About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

IW Councillor's Report: October 2016


4:30-5pm, Tuesday 4th October, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 4th October, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes
11:30-12pm, Tuesday 13th October The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 19th October, The Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 19th October, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.

6-6:30pm, Thursday 27th October, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.  

(This surgery may be cancelled owing to a family commitment earlier this day on the mainland. Please call me on 07 935 090 835 should you require my support)
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 1st November, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 1st November, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

Highways Update.

Shore Road is programmed to be resurfaced from Monday 3rd - Tuesday 4th October.  Letters have been circulated to residents affected.

I await a response from Island Roads on the timeframe to resurface Parklands Avenue, which is for me a priority.

School Crossing Patrols.

Following the return to school, I have received one representation from a parent of Gurnard Primary School on the potential of resurrecting a school crossing patrol on Baring Road. I understand there is support on moving this forward, and have been liaising with Gurnard Parish Council and the IW Council on options to potentially fund the crossing for two years.

Elsewhere, in Park Road following the withdrawal of IW Council funding for the crossing at Cowes Primary School (and Cowes Enterprise College) has been funded by Cowes Town Council.

20’s Plenty?- New legislation.

New regulations have been introduced to simplify traffic regulations to encourage drivers to reduce their speed.  This will be welcomed outside schools, where parking and alleged speeding continues to be an issue.

Steps that can be taken under the new legislation include prohibition of parking on cycle-lanes and the use of road signage. This month, I am attending an Information session being hosted by Newport Parish Council,  to find out more on how this legislation can support residents.   

Seafront Railings.

The IW Council continue to investigate options and opportunities to replace railings between the Royal Yacht Squadron and Gurnard.  Costings have been provided, and I’m ever hopeful that options can be assessed by the IW Council in partnership with Cowes Town Council, Gurnard Parish Council and other agencies.

Cowes High Street.

I continue to work with Cowes Town Council, Island Roads and the IW Council on replacing the bollards in Cowes Town Centre.  Options under consideration include restricting traffic flows throughout the day- and from experience, I know this will be welcomed by many.

Other Highways Matters.

Protruding manhole covers have been reported on the footway in Baring Road and Place Road.

Dog mess has been cleared at the junction with Cow Lane in Woodvale Road.

Seating at Hillis Corner, Rew Street has been reported (and hopefully fixed!), damage to the Newport - Cowes cycleway has been actioned and I await replacement kerbing requested and agreed for Ward Avenue.

Become a Councillor?

There are two vacancies on Cowes Town Council and one on Gurnard Parish Council.  Because all Parish, Town and Isle of Wight Council seats will be up for re-election in May 2017, these offer an opportunity to find out more.

Please contact Sue Waters gurnardparishcouncil@gmail.com or Debbie Faulkner townclerk@cowestowncouncil.org.uk for details.

Former Gurnard School Playing Field and Orchard.

The Friends of Cockleton Meadow were successful in their bid for funding from Tesco through their ‘carrier bag’ fund

Many thanks Jane McKean for overseeing the bid, which will provide £8000- £12000 to enhance the open space for residents. Thank you also to those residents who signed up interest during the Gurnard Harvest Show.

Gurnard Litter Pick.

The next village Litter Pick takes place at 10pm, Saturday 8th October from Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane.

Food Caddies and Waste update.

Moonlighting from the Friends of Cockleton Meadow’s table, last month I joined the Footprint Trust at Gurnard’s Harvest Show who were distributing Food Caddies to residents who had either had theirs damaged or mislaid. 

Waste complaints continues to fall following the completion of the roll-out of new bins by Amey.  In the meantime, thank you for the numerous suggestions that have been made concerning enhancing Garden Waste collections!  Following discussions, a number of locations have recently been identified for a change in allocation, where bins have been presented as causing a tripping hazard.

Please let me know if you require a food caddy (which I’ve acquired from the Footprint Trust and Amey!), have not received your bins, or have questions.

Bus Service Winter Changes.

Southern Vectis will alter their routings for service no. 1 back to how it was in 2014 from this month.  This will mean that the double decked buses will no longer operate, and no longer required for declining loadings on the Newport to Cowes route. Matt Kitchen from Southern Vectis has emphasised the following to me: 

‘The timetable is far more robust than two years ago with eight buses running the route instead of the previous seven buses, therefore we should not see the gaps in service and delays that compounded the overcrowding experienced on some journeys. On our busiest journeys, namely between Newport bus station and the college we will be running extra journeys specifically for the flow of students to and from the college.’

Elsewhere, hopeful that there may be the opportunity to have a bus service to connect Gurnard with both Newport and/ or the West Wight I’ve been advised that options were looked into, however these services could not be sustained under current funding formulae.

Gurnard Green.

A meeting took place between myself, members of Gurnard Parish Council and a Planning agent seeking to provide an upgrade to the public toilets on Gurnard Green. Initial suggestions has also included extending the beach huts to enhance the setting.  At the meeting, I asked that prior to any proposals being formally submitted that a full engagement takes place with residents and other stakeholders.

Dottens Farm.

I understand that a revised Planning Application for land adjacent to Dottens Farm is pending.

I’ve been advised that the new application attempts to mitigate against objections raised over the local ecology of the area, as well as the impact that any development will have on the listed buildings within Dottens Farm.  

Planning Enforcement.

Following representations being made by Planning Enforcement and by Island Roads some signage, adverts and other clutter has been restricted to a more acceptable level at the Four Cross junction.  Whilst concerns are being investigated on land at Place Road.

Elsewhere, action is being pursued against a property owner in Baring Road who has constructed a balcony without consent that overlooks a neighbour.

In addition, officers have investigated concerns regarding a property in Church Road.  In this respect, officers are satisfied that no planning or building control breaches have taken place.

Permitted Development Rights.

In the last few years, I’ve received (and passed on) more general planning enquiries on this subject than any other.  This has been enhanced/ complicated by recent changes being made by Government on this issue.

If you have queries or questions concerning what you are allowed under permitted development rights, a good place to find out more, as an alternative to contacting your IW Councillor/ Planning Office is visiting the planning portals interactive house: www.planningportal.co.uk/info/200125/do_you_need_permission/90/interactive_house

Planning Applications.

I have been asked to intervene on two planning applications which were unopposed by Gurnard Parish Council and neighbours in both Rew Street and Tuttons Hill.  On these applications, I am anxious to find a compromise which will satisfy both applicants and concerns raised by planning officers.

Cowes Medical Centre.  Annual Flu Jabs

If you are aged 65 or older, are pregnant or have a long term health condition, Cowes Medical Centre are aiming to vaccinate patients during this year’s annual which takes place on:

8:30-12 noon, Saturday 1st October.
1-4pm, Tuesday 11th October
11:30-2:30pm, Thursday 20th October.

English Coastal Path, National Trail.

Last month I met with officers from Natural England, who will be taking the lead negotiating the route of the Isle of Wight section of the English Coastal Path with stakeholders from April 2017.

Although much of the trail is likely to follow the current Isle of Wight Coastal Path, it is hoped that through the support of landowners those sections that currently follow roads, could instead utilise off road and coastal periphery routes. This is particularly relevant to sections between East Cowes and Wootton and sections between the Newtown Estuary and Thorness.

Also of interest, is the potential to extend the Island’s Coastal Path to include the Medina Estuary to Newport and connecting East Cowes to a rights of way network, as currently no public footpaths exist in the area.

Cold Calls.

Last month I received a call from a resident who was involved in a car accident.  Since the incident this resident has been absolutely inundated by cold calls from accident claim companies requesting assistance in claiming compensation. 

If this has happens regularly to you, I strongly suggest you contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on: 0303 123 1113, as new laws introduced in April 2013 made the payment of referral fees between insurance companies, lawyers and claims management firms illegal. 

If you are just generally fed up with cold calls you can also register with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) on: 0345 070 0707.

Elsewhere in the world of cold calling, I have received complaints regarding Anglia Double Glazing and the British Heart Foundation charity, who were out and about in the Cowes area during September.  

Also this month:

  • ·         Following Brexit, I’ve been approached by a group of Under 18 year olds who have requested my support in making a delegation to Government on giving 16-18 year olds the right to vote.  This is an initiative that I am very happy to support.
  • ·         I met with landowners who own woodland which has been damaged throughout this summer.
  • ·         Feedback on parking cones in Worsley Road during Cowes Week and other matters/ observations have been circulated to officers who oversee the Temporary Cowes Week Parking Order.
  • ·         I have forwarded a request to distribute books via the Library Service.
  • ·         I attended my first meeting of the Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority.  As the Isle of Wight Council’s representative, I supported the introduction of the Solent Dredging and Bottom Towed Fishing Gear byelaws which have been consulted upon with stakeholders in the last year.  
  • ·         Later this month, with other Isle of Wight Councillors representing the Cowes Area, I am looking forward to meeting representatives of Cowes Medical Centre.  This follows a major upheaval within the NHS on how local surgeries and GP’s manage increased pressures.
  • ·         I am supporting a resident who has requested my intervention on resolving an employment matter.
  • ·         As a member of the Planning Committee, I have received training on Permitted Development Rights and attended the Planning Committee’s Annual Site Visit, which took Councillors to a new sheltered housing complex at Bembridge as well as a property at Binstead which was featured on ITV’s Grand Designs.
  • ·         A Newport resident has requested my intervention on the planning processes involved within a former planning application.  
  • ·         I have supported a local parent in their request for a ‘spare seat’ on a school bus.
  • ·         I’ve been contacted by BAE systems, who have expressed concern over the sale of fields as ‘Industrial Land’ between the former Range site and the Four Cross junction with Cockleton Lane.  On this matter, I have contacted Planning Officers who I trust can and will provide reassurance to both the company and residents.
  • ·    Shepards Wharf Marina are providing an apprenticeship for a Port Operative. If you are aged 16-24 and are interested, please visit: www.cowesharbourcommission.co.uk/apprenticeships.
  • ·         Many thanks to residents who responded to the Street Naming competition for the new development at Place Road.  All suggestions are being circulated to both developers and Gurnard Parish Council.
  • ·         At Full Council, I was very pleased to support the motion tabled by Cllr. Geoff Lumley requesting increased pension rights for women born between 1951 and 1955.  


·         Waste.

The Waste Contract Management team have continued to monitor the contract and work closely with Amey to improve service delivery to our residents.

There are early signs of an improvement in the Islands recycling and composting rate this year, with an accompanying  reduction in the amount of non-recyclable waste being collected which has to be sent to landfill. We are very grateful to residents for their positive embracement of the new collection regime despite the difficulties that occurred with the roll out of new containers.

The site works at Lynnbottom are progressing well, although there were in attendance at the site prior to its closure.  The two week closure caused little disruption and the temporary facility at Smallbrook along with the extended opening hours at Afton Marsh well received.

Lynnbottom re-opened on schedule, with the major ground work completed. In the meantime there are some minor works such as new signage and the installation of the new commercial ‘pay as you throw’ area that will be open to businesses shortly.

In the coming weeks there will also be a new permit scheme to enable residents who’s business vehicles are their main transport to use the household recycling area for their household waste. This will only be required for commercial type vehicles and full details circulated in advance of introduction.

·         Public Convenience Transfers.

Amended transfer wording has been agreed and a new side letter has been prepared to accompany the transfers. Town and Parish are in the process of being notified to advise them of changes following feedback.  Most freehold transfers will be circulated in the coming days however the leasehold transfers require further work before being circulated in October.

During the summer the Council has received feedback from most town and parish councils, and we continue to work to resolve a variety of issues. These issues range from splitting out utility consumption with concessions to dealing with the aftermath following the decision of the Valuation Office to vary the allocation of business rates as reported in July.

In the meantime both myself and Council officers are grateful and wish to thank local members and Town and Parish Council for their ongoing support in safeguarding public convenience provision and working in partnership to ensure this can and will work! 

·         Rights Of Way.

°          Consultation on the Rights Of Way Improvement Plan has been ongoing throughout the summer, and concluded on 16th September. 
°          The Ladies Walk section of the coastal path, is now under IW Council ownership and is now accessible for cyclists.
°          Surface improvements have taken place at Whitecliff Bay, Bembridge.
°          Financial contributions from the commercial sector have been provided to widen the footpath to the rear of the former Worsley Inn, Wroxall.
°          Public access has been reinstated at Orchard Bay, Ventnor.
°          The Autumn vegetation cutting programme has commenced.
°          The annual Isle of Wight autumn walking weekend takes place from 23-26th October.  The full programme of events can be downloaded at: www.isleofwightwalkingfestival.co.uk/

·         Parks.

Ventnor Park has been successful winning the Park of the Year Award at the South and South East England in Bloom Awards.  My grateful thanks to Ventnor Town Council, contractors John O’ Connor Council Officers in their efforts in making this Victorian a very special place for many!

Also since last Full Council.

·         I have co-ordinated two further waste surgeries which have taken place in Ryde and Cowes.  Further to my last report, enquiries and requests for support have significantly fallen.  That said, I am still anxious to get see Communal Waste issues resolved and issues associated with residents requiring extra support- which continues to be for me, a priority.
·         I have attended both a Lake Parish Meeting and a meeting of Newport Parish Council, and (hopefully) offered support to Parish Councillors regarding outstanding waste issues.
·         I have attended two Waste Forum meetings.
·         I’ve attended a Southern Regional Flood & Coastal Committee meeting and site visit in Southampton.
·         I attended the recent Isle of Wight Association of Local Council’s meeting, and follow up with the Chief Executive.
·         I arranged a meeting between Sandown Town Council, Cllr Blezzard and officers to discuss public convenience transferral issues.  Subsequently, I’ve also supported representations on behalf of Bembridge, Newport, Shanklin, Cowes, Lake and Gurnard local councils.
·         I have been asked to intervene on discussions taking place to replace railings on Cowes Seafront and bollards in the town.
·         I attended, and supported the award of seven grants for small rural businesses through the Local Access Fund. For further details, please visit: http://www.naturalenterprise.co.uk/pages/economic/110-the-isle-of-wight-sme-fund.
·         I attended  Cyclewight’s cycling breakfast on 14th September.

·         Alongside officers I attended a meeting beween Rights Of Way and Natural England, in preparation for work on the English Coastal Path.  Stage 1 will commence from April 2017, and this will be followed up by further meetings with stakeholders to agree routing, which I am personally hoping will include the Medina Estuary and improving off road access to the coast.  

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