About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

IW Councillor's Report: November 2020



 3-4pm, Wednesday 3rd November, Marsek’s Coffee House, 5 High Street, Cowes. (new date)

5-5:30pm, Monday 9th November. Telephone Surgery.   

6-7pm, Monday 16th November. Telephone Surgery.   

6-7pm, Monday 23rd November. Telephone Surgery.  

6-7pm, Monday 30th November. Telephone Surgery.  

 10:30-11:30am, Thursday 3rd December,  Gurnard Press, 31 Worsley Road, Gurnard.  (TBC)

Please note because of the Government Lockdown commencing Thursday 4th November, Face to Face Surgeries are cancelled.  In addition to Telephone Surgeries, if you wish to see me, I will be holding Zoom surgeries.  If you wish to meet in this way please email or text your availability , and I will arrange meetings.

Please note, I can be contacted 24hrs per day, 7 days a week to take calls, texts and emails.  Surgeries depicted above outlines the times where I am in a position to take and respond to any calls received.  


Because of evolving Coronavirus guidelines surgeries will take place outside where possible and are subject to change. For details and updates please visit: paulfullercc.blogspot.com


Due to current restrictions, surgeries at the Community Club, Cowes Library and Cowes College are suspended.


Seafront Parking: Update.


Last month, a change.org petition was set up to allow residents to further object to proposals to charge for parking between Egypt Light, Cowes and The Woodvale, Gurnard.


In its first week over 2400 residents had objected to proposals.

Please click the links on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PaulFullerIW;

or Gurnard Parish Council’s website:  https://www.gurnardpc.co.uk/proposed-parking-meters-on-the-seafront/


It is intended the IW Council’s Cabinet will make its decision on these charges, as well as charges at the Somerton Park and Ride and winter charges throughout all Esplanades at its meeting in January.


Interestingly, following emailing one of the Cabinet Members on a different subject, I was informed the Council ‘have areas that were profitable, and now in loss such as parking’. Given this statement, and the practical constraints of charging all year on Cowes/ Gurnard Seafront this further fuels the argument against applying charges.


Many thanks to Adam, Helen and Nerys for translating my pidgeon English and developing the petition and for a number of residents involved in ’spreading the word’


Cowes Medical Centre.


I have responded to a number of enquiries made concerning the Surgery.  This follows the suspension of several services following the Covid 19 outbreak and difficulties that several residents are having accessing flu vaccines and other medical consultations.


In addition, residents have also approached me concerning the difficulty speaking to the surgery for medical advice and support.  In response to this, the Surgery advises to phone in the afternoon when lines are quieter.  That said, this is not helpful should residents require a ringback or a face to face consultation. 


In response to feedback received, I am hoping to facilitate a meeting between the practice and Councillors.


In the meantime, I have received some positive feedback concerning the drive through used for Flu Jabs at BAE Systems, as well as use of the E-consult service.  For details please visit: https://www.cowesmedicalcentre.co.uk/


In the meantime, if you have had difficulties with support please let me know.


Rosie’s Bench.


I’m working with the family of Roanna Jardine, who sadly passed away earlier this year, and who has asked for a seat to be erected in her memory. To date friends and family have raised over £2600.


With Gurnard Parish Council’s Chairman, Terry Nolan I met with Rosie’s mum and a site has now been agreed for the Picnic Bench.


Baring Road Litter Bin.


A request has been made for Cowes Town Council to locate a litter bin in Baring Road.  Following this request, a proposal for the bin to be located at the junction with Battery Road had to be rethought following objections.


Please let me know your thoughts!


Top Tips from the Footprint Trust to help you keep Warm & Safe this Winter.


·         Talk to your energy company.  Are you on the best deal? Can you get the £140 Warm Home Discount?

·         Keep safe in a power cut or water failure.  Join the free Priority Service Register call 0800 294 3259 or visit www.ssen.co.uk/psr/southernwater

·         Lag your water pipes

·         Save £200 per year on utility costs! Talk to the Warm Island team at the Footprint Trust on 01983 822282 or email: info@footprint-trust.co.uk.

·         Phone 0800 027 0800 and ask about the Watersure tariff if you have a disability or high water use due to illness.

·         Make sure your torch is charged, and you have spare batteries.

·         Keep a supply of tinned and non-perishable goods in case extreme weather prevents you from going out to the shops.

·         Make sure you have enough medicine; don’t leave re-ordering to the last minute.

·         Keep important phone numbers on your fridge.


Useful Helplines:


°         If you are worried about your Fuel Bills call The Footprint Trust on 01983 822282.

°         Islehelp for advice and information on benefits, money issues, rent concerns. Telephone: 03444 111 444;  Website: www.islehelp.me; Email: enquiries@iwcab.org.uk

°         Isle of Wight Council Covid-19 Support  Telephone: 01983 823600

°         Struggling on your pension? You may be entitled to more money. Pension Credit helpline 0800 991 234.


Cold Calling.


Please let me know if you require No Cold Calling stickers, as I now have plenty to circulate to residents who have been targeted.  According to Trading Standards, there is no excuse for cold callers door-stepping, if you have a sticker on display


In the meantime, I have raised the matter of replacement of No Cold Calling signage with both Northwood and Gurnard Council’s entering both villages. 


Residents have advised that Anglian Home Improvements may be continuing to cold call in the area, despite their head office being advised not to by Trading Standards. On a positive note, Regency Roofing has left the Island.


Please let me know, if you are targeted by Anglian Home Improvements and I can and will take this up again with Trading Standards.


Free School Meals.


A number of residents have been in touch with me concerning the Government choosing not to support families on low incomes who have children during school holidays.


Because of the recent two week half term holiday on the Island, the position locally is more acute than it is in other parts of the country. From my position, myself and other cross party Councillors are anxious to ensure families are better supported and have requested additional support from the IW Council, whilst still continuing to lobby government for change.


In the meantime, I am holding a zoom meeting from 6pm, Monday 9th November to discuss further action being pursued. Join the meeting at: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75559312594?pwd=RXVwanc2cUcybE1QTjNUQU44dU52QT09 Meeting ID: 755 5931 2594; Passcode: 8De9Ww


Coronavirus Updates:

1. Buses.

All bus services, following lockdown on 4th November, will continue to operate as normal until advised accordingly by Government.  Locally this means Service 32 will continue as per the timetable on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 



Replacement Highways Trees in Place Road, Solent View Road and Worsley Road are due to be planted by the end of November according to Island Roads.


In the meantime, I’ve been contacted by a resident of The Avenue who has been told to remove a substantial oak tree as it is causing a nearby property to subside.  Both the neighbour and the resident are unhappy from the findings of the Insurance Company, and as a result requested support and advice from the Council’s Tree Officer to protect the habitat nearby which I’ve helped to facilitate.

Gurnard Pines.


Many thanks for the feedback supplied concerning deliveries on Cockleton Lane.


From the information that I have received, it was made very clear that this is very much an ongoing issue for residents of Cockleton Lane, whereas this seemed less of an issue for Pines residents.  As a result, I am still intending to ask for the Post Office and Island Roads to categorize Gurnard Pines a ‘street’ in its own right.


Solent Forum.


At the Solent Forum the following items were discussed:


·         Under the Terms of the Environment Bill currently working its way through government there will be increased ‘net gains’ for protected areas through planning.

·         Following 31st December 2020 commercial fishing will be restricted from Marine Protection Areas.

·         Salt Marshes at the Lymington River Estuary is being built up following dredging sediment being deposited.

·         An update was provided on the Fawley Waterside Development.  It was reported that following the former Power Station being raised to the ground a new development on the 10 hectare site comprising of businesses and, 1,500 dwellings.  In addition 8-9 hectares will be set aside to create an access canal, saline lagoon and tidal creek to enhance wildlife and ecology.  As well as this the seawall will be raised by 2-3 metres for the development which is phased to take place over a 15 year period.

·         An update was provided concerning both Cowes Harbour and Yarmouth Harbour promoting Advanced Mooring Systems being used to protect the seabed from being scarred by moored vessels.

·         The Solent has been depicted as the first watercourse in the UK to have a prevalence of the non-native invasive Asian Date Mussel

·         An update was given on Nitrate mitigation work, which was conditioned as part of Wardington Farm development, Havant.


Planning Matters.


Following concerns raised, officers are in dialogue with agents from The Dottens.


Elsewhere, Planning Enforcement Officers have been contacted concerning a matter in Cockleton Lane.


Isle of Wight Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership.


At the Isle of Wight AONB Partnership the following matters were discussed:


·         Concerns were raised by members over mainland visitors to the Island and the potential impact this is having on Covid 19 outbreaks.

·          For the first time, an otter has been discovered on an inland waterway

·         The IWAONB was successful in receiving a £20k EU grant as part of a twinning bid with Armorique’s Iroise Biosphere Reserve in Brittany, France.

·         A discussion took place concerning the future of Military Road, and proposals to protect the road through deep piling at Brook Chine.  It is anticipated that the Road’s life will be impaired as erosion continues to take bites out of the road over the next 35 years.

·         There is concern over where future funding and management of AONB’s will occur following DEFRA potentially having no money to fund Partnerships in the future.  Following the Glover review, I remain confident that Partnerships will be continue and funds could be enhanced…


Highways and Transport Issues.


·         The Island is partnered with a mainland bid for Government Funding to promote E-scooters.  As I am aware, the local bid is one of four being considered by Government.

·         Further to last month’s report, I am advised the proposed 30mph speed limit for Place Road is being assessed by the IW Council and Island Roads as part of the Island wide speed limit review.  In the meantime, please continue to let me know your thoughts.  

·         I am still not happy that Covid 19 guidance still does not compel taxi drivers to wear a face covering.  With drive-thru flu appointments, and many residents dependent on taxis there is real concern and nervousness being expressed by vulnerable residents. Please note the Government, in their Covid 19 advise ‘Whilst it is not mandatory, at this time for taxi and PHV drivers to wear face coverings you are strongly advised to do so in order to protect yourself and others’   

·         Recently, white markings appeared on Egypt and Princes Esplanades.  Please note these are not to mark out where Parking Meters may be installed, rather the markings are to highlight repairs to the kerbside.   

·         The debate continues on proposals for next years proposed Diamond Races Motorcycle Event.  At a meeting with Bob Seely MP, IW Councillors were keen to point out that (despite the optimism shown by Diamond Races) nothing has been agreed, and still safety assessments are required before proposals can proceed.

·         A request has been made for an Economic Impact Assessment for works continuing at St. Mary’s Junction.  Further details can be accessed here: https://islandroads.com/newport-st-marys-strategic-junction-improvements/

·         I’ve been contacted by a resident, and supportive of a campaign to lobby for Zero Carbon Buses.  Although Southern Vectis has questioned the viability of buses, I’m will be applying more pressure to pilot this locally.  

·         Speed Watch volunteers are being sought to help monitor traffic speeds. Let me know if you are interested.

·         A long term parked/ abandoned vehicle has been removed from Baring Road.  In the meantime, another long term vehicle parked in Cliff Road, Cowes

·         I have approached Island Roads concerning overgrown hedges, which were cut back in Nodes Road, fly tipping in Solent View Road and a potential obstruction on the highway in Lower Church Road.


Also this month:


·         I have requested Bob Seely, MP intervenes concerning the shortage of Flu Jabs.  In response, the MP is discussing the shortage of the vaccine with the Minister.

·         I have requested that Egypt Light is made secure.

·         A dispensation was provided as a one off to park their mobile home.

·         The Police were asked to intervene in a Neighbourhood Dispute.

·         I am supporting the future use of the Beckford Centre being managed and used as a Community Hub by members of Cowes Heritage.

·         Following this not being done by their landlord, support was provided to a tenant to register their home to the IW Council.

·         I have assisted a resident with a retaining wall installed and no properly fitted several years ago.  Building Control has been approached and is providing positive support

·         Following the introduction of new Covid 10 measures, I have attended a meeting and have forwarded advice and support to individuals.


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