning Strategy: July Observer article


I think everyone must by now know about the Island’s serious housing issues. You probably know someone yourself who has been affected by this crisis – struggling to rent, to buy or even just to move house. These issues are by no means exclusive to the Island, and the local planning system is key to resolving them. As cabinet member for planning and enforcement, I want to use the planning system to address some of these problems, supporting the work being done by Cllr Stephens as cabinet member for housing.


You may have heard of the Island Planning Strategy, or ‘the IPS’ for short, and this document will be the local ‘planning bible’ for the Isle of Wight. We recently commissioned an independent review of the planning service, which confirmed that getting the IPS approved by central government is essential to the Island's planning process. We carried out public consultations on the draft IPS in early 2019 and last summer. The responses we received allowed us to make significant changes to the plan to better fit what you told us you want and need. 


The council will use policies within the IPS to help make decisions on planning applications, but first it must be signed off by central government. I like to refer to the policies as ‘planning tools’ and the sooner we can get some new ‘planning tools’ in our planning toolbox the better, as they will play a key role in addressing some of the housing issues we have. One example is being able to use an Island definition for affordable housing rather than the government one. This would help make homes more affordable and accessible for island residents.


Because of how national planning legislation works, when we make decisions on planning applications under the present arrangements there is sometimes little we can do to refuse these applications - even if we think they are in the wrong place. Or if we do refuse them then the Planning Inspectorate can overturn the decision. I have seen this recently in my own ward where a scheme for six homes on greenfield land that was refused by the Isle of Wight Council’s planning committee in March 2021 was allowed on appeal by the Planning Inspectorate. The longer it takes to get the IPS approved and in place, the longer we will all be in this position across the whole island.


At the next full council meeting on 21 September, councillors from across the island will decide whether to publish the IPS for a period of public representation, and then to send the plan, with any comments, to central government. There will also be another period where comments can be sent to the government’s appointed inspector. I am working closely with councillors of all political persuasions to ensure as many as possible choose to support this vital planning document, and what it will do for the island.


I hope the IPS gets the support from councillors that it needs in September to allow us to move forward as soon as we can. Without it, we will not have the planning tools we need to help meet the needs of the Island; and most urgently, to address the housing crisis. 


Local Listings: Heritage Assets.


There are a number of houses, structures and local features that although not listed that has a sense of local importance to the local character of our community.  Because of this, I am seeking to work with residents to highlight a local list of heritage assets important to our community.  If there are assets you consider should recognised, please let me know!


The current Local List can be found here:


Parkhurst Forest: Poison Warning!


I have received a number of recent calls concerning dogs that have been walked in Parkhurst Forest being poisoned.


This follows from a couple of years ago, when there were a number of reports of dogs falling ill, following being walked from Marks Corner.


Please be on your guard!  The police has been notified.


In the meantime, please let me know if you or somebody that you have known has experienced similar instances. 


School Holiday Events.


A wide range of activities – which also provide a nutritious meal – are on offer for children and young people of all ages Isle of Wight during the summer holidays.


Grants totalling £213,305 have been awarded to local organisations, who will provide schemes for children and young people from low-income families during the school break.


Free places are available for children who receive benefits-related free school meals. Places are also available for children and young people on Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), those open to social care, or with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


The following organisations are offering activities and parents and carers wishing to find out more should contact the provider directly:


Aspire Ryde

Activity: Children’s play session and healthy meal in the Kingdom play activity centre.
foodandfun@aspireryde.org.uk or phone (01983) 716020.


Brading Community Partnership

Activity: Activities for eight to 18 year olds, ranging from music and theatre workshops to arts and crafts at Brading Youth and Community Centre.


CM Sports, Newport, Ryde and East Cowes

Activity: Sports coaching and arts and crafts activities for eligible children aged five to 11 in Newport (Barton Primary and Nine Acres primary schools), Ryde (Oakfield Primary School) and East Cowes (Queensgate Primary School).
Contact: 02392 987881 or email 


Island Riding Centre, Newport

Activity: Riding sessions with a healthy lunch provided for ages six to 14.
Contact: (01983) 214000 or email 


Scallywags, Broadlea Primary School

Activity: Scallywags Holiday Fun Club are offering spaces for ages three to 18 years old.


Theatre Educational, Ryde 

Activity: A range of professional, experienced community arts tutors who will provide arts and theatre themed activity for seven to 16 year olds at Oakfield Primary School, Ryde.


UKSA, Cowes

Activity: A wide range of fun activities including paddle-boarding and dinghy sailing, kayaking and keelboating.



Activity: YMCA are offering places at its day camps throughout the summer holidays for children aged up to 12 years old.
whnursery@ymca-fg.org or call (01983) 862441 (option 4).


Funding for the programme comes from the Department for Education and was set up so that local authorities could offer healthy food and enriching activities in the school holidays to children in receipt of benefits-related free school meals.

It also forms part of the council’s connect4communities programme, details of which are available here: www.hants.gov.uk/connect4communities


Highways and Environmental Issues Issues.


·         I have requested a replacement of the lost lifebelt from Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.

·         Following complaints from residents, Queens Road planting took place.

·         I continue to receive complaints over vehicles using the Green, Crossfield Avenue as a Car Park.

·         I am supporting disabled residents requiring enhanced support accessing rubbish tips at Lynnbottom and Afton.

·         I have requested the repainting of faded double yellow lines in Shore Road.

·         I am supporting residents in Shore Path in receiving Grant Funding to repair the sea wall.

·         Last month a burst water main in Northwood Recreation Ground was fixed.  I am working with Cllr John Nicholson to see repairs made good to the access road to Northwood Cricket Club.

·         Complaints were received concerning where Marsh Road meets Rew Street.  Unless parking problems can be resolved, it may be necessary to request double yellow lines to allow high sided vehicles to pass.

·         I’ve contacted transport contractors who recently used Church Road for access. In response, it was highlighted by the that Church Road is the most direct, accessible route for traffic, whilst causing the least disruption to residents.

·         A request has been made to remove a concrete block which miraculously appeared on Gurnard Beach.


Hedgehog Corner:  This month- The hidden dangers of Ponds, Swimming Pools, Spas…


Garden Ponds / Swimming pools can be death traps to small mammals. Always ensure that there are several gently sloping slipways around the edge of the water to allow animals to escape if they fall in. Ensure that swimming pool covers are on every night and that polystyrene floats are placed near the side for a hedgehog to cling to. Slipways may be made by half submerging bricks or rocks around the edges of ponds. Alternatively a piece of chicken wire or (green) plastic coated wire can be hung over the edge of ponds and pools like a scrambling net. Hedgehogs can use this to climb out of the water to safety. Keep the pond level topped up so that hedgehogs can reach the wire. Do remember hoglets will need a longer ramp than an adult hedgehog.


Chairman’s Report, Gurnard Parish Council.


·         An informal site meeting has taken place of the Old School Meadow Working Group to discuss a number of action points from the last meeting of Gurnard Parish Council.  Because of the dry weather, a request was made to move one of the picnic seats to an alternative location.

·         A meeting has taken place to discuss options and opportunities for improved village signage.  Feedback will be reported back to the Parish Council at its meeting in September.

·         During one of the warmest weekends so far this summer, there was issues with the locking mechanism for the toilets on Gurnard Green, which resulted in the toilets being out of action.  It was believed this was as a result of power cuts that occurred in the village the night before.

·         I continue to receive feedback from beach hut owners concerning perceived anti-social behaviour from both smokers and bench users discarding litter.  I am continuing to speak to beach hut owners and am monitoring the situation.

·         Myself and Councillors are meeting to discuss Terms of Reference for the new Gurnard Beach Working Party. 

·         I have been asked to formally nominate the former chairman of Freshwater Parish Council, Cllr. Anne Banbridge to be Vice Chairman of the IW Association of Local Councils

·         A question was asked at the most recent IWALC meeting to the IW Council’s Cabinet.  This referenced a discussion that took place concerning the potential for the IW Council withholding Parish Precepts following instances of delayed payments of Council Tax to the IW Council.  At the Cabinet meeting, members advised that all options were ‘under review’.  

·         Grass has been strimmed at Old School Meadow with a view to re-opening up the area leading from the bridge.  In the meantime following an upturn in dog poo not being picked up and deposited, consideration is being made in restricting dogs entirely from the field.  To prevent any restriction, please, ensure dog poo is deposited in the bins.

Energy Price Increases.


Energy prices are soaring.  For up to date support visit: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/ and  http://www.uswitch.com/ Tel:  0800 688 8557. Alternatively, talk to the Footprint Trust on 01983 822282 or email: info@footprint-trust.co.uk.


Councils will oversee the repayment of the £150 rebate through Council Tax reimbursements for A to D properties. To speed up payments residents are being encouraged to pay Council Tax through Direct Debit. For details visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/news/Energy-rebate-update


If you do not pay via Direct Debit an Access Code is needed. Codes are being sent separately. For details visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/Residents/Benefits-Council-Tax-and-Business-Rates/Council-Tax-Services/Council-Tax/Energy-rebate


Also this month:


·         At Full Council, I supported the need for an extra meeting to follow the Council’s Budget Meeting in February.  From my perspective, I was fully supportive of the need for all Councillors to have the opportunity to scrutinise the work of the IW Council’s administration.

·         I continue to await feedback from the Watersedge Café on support I can provide to owners if required.

·         There are currently No Cold Calling stickers that I have left in Cowes Library.  In addition, following a resident’s complaint, I have also left copies of Southern Vectis’ bus timetable in the library.

·         I have contacted Southern Water, who I have asked support a resident locating their stopcock.

·         I am supporting a resident with a housing enquiry  

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