3-3:30pm, Tuesday 5th February,
Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5-5:30pm, Tuesday 12th February,
Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
6-6:6:30pm, Tuesday 12th February,
The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm*, Wednesday 20th February,
The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
(Please note amended time, due to Regulatory Panel Site Visit)
(Please note amended time, due to Regulatory Panel Site Visit)
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 27th February,
Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
4:30-5pm, Tuesday 5th March, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
Matters, Baring Road.
I attended a meeting with Gurnard School’s
Parent’s Forum, in order to address concerns made by residents and parents
about traffic generation during term times at the school.
A meeting is being arranged to speak to
Highways to address issues, however before doing this I am interested to know
the views of Parish & Town Councillors, and residents without connection to
the school who regularly use Baring Road. Areas that I have been requested to assess are
as follows:
- · A zebra crossing.
- · Parental parking restricting the Baring Road cycle lane.
- · Lack of enforcement by Parking Enforcement Officers.
- · Dog Mess- This is a disincentive for walking to school (Especially in Cow Lane, Baring Road & Woodvale Road).
- · Damage to grass verges (Woodvale Road).
- · Parking restrictions swapped from southern end to northern end of Baring Road (East of school site)
- · Improvements and signage for the junction of Debourne Manor Drive.
- · Disabled Parking (To be assessed by Gurnard Primary School in conjunction with parents of disabled children)
- · Improving and circulation of safe walking routes to school.
- · Supporting extending the pavement from Pine Tree Close to connect Egypt Hill and beyond.
- · Further Pinch Points, within the vicinity of Gurnard Primary School.
- · Drop Off Zones.
- · Consideration of No waiting Restrictions.
the meantime, the school is also talking to Helen Stitchbury, the former Safe
Routes to School Officer, who is supporting our initiative.
Readers Site, Place Road.
At a recent planning meeting of Gurnard
Parish Council a representative of the owners of the former Reader’s site in
Place Road made a short presentation to the Council.
At the meeting, we were advised that
discussions were underway with Planners to use the former Readers site for
commercial purposes and subsequently The Range, had expressed an interest to
make an application for the site- to operate alongside the Inner Space storage facility
Following the meeting, the Agent made an
assurance to me that he would talk to both Cowes Town and Northwood Parish
Council’s, given the close proximity of this site to neighbouring
parishes. In addition to this, I have
requested that a pre-application exhibition be held to seek feedback from
In the meantime, requests have been made for
the IW Council to maintain the roadside grass verges outside this site.
Road, Traffic Obstructions
More complaints have been received concerning
perceived traffic blocking Worsley Road and Solent View Road.
Due to the fact there is no width restriction
in these roads, most heavy traffic using the village use this route. The
Village Hall Users Group, have been very helpful in requesting that users are
mindful of this, however I do continue to receive complaints.
What I’m very anxious to avoid, is vehicles
being ticketed or worse still(!!) parking restrictions being considered, as I have
very real concerns over the impact this would have.
Because of this, please can I request
residents are cautious when they park.
PFI Update.
I attended a very interesting public meeting
on what residents can expect from the Highways PFI, once it commences from the
1st April.
It came as no surprise that roads on the Isle of Wight are
considered to be the worst in the UK.
Although a great deal of information was disseminated, residents were
advised that all street lighting would be replaced with more energy and cost
efficient lighting within the first 3 years, and within 7 years all adopted
roads would be resurfaced.
Locally roads that would be resurfaced in
Year 1, were:
Esplanade, Park Road, Place Road (Cowes West)
Road, Princes Esplanade, Shore Road and Woodvale Road (Gurnard)
Roads due to be resurfaced in Year 2 were:
Close, The Green, Parklands Avenue, Ward Avenue (Cowes West)
Lane, Jordan Close, Lower Church Road, Rew Street, Worsley Road, (Gurnard)
These plans are indicative, and are subject
to change- However, I am very pleased to see these roads (Esp. Parklands Avenue
and Ward Avenue) given high priority.
Given this work will be front loaded to be
completed within the first 7 years of this 25 year contract, it was highlighted
that from April there will be 15 times more roadworks on the Island, than there
is currently.
If you were unable to attend the public
meeting and wish to know more, please let me know!!
Enterprise College.
A meeting for parents was called at the
College, following an ‘Inadequate’ grading from OFSTED inspectors. Since the Inspection, the IW Council has
supported the school which is now in special measures and receiving specialist
support and follows the departure of the college’s Principal in December
Areas considered Inadequate was 1. The
Achievement of pupils, 2 Quality of teaching and 3. Leadership &
Management, whilst Behaviour and safety of pupils ‘requires improvement’.
During the meeting which I attended-
Questions asked included what steps were being taken to improve communication
with parents, morale within the school, the school curriculum and why action
was not taken before inspection to address the schools failures.
In the meantime though not a School Governor
myself, I continue to offer my full support.
With regards to the new school build
programme, I am meeting with the Director Stuart Love later this month.
of Council Tax Support.
Following consultation last year, Cabinet
recommended to Full Council the following proposals, namely:
the support to 80% of Council tax liability to working age claimants.
protection to working age vulnerable claimants by not limiting their support to
80% of council tax liability.
protection to families with Children and working age vulnerable by still
disregarding child benefit, war pensions and other related income categories.
remove the second adult rebate.
continue the incentive for work by not increasing the taper by which additional
income over the applicable is taken into account.
remove the current 10% council tax discount on second homes.
change the discount and exemptions for council tax on empty properties.
Parking and No Waiting restrictions, Gurnard and Cowes.
Further to the consultation concerning the
merits (or not) of introducing a parking restriction, I will not be pursuing
In favour of introducing a restriction 4
residents highlighted their support, commenting that mobile home owners
restricted it to others (including householders) taking full advantage of
viewing events from the shoreside. Other
residents complained of mobile home owners ‘holding’ parking spots for the
entirety of Cowes Week, whilst others raised concerns over travellers decamping
on Cowes Seafront without any restrictions.
Those 11 residents opposed to such a
restriction cited concerns over how this could directly or indirectly impact
upon businesses- The Woodvale opposed
such a restriction in this regard.
Others highlighted this would impact upon anglers, whilst others felt
that the police and the Council had adequate powers to move vehicles on without
the imposition of an overnight parking ban.
Applications- Updates.
Worsley Road. Consultants were
commissioned by the applicant to show a housing need for development for this
site. Comments concerning this report, can be made until the 8th
Worsley Road. The deadline on this
application closed last month. The main
issues raised from the Consultation relates to the proposed design. Although
Officers are not unduly concerned about the design, in light of representations
received, I’m considering calling this application to be considered by the
Planning Committee.
Gurnard School site. An application is
pending for the former school field and orchard site for community use, with
access from Cockleton Lane. This application
is due to be submitted in the coming weeks.
Feedback: Cliff Road, Mornington Road and Queens Road.
Last month I undertook a consultation with
residents in these roads to seek their views on the Cowes Conservation Area, as
part of the contribution on the Medina Valley Area Action Plan- as well as find
out more about residents views on replacing lost trees last year.
Comments on several items raised have been
fed back to Cowes Town Council’s Town Improvements Committee, the IW Council
and Cowes Community Partnership who are managing the woodland on the IW
Council’s behalf.
Please see report to Cowes Town Council’s
Town Improvements Committee Below:
Thank you for allowing me to report on the newsletter which I sent out
to 100 residents living in Cliff Road and Queens Road concerning recent tree
I received four comments back- However, none refer to replacing the
trees lost at Mornington Green, therefore I would suggest that residents have
no comment to make concerning this.
Indirectly re: trees, I think there seems to be some concern
about the removal of the pond in Mornington Woods and how residents feel this
impacts upon water courses which flow through the site.
Residents also have expressed concern over the amount of recent housing
development, which they consider might also adversely impact upon the water
course and diversion of springs. Also of concern is water which flows
across Queens Road making this dangerous in icy conditions.
One of the recommendations, I would suggest is that perhaps the IW
Council considers whether the creation of a new pond to replace would have
merit. (The former pond was removed due to the fact that species using it
were of little ecological value- according to Richard Day managing the woodland
on behalf of Cowes Community Partnership). The IW Council highlights the
fact that the considerable water-logging was due to the wet summer rather than
the removal of the pond… However, given this explanation- It remains
important for the local conditions to be monitored, in order for a way
forward between Councils and local residents can be agreed.
In the meantime, I will continue to monitor this alongside Cllr Flury.
Following comments raised, the Highways
Department are reviewing parking signage.
and Slipway Closures.
Gurnard has needed to close due to emergency work needing to be carried out to
the fractured combined sewage main. Originally
I requested the main to be flushed out again when the reoccurring leakage was
spotted after Christmas. It is
anticipated the road will be closed until 15th February- However, I
have made representations to the IW Council requesting that work is completed
Another road due to be closed from 11th
February is Rew Street for
replacement sewers at Horn Hill, it is
anticipated this work will continue until 15th April. Being aware of the disruption this is likely
to cause to the Rew Street community, I’ve made representations urging a
rethink on the length of any closure.
I am advised that the (very long!) temporary
parking restriction on Crossfield Avenue,
is due to be lifted in the coming weeks.
The contractor for the new school has confirmed that the restriction in
place is no longer required.
Following access being restricted last Easter
to the Public Slipway at Thetis Wharf,
I have been approached by a local resident requesting that Southern Water
(who’s temporarily closed the slipway) deals with the current issue promptly.
Reports: Please tell me what you think!
At Full Council, I was directly criticised
for not providing a 300 word Annual Report within the IW Council’s website, and
a presumption this Councillor felt residents of Cowes West & Gurnard was
uninformed of my activities because of this.
Although, I did attempt to post my 300 word
report online- The IW Council’s website could not format this. Because of this,
my Blog is promoted within my webpage for residents wanting to know
At the meeting I made the point that every
year a 4 page Annual Report is delivered to each household, whilst in addition
to this I write monthly reports for Councillors, interested residents, Gurnard
News the Cowes Magazine and my blog.
Please let me know, if you feel that you are
not properly informed of the work that I undertake as your local councillor.
I’ve been contacted by the police who
received complaints from property owners with beach frontages at Solent View
Road. In the past outhouses, garden furniture and structures have been removed
or damaged and the police are concerned by complaints from residents about
damage being caused and residents accessing private land.
In the meantime, Planning compliance officers
have conrfirmed they will not be taking further action following fencing being
erected above mean high tide mark.
of Children.
The overall effectiveness of the arrangements
to protect children on the Isle of Wight was judged to be inadequate by OFSTED
following a recent inspection of the Isle of Wight Council.
OFSTED has made the following recommendations
as Areas for Improvement:
and audit all contacts over the last four months into the children’s First
Response unit that resulted in a decision not to provide a service.
and audit all open section 47 enquiries and all cases involving children
subject to a child protection plan to ensure that assessments and current plans
reflect all the indicators of reported risk.
that performance management and quality assurance arrangements are fully in
place and that there is robust management oversight of all contacts, referrals and
section 47 enquiries.
that all assessments have sufficient focus on the voice and journey of the
child, their individual needs and the presenting indicators of risk.
three months:
strengthen and establish clear lines of accountability and governance between
the Health and Well-being Board, the Local Safeguarding Children Board and the
Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board
the range and type of management information reports made available to senior
managers and elected members to ensure that there is robust and effective
governance of child protection services.
that all staff receives regular and effective supervision in line with the
council’s own supervision policy and that supervision supports professional
development and service improvement.
six months:
service planning is influenced by the views of service users, their parents and
carers and the outcomes of audit and performance management arrangements.
As a member of the IW Council’s Children and
Young People Scrutiny Committee, this report has caused me concern as it
highlights shortfalls in how Scrutiny can be effective in constructively challenging
Children’s Services. The report is due
to be considered by the Scrutiny Committee this week.
In The Last Month:
voted against the Independent Remuneration Panel’s recommendation to freeze Councillors Allowances. As far as I am concerned, I would be more
than happy to undertake this work for less, and voted accordingly.
have been received concerning refuse
being left in the highway by homeowners.
still receiving a very large number of complaints concerning dog mess, and dogs being walked off leads. I have requested that action is taken to remove dog mess in Park Road. In the
meantime, I continue to request residents tell me or the IW Council about dog
fouling incidents, particularly given my request for it to be a priority within
the Police Local Action Group.
have complained directly to BT concerning the leaky telegraph pole at the bottom of Ward Avenue. The IW Council advises that they too have
contacted BT who they consider were responsible for rupturing a water main when
replacing a telegraph pole. This became
hazardous following the icy conditions last month.
attended a coffee morning with Briary
Court residents where they provided me on their views concerning Overnight Parking, mud on the highway (Princes Esplanade), salting routes (esp. Egypt Hill), and the need for the Dial-A-Bus to pick up closer to the
entrance of Briary Court.
has still not been undertaken to infill pot holes on Debourne Manor Drive. On behalf of local residents, I have been
asked to take up their concerns with the roads owner.
a member of the Planning Committee, I supported proposals to develop a large poly-voltaic solar farm in St
Helens. The scheme will provide sufficient
energy for 2,500 homes.
I took the decision not to participate on the IW Council’s Regulatory Committee when considering a Review hearing against a licensing review for fellow IW Councillor Jerry White. As far as I was concerned there is a clear conflict of interest, as well as a perceived conflict insofar as I worked alongside Cllr White as a member of the Planning Committee.
I have attended briefings on assessing next years’ IW Council budget. Although there is little that can be done to address this, I am anxious that there is very little time to consult with residents on proposals for 2013/4.
I have attended briefings on assessing next years’ IW Council budget. Although there is little that can be done to address this, I am anxious that there is very little time to consult with residents on proposals for 2013/4.
are still desperately needed to train as drivers for the Cowes Community Bus. Please
let me or Rusty Adams (Tel: 567522) know if you are interested!
received individual requests for salting
roads for emergency service practitioners, supporting autistic adults, helping residents with Planning enforcement matters, a
complaint concerning perceived masonic
influence within the IW Council and
received my first enquiry concerning poltergeists(!!).
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