Friday 2nd March, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Tuesday 6th March, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
Wednesday 14th March, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
Wednesday 14th March, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
Wednesday 21st March, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue,
Thursday 22nd March, Coffee & Chat at All Saints Church, Tuttons
Hill, Gurnard.
Wednesday 28th March, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
12-12:30pm, Thursday 29th
March, Eegon’s, 72 High Street, Cowes.
Tuesday 3rd April, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
Tuesday 3rd April, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park
Road, Cowes.
Place Road Phase 3.
Proposals to
develop Phase 3, of the four phased Place Road development was submitted last
month. Phase 3 comprises of 20 houses and 10 bungalows within the development
for 92 dwellings will be located opposite Place Side. Of the 30 properties, 16 within this phase
has been categorised as ‘affordable’. This stipulates that the rental costs
will be set at 80% market value.
The deadline
for comments on this phase ends on 16th March 2018, in the meantime
letters are due to be circulated to residents of Place Road during the last
week of February.
Place Road.
Four Cross junction.
I have
received a number of calls from concerned residents regarding the perceived sale
of farmland land between BAE Systems and Cockleton Lane.
At present
this land is zoned for Industrial use (possibly as an option to allow Plessey/
BAE to expand in the 1970/1980’s).
Subsequently this land was submitted as part of Planners ‘call for
sites’. This work was undertaken in
conjunction with work in respect of the new Island Plan. The Planners have
advised this does not mean that it is allocated or
considered suitable for housing, but will form part of the IW Council’s assessment
process when producing its allocations and Strategic Housing Land Availability
Assessment (SHLAA).
It is also
noted that these fields also lie within the green gap between Cowes, Gurnard
and Northwood, and in my opinion would be contrary to Gurnards Neighbourhood
Plan so would be unlikely to be developed.
Cowes Floating Bridge Update.
The Isle of
Wight Council has continued to address concerns over the depth of chains and
the noise which are the key factors that has impacted upon the new Floating
Following a
meeting of the Town Council, both the leader and officers from the IW Council
seemed confident that the ongoing issues can and will be resolved. This should
ensure the crossing is more reliable and reconnects both towns. In the
meantime, I am positive and continue to work alongside colleagues from East Cowes.
In the meantime,
members of the Scrutiny Committee have sight of all documents in order to review
the vessels purchase, the service of provision, how the project was managed and
how it was governed. It is anticipated a
meeting will take place this month to consider adding to the five
recommendations last month. These being:
- THAT in order to respond to questions raised in connection with the review the cabinet member should initiate a meeting between stakeholders, local councillors and key officers.
- THAT the cabinet member should give consideration to the formation of a stakeholders users group, comprising local councillors, local town and parish councils, business associations and Cowes Harbour Commission to work alongside the Council in monitoring service outcomes and provide a regular update to the committee.
- THAT the committee receive the results of the recent tests and mitigation to address the depth of chains in the water and the noise problems.
- THAT the restricted documents should be reviewed by officers to see if these could be made publicly available together with the options for enabling all members to view all the documents without the need to visit County Hall.
- THAT an informal meeting of the committee be held the week to review progress.
School Governors.
Cowes Primary School and Gurnard
Primary School are seeking Governors.
As a former governor myself, this role can be really rewarding,
especially for those with a background in education and/or serving your
The best
School Governors that I have worked alongside are committed to achieve the very
best outcomes possible for young people.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor at these excellent schools,
please let me know.
Isle of Wight Council Budget
The IW
Council are due to set its budget on 28th February. This year the
Isle of Wight Council has to find further savings of £7.5m to balance its
years ago, the Isle of Wight was in a similar position to Northampton County
Council whereby statutory duties was due to exceed its income. Subsequently,
Northampton County Council has run out of cash to meet its obligations. Since
then there has been cross party support to see a greater emphasis to run the
Council in a more business-like and commercial way, rather than seeking to make
savings from cutting staff and services.
altering these outcomes grasped by Independents during the previous
administration, there remain some unpalatable decisions particularly focused on
households on low incomes. Areas of
concern to me is the impact of pending reviews for non-residential care, mental
health, concessionary fares for the disabled, support for victims of domestic
abuse and Council Tax support for working families.
Saving Proposal
Saving 2018/9
Saving Proprosal
Saving 2018/9
Adult Social
Care & Public Health
Efficiency savings as result of Community
equipment provision
Introduction of an in-house debt collection
Cost of NHS staffing at community equipment
service saving
Rationalisation of Civica and Nortel
systems supporting R&B service
Reduce cost of Stroke Association Contract
over 2 years
Deletion Manager for Corp. Governance &
Organisational Change post
Structured review of high cost external
residential care packages
Review of Islehelp partnership agreement
Review of internal Learning Disability
residential homes
Reduction in cost of Councillors pensions
Review all existing community based care
Reduced contingency, Monitoring Officer
general support costs
Review assessments of clients receiving
Mental Health III support
Legal Services (General underspendings)-
Reduced external services
Reconfiguration of Mental Health
(Wellbeing) Centres
Reduce maximum level of Council Tax Support
(CTS) from 80%-70%
Removal of discretionary ‘top up’ provided
for cross Solent travel
Setting minimum Council Tax Support (CTS)
at £2 per week
Changes to non-residential care charging
Limit CMS to a maximum equivalent received
at Council Tax Band C
Non-residential charges exceeding base
budget level
Reduced CTS Grant to Town & Parish Councils
Negotiated reduction in contract for health
visiting & school nursing
Flexible Retirement (Head of Resources)
Negotiated reduction in contract for
integrated sexual health
Hybrid Mailing system
Negotiated reduction in contract for
substance misuse treatment
& Heritage
Additional income from Leisure Centres
Review of (vacant) Service Manager post
Partnership arrangements with T&PC’s
for Environment Officers
Contribution towards Clinical Commissioning
Group filtering panel
Income from Colwell Bay Beach Huts
Cease Estart (Performance Management)
Review of fees and charges for concessions
Reduced Funding to Foster Care Association
Increased income from gym extension and
creation of add. studio space
Youth Offer- Withdrawal of grant funding
Reduced overhead costs, Medina Leisure
Reduced funding/ activities for Short
Phased reduction in grants to Community
Libraries in 2018/9, 2019/20
Social Care Education Professional staffing
Reduction in staff hours at libraries
Review of Children in Need receiving
support under S17 Children’s Act
Reduced spending for online and DVD stock
for libraries
Sponsorship opportunities to fund Looked
After Children events
Additional income, Dinosaur Isle
Asset Management staff savings
Reduction in archaeologist post
Reduced costs of management & security
of ex-school sites
Reduction in hours for conservator
Early Years Training Budget
Review opening hours, Roman Villa, Newport
Restructure of IoW High Needs Staff
Projects & Forward Planning
Branstone Farm closure and disposal
New photocopier contract (Efficiency
Reduction in discretionary support for
careers service
Existing photocopier contract (Efficiency
Community Safety
& Public Protection
Introduction of wheelie bins for Garden
Increased income from Bereavement Services
Efficiencies in waste contract monitoring
Review of staffing arrangements
(Bereavement Services)
Cease household collection from domestic
properties (ie holiday lets)
Review of fees and charges (Registrars)
Introduce charges for the disposal of
residential/ nursing home waste
Reduced spending in Regulatory Services
Remove Greenhouse Gas monitoring
Increased income from Approved Trader
Remove Schools Education Service from waste
services contract
Income from providing Agricultural Services
to other authorities
Discontinue mobile household waste
recycling centre (HWRC)
Introduce fees for pre-application advice
Env.Health/ Trading Standards
Closure of all Bring Banks
Fire Service holding of vacancies
Add. income from Direct Payment Services-
Bulky waste/ Collection Plus
Secondments to Hampshire Fire & Rescue
Planning &
Reduction to F&RS Training Budget
Review of pre-application and other
commercially based charges
Reduction to Equipment Budget
Increase in Planning Fees
Shared National Operational Guidance with
Planning Services (General underspendings)
Removal of Support Officer post
Reduction in ‘floating support’ to housing
Additional Income from Road Safety
Housing Services (General underspendings)
& Transport
Remove the grant for domestic abuse project
Removal of discretionary elements of
concessionary fares
Restructure of housing services (inc.
review of temp. accommodation)
School Crossing Patrol partnership
arrangements with T&P Councils
Regeneration &
Business Development
Negotiated efficiencies in the Highways PFI
Reduction in the use of specialist ‘bought
in’ services
Review Car Parking & Permit
I understand
that there may be moves afoot by the Isle of Wight Council to ban dogs from
For many
years now, there has been a restriction on dogs being kept on leads within
burial grounds. However, this has not
stopped fouling in cemeteries and the considerable distress caused when dogs
foul on graves.
St Mary’s Roundabout
reconfiguration update.
concerns raised, Cowes Town Council met to comment on proposals to reconfigure
the St. Mary’s roundabout, during this summer.
The Town Council commented on the following grounds:
the Isle of Wight Council explain the reasons for prioritising this scheme
above others?
was a lack of pre design consultation with stakeholders.
scheme has been designed around motorists rather than pedestrians and cyclists
(contrary to local and national policy).
considering making the proposed junction improvements could temporary traffic
lights be put in place at St Mary’s roundabout to see if that improves the flow
of traffic without the need for further improvements?
does this proposed scheme promote sustainable transport options?
doesn’t seem to be any evidence provided that there is a problem at the
roundabout other than peak morning, peak afternoon and drop off and pick up
times of Hunnyhill Primary School children.
shared footpath and cycle path would be far better placed on the river side,
running past the hospital entrance, along the slipway to B & Q and along
the path beside the dual carriageway. Using Hunnyhill will cause problems for
pedestrians, cyclists and householders due to cars emerging 2 from properties
into a shared footpath / cycle path. The gradient of Hunnyhill also needs to be
taken into account for cyclists.
geometry of the link to Hunnyhill could increase speeds onto a residential road
which could impact on College students using the area and put more pressure on
Hunnyhill in general.
is the carriageway being widened in preference of pedestrian footpaths? Wider
lanes = faster traffic speeds.
the pedestrian crossing at St Mary’s Hospital be reconfigured and redesigned?
the proposed traffic lights at the redesigned roundabout be operational at peak
times only?
new Forest Road traffic lights will cause a back-up of traffic and prevent
motorists from easily accessing the slip road to Cowes, will block the
pedestrian crossing and will increase pollution in this area.
Has a park and
ride option been considered?
Footpaths, Public Transport and Countryside
English Coastal Path.
At recent
meetings that I attended of the Local Access Forum and the AONB partnership it
was reported that English Nature had reported some slippage on unveiling
details of the Isle of Wight section of the English Coastal Path.
This was
intended to take place at the Local Access Forum in April, but has slipped to
July following landowner disputes over sections of the footpath on the North
East section of the footpath. In the
meantime, I am also aware that meetings with both landowners and residents are
pending on the Gurnard to Thorness section of the footpath.
Isle of Wight Walking Festival.
This festival
has been transferred to Visit Isle of Wight.
Details of the Festival will mostly be circulated on-line
Cyclewight reported
that 40% more children would cycle to school, if roads were safer (ironically
roads being used for the school run taking children to school who would
otherwise be cycling!)
Update from the Keep Island Line in Franchise campaign.
At the
recent KILF meeting proposals were put to make the Island’s rail-line more
sustainable. These include altering the
rail passing place in Sandown, in favour of Brading where it would be possible
to run three trains an hour rather than two.
Other suggestions included closing Smallbrook Station, in favour of
extending the Steam Railway to Ryde St. Johns.
Dark Skies.
Dark skies
policies are being embedded within both
the Island Plan and the AONB Management Plan.
Grass Verges.
Discussions are
taking place between the AONB, Island Roads and Local Councils on the condition
and ecological value of grass verges throughout the Island. This follows concerns raised over the last
ten years following damage from larger vehicles, changes to scrub clearance and
how hedgerows and verges are maintained by contractors.
Boundary Review.
Because a
large number of Isle of Wight Council wards are too large or too small the
Boundary Commission are intending to review IW Council wards.
This may
result in a change to the number of Councillors, or alterations to wards
represented. As Cowes West & Gurnard is the second largest single
Councillor ward, I anticipate a change is likely to occur to our boundary in
2021. This is particularly relevant in future years, where the growth of
population in Gurnard is predicted to grow by 141 residents within six years,
(Cowes West is predicted to grow by 6 within the same period).
The only
other areas where population exceed that of Gurnard is: Ryde East (this
includes proposals for Pennyfeathers), Newport East (Pan Meadows) and Seaview
(Harcourt Sands)
No Cold Calling Stickers.
Please let me
know if you require No Cold Calling stickers. I have a small supply and left a
few at Cowes Library.
Police Matters.
The next police
surgeries take place:
Thursday 1st March, Costa, High Street, Cowes.
4:30-6pm, Friday
23rd March, Costa, High Street, Cowes
Saturday 24th March, Coffee Shop, The Range, Place Road, Cowes.
Councillors met
with the police last month. In summary,
issues discussed included the following:
Under Aged
The importance
for the police to receive first-hand information concerning criminal activity.
Reassurance was
given concerning anonymity of those reporting criminal activity on 101 and via
discussions being required concerning lighting, camera surveillance and path
concerns over perceived drug dealing, and how this was prioritised and of
action pending.
It was noted
that Cowes is, and remains a very low crime area. For further information, please visit
HantsPolice on Facebook and Twitter. In
the meantime, crimes should be reported to 999 (in emergency, and during
criminal activity), 101 and through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Traffic Orders.
Residents will be aware of recent traffic
order proposals. Despite feedback from residents,
myself and through our Town and Parish Councils it was frustrating that not all
suggestions were included.
One location where Island Roads were
not convinced that safety would be improved was the junction with Church Road
and Worsley Road in Gurnard. The
rationale from Island Roads, the IWC and the police to opposing these
suggestions, was the fear that by removing parking the speed of traffic
entering Gurnard would increase. Because,
in the past there was support for traffic calming measures to be introduced at
this junction, it made the case to impose a parking restriction difficult to
justify- Although I did try!!
Subsequently, officers have looked at
the junction and Island Roads have suggested sight lines could be improved by
reducing the density of foliage on the junction verges
Other locations also disregarded similarly
did not show any marked improvement to safety.
Mayors Report.
Last month meetings took place to discuss
Cowes Floating Bridge, St Mary’s Roundabout and Crime and disorder matters with
the police (see reports above).
With Cllr. Peacey-Wilcox I met with the High
Sheriff to discuss proposals to bring the Isle of Wight Day Parade and Events
to Cowes in September. Proposals are due
to be considered by Cowes Town Council on 1st March.
I attended a Cowes Literary Festival event
held in Northwood House.
I have supported further repairs to public
toilets in The Cut following vandalism.
With Councillors Bertie, Nicholson and
Peacey-Wilcox I attended the second West Medina Regeneration meeting.
The Spring(!) Cowes Town Council newsletter
is due to be circulated during this month.
Please let me know, if you have not received yours by the end of this
Also this
This month I have been really busy contending
with five abandoned vehicles. Following
intervention, all vehicles have either been removed or parked elsewhere.
Overfilled Dog Bins were reported to Island
A planning application for a property
considered to be in Calbourne has been reconsidered to be included within
Gurnard. The application for this
dwelling was objected to by Gurnard Parish Council, given its scale, size and
impact upon the AONB.
I have mailed out and redistributed several
dozen Cowes Medical Centre leaflets.
I continue to chase up the whereabouts of a
new pedestrian refuge connecting bus stops in Place Road with the Range store.
I’m supporting residents, the community bus
driver and Gurnard Pre-School regarding vehicles obstructing the Cow Lane,
Woodvale Road junction. These complaints
have been forwarded to Island Roads who are considering proposals for a traffic
order at this location.
I am supporting residents that have lived in
temporary accommodation.
A meeting with residents are due to take
place to discuss concerns regarding lighting in Blackberry Lane.
I have lobbied Southern Water for support in
promoting water savind and water efficiency measures.
I am due to meet with volunteers and
residents to discuss issues relating to Mornington Wood in Cowes.
I have supplied information concerning levels
of social deprivation indicators to Gurnard Church.
A representative from the Marine Management
Organisation is due to meet with members of the Cooks Bay Access Group next
Muddy verges at Woodvale Road and Nodes Road
have been reported to Island Roads.
Consents have been granted for tree work in
Park Road and Churchill Road
I have requested support for the reimbursement
of old biodegradeable garden sacks.
I am supporting initiatives to reduce plastic
I have read through a considerable amount of
documents connected to the procurement of the new floating bridge.
I attended a meeting of the IW Council’s
Audit Committee, and raised questions linked to the completion of the core
investment period for Island Roads within the PFI contract.
I supported
proposals to extend a property in Ward Avenue.
I have raised
concerns regarding local residents healthcare treatment on the mainland.
· I supported, and
helped resolve a residents neighbourhood dispute.
I recently attended
Audit and Scrutiny training.
· I forwarded a complaint to Planning
Officers concerning a Planning Enforcement matter.
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