6-6:30pm, Thursday 13th June,
The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
12:45-1:15pm Wednesday 26th
June, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 26th June, Cowes
Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
5:30- 6pm, Thursday 27th June,
The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 2nd July,
Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 2nd July,
Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
6-6:30pm, Thursday 11th July,
The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Tuesday 16th July, Cowes
Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes
5:30- 6pm, Thursday 25th July,
The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
12:45-1:15pm Wednesday 31st July, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
Cowes Enterprise
College: New Building Update.
I liaised with fellow IW Councillors a
meeting to be updated on the new building for Cowes Enterprise College, at
which The Director reported the following:
(building contractor) is dealing with snagging issues within new building and
since the Danish arm of Pihl has taken over management this has been both
welcomed and positively received. Keys are effectively with IW Council.
Contractors have been appointed to manage the new building, the College has
appointed an officer to oversee a phased transition to the building from
September whilst the IW Council has an officer managing project.
(the I.T Consultants) are working closely with the IW Council, and this is due
to be followed up by familiarising staff and students with new equipment.
will be required over the I.T Contract, and ongoing maintenance of school
Education Funding Agency (The Government) has scrutinised the IW Council over
the ongoing delays regarding completion and have supported the action taken by
the Council since November 2012. The IW Council has accepted this contract was
not well managed!
demolition can begin of the new school site the Health and Safety Executive
will be required to sign off the programme as the old building contains
significant amounts of asbestos.
focus of the new Principle is to raise standards in the current college and
oversee the transition to Academy status.
on Academy Status
I attended two Governors meetings, the first
as an observer following the announcement of resignation of the outgoing
Chairman, whilst the second meeting I attended was as an ‘Associate’ Governor
where I was involved in the decision on the preferred sponsor the new academy.
The two options, which the Department for
Education nominated for Cowes were Aurora Academies Trust- who had
International experience as an Academy Trust (although little experience of
Secondary School Academies in the UK) or the Ormiston Academies Trust- having
experience with Secondary Schools with similar demographics to the Island. Because, of the need for stability whilst
raising standards, I supported the Governors in their choice of Ormiston. Cowes Enterprise College has issued the
following statement (The full statement features on the College’s website):
‘The College have
announced that following the decision of the Full Governing Body, that they
will shortly start the consultation stage towards becoming an academy with
their chosen sponsor Ormiston Academies Trust.
The Ormiston Trust is a
well respected charitable educational trust, with significant experience in
working with all children and particularly those who are most vulnerable. The
Ormiston Academy Trust, who operate under the Ormiston Trust, already sponsor
some very successful Academies across the country and claim to have the highest
proportion of OFSTED recognised ‘outstanding’ Academies compared to other
Academy sponsors.
Following this decision
there will be a process in which the sponsor will engage in consultative
meetings, with major stakeholders including parents, staff and the community.
This process will probably start towards the end of June, This will then lead
to a final decision on the College’s Academy status. The change of status
will be at the earliest January 2014.
Ormiston have already
stated that they will not change the College name or uniform and have been
clear in their support of the original vision for the College and the full
involvement of the community’.
Myself and Cllr Linda Brown from Cowes Town
Council met with Marc Griffin who is Senior Contract Manager for the PFI
contract for the IW Council.
There were a number of issues, which we asked
were taken up, these included the following:
kerbs: Crossfield Estate.
District Steward notified, and will check site.
Road Cycle Lane.
Retexturing will take place in 2015/6. To replace broken white line with solid white
line, would result in need for traffic order to prevent parking on western side
of road.
Restrictions: East of school Baring Road. Transferring restriction from
southern to northern side.
Restrictions (Access to/ from Debourne Manor Drive)
Restriction (Single yellow line extention top of Woodvale Road)
All to be considered within the next review of Cowes Traffic
Regulation Order.
risk from surface water drainage, Rew Street, Gurnard.
Site to be checked by District Steward. Funding potentially earmarked
Congestion, Cowes/ Gurnard Esplanades
Ongoing monitoring and review of event traffic management plans.
of glazing panels, various bus stops.
Cleansing bus shelters, various locations.
Remedial Treatment Prioritised. Instructions given to street
cleansing crews, re: Co-Op Bus Stop.
Road resurfacing and damaged kerb stones.
District Steward notified, will check site and provide feedback
re: road surface, whilst kerbstones may require replacement.
Avenue condition. Request tabled to resurface before 2014/5.
District steward continues to monitor. Remedial Treatment may be
Street, Various Traffic incidents in vicinity of Sunnycott Caravan Park.
Site visit undertaken. Appropriate remedial action due to be
signage requested, Crossfield Avenue.
No further action to be taken due to road being within 30mph
speed restriction area.
of Traffic Restriction (opp. IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes)
Instructions to implement Cowes Traffic Order, sent to Island
Dog/ Litter Bins.
This is being reviewed.
Waste contact details to be shared with IW and Town Councillors
Named officers details circulated to Councillors in due course.
Complaints, Gurnard 1: Fireworks.
During the weekend of the Round the Island
Race, I received complaints from residents of Shore Road concerning a Firework
Party which occurred on Gurnard Beach. This event did cause some disruption to
residents and their pets!
Please can I ask any householder, that before
holding such an event they advise their neighbours beforehand, as this provides
an opportunity to take action to prevent animals becoming distressed.
Complaints, Gurnard 2: Woodvale Road/ Princes Esplanade.
Last month I received a complaint concerning
a vibrating noise impacting upon residents attempting to sleep in Gurnard.
Following some research, I believe that this
noise may originate from the Pumping Station on Princes Esplanade and have
requested Environmental Health to take this matter up with Southern Water. In the meantime, I have requested residents
living nearby to appraise me whether this resolves the issue!
of Wight Council Committee Appointments.
I have been re-appointed to be an Independent
Representative on the following IW Council Committees: The Planning Committee,
Licensing Committee, Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Economy & Environment
Scrutiny Panel, Children & Young People Scrutiny Panel, and Appeals
Panel. As with my previous term, I’ve
requested to deputise within other committees/ appointments should this be
I’ve been appointed as Chairman of the
Economy & Environment Scrutiny Panel, and have asked that the first meeting
due to be held later this month looks into Car Parking, and how this impacts
upon the local economy. As Chairman, in
line with our Council’s ethos on openness and transparency, I’ve requested that
the Chamber of Commerce/ Small Business Association and Town/ Parish Councils
are invited to participate and have meaningful input within the meeting.
Refuse, Cowes.
Ongoing complaints were received from Cowes residents
about litter being left out at night, and subsequently being investigated by
local wildlife!
Having researched this further, it’s felt that
the litter originates from those living locally, rather than second home owners
or commuters. A copy of the letter
features below has been sent out to those affected.
Dear Resident
Waste Collections
There have been some problems with the fortnightly
collection of black bags and particularly where waste is left for collection on
the evening prior to collection the next day. Some bags have been split
overnight and loose waste strewn across the road and verges. The responsibility
of the waste crews is to clear up any split waste that may be caused by them
i.e. a bag splitting during the collection; and therefore if rubbish from
overnight damage is not cleared up by residents the rubbish is left on the road
until it is cleaned by the street cleaning contractor.
Whilst it is acceptable for bags to be left out after
6.00PM on the evening prior to collection, we would ask that residents seek to
minimise any damage that may be caused by animals etc. i.e.
Use the lockable food caddie provided for any food waste and place the
caddie out for collection
Where possible use a dustbin or other receptacle for black bags; the waste
crews will collect black bags from such containers
Thank you in advance for your cooperation
in this matter and we hope that together we can make the Isle of Wight a
cleaner and better place to live.
If there are
any queries or comments please contact the Waste Team on (01983) 823777
Applications: Woodhouse Copse, Brocks
Copse Road, Wootton.
I attended a Licensing hearing to consider a
week long Birthday Party for up to 350 people in woodland adjacent to Brocks
Copse Road, Wootton. This Temporary
Event Notice has raised concerns with both the Police and Environmental Health,
and felt this application failed all four licensing objectives. These being,
The prevention of crime and disorder; Public Safety; The prevention of public
nuisance and The Protection of Children from harm.
This event with licensable activities was
planned for 24 hours per day for 7 days in July, was on a 45 acre of wooded
mature copse. Since the Licensing
Department received the application- neither Environmental Health who
highlighted concerns over public safety and public nuisance matters or the
Police were unable to contact the applicant who only gave the most basic
information about this event.
Therefore in light of this information and
also by the fact the applicant did not attend the hearing to answer any
questions, the Licensing Committee had little option than to refuse the
Roads Issues: Litter/Dog Bin Collection and Grass Cutting.
During bank holiday and sunny weekends
residents have reported overflowing dog
and litter bins.
Residents have alleged to me that some of the
bins have not been emptied on a regular basis, whilst bins at Cow Lane have
overflowed. In the meantime I continue
to monitor this.
In Gurnard, I’ve received a number of
representations from residents concerning the cutting of grass verges. These have
been left previously to enable daffodils to be cut after blooming- However,
verges were seemingly left for longer due to this years growing season. Subsequently, this has now been actioned in
Worsley Road, Place Road and Solent View Road.
In the meantime, I ask residents to please let me know, should this
Road. Double Yellow Lines.
Following publicity over badly parked
vehicles in Worsley Road and Solent View Road, I’ve received two requests from
Gurnard residents living in Albert Road to remove double yellow lines there.
This traffic order was originally approved by
the Isle of Wight Council in 2008, following representations from the emergency
services who found difficulty with the road being obstructed during certain
periods. I have been asked to consult
with residents about this (this will happen in Gurnard’s Parish Magazine). However, unless all residents within Albert
Road fully agree with any proposal and subsequently if this is upheld by the
emergency services, the current arrangement is unlikely to change.
Gurnard Primary School Highway Safety Proposals..
Last month I met with
the Headteacher to agree options for improving safety outside. These include
the following:
zebra crossing. (Issues will be required to
overcome neighbours objections)
parking restricting the Baring Road cycle lane. (Unbroken
line, exempting parking would result on parking restrictions also on western
edge of Baring Road)
Mess- This is a disincentive for walking to school (Especially in Cow Lane,
Baring Road & Woodvale Road). (Issue resolved.
To be monitored and reviewed)
to grass verges (Woodvale Road). (Being Monitored)
restrictions swapped from southern end to northern end of Baring Road (East of
school site) (Cowes TRO?)
and signage for the junction of Debourne Manor Drive.
(Cowes TRO?)
Parking (To be assessed by Gurnard Primary School in conjunction with parents
of disabled children)
and circulation of safe walking routes to school. (Cowes
extending the pavement Eastbound from Pine Tree Close to connect Egypt Hill and
beyond. (Prioritised in Local Transport Plan
Funding. Funds potentially available through Community Levy funding?)
Pinch Points, within the vicinity of Gurnard Primary School.
Off Zones.
of No waiting Restrictions. (Cowes TRO?)
the past month.
notified Planning Compliance over activities on a site close to Gurnard Beach.
requested old Cycle signage is removed from Hilton Road, Crossfield Avenue and
Park Road.
requested rubbish left by Southern Water in Rew Street is removed.
have attended Planning Training, two sets of Licensing Training, Scrutiny Training
and attended a briefing on measures put in place for the Isle of Wight
Festival. Reassurances, were given to
Councillors that the same chaos which occurred last year would not happen
attended site meetings with Highways Officers in Rew Street and Rolls Hill to
view damage caused by speeding traffic.
On site local residents took advantage of relaying their concerns to
action was taken to remove branches from a tree from falling onto the Highway
below in Woodvale Road.
chaired my first meeting of Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan’s Social, Wellbeing and
Community Group. Members highlighted the need to liaise more closely with Over
10 year Olds, as it was felt that there was a need for projects required for
these young people. I volunteered to liaise closely with Gurnard Parish
Council’s Youth advisor.
attended a Planning Committee whereby an application to resurrect a Go Kart
Track at Westridge was approved and rural Holiday Accommodation was refused
against officers recommendation. This accommodation
was proposed to replace stables on farmland approved in 2011, and constructed
last year.
took action following receiving complaints regarding poorly parked contractors vehicle in Rew
Street, Gurnard. In the meantime, there continues to be problems with
contractors parking in Egypt Hill and blocking driveways- whilst there seems to
be fewer problems with mud on the highway on Princes Esplanade following
complaints raised.
action was taken, the contractors have offered to park vehicles off road in Rew
Applications for land adjacent to 44 Worsley Road, Gurnard and for the new
Range store, are still being considered by Planning Officers.
requests received from Basketts Farm in Rew Street, Island Roads seem to be
looking favourably towards improving surface water drainage from Rew Street
which has flooded the garden of Basketts Farm and the milking parlour within
the farm itself.
received a number of calls/ emails from residents both in support and objecting
to parking restrictions in Worsley Road and Solent View Road.
a resident, in appealing against a Council Tax claim.
on behalf of Gurnard Pines residents over a number of matters concerning
vulnerable adults on site.
former school site is due to be marketed by the IW Council, following the DFE’s
embargo. Subsequently, I’ve received the support of Cabinet members in seeing
the former playing field/ orchard site will be transferred to the community. Cllrs
Jon Gilbey and Steve Stubbings are happy to meet with the Parish Council to
ensure this happens sooner rather than later.
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