About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

IW Councillors Report: January 2021



6-7pm, Monday 4th January Telephone Surgery.  Please call me on 01983 289595.

6-7pm, Monday 11th January.  Telephone Surgery. Please call me on 01983 289595.

6-7pm, Monday 18th January.  Telephone Surgery.  Please call me on 01983 289595.

6-6:30pm, Monday 25th January.  Telephone Surgery. Please call me on 01983 289595.

6:30-7pm, Monday 25th January.  Zoom Surgery*. 


*Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77384993733?pwd=VTVjcXdNdmlPNEMwR3MxZUwva1A1QT09

Meeting ID: 773 8499 3733  Passcode: CVP3pd  (Please note it may be necessary to download the Zoom app on your device).


Phishing Scams.


Since last year Councillors (inc. me at Christmas) had our identities used as part of a phishing scam.  This applies to Parish and Town Councillors as well as IW Councillors!  Please note that I never use the pretext Cllr before my name.  If an email doesn’t originate from paulfulleriw@gmail.com it will not be from me!




During December, I asked the IW Council to follow up a number of concerns over perceived breaches of compliance to Government guidance.


One issue which was of real concern to residents (whilst in Tier 1), was the matter of visitors returning to the Island on ‘holiday’.  In response to this myself and other Isle of Wight Councillors asked for greater vigilance from the ferry operators. However, in fairness to ferry companies despite the guidance, there were limited powers to enforce.  This continues for me is difficult to balance, as residents expectations are much higher than powers granted.


In the meantime, with schools reopening (and continued uncertainties and policy changes by Government}, it remains difficult to quantify what is in place.  This inevitably can and has altered with evolving advice from Government, as Tiers and Lockdown advice changes.  


Visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/Council/transparency/Our-Community1/JSNA-Live-Well-Healthy-Communities/COVID-19-Coronavirus-Data for updates.


Covid-19 Vaccines.


Vaccinations for Covid-19 were rolled out by Cowes Medical Centre before Christmas.  These are being provided to those with greatest need first and prioritised as such by government (Further details can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/priority-groups-for-coronavirus-covid-19-vaccination-advice-from-the-jcvi-30-december-2020


1.    residents in a care home for older adults and their carers

2.    all those 80 years of age and over and frontline health and social care workers

3.    all those 75 years of age and over

4.    all those 70 years of age and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals

(These residents are timetabled to be immunised by mid February- if all goes to plan!


5.    all those 65 years of age and over

6.    all those 16-64 years with underlying health conditions at higher risk of serious disease and mortality.

7.    all those 60 years of age and over

8.    all those 55 years of age and over

9.    all those 50 years of age and over


Updates are also being given by Cowes Medical Centre on their website: https://www.cowesmedicalcentre.co.uk/


Milk and More No More.


Last month Milk and More ceased their doorstep deliveries on the Island.  In response to this advice was provided through the https://www.findmeamilkman.net/ website that Mr Venables of Newport Road (Tel: 01983 290040) and EJ Griffin of Briddlesford Dairy, Wootton (Tel: 01983 884178) can deliver milk in Milk and More’s absence.


Latest Contact Details for Support during Lockdown

Isle Of Wight Council and Community Action IW 01983 823600 –


9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 3pm at the weekend.

Website: www.iowcoronavirus.co.uk E mail: contact.centre@iow.gov.uk


Support to access groceries and medication and advice around issues including welfare, finance, mental health, childcare issues, crisis advice and unpaid caring


Suicide Prevention and Intervention Isle of Wight Call: 667 247

Live Chat: www.spiiow.org This service is available 24 hours a day 365 days of the year.

If you would like to join the team contact: Tel: 116123 www.samaritans.org/branches/isle-of-wight/

The Samaritans provide 24 hours help


IW Council Safeguarding Team

Worried that an adult who is vulnerable may be at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect? Please contact the

Adult Safeguarding Team at the IW Council on 01983 814980, email: safeguardingconcerns@iow.gov.uk


The Advocacy People’s Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service

Tel: 0330 440 9000;  Address: PO Box 375, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 9HU

Email: info@theadvocacypeople.org.uk  Website: www.theadvocacypeople.org.uk

Text: 80800 start messages with: People


Isle of Wight Positive Minds (Two Saints/Mind District)

Contact the Isle of Wight Safe Haven on 01983 520168 during normal opening hours:

Monday to Friday – 5pm – 10 pm, Weekends and Bank Holidays - 10am – 10 pm


  Citizens Advice Adviceline: 0800 144 88 48 and Textphone: 18001 0800 144 8884 https://www.citizensadviceiw.org.uk/


Wessex Cancer Trust, Isle of Wight 

Help line is operational

10 am – 3 pm Tue – Fri on 01983 524186.

You can also email enquiries to: isleofwight@wessexcancer.org.uk


Carers IW Helpline  

Tel: 01983 533173 – 7 days a week

 8am - 8pm Monday – Friday and 10am – 4pm Saturday and Sunday

Email: info@carersiw.org.uk Carers Lounge Supporting Carers at St Mary’s and Sevenacres


 Send a Message Scheme Carers Lounge: 01983 822099 ext. 2568 or email carerslounge@carersiw.org.uk

We can see some carers face to face at the centre but this must be prebooked on 01983 533173

Carers IW Video Calls – we can use a variety of technology to have a video call with you.


Priority Service Registers Electricity: 0800 316 5457 (0800 316 5457 text phone) www.ssen.co.uk/


Priority Services Register Water: 0330 303 0277 http:// www.southernwater.co.uk/register-for- individual-needs


Gas: 0800 072 8625 or 0800 294 8604 if you're a Pay as You Go customer.


Top Tips from the Footprint Trust to help you keep Warm & Safe this Winter.


·         Talk to your energy company.  Are you on the best deal? Can you get the £140 Warm Home Discount?

·         Keep safe in a power cut or water failure.  Join the free Priority Service Register call 0800 294 3259 or visit www.ssen.co.uk/psr/southernwater

·         Lag your water pipes

·         Save £200 per year on utility costs! Talk to the Warm Island team at the Footprint Trust on 01983 822282 or email: info@footprint-trust.co.uk.

·         Phone 0800 027 0800 and ask about the Watersure tariff if you have a disability or high water use due to illness.

·         Make sure your torch is charged, and you have spare batteries.

·         Keep a supply of tinned and non-perishable goods in case extreme weather prevents you going out to the shops

·         Make sure you have enough medicine; don’t leave re-ordering to the last minute.

·         Keep important phone numbers on your fridge.


Useful Helplines:


°         If you are worried about your Fuel Bills call The Footprint Trust on 01983 822282.

°         Islehelp for advice and information on benefits, money issues, rent concerns. Telephone: 01983 823859/ 823898;  Website: www.islehelp.me; Email: enquiries@iwcab.org.uk

°         Isle of Wight Council Covid-19 Support  Telephone: 01983 823600

°         Struggling on your pension? You may be entitled to more money. Pension Credit helpline 0800 991 234.


Planning:  20/01243/OUT Proposed Lower Church Road development for 7 dwellings.


Proposals to develop on land between Gurnard Farm and farmland to the East of Lower Church Road has been refused by Planners.  This followed objections from residents, Gurnard Parish Council and a request that I made to defer any decision to Planning Committee should Planners feel inclined to support the principle of this proposal.


Planning: 20/02026/FUL  Proposed Baring Road development for 6 dwellings.


Following an earlier proposal being refused by Planners last year, a new application was submitted to develop of land between Greenacres and the Farm Bungalow (opposite the junction to Crossfield Avenue).


The deadline for comments to this application is Wednesday 13th January. 


Planning: 20/02229/OUT Proposed development for 14 dwellings on former Poultry Farm, 77 Place Road.


An application has been received to develop opposite Place Side on the former poultry farm in Place Road between the Meadow View development and The Range.


The deadline for comments to this application is Friday 29th January.


Because of the local impact of these applications on the gap between Cowes and Gurnard, I anticipate again the need to defer any decision to Planning Committee should planners support the principle of these proposals.


No Cold Calling: Anglian Home Improvements.

Anglian Home Improvements continues to irk both myself and local residents in their opinion that Cold Calling restrictions do not apply to them.  I am awaiting a response from Trading Standards, and intend to take this matter up with their Head Office.  In the meantime, I am still holding a small supply of stickers…  


Please note signage in Cowes and Gurnard is likely to be updated by local council’s once costings are received.


Gurnard Luck


A complaint was made to the Environment Agency by a resident over the condition of boats moored at the Luck. 


In response to this, I’ve spoken to boat owners who in my opinion has managed the situation well over generations.  I am hoping that suggestions coming forward can be put in place firstly to ensure that the beach between Hamstead Ledge to Gurnard Sailing Club is closely monitored, and secondly where incidents are of concern action can be taken to address any problem. 

In the discussions that I’ve had with owners, the problem on the shore is much more of concern to the Environment and through working together, I am positive all outstanding matters will be resolved.


School Parking.


A request has been made to Parking Enforcement to monitor vehicles parked outside all Primary Schools following calls by Councillors, residents and school leaders.


Cowes Traffic Orders.


I was advised that proposals were due to be consulted upon in December. However, this did not happen- but instead allowed a further opportunity for engagement with Town and Parish Councillors.  Following this, I have been advised this should happen in January. However, with the current lockdown may prevent this may again not happen. 


Once I know more, I will disseminate information- as I am sure as will the IW Council.




A very big thank you to those volunteers who have come forward to join Cowes and Gurnard Speedwatch.  With me, and new volunteers we are up to the minimum requirement of 6. 


Please let me know, if you would like to join the team of Volunteers!


Seafront Parking Proposals


Cabinet will consider proposals to charge for seafront parking on Thursday 14th January.  At the moment it seems likely that the IW Council may forge ahead with proposals despite sustainable alternatives made to raise revenue, 449 objections and over 2800 residents signing the petition against charges. A zoom meeting has been called for 4pm, Thursday 7th January. To join please click:


Meeting ID: 733 8748 3266   Passcode: 922B4M



Last month (without consultation) Beryl in partnership with the IW Council agreed locations for E-Scooters in Cowes.


Locally, as I am aware the two locations identified are on the junctions of Ward Avenue in Crossfield Avenue and Reynolds Close.  


Following letters circulated to residents by the operator Beryl, I have advised that as Ward Councillor I do not support this roll-out until assurance can be provided that the e-scooters will be used safely, lawfully and will be rigorously enforced in Cowes.


It has been noted that although the IW Council as highway authority retains jurisdiction over the pavement at Crossfield Avenue, at Reynolds Close residents have jurisdiction over their verges. Because of this, proposals will need to be rethought.


In the meantime, the Police have also made the following generic statement concerning E-scooters:


Did you know it’s illegal to ride a privately owned electric scooter (e-scooter) in public?


That’s because e-scooters are classed as motor vehicles in law. So in theory, this means that you need a MOT, road tax and insurance to use one, however it isn’t currently possible to register e-scooters in this way.


Privately owned e-scooters can only be used on private land, with the permission of the landowner.


You cannot use a privately owned e-scooter on the road, pavement or in a public space.  If you do then you risk receiving a large fine, points on your driving licence and your e-scooter could be seized.


Some parts of the UK are running government trials of rental scooters. If you’re over 16 and have a full or provisional driving licence, then you can use these on public roads and cycle paths. Just check that your licence covers categories AM, A or B.


Also This month.


·         Last month, Isle of Wight Healthwatch commissioned a survey on dentistry provision on the Island. In response to this, I referred a number of residents to the consultation which ended on 31st December (However, I noticed the survey was still live this month.  For further details please visit:  https://www.healthwatchisleofwight.co.uk/

·         I helped to arrange a meeting with the MP for a resident to discuss air pollution concerns.

·         Planning Enforcement has advised that storage containers have been made mobile off Rew Street.

·         I am continuing to chase up repairs to a damaged retaining wall in Crossfield Action.  Following the lack of action over the past 12 months, I have notified the IW Council for their support to resolve this longstanding matter.

·         A flytipped door has been removed from Newport Road.

·         Advice has been provided concerning dropped kerbs, where planning consent applies and what constitutes a formal carriageway(a,b and c roads), whereby planning consent is required.  

·         Last month I attended virtual meetings of the Cowes Harbour Commission and The IW Council’s Policy and Scrutiny Committee for Children’s Services. I received support from the MP at a Virtual Meeting on Housing and the Government’s Housing and Planning and Development Bill, and at Planning Committee led objections in refusing an application to develop on a green field site in Apse Heath.

·         I continue to receive complaints concerning walkers, dogs and vehicles being targeted in car parks around Parkhurst Forest.  If you have witnessed any suspicious/ anti-social behaviour, please report incidents to: olivia.peachey@hampshire.pnn.police.uk

·         I am offering my support to Cllr John Nicholson, whose Scrutiny Committee are investigating local health care concerns regarding Cowes Medical Centre.

·         Following a lack of feedback from the Planning Department on several matters by Northwood Parish Council, I am supported the Parish Council’s motion of no confidence in the IW Planning Department.  It is noted that pressures upon Northwood is likely to increase due to the fact that the Island Plan is now deemed out of date.  Unlike Gurnard, Northwood does not have a Parish Plan to safeguard its local environment.


1 comment:

  1. Just a small comment the report in colour is difficult to read I Should like to say a very good report you do a very good job.
