4:30-5pm; Tuesday 2nd November, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm; Tuesday 2nd November, Isle of Wight
Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am; Thursday 4th November, Gurnard
Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11:45-12:15pm, Wednesday 10th November, The
Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
5:30-6pm, Wednesday 10th November, The
Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11:30-12:30pm, Thursday 18th November, Food
Shack & Bar, Gurnard Pines, Gurnard.
5:30-6pm, Wednesday 24th November, The
Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
10:30-11am, Thursday 25th November, All Saints
Church Coffee & Chat, Gurnard.
11:30am-12pm, Thursday 25th November, Eegon’s,
85 High Street, Cowes.
As many
people may be aware the last couple of months for me have proved a challenge
due to personal circumstances that I have been dealing with. As a result of this, and following 10 days
isolation brought about from contracting Covid, I will be adapting my work/
life balance from this month.
you need to work through life changing experiences to understand what is
I will be concentrating much more on local matters. In recent months, I have spent up to 2-3 days
each week dealing with issues from other wards.
This will stop unless there is a Planning link, or where I am a Parish/
Town Councillor.
In the
meantime, I would like to thank everybody for their kind words and friendship!
The Jordan Grille, Shore Road.
The ongoing
saga to content with the removal of the grille continued to cause an issue for
me. Following the support of the lovely Vicky Spencer,
from the EA the Isle of Wight Council removed the grille before the October
storms set in.
Flooding Issues.
Apart from Shore Road, I have also been supporting
residents in Cockleton Lane, Rew Street and Wyatts Lane where storm water surface drainage continues to be an
on ongoing issue. This problem seems to have
been made where ditches have not been kept clear from debris and where semi-permeable
front driveways are not properly maintained.
In Solent View Road work to replace the tree
damaged water main will take place in the coming weeks.
A request
has also been followed up to monitor discharges entering the River Jordan. This follows further complaints being
received regarding the odour of the river.
I continue to receive feedback from Southern
Water who request that residents please not to dispose of fats, wet wipes,
rags, sanitary equipment, condoms in toilets.
According to Southern Water, Gurnard is one
of the worst areas in the region for this, and although repairs has been
necessary over the past few months the issue with blockages continue.
Enterprise College: Design Technology
Last month, before getting hit by Covid, I
was really looking forward to catching up with Cowes Enterprise College
students. This took place after Half Term, once I’ve fully recovered!
During the event, I spoke to students about Town Centre Planning and the provision of street furniture which could and should make places better for residents and visitors.
I continue to receive feedback concerning
boundary hedges being punched through to increase access to roads on the
Crossfield Estate. In King James Close
(where access have been created to both Westwood Close and Winston Close), I
have requested these gaps are blocked as when the roads were created it was
made clear that no right of way was wanted or required.
The Dottens. This application has been refused.
Cockleton Lane (Ref:
21/01747/FUL). Proposed 6 dwellings.
I called-in this application on the following grounds:
over the size and scale of units and subsequent loss of amenity, privacy
and outlook to nearby properties.
over storm water run-off and combined mains and sewerage system.
The site lies
on a Greenfield site outside the existing and intended settlement
boundaries of the Island Plan and Draft Island Planning Strategy. Should
any development on the site be allowed this should meet the local housing need,
i.e. allow older residents to downsize to single storey dwellings and/or
to provide local affordable housing contrary to policy H1.1, H1.2 and H1.3 of
Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan.
there are no special circumstances affording development outside the settlement
boundary the Parish Council has concerns over the narrowing of the green space
between Meadow View in Place Road (Cowes) and Cockleton Lane (Gurnard), hence
creating coalescence between both communities. Therefore this development is
contrary to E1 of Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan.
Given the
loss of the Cockleton Lane hedgerow, we request the developer provides an
Ecological report and mitigate against any loss of biodiversity
Given the
volume and speed of traffic in Cockleton Lane we have concerns over vehicular
access on the lane, pedestrian access to the site, and access via sustainable
I am concerned about the
potential of lighting and materials used for the permissive path, access road
and properties, and the impact this will have upon the rurality of the
am concerned about a lack of permanency of any permissive path.
I wish to add to my call-in request
the need to remain consistent with relationship to other applications that have
been considered outside the settlement boundary within Gurnard in accordance
with the Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan. Examples that I give that has been
refused include: Baring Road, The Dottens and Gurnard Farm (Lower Church
Road). The concern that I have is that as soon as a precedent is
made whereby if the hard settlement boundary is lost, then this could
potentially dilute the GNP and the definition of the settlement boundary.
In addition, I have raised concerns over
proposals for the former Poultry Farm in Place
Road where I’ve expressed
concerns over the lack of affordable homes and settlement coalescence.
Other Planning Matters:
Councillors unanimously rejected proposals to drill for Oil at
Arreton. What was very key during the
debate was concerns being expressed over the principle of drilling for oil when
the Island is a designated Biosphere Reserve.
The key ground for objecting was the fact that the ‘economic impact’ of
exploration was considered by Councillors to be less important than the loss of
the economic impact through both tourism, and the impact drilling would have
upon the Islands natural environment.
I am supporting Councillors with derelict properties, addressing
concerns over these being left vacant.
I am renewing a bid for extra funding to be made available to support
planning enforcement. I am ever hopeful
there may be scope to ensure any extra support can be offered to Town and
Parish Councils.
A review is taking place of areas of the lsland where second home
ownership is of concern. It is advised
that the tipping point of a communities sustainability is where ownership is
around 27%. In Seaview the figure is
80%, whilst in Yarmouth it is 70%, and Bembridge this is 60%. Across the Island the figure remains at
5%. However, since Covid evidence
suggests second home owners have switched their primary residence to the
Because of issues concerning the Planning Authorities Planning Website,
I am requesting action is taken to resolve some of the issues connecting and
downloading documents from the site.
Covid Booster Drop-In’s.
These walk-in’s are taking place at
The Riverside Centre on the following dates:
Wednesday 3 November, 8am - 12.15pm. Open to
anyone aged 40 years or over who requires a first dose or a second dose of
Friday 5 November, 2pm to 7.45pm. Open to
anyone aged 16 or over who requires a first dose of Pfizer, or second dose if
eight weeks have passed since the first.
Wednesday 10 November, 8am - 12.15pm.
Open to anyone aged 40 years or over who requires a first dose or a second dose
of AstraZeneca.
Friday 12 November, 2pm to 7.45pm. Open to
anyone aged 16 or over who requires a first dose of Pfizer, or second dose if
eight weeks have passed since the first.
Wednesday 17 November, 8am - 12.15pm.
Open to anyone aged 40 years or over who requires a first dose or a second dose
of AstraZeneca.
Friday 19 November, 2pm to 7.45pm. Open to
anyone aged 16 or over who requires a first dose of Pfizer, or second dose if
eight weeks have passed since the first.
Wednesday 24 November, 8am - 12.15pm.
Open to anyone aged 40 years or over who requires a first dose or a second dose
of AstraZeneca.
Friday 26 November, 2pm to 7.45pm. Open to
anyone aged 16 or over who requires a first dose of Pfizer, or second dose if
eight weeks have passed since the first.
In the meantime,
in addition to the above Cowes Medical Centre are also offering Flu and
Covid-19 vaccines to patients by appointment, also in addition many local
pharmacies are taking bookings for immunisations.
Concerns have also been raised by the NHS directing residents to mainland immunisations appointments. This is clearly stupid and unacceptable, and a request has been made for the NHS and CCG to sort this matter out.
I continue to receive calls concerning the use of
drones, please note the following rules regarding their use:
Here are the most important rules to know for
flying a drone in the UK
Your drone must weigh under 20kg
You can’t fly above 400 feet in altitude or 500
metres from you horizontally
Ensure your drone is always in sight
Always keep away from aircraft, helicopters,
airports and airfields
Use your common sense and fly your aircraft safely
Any drone weighing more than 250 grams must
be registered with the CAA and the
drone pilot must complete an online safety test, obtaining a Flyer ID and an
Operator ID that should be attached to the Drone.
You must not fly within 50 metres of people, vehicles,
buildings or vessels
Your drone must not be flown within 150 metres of a
congested area or any large group of people such as a concert or sporting event
as you may be prosecuted
If you intend to record in an area where people
are, you must inform them before you start, as you will need to respect
privacy, or risk being prosecuted
If your drone is fitted with a camera there are
additional regulations you must follow.
You must not fly within 50 metres of people,
vehicles, buildings or vessels
Your drone must not be flown within 150 metres of a
congested area or any large group of people such as a concert or sporting
event as you may be prosecuted.
If you intend to record in an area where people
are, you must inform them before you start.
If you intend to use the drone for commercial
purposes you must have permission from the CAA and comply with additional laws governing their use.
To get guidance on operating
permissions for drones see the CAA’s website
for the latest information and regulations regarding drone use.
Top Tips from the
Footprint Trust to help you keep Warm & Safe this Winter.
OFGEN has reported that for 15 million Energy
Customers, Bills will increase as from 1st October. This follows an increase to the Fuel Cap
which OFGEN negotiates with energy supplies
At the moment to counter these increases a
number of independent search engines can help customers get the best deal.
These include: and Tel: 0800
688 8557
addition to the above, The Footprint Trust advises:
Talk to your energy company. Are you on the best deal? Can you get the
£140 Warm Home Discount?
Keep safe in a power cut or water
failure. Join the free Priority Service
Register call 0800 294 3259 or visit
Lag your water pipes
Save £200 per year on utility costs! Talk to
the Warm Island team at the Footprint Trust on 01983 822282 or email:
Phone 0800 027 0800 and ask about the
Watersure tariff if you have a disability or high water use due to illness.
Make sure your torch is charged, and you have
spare batteries.
Keep a supply of tinned and non-perishable
goods in case extreme weather prevents you going out to the shops
Make sure you have enough medicine; don’t
leave re-ordering to the last minute.
Keep important phone numbers on your fridge.
Useful Helplines:
you are worried about your Fuel Bills call The
Footprint Trust on 01983 822282.
Islehelp for advice
and information on benefits, money issues, rent concerns. Telephone: 01983
823859/ 823898; Website:; Email:
Isle of Wight Council Covid-19 Support Telephone: 01983 823600
Struggling on your pension? You may be
entitled to more money. Pension Credit
helpline 0800 991 234.
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