Tuesday 4th September, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
Tuesday 4th September, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club,
Park Road, Cowes.
Friday 7th September, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
11am, Friday 14th September, The Little Gloster, Marsh Road,
Wednesday 19 September, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield
Avenue, Cowes.
* Amended time
* Amended time
Wednesday 26th September, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Thursday 27th September, Coffee & Chat at All Saints Church,
Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
Thursday 27th September, Eegon’s Café, 72 High Street, Cowes.
Tuesday 2nd October, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
Tuesday 2nd October, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park
Road, Cowes.
Return to work!
Thank you so very much for the very kind word
and best wishes for a speedy recovery following me eventually being diagnosed
with listeria encephalitis in June, it is very much and gratefully appreciated!.
Following my holiday in August, I have now
(almost) fully recovered and looking forward to picking up the issues I may
have missed during the summer. From this
month, I will be reverting to working as a Full-time Councillor, and look
forward to doing more, now no longer taking on the corporate challenges as the
chairman of the IW Council’s Scrutiny Committee. This gives more the time that I need to focus
on local issues.
Planning Updates:
There are proposals to increase the number of
dwellings from 8 to 10 at land adjacent to Dottens Farm with access from Baring
The agent acting on behalf of the applicant,
will be in attendance from 5:30-6:30pm,
Tuesday 4th September, at my surgery being held in the Sports Bar of the Isle of Wight Community Club in Park Road.
This is not currently a ‘live application’,
rather a pre-application proposal to be viewed prior to submission. The agent
has advised me that the proposal will have one entrance, rather than two;
whilst new proposals will be distanced from the listed Dottens Farm, and is due
to be advertised in the coming weeks.
I will be notifying residents of the
Following my request, the Planning Committee
met last month to consider proposals to extend the Watersedge Café
The Committee disappointingly voted in favour
of supporting proposals despite concerns being raised by residents, myself and
Gurnard Parish Council about:
The size, scale, mass and design of the
proposals and its impact upon the street scene.
With extended hours proposed, the potential
loss of privacy, amenity, daylight and outlook.
Change of use/ opening hours of the café, and
its impact. Especially regarding
Impact upon land stability and integrity of
the culvert beneath the proposal.
Many thanks to everybody who has commented on
these proposals! My full transcript on proposals provided to the Planning
Committee can be viewed below:
Watersedge Café, 40 Shore
Road, Gurnard.
wish to express both my gratitude and appreciation to both the Chairman and
Officers for accepting my request for calling in this important application for
I am not in a position to make this evening’s Planning Committee, as I am out
of the country. Originally, I was advised this proposal would be heard earlier
this year.
accepting the need for growth and expansion of the Watersedge Café, concerns
have been raised by residents, Gurnard Parish Council and myself over the size,
scale and mass of proposed new Café.
relevant is the adverse impact which proposals have upon neighbouring
properties, particularly 36 Shore Road.
Neighbours have concerns
that the impact will be dominant and will overshadow with the
loss of sunlight. For this reason,
Gurnard Parish Council has asked for members of the Planning Committee to view
this overdominance for themselves on site. In addition to these are the concerns that proposals
that will ensure privacy, amenity and outlook is lost, whilst it is considered
that the design and character of proposals are out of character with the local
can it be noted by members that this area in recent years has lent itself to
redevelopment, and many of the residential applications that have been refused
because of size, scale and mass has been upheld at appeal. What is of concern to residents is the fact
that if approved this proposed two-storey application could revert to
residential use in the future, and this application has been made to overcome
upheld planning restrictions.
local Councillor, I am very supportive of steps to regenerate this area. However, concerns have been expressed to me
that, although there is an expansion proposed, as well as extended opening
hours there will be no extra staff. If
there is no intention to expand the business at this stage, why are there contradicting
proposals for an extra floor with a balcony, and no extra parking to accommodate
this ability for expansion?
is of real concern to residents, and I ask for extra mitigation to be made.
issue raised with respect to expanding this business onto two floors are the
concerns of noise nuisance for neighbours over the winter period, as well as during
summer until 11pm. Should the second
storey be used, under current proposals this will increase noise nuisance for
neighbours. It is noted, this
application is very different from the existing café, which is sustainable and
open until late afternoons six days a week.
concerns have been raised regarding land stability and the impact upon the
integrity of the culvert that carries the watercourse from the River
Jordan. In discussions with local
residents they remain unassured by mitigation following the initial objection
by the Environment Agency.
the applicant has modified plans, residents feel that ‘modified’ proposals has
not gone far enough to overcome objections.
Ward Councillor, I ask that this current application is refused on the
following grounds:
DM2. Because of the
overdominant nature of the proposal, the design does not maintain, conserve,
complement or enhance the important character of Shore Road.
DM14. It is perceived
by residents that the structure does not adequate protect, or enhance land
stability or flood risk to properties in Shore Road from the River Jordan.
Cllr. Paul
Fuller JP,CC. Isle of Wight Councillor
for Cowes West and Gurnard.
dwellings at Oxford Street, Northwood.
A number of residents have contacted me for
support concerning proposals to develop on farmland, immediately adjacent to
the settlement boundary in Northwood. Although this does may not directly impact upon Cowes or Gurnard, if approved there will be further pressure put upon roads and infrastructure.
Northwood Parish Council has objected to
proposals at a meeting in the village, attended by over 100 residents.
View, Place Road.
I met with developers to discuss concerns
which were raised by residents following the lighting of bonfires earlier this
summer. From my perspective, it is
important that similar incidents do not reoccur, and I have approached both the
Planners and Environmental Health to ensure action is taken. Work is shortly due to commence on Phase 2,
in respect to this I have forwarded individuals with a local need for the affordable
housing aspect of this phase.
I understand also that the developer has also
purchased adjoining farmland. However,
have been advised this is for potential environmental enhancements which the
developer suggests will improve the outlook for residents once the Meadow View
development is completed in the coming years.
Beach Huts.
Proposals to increase Beach Hut fees, remain
under consideration by the IW Council. Following
feedback, last month I met with Cllr Hutchinson, and was advised that after
feedback, some suggestions made will be within the proposals to be outlined in
the coming months to owners. From my perspective, I support increased fees
being introduced to non-Isle of Wight residents only.
Gurnard Pines.
I was invited to a meeting called by Gurnard
Pines residents which followed increased fees being introduced for electricity
and water through the installation of so called ‘smart meters’. Because the
holiday park is privately owned, under current legislation the parks owners can
introduce fees and charges as they see fit to manage the park.
This is of real concern to me as there are residents
that living on site, many of who are vulnerable and require support.
This issue does not only apply to Gurnard
Pines, but to most holiday parks who have a residential aspect to them and is
an issue for many authorities where tourism is important.
At the meeting the following outcomes, were
An article would feature in the IW County
Press, to gauge issues/ questions from residents.
Residents to relay concerns to local
councillor by end of September. These
will be ‘in confidence’.
A meeting will take place with residents’
representatives to take forward issues/ questions to site owners.
Consideration of forming a resident’s
organisation. This will be for all
residents regardless of chalet ownership.
A delegation to meet with the Member of
Parliament, should questions not be satisfactorily resolved.
A drop in surgery may be held late autumn
with residents to support their housing/ social requirements.
Cowes Week overview.
It was agreed by Cowes Town Council to invite
one of the key organisers of events to provide an overview of events during
Cowes Week.
Although I received some complaints
concerning overflowing bins and
discarded litter, businesses, visitors and residents generally supported and
welcomed the night-time cleansing by Island Roads.
Parking continued to be an issue, again complaints
were received about mobility homes
and overnight parking on Egypt
Esplanade. Following complaints, Parking Enforcement was also necessary
on Egypt Hill and Baring Road, where motorists moved traffic cones to park.
Many thanks to (Cllr) Lynn Hammond and
volunteers for brilliantly managing extra car parking at Northwood Park!
I also received complaints concerning impeded
access for taxis and mobility impaired residents needing to access parking at
the Red Jet, Town Quay and the High Street between junctions with
Terminus Road and Carvel Lane.
In response to these issues, I am looking
forward to arranging a meeting with officers to see what improvements can be
made for next year’s Traffic Order.
Following cancellations, overloaded buses, mobility
impaired residents not being able to find a seat I have also contacted Southern
Vectis requesting extra capacity either through more buses or larger buses on
the No. 1 service connecting Cowes and Newport.
Details can be found below:
Dear Mr
As local
councillor for Cowes West and Gurnard, I am writing to request better capacity
buses on route 1 (Cowes-Newport). This
follows complaints that buses cannot always collect residents because they are
overloaded. In addition, residents have also asked me to take up a number of
issues with your company.
Please note
that several residents over the last few months have asked me to request either
larger buses or an increase from eight buses an hour to ten buses which was in
place on this popular route ten years ago.
The reasons
for my request are as follows:
Residents are frequently not able to catch buses
from Cowes Medical Centre and St Mary’s Hospital. At St Mary’s, I witnessed a
fully laden bus stop in favour of buses behind where people were not standing.
I personally witnessed occasions when despite being flagged down, and
being clearly visible the driver chose not to stop and pick up from St Mary’s-
why. If the bus driver is in a position
to catch up time, does this show that due to over-capacity a problem exists?)
Students filling up capacity on buses before Cowes
Medical Centre and Roundhouse. Do
Southern Vectis know how many extra students buy rover tickets who will be
staying/ using the IW College on the Cowes-Newport corridor and what steps do
Southern Vectis take to accommodate these extra loadings?
Buses being taken
out of service, without replacements at Cowes Week and on Sundays. Please see
an unresponded Twitter feed. If buses do
need to be taken out of service, why was this not posted on Twitter or within
Real Time?
Why aren’t double
decked buses used? Currently Southern
Vectis operates 8 buses an hour, with a maximum of only 2 Red Jets being
operated. In addition, Town Quay is not used during Cowes Week. Why are the
Blue Line (school) buses not being used during summer/ busy periods?
Often there is no room for disabled, elderly and
other mobility impaired residents being able to find seats Newport bound after
Smithards Lane and Cowes Medical Centre, and Cowes bound at Newport Bus
Station. One Cowes resident reported having to wait for an hour to get home
at the Horseshoe because of no spare seats at Cowes Medical Centre. In
addition often there is no standing room on Cowes bound buses often from Bus
Station. Young people seem less willing to give up seats as there is a presumption of ‘paying for a seat’.
There is insufficient storage on Red Jet services. This often leads to aisles being blocked and
seats being used. What is Southern
Vectis’ policy to deal with this?
In addition I have been asked to highlight the
(I understand) public money was spent to outline
location indicators on the bus. This facility does not work, and is confusing
for visitors and more frequently than not gives false information on the bus’
whereabouts. What steps are being taken
to rectify this problem, as no information is better than wrong information?
Access for disabled leaving the bus station towards
the library is impaired for mobility scooters, wheel chair users, prams and
pushchairs following the relocation of the No. 9 bus stop. This is a
concern for bus users as well as mobility impaired pedestrians using Orchard
Street following Southern Vectis reconfiguring the bus station in spring. What action is planned to improve mobility access
since reconfiguration?
Yours sincerely,
Cllr. Paul
Fuller JP,CC. Isle of Wight Councillor
for Cowes West and Gurnard.
Elsewhere this
Cowes Week, I had an excellent time meeting residents, visitors, businesses and
supporters of this year’s regatta as Town Mayor. From the discussions that I
had, helped by the fantastic summer this year’s event was over flowing with a
good atmosphere, and was celebrated as one of the best events for many
years. Many thanks to Lendy and the
sponsors for making this year’s Cowes Week a resounding success!
News from Cowes
Medical Centre.
Medical Centre are urging residents to book their Flu Jab. This can be
undertaken by appointment, and is most effective when taken between September
and November. At the same time
immunisation can also be taken for shingles. In addition the Centre is also reminding
residents about making appointments for cervical
screening, and if interested registering to the practice for on-line services, where two forms of ID
are required (Driving Licence/ Passport plus Utility Bill). Please
call 294902 to book an appointment.
Anti-Social Parking.
you to those drivers who have stopped parking
on pavements. It is very much
appreciated! At Full Council, there was
ongoing support from Councillors to see more done to tackle the issue in some
areas of the Island, where mobility impaired residents/ mums with pushchairs
are getting fed up with having to bypass vehicles and needing to walk in the
this is not a national priority for the police.
However, locally I would like to thank both police officers, community enforcement officers and in many
cases residents themselves taking positive action to free up pavements for
pedestrians. Thank you!
Also this month
- · Work is due to commence resurfacing Tuttons Hill for 5 days from Tuesday 4th September.
- · A meeting has been arranged to move forward proposals and new artwork for The Cut, Cowes. I am liaising with Cowes Town Councillor, Paul Taylor and the Council’s Projects Committee to see this progressed.
- · I’ve been in touch with creators who are providing updates on the Cowes Floating Bridge and its operating schedule. Thank you Mike and Adam for providing this important resource for residents!
- · I’m supporting the ‘Keep Newtown For The Birds’ campaign, following commercialisation of Newtown’s nature reserve, and the impact that some pursuits are having upon flora and fauna in this important SSSI.
- · I have supported a resident who approached me concerning a neighbours adverse planning application.
- · The Princes Esplanade broken handrail was fixed following intervention from myself and Gurnard Parish Councillor, Terry Nolan.
- · I received a complaint from a home owner about the removal of the Biffa Bin in Shore Road. This resident was advised to take up the collection plus service being that he was not permanently living locally.
- · I referred an elderly resident for assisted collections. This was due to being unaware of this. If you are aware of residents struggling with their waste and recycling, or if you have neighbours who may benefit from collection plus, please let me know!
- · I am supporting a resident who alleges their driveway damaged by refuse vehicles.
- · I am pursuing action is taken regarding a vehicle that regularly parks on double yellow lines in Baring Road.
- · I received a request regarding speeding traffic in Seaview Road, Cowes this was referred to Cllr Nicholson as local councillor for South West.
- · Discarded timber on Gurnard Green has been reported, and appropriate action taken.
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