5:30-6pm; Tuesday 1st February, Isle of Wight
Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am; Thursday 3rd February, Gurnard
Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
5:30-6pm, Wednesday 9th February, The
Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11:30-12pm, Thursday 17th February, Food Shack
& Bar, Gurnard Pines, Gurnard.
10:30-11am, Thursday 24th February, All Saints Church Coffee & Chat, Gurnard.
11:30am-12pm, Thursday 24th February, Eegon’s,
85 High Street, Cowes.
5:30-6pm; Tuesday 1st March, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am; Thursday 3rd March, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Energy Price Increases.
From April energy prices are due to soar, especially for
those not on fixed term contracts. For
further information visit: and Tel: 0800 688 8557. Alternatively, talk
to the Footprint Trust on 01983 822282
or email:
It is estimated that those of us who live alone will be
the most adversely affected. However
with the intended increases without Government intervention and assistance for
those on low incomes, there will be a growing number of residents in poverty
making the stark choice of heating or eating.
If you are worried please contact the Footprint Trust for support.
Following enquiries concerning the availability and
access to second generation smart meters (these allow you to change energy
suppliers without changing meters) details can be found here:
Cowes Enterprise College Floodlighting.
complaints have been received concerning the impact of flood lighting from
Cowes Enterprise College to residents in Ward Avenue. Since last year’s boundary changes and local
elections, the new local councillor Richard Quigley for Cowes North has been
supporting residents. In the meantime,
if you have issues please let the College (who are usually very helpful with
complaints and dealing with hirers) know.
Failing that, please contact Richard on 07966 076064.
Please note,
I do continue to provide support in a limited capacity as I remain a Town
Councillor for Cowes North.
Councillors Allowances.
Weirdly, I receive
few calls concerning this. Within my Annual Report every year, I do highlight how
much money I receive in allowances. For
most Councillors they receive the basic allowance of around £8000 per year,
whereas if you take on extra responsibility as I do as a Cabinet Member this is
double that amount. The Councillors allowance is intended not to be a salary. From
my perspective, in my time as a Full Time Councillor this has been my only
source of income.
That said, at
Full Council I was one of the 15 Councillors to vote against proposals (against
17 in support) to index link increases. This I did, because I support
Councillors undertaking their role in a voluntary capacity in the same way as
Parish Councillors do. Given that many will have no increase in income this
year I couldn’t support the proposal.
Waste and Environmental Services
Garden Waste.
IW Council Garden
Waste Subscriptions for this year must be renewed by Friday 18th March. Please
note subscriptions are increasing to £96 per year. Although I have received one or two concerns
regarding this increase, it should be noted that garden waste can also be
disposed of at Lynnbottom and Afton Tips. For details on this please visit:
In addition,
please also note apart from the IW Council there are also other providers who
can dispose of garden waste.
Dog Bins.
The IW Council will be doing more to promote
litter bins to deposit dog waste. Each month the IW Council landfills between
20-24 tonnes of dog waste from dog bins. The use of litter bins means that
waste can be combined with other rubbish and disposed of at the facility at
Forest Park.
Fly tipping
on the Island is the lowest in the region per head. There remains an issue with building waste from contractors
(seemingly not including disposals within costs) and with the disposal of tyres.
To note tyres can be disposed of at Lynnbottom, and slots can be
undertaken on the same day as when booked.
Isle of Wight Foodbank.
In the
coming weeks I am hoping to arrange a visit with Town and Parish Councils to
the IW Foodbank in Cowes. Please let me
know if you are interested in speaking to the volunteers and understanding the support
the foodbank gives.
This month
the Foodbank are asking for donations for the following items: Squash, Tinned Spaghetti, Tinned Potatoes, Long
Grained Rice (1kg), Sponge Puddings/ Angel Delight, Toilet Rolls and Soup.
In the last
year, locally The Foodbank provided 5,136 food parcels and supported 2205
children. For further details visit:
Land Adjacent to 77 Place Road, Gurnard. 14 dwellings
I have
requested a call-in to Planning Committee should officers be mindful of approving
the scheme. The grounds that I have
given are:
Application site is outside the Settlement Boundary.
Development will coalesce Gurnard with Cowes
and Northwood.
The potential for the development to adversely
impact upon the semi-rural character and the skyline
Lack of affordable homes in this phase of the
· Traffic concerns.
The request for call-in can be found here:
- The application site lies wholly outside the settlement boundary of the Island Plan, Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan (GNP) and the emerging Island Planning Strategy. Within the GNP proposals do not accord primarily with policy H1.1 of Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan which clearly states the following:
- One of the key objectives of the Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan is to retain Gurnard’s rural identity (and openness) of the green gap and protect the village from coalescence with Northwood (to the south) and West Cowes (to the east) (Section 3.1 of the Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan). Considering the cumulative development nearby (approved prior to the Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan) this application fails to meet the initial consultation aims and its objectives. Because of this, it is contrary to policy E1 of Gurnards Neighbourhood Plan. Given the exceptionally high level of feedback of Community Engagement from the overwhelming majority of Gurnard residents, I ask this priority is fully considered.
- Please note, this application is located within Gurnards Landscape Character Area (LCA)5 and is therefore prioritised as important for its intrinsic landscape value. By developing within LCA5 (the Gurnard Plateau) would potentially have an adverse environmental impact upon the surrounding area and is again contrary to Policy E1 of Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan. Subsequently I feel this will detrimentally impact upon the character and landscape entering the Parish. Given the potential scale and height of dwellings and their elevation on the skyline entering Cowes and Gurnard, I have concerns of the proposed built environment on both the landscape, the ‘green gap’ and the surrounding skyline.
- In addition, I have concerns over increased traffic volumes. It is noted that locally junctions at Northwood Garage is at capacity, the Roundhouse junction in Place Road and Park Road is at capacity, whilst the Three Gate Road and Pallance Road (Four Cross) junctions are near capacity. It is noted that on the western side of Place Road there is no footway link to Pallance Road Post Office. There is also a 40mph speed limit making pedestrian access difficult, and vehicular access to the site by sustainable travel is potentially hazardous.
- As Ward Councillor I have concerns over capacity issues primarily at Cowes Enterprise College where last years intake was significantly reduced. As a consequence students from 1.6 km were refused entry to the Academy. Furthermore there remains significant concerns over local dentistry provision and access to Cowes Medical Centre.
- I ask that at least four of the 14 units be at least affordable if not social housing for local residents. At the moment within the proposals the affordable element is reserved for Phase 2. Given this intention I am concerned if Phase 2 does not occur no affordable element will arise. Given this local need, I ask that equal prioritisation is granted for this first phase as well as the second.
- I ask for mitigation to enhance both junction safety at Three Gates Road and Pallance Road. Furthermore, I request enhanced improvements to assist access for pedestrians through Section 106 improvements (as highlighted by Cowes Town Council, Gurnard Parish Council and Northwood Parish Council). This includes connecting the pedestrian link on the west side of Place Road to the businesses at the Four Cross Pallance Road junction. In addition I request for the speed limit for the entire length of Place Road to be reduced from 40mph in this location to 30mph.
- I ask for screening/ planting/ soft landscaping to retain the rural integrity of the area between Gurnard, Northwood and Cowes.
Watersedge Café.
A request has
been forwarded to receive an update on the upgrading of the Café on Shore Road.
Tilbury Road.
concerns raised over a retrospective planning application, this application was
refused. Presumably discussions are
onging. For this reason, I continue to
highlight the importance of taking to neighbours before submitting an application.
Other Planning Matters.
I am meeting a resident concerning a
longstanding planning enforcement matter in Havenstreet
Progress is being made on proposals to
develop the Somerton reservoir site.
I have been asked to take action regarding
the enforcement of properties with holiday use allocations islandwide.
A request was made concerning proactive
enforcement over retrospective planning applications.
I have met residents in Bembridge, and with
Councillors in Freshwater to discuss local planning applications and updating local
Neighbourhood Plans/ Housing Needs Studies.
I am supporting action to prevent future
flooding in Binstead.
A consultation is pending to consider options
(which may include housing) for Seaclose Park/ Newport Harbour.
Last year there were 455 housing completions.
Of these 123 homes were ‘affordable’ and 35% were on brown field sites.
Concerns continue to be raised on the presumption
in favour of sustainable development for future housing. Because none of the three tests are met, the pressure
to develop continues to be immense. (The three tests being the need for a 5
year land supply, the requirement for a housing delivery test and the assurance
of a local plan)
Local Traffic Orders
As mentioned
last month parking restrictions are now in place on the Gurnard sections of Baring Road and Woodvale Road. However, on
the other eastern side of Baring Road (the Cowes/ cycle lane side) the Traffic
Order has not been implemented due to the Cowes order being delayed. In
addition the same applies to restrictions due to be implemented at the junction
with Crossfield Avenue/ Ward Avenue. I have been advised this will happen in the coming
In the
meantime, the traffic order for the southern section of Egypt Esplanade and Princes
Esplanade has been agreed.
News from Cowes Medical Centre. Changes
to Covid guidance - 24 Jan 22
I continue
to receive concerns regarding Cowes Medical Centre.
In the
meantime, I am aware the Centre are seeking any female resident from Gurnard
Pines who is prepared to join the practice’s Patients Participation Group. As a former member of the PPG please let me
know if you require further details.
Patients are
also being encouraged to relay their views within a national survey gauging residents
feedback. If you are interested please
visit: Feedback will be relayed in my March Report.
Cowes Medical Centre.
I continue
to receive concerns regarding Cowes Medical Centre.
In the
meantime, I am aware the Centre are seeking any female resident from Gurnard
Pines who is prepared to join the practice’s Patients Participation Group. As a former member of the PPG please let me
know if you are interested.
Disabled Access.
In my role
as the Chairman of the Isle of Wight Local Access Forum, a consultation is due
to take place concerning improving access to rights of way, local attractions
and facilities where access needs to be improved.
feedback is provided, it is hoped that this can be used to highlight priorities
for funding through Section 106 awards (from developers), funding through the
Local Transport Plan (from Government) and potentially from local Parish Councils
as well as through external awards. In
the meantime, please let me know your five priorities to improve access. This full consultation (which can be found
here: ) continues until 5pm, Thursday 31st March.
Dog Fouling.
A request
has been made for extra patrols and enforcement following sitings of dog fouling in both Baring Road and Parklands
Red Jet.
several complaints, as Ward Councillor I have contacted Red Funnel regarding cancellations
of Red Jet sailings owing to staffing shortfalls. As a result of students being late for
school, commuters travelling to work, onward travel connections and hospital
appointments I have requested a full explanation from Red Funnel on why this is
a regular problem and what Red Funnel are doing to resolve matters. Once I receive a response, this will be published
Council Budget 2022/2023.
A meeting has been set up through Microsoft
Teams for residents to discuss this year’s budget with decision makers. The link for the meeting which takes place
from 6pm, Wednesday 9th February can be found here:
The link for the budget proposals can be
found here after 2nd February:
The Council will agree their budget on 23rd
presentation was made to members regarding the climate change and how sea level
rises will affect coastal communities.
An interesting indication of the impact of sea level rises where sea
defences are not in place can be found here:
presentation was given on the impact of works to protect the natural shingle
barrier at Pevensey Bay, Sussex.
2016 sea defences at Selsey were overtopped.
Since then work has taken place to mitigate future events.
of Wight Biosphere.
Biosphere Reserves are all about improving the relationship between
people and their local environment. The Isle of Wight is internationally
renowned for its diversity in landscapes within the microcosm of the Island. It
is also renowned for the extraordinary efforts made by local stakeholders to
preserve and enhance the unique environment of the whole of the Isle of Wight
and its local seas. Highlighting and strengthening the links between a healthy
natural terrestrial and marine environment and the social and economic well-
being of people, is at the heart of the Isle of Wight’s ambitions.
For further details please visit:
Also this month:
Repairs to the retaining
wall on the junction with Baring Road, Crossfield Avenue was completed.
A request was made to
clean and remove algae from paving slabs at The Parade, Cowes.
Investigations took place
to consider putting in place memorials on the Cowes/ Gurnard seafront. This
suggestion did not proceed following a similar schemes lack of popularity in
Concerns were raised with
me regarding investment in Industrial livestock within the IW Council’s Pension
A complaint has been made
concerning the regularity of cuts at Old School Meadow. This has been reported.
I have given support to
Gurnard Sailing Club, who are being charged for back pay for increased Green
Hire charges which the IW Council did not advise the club of.
The motion to make
Firework Displays a licensable activity was passed 31 votes for with 3
abstentions was passed by Full Council. The IW Council would require Government
legislation to do this, but in principle this was popular.
Further delays have occurred
to opening up the Isle of Wight Section of the English Coastal Path. Because a solution is needed for the North
East section (around Osborne House), this continues to cause frustration.
An update on Government
legislation preventing pavement parking is being pursued by the Local Access
Last month Southern water
attended Gurnard Parish Council’s meeting. Concerns continue to be raised
regarding pollutants entering the sea from outfalls. A follow up meeting will
take place alongside the Environment Agency.
· Following parking at the Bus Stop outside Bucklers View enforcement action has been requested. Please note that parking in this ‘Bus Stop Clearway’ means that Blue Badge Holders are NOT allowed to park in this location as any parking makes it problematic for older/ mobility impaired residents to access the bus.
· Please can motorists park
close to the kerb in Worsley Road to allow wider vehicles to pass.
The Cyber cafe is
hoping to restart in Gurnard Village Hall 2-4pm, Wednesday 9th
March cost £2.00. If you would like to
rejoin us at any time, please contact the chair of the new GVHA with your
contact details and you will be informed of new dates, please pass on to anyone
else you think may benefit. Chair of GVHA email.
The IW Council has in
place support for residents finding it difficult to keep up with Council Tax
this applies to you visit:
Roads are seeking residents views on their service. For details visit:
· Grants are available to support ‘grass roots mental health initiatives’. For further details please visit: The deadline for applications is 10th February 2022.
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