About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Isle of Wight Councillor's Annual Report: April 2013

Isle Of Wight Council Elections 2013.

In the coming weeks, I’m very much looking forward to getting out and about campaigning for the forthcoming IW Council elections. Of the four IW Councillors currently serving Cowes, it seems likely, that I will be the only one seeking re-election. With the challenges associated with highways, health and wellbeing, I consider it important for there to be continuity in Cowes and for Councillors to represent and fully understand the needs of their communities without party political interference.  My immediate priorities are:

·         Highways PFI is targeted to roads in most need (Especially Parklands Avenue, Ward Avenue and Park Road).
·         Ensuring the IW Council support Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan Priorities including retention of the green gap which separates Cowes and Gurnard’s communities.
·         Being in a better position to support Cowes Enterprise College.

Annual Report

This is my fourth annual report and summarises my work as your councillor for the past 12 months.

All Councillors are under an obligation to write a 300 word annual report each year, which features on the IW Councils website.

Rather than ‘just write a report’, that may go unnoticed on iwight.com, I consider it better practice to mail out my report to every household each year.  This gives me the chance to catch-up with residents, highlights a few of the issues I’ve been pursuing, and gives every householder the opportunity to challenge me.

If you wish to know more about my work, I write monthly reports for Cowes Town and Gurnard Parish Council meetings, available from Cowes Library.  These are reproduced in edited format monthly for the Cowes Magazine, Gurnard News and online through my blog paulfullercc.blogspot.com

Independents: Putting People Before Politics.

As a true Independent, I’ve never considered my position to be ‘in opposition’ or in any way on the side-lined within the IW Council.

As your Councillor I feel that I can achieve much more by working with others to achieve the best outcomes for our community, rather than to work alongside traditional political lines.

Being Independent enables me to listen to and represent all residents, regardless of their political or non-political affiliations. Over 20 years, I’m fortunate in having built up a strong network with officers and local residents with specific skills, experiences and knowledge who willingly offer me their support. 

Since then, I’ve remained consistent in the view that I’m elected to serve the interests of Cowes & Gurnard in County Hall- and not the interests of County Hall in Cowes and Gurnard. 

Some of the issues I’ve been pursuing since April 2012:

For details & other issues which I’ve been pursuing, please visit paulfullercc.blogspot.com

April 2012.
·         The first application received to develop at 44 Worsley Road, Gurnard. Affected residents were notified.
·         I arranged a meeting with residents to discuss impact of Gurnard Pre-School, Cow Lane/ Baring Road.
·         Took direct action against a charity cold calling in Crossfield  Estate and Ward Avenue, Cowes.
·         Ensured appropriate Wheelie Bins were provided to  residents previously provided with the wrong bin

·         I helped arrange a visit to local suggested housing (SHLAA) sites.
·         Following action taken, the Marine Conservation Society reinstated Gurnard’s beach as Good.
·         Advised that improvements to path and fencing would be undertaken on Coastal Path, Gurnard.
·          Zebra Crossings were provided in Ward Avenue and Crossfield Avenue, following from last year’s request. 

·         Action was taken following requests to the Council to contend with Japanese Knotweed in Baring Road.
·         I met with local residents and the applicant dealing with a planning application in Cliff Road.
·         I undertook Child Safeguarding training.
·         Graffiti removed from Gurnard/ Cowes Seafront.  

·         The Wellow Wind Farm application was determined.  I supported residents regarding its impact.
·         I echoed residents’ concerns over Blood Test waiting times at St. Mary’s and approached Cowes Medical Centre regarding supporting their patients.
·         Met with residents, and Golf Club to resolve concerns over screening and stray balls. 
·          I joined Andrew Turner MP during surgeries held in Cowes and Gurnard.

·         Confirmation received that following a CCTV inspection, the sewer in Shore Road, Gurnard would be replaced.
·         I canvassed views from residents of Rew Street on Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan.
·         Action was required following the non-replacement of seating and litter bins after summer events.
·         Supported the Highways PFI Award at Full Council.

·         I arranged a meeting with the IW Council, to agree future Christmas lighting for Cowes.
·         Attended a coffee morning, to take up a number of issues with residents of Briary Court, Cowes.
·         Action taken following flytipping in Crossfield Avenue.
·         I met with The Moorings’ residents, Egypt Hill, following the re-opening of the care homes new extension.

·         I helped ensure the Community Bus was diverted closer to Cowes Medical Centre when road closed.
·         Provided support to Gurnard Pines residents, when it closed... Thankfully, it re-opened the next day!
·         Requested Highways and Police monitored contractors parking in Egypt Hill.
·         I attended the Eco-Islands Conference in Cowes.

·         I advised residents of the on-going consultation regarding alterations to Council Tax Benefits.
·         Visited the new College building, following concerns raised by residents over the scheduled opening…
·         Consultation with Ward Avenue residents regarding new proposals for college Floodlighting
·         I met with new Police Commissioner, Simon Hayes and discussed local concerns raised by residents.

·         Action taken at the Police’s Local Action Group, ensuring dog fouling became a local policing priority.
·         Monthly progress meetings requested with local IW Councillors following delays reopening new College.
·         Took part in the Review Hearing for the IW Festival. I requested closer liaison engagement with residents.
·         Challenged the IW Council for not preparing a formal parking strategy.

January 2013.
·         Attended a meeting held with parents following Cowes Enterprise College entering special measures following the schools OFSTED inspection.
·         Took no action, following feedback concerning a ‘no overnight parking’ ban for Egypt/ Princes Esplanade
·         Undertook a consultation with residents of Cliff Road & Queens Road over various matters.
·         Met with Gurnard Primary School regarding Highways Issues in Baring Road.

·         Undertook a consultation with Baring Road & Place Road residents on various matters.
·         Requested Planning Committee determined a local dwelling, which had accrued much local interest.
·         Requested & attended public exhibition for The Range plans for the ex. Readers site in Place Road.
·         Objected because of Air Quality concerns to the License requested for the Asphalt Plant, Cowes.

·         Challenged closure of Rew Street and Shore Road. Action taken resulted in ensuring closures minimised.
·         Requested action be taken following speeding traffic in Rew Street.
·         Supported removal of Settlement Boundary for Gurnard, thus enhancing protection of Jordan Valley.

Representing our Community in County Hall, rather than County Hall in our Community:

Despite attendance at County Hall, my priority has been and will continue to be (if re-elected), to serve Cowes and Gurnard residents on a Full-time basis.  Because I hold no portfolio this has enabled me to participate and respond to a very wide range of Isle of Wight Council functions.

In the last four years, I attended more IW Council summoned meetings than any other Councillor. The meetings, their function and the challenges presented are as follows:

·         Overview and Scrutiny.

I’ve recently taken on a more direct role within the IW Council’s overarching Overview & Scrutiny function.

The role of this committee is to challenge Council policy, the Cabinet and suggest changes, where appropriate.

From my perspective, I do not consider this committee to be as inclusive and therefore effective as it could be. Currently the IW Cabinet comprises solely of members of the ruling group whilst Scrutiny membership is proportional with members of the ruling group in a position to stifle effective scrutiny.

To overcome this, I support a proportional cabinet and scrutiny role, or a return to a committee structure, where all IW Councillors take responsibility and have direct and transparent input into corporate decision-making. Within Scrutiny, I would like to see much more direct involvement with stakeholders, Town & Parish Councils.

·         Economy and Environment Scrutiny.

Within this Scrutiny Committee, I relayed concerns over moving the Fire Call Centre to Surrey. I’ve raised questions concerning the Highways PFI award, the new Waste Contract and continue to campaign to see the reintroduction of a residents parking permit, which not only would encourage greater use by residents of our town centres but could also enable better use of parking provision for those working in Island towns.

·         Children and Young People Scrutiny.

I met users of the Music Service to find out more during the current review. I’ve raised questions concerning the Youth Service Review, and taken up child welfare and safeguarding concerns..

Within Scrutiny, I’ve raising issues with School Providers over educational standards and opportunities for young people leaving school.

·         Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny.

Although I deputise within this committee- I’ve met with representatives from Cowes Medical Centre, Care Home owners, residents and families and have made representations on their behalf.

I’ve raised issues concerning dentistry, blood testing waiting times and domestic abuse.

·         Appeals Panel.

This Panel is called to consider claims for access to school transport.
·         Regulatory Meetings: Planning.

Locally, whenever possible I support getting applicants to talk to their neighbours at the earliest possible stage to discuss planning applications.

In my first year as Councillor 14 applications were called in, many due to local opposition. Last year, due to pre-application discussions this was reduced to two.

I have been involved in Planning for almost 20 years (10 years as a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee). I contributed as a member to the IW Council’s Unitary Development Plan in the 1990’s, and more recently within the Island Plan in raising resident’s awareness of suggested development (SHLAA) sites. In addition to this I’ve been actively involved in ensuring local residents views fully represented.

As a Planning Committee member, I led calls for colleagues to statutorily attend site visits before making decisions and frequently challenge recommendations.    

·         Regulatory Meetings: Licensing and Reviews.

As a member of the Regulatory Committee, I have taken part in Review hearings for the Isle of Wight Festival and the proposed WOW Fest planned for the South Wight.

I also attend reviews for late night licenses, licensing charges and most recently I upheld resident’s concerns over the Pollution Prevention & Control Permit for the Asphalt Plant, Cowes. 

Within meetings, I acknowledge the importance of upholding  resident’s and Parish/ Town Councils views.

One year in numbers.  As your Councillor:

·         I am on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
·         I work full-time as Councillor and work between 30 and 60 hours each week
·         I attended 332 meetings associated with my work as an IW Councillor.
·         This includes 61 out of 61 IW Council summoned meetings. Making me the top Councillor attendee, last year.
·         In addition I attended a further 55 meetings, briefings, exhibitions & site visits associated with this work.
·         I’ve attended 12 out of 12 Cowes Town Council’s monthly meetings and 12 out of 12 Gurnard Parish Council meetings plus a further 29 meetings associated with Parish/ Town Council activities  
·         I attended 56 Surgeries meeting 84 residents in 6 different venues.
·         I’ve called/ liaised 14 meetings in the past year, these include face to face meetings with Council Officers and meetings called with outside Agencies. 
·         I’ve written 12 monthly reports for Parish/ Town Councillors, which are edited and themed for Gurnard News, and the Cowes Magazine
·         I received over 3,000 Council related emails, 720 telephone calls and 43 letters (which I aim to respond to within 3 days- 12 hours for local residents)
·         I’ve leafleted 2,200 Annual Reports and 1,000 local newsletters/ consultations and updates
·         As a Councillor I visited 83 residents, and attended 16 resident’s meetings.

This financial year I received a Councillors Allowance of £8262.32 Gross Pay.  

My expenses for last year, are as follows:

£240.00  Annual Report 2011/2012.
£211.72  Broadband, telephone and use of home as office etc.
£64.47 Office Supplies (including ink, paper, stamps etc.)
£ 30.00 Donations.
£ 18.60 Travel Expenses.

£564.79 Total Expenses.

About Me.

I am 43, was born in Gurnard and have lived locally most of my life.  I returned to Cowes in 1999, wanting to give my family the same opportunities that I had growing up in the town.

I was first elected to serve as an Isle of Wight Councillor in 1995, where I represented Ryde North East as an Independent Councillor for 6 years.  On moving back to Cowes, I’ve served on all three local councils and have continued to be actively involved in projects which support young people, crime prevention, the economy, planning and the environment.

I am married to Karen, and have two children (Caelan,16 and Zara,14) both attending Cowes Enterprise College.

I am appointed by the IW Council as a member of the Local Access Forum, an independent body set up to monitor the Island’s rights of ways and as deputy I regularly attend meetings of the AONB Management Committee and attend the Safer Neighbourhood’s Local Access Forum as a Parish/ Town Councillor.

In my own right I’m a Cowes Town Councillor, a Gurnard Parish Councillor and a Parish Councillor for Northwood.  I’m a Trustee for the Friends Of Northwood Cemetery, I serve on the Management Committee for the Footprint Trust, am a school governor and have served as a Justice Of The Peace since 2001. 

And Finally…

I’m committed to ensure our Council says yes, rather than no, and as long as I remain your Councillor, I’m committed to listen to you and fight your corner whenever and wherever necessary. In this role, I aim to be an effective, transparent and a hardworking councillor doing this without any party political restraint. 

The reason I do this, is because I thoroughly love it! Because I enjoy my ‘work’, I hope that it shows and I am achieving the right outcomes for our community!

Thank you for reading my report, and for supporting me for the last four years! 

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